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Ключевые слова
competence / competencies / professional competence / staff training / teaching staff training

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Kh. Umarov

The article is devoted to the problem of formation of professional competence. Foreign and domestic experience is analyzed as a methodological basis and summarizing the conclusion about the concept of "competence". Information is provided on the history, stages of formation of "education based on competencies", types, groups of competencies, as well as methods that can contribute to the development of competencies of future personnel.

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85082381178&doi=10.1109%2fICISCT47635.2019.9011922&partnerID=40&DOI : 10.1109/ICISCT47635.2019.9011922

22. Marat Rahmatullaev, Barno Ganieva & Akram Khabibullaev (2017): Library and Information Science Education in Uzbekistan, Slavic & East European Information Resources, DOI: 10.1080/15228886.2017.1322381



Kh. Umarov

Annotation: The article is devoted to the problem of formation of professional competence. Foreign and domestic experience is analyzed as a methodological basis and summarizing the conclusion about the concept of "competence". Information is provided on the history, stages of formation of "education based on competencies", types, groups of competencies, as well as methods that can contribute to the development of competencies of future personnel.

Key words: competence, competencies, professional competence, staff training, teaching staff training.



Умаров Х. А.

Аннотация: Статья посвящена проблеме формирования профессиональной компетентности. Зарубежный и отечественный опыт анализируется как методологическая основа и обобщающий вывод о понятии «компетентность». Приводится информация об истории, этапах становления «образования на основе компетенций», видах, группах компетенций, а также методах, которые могут способствовать развитию компетенций будущих кадров.

Ключевые слова: компетентность, компетенции, профессиональная компетентность, подготовка кадров, подготовка педагогических кадров.


In the Address of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev to the Oliy Majlis, as the wise men of the East said, "The greatest wealth is intelligence and knowledge, the greatest heritage is a good upbringing, the greatest poverty is ignorance!" Therefore, the acquisition of modern knowledge,

true enlightenment and high culture should become a vital need for all of us. Therefore, the active transition to the digital economy will be one of our priorities for the next 5 years". The present and future of our country are in the hands of our highly spiritual and enlightened youth. The reform of the system of continuing education in the Republic of Uzbekistan is aimed at the formation of a new generation of specialists in the future, the laws of high professional culture, creative and social activity, independent participation in socio-political life [11, p.6]

Despite the fact that the term "competence" has been actively used in our lexicon for several decades and a lot of research has been carried out in this area, it still does not have a generally accepted definition. In a swarm, the opinion of specialists is the opposite when it comes to explaining the concepts of "competence" and "competency-based approach". While some consider competence to be the "modern name" for knowledge, skills and abilities, others argue that it is much broader than these concepts and consider it to be a person's ability to act in non-standard situations.

In the Great Modern Encyclopedia compiled by Evgeny Stepanovich Rapatsevich [6, p.376] "competence" is defined as a measure of the correspondence of knowledge, skills and experience of persons of a certain socio-professional status to the real level of complexity of the tasks they perform and the problems they solve. Unlike the term "qualification", it includes, in addition to purely professional knowledge and skills that characterize qualifications, such qualities as initiative, cooperation, the ability to work in a group, communication skills, the ability to learn, think logically, select and use information.

For the first time, the term competence was used in the report of the UNESCO International Commission on Education for the 21st Century by its leader J. Delors (1996): learning to know, learning to do, learning to live together and learning to live. They were then fleshed out at a symposium in Bern (1996) as five "core" competencies that young Europeans should acquire:

- political and social competencies;

- competencies related to life in a multicultural society; -competencies related to the possession of oral and written communication;

- competencies associated with the growth of informatization of society; - the ability to learn throughout life in the context of both professional and social life.

The problems of the competency-based approach are intensively studied by foreign (I.A.Zimnyaya, N.V.Kuzmina, G.Halasz, A.K.Markova, etc.) and local (N.A.Muslimov, Sh.S.Sharipov, B.S.Abdullaeva, O.A.Kuisinov, M.M.Kadirov, Kh.A.Umarov, etc.) researchers.

I.A. Zimnyaya [1, p.36] based on the analysis of foreign and domestic publications on the issue of competence, she identified three stages in the formation of "education based on competencies".

The first stage is characterized by the introduction of the category "competence" into the scientific thesaurus, the creation of prerequisites for distinguishing between the concepts of "competence", the study of types of linguistic competence in the context of N. Chomsky's transformational grammar, and the introduction of the concept of "communicative competence".

The second stage is determined by the use of a competency-based approach in the theory and practice of language teaching, in management and psychology of communication, the concepts of "social competencies / competencies" are introduced; J. Raven defined competence as a motivational ability and proposed 37 types of competences. At this stage, competence becomes the subject of interdisciplinary research.

N.V. Kuzmina considers competence as an integrative property of a person, and L.A. Petrovskaya studies communicative competence.

The third stage is different in that the competence-based approach takes on a pan-European format, occupies a leading position in UNESCO materials and is considered as the desired result of education.

G.Halasz believes that the competency-based paradigm is a response to the "challenges" facing Europe: the preservation of a democratic open society, multilingualism and multiculture, new labor market requirements, the development of complex organizations.

In psychological and pedagogical science, this period is characterized by the publication of research results in the field of professional competence (A.K. Markova), pedagogical competence (L.M. Mitina) and social competences (I.A. Zimnyaya).

The specificity of the third stage lies in the fact that the concept of competence has moved from the field of theoretical research into the direct practice of education and has acquired a regulatory and legal status.

Thus, five key competencies, which are given special importance in the professional education of the countries of the European Community - social, communicative, socio-informational, cognitive and special competencies -have the status of a European standard.


There are different approaches to the classification of competencies and competencies. I.A. Zimnyaya identified ten competencies, which she divided into three groups: [1, p.38]

First group. Competences related to the person himself as a person, the subject of activity and communication:

Competencies of health-saving: knowledge and observance of the norms of a healthy lifestyle, knowledge of the dangers of smoking, alcoholism, drug addiction, AIDS; knowledge and observance of the rules of personal hygiene, everyday life; physical culture of a person, freedom and responsibility of choosing a lifestyle.

Competencies of value-semantic orientation in the world: values of being, life; cultural values (painting, literature, art, music); science; production; history of civilizations, own country; religion.

Integration competencies: knowledge structuring, situationally adequate updating of knowledge, expansion and increment of accumulated knowledge.

Competences of citizenship: knowledge and observance of the rights and obligations of a citizen; freedom and responsibility, self-confidence, self-worth, civic duty; knowledge and pride in the symbols of the state (coat of arms, flag, anthem).

Competencies of self-improvement, self-regulation, self-development, personal and subject reflection; meaning of life; Professional Development; language and speech development; mastery of the culture of the native language, knowledge of a foreign language.

Second group. Competences related to the social interaction of a person and the social sphere:

Competencies of social interaction: with society, team, family, friends, partners; conflicts and their settlement, cooperation, tolerance, respect and acceptance of the other (race, nationality, religion, status, role, gender), social mobility.

Competencies in communication: oral, written, dialogue, monologue, generation and perception of text; knowledge and observance of traditions, ritual, etiquette; business correspondence; office work, business language, foreign language communication, communicative tasks, levels of impact on the recipient.

Third group. Competences related to human activities:

Competencies of cognitive activity: setting and solving cognitive tasks; nonstandard solutions, problem situations - their creation and resolution; productive and reproductive cognition, research, intellectual activity.

Activity competencies: play, study, work; means and methods of activity: planning, design, modeling, forecasting, research activities, orientation in various types of activity.

Information technology competencies: receiving, processing, issuing information; transformation of information (reading, note-taking), multimedia technologies, computer literacy; possession of e-mail, Internet technology.

I.A. Zimnyaya [1, p.40] argues that if the named competencies are considered as actual competencies, then they will include the following characteristics:

a) Readiness to demonstrate competence (motivational aspect);

b) Possession of knowledge of the content of competence (cognitive aspect);

c) Experience in the manifestation of competence in standard and nonstandard situations (behavioral aspect);

d) Attitude to the content of competence and the object of its application (value-semantic aspect);

e) Emotional-volitional regulation of the process and result of the manifestation of competence.

V.I. Baidenko distinguishes the following competencies: professional (professionally oriented), general (key, basic, universal, transdisciplinary, metaprofessional, supraprofessional), academic, social and personal.

Professional competencies are the readiness and ability to act expediently in accordance with the requirements of the profession, to solve problems and problems in a methodical and organized manner, and to evaluate the results of one's activities.

General competencies are an ability based on knowledge, experience, values, inclinations that are acquired in all types of educational practice: formal, informal and informal.

Academic competencies are abilities that ensure the assimilation of knowledge and skills, the originality and independence of the implementation of educational programs for the bachelor's and master's degrees.

Social competencies are the willingness and ability to form and live in social interaction and reach agreement with others.

Personal competencies are the readiness and ability of a person to identify, comprehend and evaluate the prospects for their development, to realize themselves in professional, social and family life, to show their own talents and develop their life plans. The presence of personal competencies implies the formation of such qualities as independence, self-respect, reliability, conscious responsibility, a sense of duty, an orientation towards socially significant values.

Each type of competencies and competencies requires the specification of their structural components and a certain adaptation to the goals and objectives of a particular professional area, professional training and professional activity.

A.K.Markova offers a four-component structure of the teacher's professional competence:

• professional (objectively necessary) psychological and pedagogical knowledge;

• professional (objectively necessary) pedagogical skills;

• professional psychological positions, attitudes of the teacher, due to his profession;

• personal characteristics that ensure the teacher's mastery of professional knowledge and skills.

In her monograph "Psychology of professionalism" she classifies the types of professional competence: special, social, personal and individual.

L.M. Mitina distinguishes two substructures of pedagogical competence: activity and communicative.

The most differentiated classification of competencies and competencies is presented in the works of I.A. Zimney. It proceeds from the assumption that competencies are internal, potential, latent psychological neoplasms that manifest themselves in competence.


Competence as a personal characteristic is not limited to the level of mastery of certain knowledge and skills by a person. Competence is an ability based on values, personal orientation, knowledge, experience acquired by a person in the learning process. It is expressed in the mobilization by the individual of the acquired knowledge and experience in a particular situation. Being a professionally competent person means the ability to mobilize oneself, one's own knowledge, skills and behavioral attitudes in the conditions of a specific activity and a developing situation. Therefore, the most important components of a person's professional competence are professional mobility, the ability to express themselves and create themselves, technological literacy, and a high degree of adaptation to changing working conditions. [8, p.25]

The concept of "competence" today includes not only compliance with the position held, the ability to solve professional problems, but also openness to new experience, the ability to make responsible decisions and find a way out of emergency situations, the need and ability for personal development and professional growth throughout life. The modern interpretation of the concept of "competence" includes the mastery of values by a person, the formation of her internal motivation, psychological and practical readiness to achieve better results in her professional activity; attitude to one's own profession and self-education as values. At the same time, the content aspect of the term "competence" includes three components: cognitive (knowledge), operational (methods of activity, psychological and practical readiness to solve problems with a high degree of uncertainty), axiological (mastering values, value attitude to professional work and personality). nomu growth). Such a point of view on the essence of competence,

according to O.L. Zhuk [5, p.127] prevails in the works of foreign and domestic researchers

A.V. Khutorskoy [7, p.57] identified the following key competencies:

- Value-semantic competence;

- General cultural competence;

- Educational and cognitive competence;

- Information competence;

- Communicative competence;

- Social competence;

- Competence of personal improvement.

The process of training and education, designed on the basis of the competencies listed above, is not a disparate subject, but a holistic competence-based education.

The most important task of professional education at any level is to design the personality of a future specialist in the unity of personally significant and professional qualities: professional independence, professional mobility, collectivism, professionalism. Pedagogical design of the personality of the future teacher includes the following components:

- Professionally significant knowledge, abilities and skills that determine professional competence (qualification potential);

- Performance (psycho-physiological potential);

- Intellectual, cognitive abilities (educational potential);

- Creative abilities (creativity);

- Ability for cooperation, collective organization and interaction (communicative potential);

- Value-motivational sphere (ideological, spiritual, and moral potential).

All these components are in close unity. Their design is carried out in the

form of a professiogram. A general pedagogical professiogram is an ideal model of a teacher's personality, abstractly summarizing the most essential personal and professional qualities necessary for the effective implementation of pedagogical activity in any pedagogical system.

N.N.Koshel [4, p. 12] believes that the professional competence of a teacher can be represented as an integrated structure, including:

• special readiness, represented by a special qualification and functional literacy of a person, his personal competence as an integrated ability to identify and self-actualization in action, social functional literacy;

• qualification in activity, a reflective superstructure "over activity" (the result of mastering the technology of pedagogical activity in practice and acquiring the ability to reflect it, criteria-based analysis, in the processes of postgraduate education and practical activity);

• organizational and activity competence, the ability to transform activity on the basis of the results of its reflexive analysis (the result of mastering the mechanisms of activity development in the process of continuous professional education and practical activity).

Professional competence is a performance-based characteristic of education, and special readiness is the minimum level of competence that ensures the effectiveness and efficiency of performing the functions assigned to a specialist.

In the article by O.L. Zhuk "Competence-based approach in higher professional education", five groups of key competencies of a university graduate are identified [2, p.45]:

> social, providing the value-semantic orientation of the individual, the formation of civil, valeological and psychological-pedagogical literacy and culture, as well as psychosocial adaptation;

> professional, related to the mastery of design and reflective skills, the ability and willingness to solve professional problems of a high degree of uncertainty, to master and develop innovations in the field of the profession;

> communicative, including the culture of speech behavior, language literacy and the ability for productive communication and cooperation;

> information related to the search, storage, processing, presentation of information; computer literacy and information technology;

> educational, providing the ability and readiness for independent cognitive work, constant self-improvement, professional growth, research activities.

The author argues that the competencies listed above should be consistent with the characteristics that are reflected in the general requirements for the professional training of a graduate. One cannot but agree with the opinion of the author, because the professional training of students in our republic must comply with state standards of education.

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The rapid pace of development in the modern world poses requirements for pedagogy - to keep up with the trend. ... In addition, society requires an emphasis on the personality of students and individualization of education. [9, p.1318]

In timely training of teaching staff, special attention is paid to compliance with the requirements in the preparation of graduates to state education standards. During their studies at the university, students study a large number of pedagogical disciplines, as well as special courses and special seminars on pedagogical topics, taking into account their specializations. The study of pedagogical disciplines is carried out using different didactic models: personality-oriented, technological, search, etc. In the context of the introduction of a credit-modular system of

education, special attention is paid to the search model of education, in which the developmental potential of education is realized.

In the process of studying pedagogical disciplines, interactive teaching methods are widely used, which can be considered as methods of enhanced purposeful activity of the teacher and students in organizing interaction between themselves and intersubject interaction of all participants in the pedagogical process to create optimal conditions for development.

Interactive interaction is a process of joint activity of teachers and students, the attributes of which are: spatial and temporal co-presence of participants, creating the possibility of personal contact between them; the presence of a common goal, an anticipated result of activity that meets the interests of all and contributes to the realization of the needs of everyone; planning, control, correction and coordination of actions; division of a single process of cooperation, common activity between participants; the emergence of interpersonal relationships. Interactive interaction is an intensive communicative activity of the participants in the pedagogical process, diversity and change of types and forms, methods of activity. The structure of interactive pedagogical interaction is the basis for the classification of active teaching methods. In accordance with the leading function of this or that method in the organization of pedagogical interaction, S.S. Kashlev [3, p.86] classified them into the following groups:

- methods of creating a favorable atmosphere, organizing communication;

- methods of exchange of activities;

- methods of mental activity;

- methods of meaning creation;

- methods of reflective activity;

- integrative methods (interactive games).

The use of interactive methods of teaching pedagogical disciplines provides an opportunity to introduce creative forms of work with students into the pedagogical process.

These include: educational and cognitive (didactic) games, problematic tasks and situations, pedagogical collages, drawing up educational crossword puzzles, pedagogical dramatizations, trainings, business games, classes in the form of a round table session, pedagogical olympiads, competitions and etc. This list of creative forms is concretized and expanded with respect to the specifics and content of specific subjects.

Creativity in the classroom is currently considered not as something unique, characteristic of individuals, but as an obligatory component of the professional activity of a teacher, called upon to teach students the individual application of knowledge in non-standard life situations. There is not and

cannot be "one pedagogical recipe" for all occasions, the same solution to different pedagogical problems. The knowledge acquired by students during classes is consolidated in the process of training and work practices, which give the student the opportunity to test himself for professional compliance.

A necessary condition for organizing education as an educational and creative activity aimed at developing creative abilities and non-standard thinking of students is the creation of a developing, cultural and educational environment in an educational institution. This presupposes the availability of an appropriate material base for the implementation of the educational process of students.

When students are motivated, participate actively and with enthusiasm in learning process, interested in subject and the whole process of learning, collaborate and interactive communicate with each other and with teacher, easy and convenient assimilate educational content then effectiveness of education will easily increase . [8, p.4]

It should be noted that the process of forming the professional competencies of university graduates continues after graduation. We must not forget that competence in any type of activity involves mastering the skill in the implementation of professional duties and solving tasks. Therefore, the main task of modern education is to prepare a person capable of self-improvement throughout his life and professional activity.

One of the most pressing issues for all educational institutions is a new direction in pedagogy as a practical solution to increase the information literacy of students, the development of their media and digital competencies -the growing interest in the experience of media education [10, p.49]

The teacher and the student are full participants in the dialogue, during which the knowledge of each of them is transformed, refined, the depth of understanding of the material is checked; Collaborative learning is a systemic strategy where students work in small groups on one common problem. Working in a group, students cannot remain passive observers, the contribution of each of the participants is significant. Teamwork is becoming an increasingly used organizational strategy in most areas of human endeavour. [12, p.4]


1.И.А.Зимняя Ключевые компетенции - новая парадигма результата образования// Высшее образование. -2003. -№5.-С.34-42.

2.О.Л.Жук Компетентностный подход в высшем профессиональном образовании//Адукацыя 1 выхаванне. -2004. -№12. -С.41-48.

3.С.С.Кашлев Интерактивные методы обучения педагогике: Учеб. пособие/С.С.Кашлев -Мн.: Выш. шк., 2004. -176с.

4.Кошель, Н.Н. Профессиональная компетентность как базовая категория последипломного образования. -2005. -№9. -с. 8-14.

5.Основы педагогики: Учебное пособие/ А.И.Жук, И.И.Казимирская, О.Л.Жук, Е.А.Ковальчик; Под общ. ред. А.И.Жука. -Мн.: Аверсэв, 2003. -349с.

6.Педагогика: Большая современная энциклопедия / Сост. С.А.Рапацевич. - Мн.: «Современное слово»,2005. - 720с.

7.Хуторской А.В. Ключевые компетенции. Технология конструирования// Народное образование. -2003. -№5. -С.55-61.

8. Zakhro Umarova Pedagogical Opportunitiesof Media Resources in a Digital Media Educational Environment Journal La Edusci VOL. 01, ISSUE 05 (001-005), 2020 DOI: 10.37899/journallaedusci.v1i5.252

9.Х.А. Умаров, З.А. Умарова Использование электронно-образовательных ресурсов в целях создания образовательной экосистемы International Scientific Conference Proceedings "Advanced Information Technologies and Scientific Computing" Санкт-Петербург 2018

10.N.A.Muslimov, Z.A.Umarova The Role of Media Resources in the Process of Self-Education International Journal Papier Public Review Volume 2, Issue 1(Page 49-53)

11.Muslimov Narzulla Alekhanovich, Umarova Fotima Abdurakhimovna Improving the Effectiveness of Education through the Use of Modern Information and Communication Technologies in the Training of Designers Journal La Edusci VOL. 01, ISSUE 05 (006-010), 2020 DOI: 10.37899/journallaedusci.v1i5.253

12. Umarova Fotima Abdurakhimovna The Role of Digital Technologies in the Education System Journal La Edusci VOL. 01, ISSUE 06 (001-004), 2020 DOI: 10.37899/journallaedusci.v1i6.258


Мусаева Ж. К.

Аннотация: В статье рассмотрены особенности и преимущества модульной системы образования в высшей школе, значение принятых указов и законов Президентом Республики Узбекистан Ш.М. Мирзиёевым о развитии образования и науки, т.е. повышении качества и эффективности деятельности высших учебных заведений на основе внедрения международных стандартов оценки качества образования. В статье также

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