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Ключевые слова
Innovations in education / information and communication technologies / ICT in education / professional readiness / teacher training / competence development / teacher competence

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Z. Umarova

In this article, options for using information and communication technologies are considered as the main way to implement the idea of increasing the effectiveness of education and developing professional pedagogical competencies among future personnel. The present situation of the education system is studied, the difficulties of implementing the idea of using information and communication technologies and cooperation as the main means of developing the professional pedagogical competencies of future personnel are considered, and effective methods and mechanisms of action are also identified. Methodologically, the importance of using information and communication technologies in the educational process lies in the fact that digital resources are suitable for any form of education, which allows the use of new, non-traditional methods of studying the material. They play an important role in solving complex problems, such as the activity of students, enthusiasm and interest, motivation for learning, the ability to see the results of their activities and adequately evaluate them.

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Z. Umarova

Abstract: In this article, options for using information and communication technologies are considered as the main way to implement the idea of increasing the effectiveness of education and developing professional pedagogical competencies among future personnel. The present situation of the education system is studied, the difficulties of implementing the idea of using information and communication technologies and cooperation as the main means of developing the professional pedagogical competencies of future personnel are considered, and effective methods and mechanisms of action are also identified.

Methodologically, the importance of using information and communication technologies in the educational process lies in the fact that digital resources are suitable for any form of education, which allows the use of new, non-traditional methods of studying the material. They play an important role in solving complex problems, such as the activity of students, enthusiasm and interest, motivation for learning, the ability to see the results of their activities and adequately evaluate them.

Key words: Innovations in education, information and communication technologies, ICT in education, professional readiness, teacher training, competence development, teacher competence.




Umarova Z. A.

Annotatsiya: Ushbu maqolada axborot-kommunikatsiya texnologiyalaridan foydalanish imkoniyatlari ta'lim samaradorligini oshirish va bo'lajak kadrlarda kasbiy pedagogik kompetensiyalarni rivojlantirish g'oyasini amalga oshirishning asosiy yo'li sifatida ko'rib chiqiladi. Ta'lim tizimining hozirgi holati o'rganilib, axborot-kommunikatsiya texnologiyalaridan foydalanish g'oyasini amalga oshirish va bo'lajak kadrlarning kasbiy pedagogik kompetensiyalarini rivojlantirishning

asosiy vositasi sifatida hamkorlik qilishdagi qiyinchiliklar ko'rib chiqilgan, shuningdek, samarali usullar va harakat mexanizmlari aniqlangan.

Uslubiy jihatdan ta'lim jarayonida axborot-kommunikatsiya texnologiyalaridan foydalanishning ahamiyati shundan iboratki, raqamli resurslar har qanday ta'lim shakliga mos keladi, bu esa materialni o'rganishning yangi, noan'anaviy usullaridan foydalanish imkonini beradi. Ular talabalarning faolligi, ishtiyoqi va qiziqishi, o'qishga bo'lgan motivatsiyasi, o'z faoliyati natijalarini ko'ra bilish va ularga munosib baho bera olish kabi murakkab muammolarni hal qilishda muhim rol o'ynaydi.

Kalit so'zlar: Ta'limdagi innovatsiyalar, axborot-kommunikatsiya texnologiyalari, ta'limda AKT, kasbiy tayyorgarlik, o'qituvchilarni tayyorlash, kompetentsiyani rivojlantirish, o'qituvchi kompetentsiyasi.


Modern production makes high demands on personnel and the system of training, advanced training and advancement in the conditions of market relations. In the course of scientific and technological progress, some professions die off, others appear, others are modified, the labor rhythm becomes denser, technical means change. All this gives rise to the need for new forms of training and advanced training of personnel [1].

The quality of personnel training for professional activities depends on many factors: the quality of the scientific and pedagogical potential of educational institutions; the quality of the curriculum and the means of the educational process (material and technical, experimental base; educational and methodological support; audiences used; knowledge provided, etc.); the quality of applicants as well as the motivation of students and so on. Among the above listed, an important factor is the effectiveness of the educational technologies used in the training process.

As K.K. Platonov noted, "professional training of a specialist is a subjective state of a person, that is, he considers himself capable and ready for the corresponding professional activity" [2].

We can say that vocational training is a learning process aimed at accelerating the acquisition of knowledge, skills and competencies by students necessary to perform a certain job or group of jobs, so that they can work in a certain field of activity.

Sometimes the concept of professional training is defined by the concept of professional competence, which in a general sense is the formation of professional readiness, a steady focus on the performance of work tasks. Professional competence is not only the result, but also the goal of vocational training, which is

carried out through a certain systematization of the content of vocational and pedagogical education and has four components.

An analysis of studies conducted by foreign and domestic researchers on the training of future teachers allows us to draw the following conclusion: "readiness is the ability of a specialist to find optimal solutions to various situations that may arise in his professional activity and professionally perform any functional tasks" [3, p. 258].

Considering the teacher's competence as a factor of his readiness, we defined it as readiness and ability for professional pedagogical activity. Such a definition allows us to interpret the concepts of "professional pedagogical readiness" and "professional pedagogical competence" as synonyms.


As Aristotele said: "The mind consists not only in knowledge, but also in the ability to apply knowledge in practice." Despite the fact that this idea appeared a long time ago, it has recently been actively used in modern pedagogy. ... Until recently, the level of graduate training was considered as the presence of certain knowledge, skills, and in the new conditions, this view is understood as the formation of certain general professional and professional competencies among students. Thus, a student's professional and pedagogical education is considered as a holistic system process only when the ability to form a holistic algorithm for performing a non-standard task using elements of knowledge and skills acquired to date to solve typical problems of pedagogical activity is realized. From this we can conclude that readiness is the ability to form elements of knowledge and skills acquired at the moment for solving typical tasks, in the form of a holistic algorithm for performing a non-standard task [4, p. 3537].

In traditional learning, teachers often allow students to dominate the group or depend on the group. In traditional learning, individual accountability is often neglected so that tasks are often done only by one member of the group, while other members are relatively passive or just above the success of their friends who do the task. In traditional learning, in general the study groups formed are homogeneous. In traditional learning, the group leader is often determined by the teacher or the teacher allows each group to choose its leader in their own way. In traditional learning, social skills are often not taught directly. In traditional learning, monitoring through observation and intervention is often carried out by the teacher when group learning is taking place. In traditional learning, teachers often do not pay attention to the group processes that occur in study groups. In traditional learning, there is often more emphasis on completing tasks [5, p.13].

The fundamental difference between the modern education system and the traditional one lies in the specifics of its technological component: modern

education uses a rich arsenal of new information technologies that open up new opportunities for improving the pedagogical process as a whole [6].

It is no secret that in today's market economy, the development of our society requires new technologies, including new information and communication technologies. In particular, the widespread introduction of multimedia and web technologies, and the intensive study of computer-generated graphics, animation and video technology require computer literacy. In recent years, Uzbekistan has taken some measures to develop computerization and information and communication technologies [7, p. 943].

An analysis of scientific research on the problem of informatization of the educational industry led to the conclusion that the basis of pedagogical activity using ICT tools is theoretical knowledge, practical skills and the need for analysis and self-improvement in professional achievements [6].

This approach allows professional training to be turned into an active and purposeful activity, in this process, existing and newly received information is reprocessed, external random, secondary elements are separated from the main ones, the essence of the situations under study is reflected, and logical connections between them are revealed.

The development of professional pedagogical training of future teachers requires the preparation of educational materials aimed at creating a potential opportunity for the targeted formation of professional pedagogical training of students, and requires the use of organizational forms, methods and techniques that affect the most active mastery of all components of the educational process, the development of creative abilities, self-learning new knowledge. Systematic improvement of the content of the prepared educational materials should be carried out using the following methods: systematic analysis, modeling, synthesis, delegation and forecasting of fixed and variable components of educational materials.

The results of the latest achievements in the field of systems theory and "environmental" approach to education and upbringing, the patterns of open, self-organizing and self-evolving educational system performs general methodological bases of pedagogical projecting. These bases provide a range of its features: continuous and cyclical nature of projecting in education, aimed at solving vital problems of the educational system, the base of humanistic, comprehensiveness, consistency and typological pedagogical projecting of adequate integrity and socio-cultural distinctiveness of educational phenomena and processes [8, p.47].


Choosing an innovative type of development, creation and implementation of high technologies, the growing role of information and knowledge in social and economic development of the country generate massive demand for highly skilled

professionals. This requires the development of new, innovative forms of learning and education has set priorities among a new generation of teachers able to prepare competitive specialists [8, p.46].

In the present study, mixed research methods were applied using a variety of tools and techniques in the intervention according to the research design. Different techniques and instruments highlighted similar results in several categories. The study proposed three dimensions to address the objectives of the research [6].

The inaccessibility of ICT resources is not always merely due to the nonavailability of the hardware and software or other ICT materials within the school. It may be the result of one of a number of factors such as poor organization of resources, poor quality hardware, inappropriate software, or lack of personal access for teachers. The level of access to ICT at school is defined as teachers' access to infrastructure, provision shortages and inadequacy, and teaching time using ICT [9, p.32].

The use of ICT in education, especially media resources that are products of digital technologies, further expands the opportunities for students to improve their knowledge of the subject, increases the effectiveness of learning. This, in turn, directly serves to increase students' interest and motivation for learning.

"Some students enjoy learning and acquiring knowledge through direct reading, some through listening comprehension, and still others through watching (video)" [10]. With this in mind, the organization of education using ICT, as the author notes in [10], "... provides a wider array of data than a traditional data source; use not only text, graphics, diagrams, but also sound, animation, video, etc.; allows students to consistently select the types of information in accordance with their level of perception and logical learning.

Distinctive features of the digital media educational environment are:

• Include various forms of information: text, images, tables, audio recordings, videos, animations, infographics, etc.;

• based on digital technologies, ie. involves the direct participation of digital technologies in the creation, storage, processing and use of educational resources;

• In the process of interactive communication between students and digital technologies, a wide range of information will be available, which will improve the conditions for self-study;

• digital media learning environment allows you to create individual educational trajectories, taking into account the psycho-physiological characteristics, individual characteristics and interests of each student;

• Assumes the transition from learning in the classroom to learning anywhere and anytime.

The creation of a digital media learning environment allows students to continue the learning process even at home, independently study subjects,

consolidate knowledge and communicate remotely with teachers. This will help to conduct distance learning in an interactive form in modern conditions, even during holidays in educational institutions of Uzbekistan.

Methodologically, the importance of using information and communication technologies in the educational process lies in the fact that digital resources are suitable for any form of education, which allows the use of new, non-traditional methods of studying the material. They play an important role in solving complex problems, such as the activity of students, enthusiasm and interest, motivation for learning, the ability to see the results of their activities and adequately evaluate them.


University teachers should be involved in the formalization of knowledge as a tutor. E.Potulickal notes that university professors should only help students to develop themselves, make them capable of continuous learning and self-education. There is no doubt, under such circumstances, it is possible to acquire knowledge on your own, but the quality of this knowledge will depend entirely on the student. However, at this case, as we noted before, the system of higher education, more preciously, university teachers' should stimulate students to implement the process of self-education, providing them with the necessary pedagogical support in this matter [11, p.5].

It is no coincidence that there is a growing interest in creating a digital educational environment and the use of information and communication technologies in the educational process, as they provide an opportunity for digital learning, the creation of a media environment and media resources, the organization of the educational process anywhere in the world, the implementation of remote interactive communication between teachers and students outside classes, easy and convenient receipt of educational information, taking into account the individual pace and characteristics of learning, and more. Achieving independent and active participation of students in the process, making education interesting and attractive for students, and, as a result, increasing the effectiveness of education to a new qualitative level. Therefore, the introduction of information and communication technologies into the educational process today is one of the most important tasks of teachers.


1. Nesterova I.I. (2010) Podgotovka i povishenie kvalifikatsii kadrov na predpriyatii [Training and advanced training of personnel at the enterprise] Voprosi strukturizatsii ekonomiki (electronic journal) №2. Available at: https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/podgotovka-i-povyshenie-kvalifikatsii-kadrov-na-predpriyatii (accessed: 23.03.2022).

2. Shukurova D.R. (2015) Professionalnaya gotovnost budushevo uchitelya [Professional readiness of the future teacher]. Jurnal nauchnix publikatsii aspirantov I doktorantov (electronic journal) ISSN 1991-3087 03.04.2015. Available at: http://jurnal.org/articles/2015/ped34.html

3. Umarov Kh.A. (2020) Incessancy of education and activities in the development of professional education. The American journal of social science and education innovations, vol. 2, issue 7. pp. 256-263. doi: https://doi.org/10.37547/taissei/Volume02Issue07-33

4. Umarov Kh.A. (2021) Analysis of approaches to the formation of professional readiness of students in Uzbekistan (on the example of future teachers). Psychology and education, 58(1). pp. 3535-3541.

5. Umarov A.V., Umarova Z.A., Umarova F.A. (2020) Step towards the Development and New Prospects of Uzbek Higher Education. Journal La Edusci, vol. 01, issue 06 (011-014) pp. 11-14. doi: https://doi.org/10.37899/journallaedusci.v1i5.255

6. Dikanskiy E.Yu. (2003) Kompleksnoe ispolzovanie sredstv informatsionnykh i kommunikatsionnykh texnologiy v sisteme neprerivnogo pedagogicheskogo obrazovaniya [Complex use of information and communication technologies in the system of continuous pedagogical education]. (PhD Thesis), Stavropol.

7. Umarova F.A., Umarova Z.A., Umarov Kh.A. (2019) Scientific and practical bases of creation and use of electronic educational resources in the educational process. European Journal of Research and Reflection in Educational Sciences. vol. 7, no 12. pp. 943-946.

8. Umarov Kh.A. (2020) Innovative methods of improving professional and pedagogical competencies of future teachers. European Journal of Research and Reflection in Educational Sciences, vol. 8, no. 8. pp. 46-50.

9. Mafang'ha M. (2016) Teachers experience on the use of ICT to facilitate teaching: a case of Ilala district secondary schools. (PhD Thesis), Tanzania.

10. Otamuratov O. Ta'lim jarayonlarida axborot texnologiyalarning tutgan o'rni [The role of information technology in the educational process]. International Scientific Journal «Internauka». Available at: http: //www.inter-nauka.com (accessed 4.8.2020)

11. Umarova Z.A. (2020) Modern and Innovative Approaches to the Organization of Students' Self-Education in Higher Educational Institutions. Journal La Edusci, vol. 01, issue 04(005-008). doi: https://doi.org/10.37899/journallaedusci.v1i4.223

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