INGLIZ TILIDA IZCHIL YOZISHNI RIVOJLANTIRISH USULLARI Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Ключевые слова
izchillik / izchillik / fikrni yetkazish / tushunish / uyushiq qurilmalar / parallellik / fikrlarni bog'lash / bog'lash. / связность / связный / передавать / понимать / связные устройства / параллелизм / соединять идеи / связывать

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — E.E. Rajabov

yozma nutq turli g'oyalar va tushunchalarni uyg'unlashtirib, izchil va tushunarli bo'lishi mumkin. G'oyalarni paragraflar ichida va o'rtasida mohirlik bilan bog'lash, asosiy fikrni takrorlash va batafsil tushuntirishlar yordamida izchil yozishga erishish mumkin. O'tishlar aniq tushunchalarning bir-biri bilan qanday bog'langanligini tasvirlash uchun mukammal misol bo'lishi mumkin, ammo yozishni yanada izchil va yaxlit qilish uchun ishlatilishi mumkin bo'lgan boshqa usullar va usullar mavjud.

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хорошо написанная работа может сочетать в себе различные идеи и концепции таким образом, что она становится последовательной и понятной. Связного написанная работа можно добиться, умело связывая идеи внутри и между абзацами, повторяя основную мысль, а также давая подробные пояснения. Переходы могут быть прекрасным примером описания того, как отдельные понятия связаны друг с другом, однако существуют и другие методы и приемы, которые можно использовать, чтобы сделать письмо более связным и связным.



Original paper

© E.E. Rajabov1^_

1Buxoro Davlat Pedagogika Instituti, Buxoro, O'zbekiston


KIRISH: yozma nutq turli g'oyalar va tushunchalarni uyg'unlashtirib, izchil va tushunarli bo'lishi mumkin. G'oyalarni paragraflar ichida va o'rtasida mohirlik bilan bog'lash, asosiy fikrni takrorlash va batafsil tushuntirishlar yordamida izchil yozishga erishish mumkin. O'tishlar aniq tushunchalarning bir-biri bilan qanday bog'langanligini tasvirlash uchun mukammal misol bo'lishi mumkin, ammo yozishni yanada izchil va yaxlit qilish uchun ishlatilishi mumkin bo'lgan boshqa usullar va usullar mavjud.

MAQSAD: ushbu maqolada yozishni yanada izchil qilish va buni rivojlantirish bo'yicha turli usullar muhokama qilinadi.

MATERIALLAR VA MEtOdLAR: xorijiy tilda yozishda samarali muloqotning ahamiyati ortib borayotganligi sababli izchil va birlashtirilgan yozuvni yaratish masalasi doimo diqqat markazida. Yozuvda uyg'unlik haqida ko'proq bilish va uni yaxshilash usullarini taklif qilish uchun ko'plab tadqiqotlar o'tkazildi.

O'tkazilgan tadqiqotlarni o'rganib chiqqandan so'ng, ushbu maqolada akademik yozuvda uyg'unlikni yaxshilashning ba'zi usullari ko'rib chiqiladi, masalan, parallel tuzilmalar, sinonimlar, so'zlarni takrorlash, bog'lash ish, o'tish, yig'ma otlar.

MUHOKAMA VA NATIJALAR: Maqolada muhokama qilingan usullar aniqlik va izchillikni ta'minlashga qaratilgan akademik yozishning muhim tarkibiy qismidir. Ushbu usullardan foydalangan holda yozuvchi jumlalar va paragraflar o'rtasida aloqa o'rnatishi va yozish davomida izchil va izchil oqimni saqlab turishi mumkin. Ushbu usullarni o'quvchilarni jalb qiladigan yaxshi tuzilgan va ishonchli akademik yozuvni yaratishning asosiy qadamlari deb hisoblash mumkin.

XULOSA: xulosa qilib aytadigan bo'lsak, g'oyalar va dalillarni samarali etkazish uchun yozishda izchillikni o'rnatish juda muhimdir. Bunga parallelizm, takrorlash, sinonimlar, leksik zanjirlar, mavzuli jumlalar va uyushiq otlardan foydalanish kabi turli usullar orqali erishish mumkin. Bundan tashqari, yozishning turli qismlarini bog'lash va bu dalillarni aniq va oson bajarish uchun hal qiluvchi bo'lishi mumkin bo'lgan boshqa usullar mavjud. O'tishlar yordamida yozuvchilar jumlalar va paragraflar o'rtasida aniq aloqalarni o'rnatishlari va yozma ish davomida izchil tuzilmani saqlashlari mumkin.

Kalit so'zlar: izchillik, izchillik, fikrni yetkazish, tushunish, uyushiq qurilmalar, parallellik, fikrlarni bog'lash, bog'lash.

Ilmiy-nazariy va metodik jurnal Научно-теоретический и методический журнал Scientific theoretical and methodical journal


Iqtibos uchun: E.E. Rajabov Ingliz tilida izchil yozishni rivojlantirish usullari. // Inter education & global study. 2024. №5. B.421-428.



© Э.Э. Ражабов1Н

1 Бухарский государственный педагогический институт, Бухара, Узбекистан_


ВВЕДЕНИЕ: хорошо написанная работа может сочетать в себе различные идеи и концепции таким образом, что она становится последовательной и понятной. Связного написанная работа можно добиться, умело связывая идеи внутри и между абзацами, повторяя основную мысль, а также давая подробные пояснения. Переходы могут быть прекрасным примером описания того, как отдельные понятия связаны друг с другом, однако существуют и другие методы и приемы, которые можно использовать, чтобы сделать письмо более связным и связным.

ЦЕЛЬ: в этой статье будут обсуждаться возможные проблемы, связанные с тем, как сделать письмо более связным, и предлагать соответствующие решения.

МАТЕРИАЛЫ И МЕТОДЫ: вопрос создания связного и связного текста всегда находится в центре внимания из-за растущей важности эффективного общения с точки зрения написания учебных ситуаций L2. Было проведено множество исследований, чтобы узнать больше о связности письма и предложить методы ее улучшения.

Изучив проведенные исследования, в этой статье также будут предложены некоторые способы улучшения связности в академическом письме, такие как параллельные структуры, синонимы, повторение слов, соединение рабочих слов, переход, собирательные существительные.

ОБСУЖДЕНИЕ И РЕЗУЛЬТАТЫ: методы, обсуждаемые в статье, являются жизненно важными компонентами академического письма, призванными обеспечить ясность и связность. Используя эти методы, писатель может устанавливать связи между предложениями и абзацами и поддерживать последовательный и связный поток на протяжении всего письма. Эти методы можно рассматривать как основные шаги для написания хорошо структурированного и убедительного академического письма, привлекающего читателей.

ЗАКЛЮЧЕНИЕ: в заключение отметим, что для эффективной передачи идей и аргументов необходимо обеспечить связность в письменной форме. Этого можно достичь различными способами, например, используя параллелизм, повторение, синонимы, лексические цепочки, тематические предложения и связные существительные, как предлагается в этой статье. Кроме того, есть и другие способы, которые могут иметь решающее значение для объединения различных частей письма и обеспечения ясности и простоты понимания этих аргументов. С

© intereduglobalstudy.com 2024, ISSUE 5

Ilmiy-nazariy va metodik jurnal Научно-теоретический и методический журнал Scientific theoretical and methodical journal


помощью переходов писатели могут устанавливать четкие связи между предложениями и абзацами и сохранять последовательную структуру всей письменной работы.

Ключевые слова: связность, связный, передавать, понимать, связные устройства, параллелизм, соединять идеи, связывать

Для цитирования: Ражабов Э.Э. Способы обеспечить связность в письменной работе на английском языке. // Inter education & global study. 2024. №5. С. 421428.


© Eldor E. Rajabov1®

1 Bukhara State Pedagogical Institute, Bukhara, Uzbekistan_


INTRODUCTION: a piece of well-written work can combine various ideas and concepts in a way that it becomes consistent and understandable. Coherent writing can be gained with the help of tying ideas skillfully within and between paragraphs, restating the main point as well as giving detailed explanations. Transitions can be a perfect example for describing how distinct concepts are connected to each other, however there are some other methods and techniques that can be used to make writing more coherent and cohesive.

AIM: this article will discuss possible problems concerning how to make writing with more coherence and come up with relevant solutions.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: the issue of producing a coherent and cohesive piece of writing is always in the center of attention due to the growing importance of effective communication in terms of writing L2 learning situations. A lot of research has been conducted to get to know more about cohesion in writing and suggest techniques to improve it.

Having studied researches done, this article will also come up with some ways to improve coherence in academic writing, such as, parallel structurs, synonyms, repetition of word, linking workd, transition, collective nouns.

DISCUSSION AND RESULTS: the techniques discussed in the article are vital components of academic writing which are aimed to ensure clarity and coherence. Using these techniques, a writer can establish connections between sentences and paragraphs and maintain a consistent and coherent flow throughout writing. These methods can be considered as the main steps to compose a well-structured and convincing academic writing that engage readers.

CONCLUSION: to conclude, establishing coherence in writing is essential to effectively convey ideas and arguments. This can be achieved through various ways, such as using parallelism, repetition, synonyms, lexical chains, topic sentences, and cohesive

© intereduglobalstudy.com 2024, ISSUE 5

Ilmiy-nazariy va metodik jurnal Научно-теоретический и методический журнал Scientific theoretical and methodical journal


nouns as this article suggests. Additionally, there are other ways which can be crucial to connect different parts of writing and making these arguments clear and easy to follow. With the help of transitions, writers can establish clear links between sentences and paragraphs and keep a consistent structure throughout a written work.

Key words: coherence, coherent, convey, comprehend, cohesive devices, parallelism, connecting ideas, linking.

For citation: Eldor E. Rajabov. (2024) 'The ways to produce coherent writing in English', Inter education & global study, (5), pp. 421-428. (In English).

Indeed, effective communication in writing is very important to achieve success in academic domain. Conveying ideas and providing research effectively to readers with clear and coherent writing is vital. One of the most essential skills for a writer is to make writing coherent. Coherent writing aids readers to comprehend complicated ideas and arguments, and easies the construction of rigorous and nuanced discussions, that's why generating is both persuasive and affecting writing is vital to achieve success in academic writing. However, many struggle in terms of coherence in their writing. Writing they produce suffers from obscure bond among concepts, disorganization, and insufficiency in paragraphs. Readers can get confusion and frustration for these problems and writers find it challenging to express their conception effectively and they potentially decrease the productiveness of their work. However, there are certain ways to be used to settle these problems. This article provides certain techniques to help writers to create writing that is comprehensible and compelling after looking into the research that has been done into it.

The issue of producing a coherent and cohesive piece of writing is always in the center of attention due to the growing importance of effective communication in terms of writing L2 learning situations. A lot of research has been conducted to get to know more about cohesion in writing and suggest techniques to improve it.

As Barakatova (2022) said, coherence in writing formulates the semantic unity within the ideas, sentences, paragraphs and sections of writing. Coherence in writing has been described more precisely by different linguists. According to Reni &Muhammad (2021), a well-written piece of academic writing can be characterized by coherence. Having coherence in academic writing combines all concepts about writing and ties them into one topic. It generates a piece of writing which becomes the whole thing.

Many researchers have suggested various ways to achieve coherence in writing. As an example, Oshima and Hogue (2006) suggested four ways to achieve coherence in writing, such as, repeating key nouns, using consistent pronouns, using transitional signals to bond ideas and arranging ideas in logical order.

Having studied researches done, this article will also come up with some ways to improve coherence in academic writing.

Parallel structures

© intereduglobalstudy.com 2024, ISSUE 5

Ilmiy-nazariy va metodik jurnal Научно-теоретический и методический журнал Scientific theoretical and methodical journal


Parallel sentence structure can be one way to make academic writing easier for readers to follow. Writers need to repeat similar phrases that can aid to formulate a sense of rhythm and balance in writing. Through creating parallel sentence patterns, writers can put an emphasis on important concepts to ease to comprehend challenging concepts. The technique of parallelism can also be used to provide a reader with a feeling of progression in concepts. For example, parallel sentence structures are used to count various aspects or arguments of a complicated idea, such as "the first argument of „..is...", "the second aspect is...", or "another aspect is that...". This strategy helps to break down the concept into several meaningful parts and makes the writing understandable. This truly helps to create a persuasive and convincing writing for the reader. Parallelism helps readers to digest complex ideas by following the progression of concepts. These structures also generate a balance in writing, focusing on main points in writing.

Repetition of words

Another technique that may help to improve coherence in writing could be a repetition of words, ideas, or phrases. This can be a productive method that can make the structure of an academic writing stronger and simpler for the reader to comprehend the key concepts. Repeatedly utilizing the key phrases or ideas within a certain piece of writing, writers can form coherence and unity that strengthen the general message. As an example, a writer who is writing about the concept of "consumerism" may use this phrase many times throughout the writing to make it more precise and comprehensible for readers to catch the point. This writer can also use other phrases connected to it, such as "consumerist person" or "consumerist approach" to make the main concept easier to comprehend. The same technique can be used, for instance, to mention an important idea or argument at the beginning of writing and repeat it at the end to highlight its significance and have a long-term impact on the reader.


Synonyms can be another way to ensure coherence in academic writing that is done by varying word choices. As we know, synonyms are words holding the same or similar meanings. They can help avoid repetition in writing yet maintaining the focus. This technique can also make writing more variable and more interesting for the reader.

Lexical Chains

Lexical chains are sets of related words which describe the consistent and relevant vocabulary choices to the topic. The use of these lexical units guarantees variety in writing and avoids monotony. These related words help to maintain coherence in a paragraph or section. For instance, to discuss environment, writers could use lexical chains like "environmental issues - environmentalist job - environmentally-friendly-environmentalism" to keep coherence and consider the importance of these related ideas. These lexical units form coherence in academic writing, making it easier for readers to keep up with the arguments and comprehend the relevance of the vocabulary choices to the topic.

Topic Sentences

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Ilmiy-nazariy va metodik jurnal Научно-теоретический и методический журнал Scientific theoretical and methodical journal


Topic sentences or introducing sentences facilitate order in any writing. Indeed, it is better to start each paragraph with a clear topic sentence. This really helps readers to comprehend the main point of a paragraph and its connection with the main topic of the writing. For instance, a new paragraph may begin with a topic sentence such as "The

concept of.......is an important factor in......." after which, a writer may specify ideas.

Another example, if writing is about focusing on environmental issues globally, a writer may begin a paragraph with a topic sentence such as "The environmental issues have become a huge global concern." Afterwards, the writer provides relevant data and evidence to show the possible hazards and difficulties involved in the environmental problems. Using this structure in writing not only makes the whole written work more coherent but convinces readers in argumentation.

Collective Nouns

The so-called collective nouns can comprise several related words or concepts into a single term. For example, the collective noun "fauna" encompasses a group of all animals in the world and with the help of such nouns you can avoid wordiness and enhance the clarity and coherence of writing through combining multiple related concepts into a single broad term. Collective nouns can help reduce repetition and formulate a more complicated style in writing. This prevents from repeating the same words many times but also creates a precise sentence. Similarly, when discussing technology, a writer can use the phrase "digital technologies" referring to gadgets and technology-related words. Also, collective words can simplify the language of writing and reduce confusion among readers while they are reading.

Linking words

Linking words are essential in academic writing because they play an important role in linking different parts of writing and making the argument clear and easy to follow. These words such as "furthermore", "thus", "in addition", "on the other hand" are used to indicate relationships between sentences or paragraphs.


Transition sentences can be extremely effective in producing good academic writing. These templates provide writers with a clear structure and framework for their writing, helping them to maintain coherence and clarity throughout the paper. For example,

templates like "before starting to look into____, it is better to pay attention to........", "It can

be concluded from the paragraph that....." can help readers to follow the flow of the

argument, understand how my ideas are connected, and ultimately create more convincing and compelling academic writing.

The techniques discussed in the article are vital components of academic writing which are aimed to ensure clarity and coherence. Using these techniques, a writer can establish connections between sentences and paragraphs and maintain a consistent and coherent flow throughout writing. These methods can be considered as the main steps to compose a well-structured and convincing academic writing that engage readers.

© intereduglobalstudy.com 2024, ISSUE 5


To conclude, establishing coherence in writing is essential to effectively convey ideas and arguments. This can be achieved through various ways, such as using parallelism, repetition, synonyms, lexical chains, topic sentences, and cohesive nouns as this article suggests. Additionally, there are other ways which can be crucial to connect different parts of writing and making these arguments clear and easy to follow. With the help of transitions, writers can establish clear links between sentences and paragraphs and keep a consistent structure throughout a written work.


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9. Kobilova, N. S., & Suyunov, B. Sh. (2022). «The Role of Projects in Language Learning». 50-80

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11. Labarriere, R. (2009). «Assessment Methods for Project-Based Learning». 90-124

12. Plugunina, L. (2019). «Games and Projects in Foreign Language Education». 40-70

13. Shaimerdyanova, G. R. (2015). «Professional Development for Implementing Innovative Methods». 110-140

14. Пирназарова С.Д. Ролевая игра как метод активизации учебного процесса https://scholar.google.ru/citations?view op=view citation&hl=ru&user=acS3nnUAAAA J&citation for view=acS3nnUAAAAJ:ufrVoPGSRksC

15. И.С.Багаутдинова. Научно-образовательные технологии как один из основных методов обучения иностранному языку https://scholar.google.ru/citations?view op=view citation&hl=ru&user=Jd2rtfsAAAAJ& citation for view=Jd2rtfsAAAAJ:u-x6o8ySG0sC


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HRajabov Eldor Erkinovich, BDPI doktoranti, [Ражабов Элдор Эркинович,

докторант Бухарского государственного педагогического института], [Rajabov Eldor Erkinovich, doctoral student at Bukhara State Pedagogical Institute]; manzil: O'zbekiston, Buxoro viloyat G'ijduvon tumani Pomo'za ko'chasi 27-uy [адрео: Узбекистан, г. Бухара, Гиждуван. улица Помуза, 27-й дом.], [address: Uzbekistan, Bukhara region, Gijduvan district, Pomuza Street, 27]; email address: rajaboveldor23@gmail.com

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