TEXT LINGUISTICS IS A KIND OF UMBRELLA DISCIPLINE? Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
unit of language / textual meaning / rhetorical framework / coherence / cohesion / discourse / pragmatic context. / единица языка / текстовое значение / риторический каркас / связность / дискурс / прагматический контекст.

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Turakhonova, Badia Omonillayevna

Text linguistics is a branch of linguistics that focuses on texts as intricate structures, considering how different elements within texts operate together to create meaning. This paper elucidates what text linguistics entails. First, we introduce the core concepts and significance of text linguistics. In the methods section, we outline prevalent methodologies utilized in text linguistic analysis. The results section explains specific findings from applying these methodologies, emphasizing how they enhance our understanding of textual structures. The discussion concludes by connecting these findings to larger implications for linguistics and related disciplines.

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Лингвистика текста — это раздел лингвистики, который фокусируется на текстах как сложных структурах и рассматривает, как различные элементы в текстах действуют вместе, создавая значение. В данной статье объясняется, что такое лингвистика текста. Во-первых, мы представляем основные понятия и значение лингвистики текста. В разделе «Методы» мы описываем распространенные методологии, используемые в лингвистическом анализе текста. В разделе результатов объясняются конкретные результаты применения этих методологий, подчеркивая, как они улучшают наше понимание текстовых структур. Обсуждение завершается соединением этих результатов с более широкими последствиями для лингвистики и смежных дисциплин.


Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences

SJIF 2024 = 7.404 / ASI Factor = 1.7


Badia Omonillayevna Turakhonova,

UzSWLU, Teaching English methodology department 1


Text linguistics is a branch of linguistics that focuses on texts as intricate structures, considering how different elements within texts operate together to create meaning. This paper elucidates what text linguistics entails. First, we introduce the core concepts and significance of text linguistics. In the methods section, we outline prevalent methodologies utilized in text linguistic analysis. The results section explains specific findings from applying these methodologies, emphasizing how they enhance our understanding of textual structures. The discussion concludes by connecting these findings to larger implications for linguistics and related disciplines.

Key words: unit of language, textual meaning, rhetorical framework, coherence, cohesion, discourse, pragmatic context.


Matn lingvistikasi tilshunoslikning bir bo 'limi bo 'lib, matnlarni murakkab tuzilmalar sifatida ko'rib chiqadi, matn ichidagi turli elementlar qanday qilib birgalikda ma 'no yaratishini ko 'rib chiqadi. Ushbu maqola matn lingvistikasi nimani o'z ichiga olishini tushuntiradi. Birinchidan, matn lingvistikasining asosiy tushunchalari va ahamiyati bilan tanishamiz. Usullar bo'limida biz matn lingvistik tahlilida qo'llaniladigan keng tarqalgan metodologiyalarni ko'rsatamiz. Natijalar bo'limi ushbu metodologiyalarni qo'llashdan olingan aniq natijalarni tushuntiradi va ular matn tuzilmalari haqidagi tushunchamizni qanday oshirishini ta'kidlaydi. Muhokama ushbu topilmalarni tilshunoslik va tegishli fanlar uchun kattaroq ta'sirlar bilan bog'lash bilan yakunlanadi.

Kalit so'zlar: til birligi, matn ma'nosi, ritorik asos, izchillik, uyg'unlik, nutq, pragmatik kontekst.


Лингвистика текста — это раздел лингвистики, который фокусируется на текстах как сложных структурах и рассматривает, как различные элементы в текстах действуют вместе, создавая значение. В данной статье объясняется, что такое лингвистика текста. Во-первых, мы представляем основные понятия и значение лингвистики текста. В разделе «Методы» мы описываем распространенные методологии, используемые в лингвистическом анализе текста. В разделе результатов объясняются конкретные результаты

SJIF 2024 = 7.404 / ASI Factor = 1.7

применения этих методологий, подчеркивая, как они улучшают наше понимание текстовых структур. Обсуждение завершается соединением этих результатов с более широкими последствиями для лингвистики и смежных дисциплин.

Ключевые слова: единица языка, текстовое значение, риторический каркас, связность, дискурс, прагматический контекст.


Text linguistics explores beyond phonological, morphological, and syntactic levels into the realm of texts, viewing them as units of language. Unlike other branches of linguistics that scrutinize isolated sentences or morphemes, text linguistics considers the full spectrum of a text, from cohesive devices and rhetorical structure to thematic development and genre conventions. This holistic approach engages with the multiple layers of textual meaning, their production, and their reception. Understanding text linguistics is crucial for various fields, including computational linguistics, language teaching, and literary studies, because it bridges micro-linguistic insights with macro-structural analyses, thus offering comprehensive views of language usage.

At the heart of text linguistics lie several core concepts that differentiate it from other branches of linguistics. The constructs of coherence and cohesion, for instance, are fundamental to the analysis of texts. Cohesion refers to the grammatical and lexical means by which sentences are connected in discourse, creating a sense of unity. This includes the use of conjunctions, pronouns, and lexical repetition. Conversely, coherence pertains to the logical and semantic consistency that makes a text comprehensible and meaningful. A coherent text aligns with the knowledge and expectations of its audience, often structured around a thematic or rhetorical framework.

Additionally, text linguistics pays considerable attention to the notions of genre and register. Genre encompasses the conventional forms and purposes of different types of texts, from novels and newspapers to scientific reports and informal conversations. Each genre employs distinct structural and stylistic norms that guide its production and interpretation. Register, on the other hand, refers to the variation in language use depending on context, such as the field of discourse, the relationship between participants, and the mode of communication. Understanding these variations is essential for analyzing how texts function across different social and communicative settings.

Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences

SJIF 2024 = 7.404 / ASI Factor = 1.7


To delineate what text linguistics involves, this study reviews seminal works, analyzes various texts through different linguistic lenses, and applies specific text-linguistic methodologies. By doing so, we ground our discussion in both theoretical frameworks and practical analysis.

Descriptive Analysis: One of the primary methodologies in text linguistics is descriptive analysis, which involves categorizing and labeling different aspects of texts (e.g., coherence, cohesion, thematic progression).

Corpus Linguistics: Another significant method is the use of corpus linguistics to analyze large collections of texts. This methodology leverages computational tools to examine patterns, frequencies, and structures across extensive textual data.

Discourse Analysis: Discourse analysis, which focuses on how language functions in social contexts, is also integrally connected with text linguistics. It applies a socio-linguistic lens to understand the pragmatic context of textual interactions.

Genre Analysis: Additionally, text linguistics employs genre analysis to study how texts conform to, deviate from, and exist within different genre expectations.


The application of these methodologies yields several insights into the nature of texts:

a. Coherence and Cohesion: Descriptive analysis highlights that coherence (logical flow of ideas) and cohesion (explicit overlap of linguistic elements) are fundamental to understanding texts. Cohesive devices (like conjunctions, reference terms, and lexical chains) link sentences and paragraphs, facilitating coherence.

b. Patterns and Frequency: Corpus linguistics reveals that certain patterns and structures recur with notable frequency across different genres. For instance, academic texts often exhibit a high frequency of nominalization—a process of converting verbs into nouns to convey complex ideas succinctly.

c. Contextual Function: Discourse analysis showcases how texts operate in real-world situations. Speech acts, register variation, and power dynamics play pivotal roles in how texts are interpreted and function within society. For example, a political speech not only conveys information but also aims to persuade and galvanize public sentiment.

d. Genre Conventions: Genre analysis underscores that texts adhere to specific conventions that shape their formation and interpretation. Narrative genres, such as novels and stories, often follow a recognizable structure that includes orientation,

SJIF 2024 = 7.404 / ASI Factor = 1.7

complication, and resolution, while expository texts focus heavily on clarity and logical structure.


The findings from these methodologies underscore that text linguistics is an interdisciplinary field that necessitates diverse analytical approaches. The insistence on examining entire texts rather than isolated sentences allows for a richer, more nuanced understanding of language use. This comprehension is crucial not just for academic purposes but also for practical applications in areas like language education, where insights from text linguistics can inform effective teaching strategies and material development.

Moreover, text linguistics provides invaluable contributions to fields like computational linguistics. Understanding textual cohesion and coherence aids in developing more advanced natural language processing systems capable of nuanced text generation and understanding. These advances are essential for creating intelligent systems capable of coherent dialogue and sophisticated text analysis.

In conclusion, text linguistics encompasses the study of texts as cohesive and coherent units of meaning, extending its relevance to multiple fields within and beyond traditional linguistics. By employing methodologies such as descriptive analysis, corpus linguistics, discourse analysis, and genre analysis, text linguistics provides comprehensive insights into the construction and function of texts. This field not only bridges linguistic structures and social functionality but also offers practical applications that enhance our interaction with language in diverse contexts.


In summary, text linguistics is a dynamic and multifaceted field that extends our understanding of language beyond the sentence level. By investigating the principles of coherence, cohesion, genre, and register, text linguistics offers valuable insights into the structure and function of texts. Its analytical methods, both qualitative and quantitative, enable thorough examinations of texts in various contexts. The interdisciplinary applications of text linguistics underscore its significance, influencing fields as diverse as literature, education, and artificial intelligence. Through the lens of text linguistics, we gain a deeper appreciation of the complexities and nuances of human communication, enriching both academic inquiry and practical endeavors.


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SJIF 2024 = 7.404 / ASI Factor = 1.7

2. Pinker, S. (1994). "The Language Instinct: How the Mind Creates Language". New York: William Morrow and Company.

3. Yule, G. (1985). "The Study of Language". Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

4. Fromkin, V. A., Rodman, R., & Hyams, N. (2011). "An Introduction to Language" (9th ed.). Boston: Wadsworth Cengage Learning.

5. Lakoff, G., & Johnson, M. (1980). "Metaphors We Live By". Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

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