INNOVATIVE METHODS OF TEACHING GERMAN Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Kurbonova N.S., Makhmudova M.

For historical reasons, teaching the German language in our country was widespread and had long-standing socio-cultural traditions. At present, the German language is increasingly being replaced by the English language. One of the main problems in teaching German was the lack of understanding of students in the need to learn German, the lack of motives among students when teaching German. Therefore, the question of how to motivate students in teaching German is one of the most urgent for me as a teacher. This article covers theoretical information on innovative methods of teaching German as well as motivating students to learn German.

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Текст научной работы на тему «INNOVATIVE METHODS OF TEACHING GERMAN»

DOI 10.46566/2225-1545_2021_1_91_287

Kurbonova N.S. senior lecturer Pedagogical Institute Karshi State University Makhmudova M. 202 group student Foreign Language Pedagogical Institute Karshi State University


Annotation. For historical reasons, teaching the German language in our country was widespread and had long-standing socio-cultural traditions. At present, the German language is increasingly being replaced by the English language. One of the main problems in teaching German was the lack of understanding of students in the need to learn German, the lack of motives among students when teaching German. Therefore, the question of how to motivate students in teaching German is one of the most urgent for me as a teacher. This article covers theoretical information on innovative methods of teaching German as well as motivating students to learn German.

Key words: teaching foreign languages, active communication, innovative technologies, independent study, abilities, skills, Internet, E-Portfolio, project work.

The quality of teaching foreign languages in our time is becoming critical, in which at the level of higher education, teaching is conducted mainly on the basis of reading fiction and special texts corresponding to the student's future profession, and everyday communication was presented only by everyday topics. This leads to the fact that with such a teaching method, only one function of the language is realized - the function of the message, i.e. Informative, in a very narrowed form, since out of the four skills of language proficiency (reading, writing, speaking, listening comprehension), only one developed, passive, oriented towards "recognition" - reading, which is unacceptable in the current realities, because a future specialist must have the skill of active communication in a foreign language. This leads us to the fact that it is vitally necessary to reorganize the process of teaching foreign languages, and in particular the introduction of innovative technologies [7, 35].

Active teaching methods are understood as activities that require a creative approach to the material and create optimal conditions for independent work of students: role-playing, business games, various types of discussions, creative projects, work with sources. The experience of including such teaching

technologies as design, organization of role-based communication and preparation of Power Point presentations in English language classes proves their effectiveness, they encourage students to creatively process the material learned with a personal and activity orientation of the learning process. The techniques used contribute not only to the mastery of the system of linguistic knowledge and the regularities of the functioning of the foreign language being studied, its functional varieties, the development of general educational skills for working with a computer, receiving, analyzing and processing information from the global network, but also the development of the student's personality, disclosing his creative abilities, independent thinking...

The task of the teacher is to create conditions for the practical mastery of the language for each student, to choose such teaching methods that would allow each student to show their activity, their creativity. The task of the teacher is to activate the cognitive activity of the student in the process of teaching foreign languages. Modern pedagogical technologies such as learning in collaboration, project methodology, the use of new information technologies, Internet resources help to implement a personality-oriented approach to learning, provide individualization and differentiation of learning, taking into account the abilities of children, their level of learning.

Forms of working with computer training programs in foreign language lessons include: learning vocabulary; practicing pronunciation; teaching dialogical and monologic speech; teaching writing; working out grammatical phenomena.

Telecommunication technologies are organizational, pedagogical, educational technologies, forms and methods that provide for the use of modern computer tools and information technologies in the educational process. Information technology is understood as a set of methods and technical means of collecting, organizing, storing, processing, transmitting and presenting information, expanding the knowledge of people and developing their ability to manage technical and social processes [5, 3].

The use of computer technologies in the study of a foreign language is considered as an innovative approach to the construction of education and is one of the most effective and promising systems for training students. The use of computer programs in a foreign language will allow achieving better results in the development of students' independent work. At the same time, there is an integration of such courses as informatics, pedagogy, psychology, history and culture of the countries of the studied language, the use of a dictionary. The use of computer programs reduces the time to overcome the language barrier: vocabulary and typical speech patterns are thematically laid down. Also, an important factor is amusement when using computer programs in the classroom: abstract images, immersion in the social environment of the target language, musical background, all this creates a psychological atmosphere of a positive

emotional mood of the student, which facilitates the process of memorizing a foreign language.

Another important tool for learning a foreign language is the Internet; the resources of the world wide web can be used for the following purposes:

• independent study, deepening of the language, elimination of gaps in knowledge, abilities, skills;

• self-preparation for the exam;

• systematic study of a certain foreign language course remotely under the guidance of a teacher.

All this leads to the fact that it is possible to more effectively solve a number of didactic tasks:

• to develop reading skills and abilities directly using materials on the web of varying degrees of complexity;

• improve listening skills based on authentic sound texts on the Internet;

• improve the skills of writing, individually or in writing composing answers to partners, participating in the preparation of research work, essays, etc.;

• replenish your vocabulary (active or passive) with the vocabulary of a modern foreign language;

• get acquainted with cultural knowledge, including speech etiquette, peculiarities of speech behavior of various peoples, peculiarities of culture, traditions of the country of the target language;

The most effective way to learn any foreign language is to contact native speakers of this language, namely, the Internet provides such an opportunity through chat, teleconference or e-mail. At the same time, the formation of skills in any kind of foreign language activity is based on auditory-motor skills, therefore the element of oral communication in a group or with a teacher is an integral part of the learning process, thus, the most effective method of teaching foreign languages is a reasonable combination of classical teaching activities and innovative technologies [ 6, 15].

So, for example, one of the popular applications of ICT (information and communication technologies) is showing presentations using Power Point: in our university this type of work is actively used when explaining grammatical material, students prepare presentations on homework, for example, retelling the text, they use this program.

The next type of use of computer technology is E-Portfolio, but this type of work is not so popular due to insufficient knowledge of this technology. The most creative teachers of our university try to involve students in drawing up the Portfolio, at least at the initial level.

Working with Handouts (printed materials from Internet sites) is extremely popular: www.studygerman.ru,

http://www.multikulti.ru/German/info_info_136, http://www.allbest.ru/langv-g.htm.

The project method forms students' communication skills, a culture of communication, the ability to concisely and easily formulate thoughts, tolerate the opinion of communication partners, develop the ability to extract information from different sources, process it using modern computer technologies, creates a language environment conducive to the emergence of a natural need in communication in a foreign language.

The project form of work is one of the relevant technologies that allow students to apply the accumulated knowledge of the subject. Students expand their horizons, the boundaries of language proficiency, gaining experience from its practical use, learn to listen to foreign language speech and hear, understand each other when defending projects. Children work with reference books, dictionaries, a computer, thereby creating the possibility of direct contact with an authentic language, which is not possible with learning a language only with the help of a textbook in a classroom lesson.

Working on a project is a creative process. A student, independently or under the guidance of a teacher, is looking for a solution to a problem, this requires not only knowledge of the language, but also possession of a large amount of subject knowledge, possession of creative, communicative and intellectual skills. Working on projects develops imagination, fantasy, creative thinking, independence and other personal qualities.

The technology of cooperation also belongs to modern technologies. The main idea is to create conditions for active joint activity of students in different learning situations. Children are united in groups of 3-4 people, they are given one task, while the role of each is discussed. Each student is responsible not only for the result of his work, but also for the result of the whole group. Therefore, weak students try to find out from the strong what they do not understand, and strong students strive for the weak to thoroughly understand the task. And the whole class benefits from this, because the gaps are closed together.

The personality-oriented approach has become widespread in modern foreign and domestic methods. However, methodologists consider the use of this approach in its radical understanding unacceptable for the conditions of teaching a foreign language in schools and other educational institutions that work according to uniform state standards and programs.


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