ИНФОРМАЦИОННО-КОММУНИКАТИВНЫЕ НАВЫКИ НА УРОКАХ АНГЛИЙСКОГО ЯЗЫКА С ИСПОЛЬЗОВАНИЕМ QR-КОДОВ Текст научной статьи по специальности «Компьютерные и информационные науки»

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Ключевые слова
qr-код / приложения / гаджеты / книжные соединения / кроссворд / qr code / applications / gadgets / the book connections / crossword

Аннотация научной статьи по компьютерным и информационным наукам, автор научной работы — Набиева А. Е., Калиева А. Б.

Существует множество методик обучения иностранному языку, которые предполагают использование интерактивных и компьютерных технологий. Эти технологии обеспечивают высокую информативность материала, стимулируют познавательную активность учащихся, повышают наглядность урока, интенсивность его проведения. Изучение английского языка предполагает, что процесс будет непрерывным, а это значит, что обучение с использованием мобильных технологий, с использованием гаджетов, которые всегда под рукой, это прекрасная возможность повысить качество и интенсивность обучения.

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Похожие темы научных работ по компьютерным и информационным наукам , автор научной работы — Набиева А. Е., Калиева А. Б.

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There are many methods of teaching a foreign language that involve the use of interactive and computer technologies. These technologies provide a high informative capacity of the material, stimulate the cognitive activity of students, increase the visibility of the lesson, and the intensity of its conduct. Learning English assumes that the process will be continuous, which means that learning using mobile technologies, using gadgets that are always at hand, is a great opportunity to improve the quality and intensity of training.



PHILOLOGICAL SCIENCES / <<ШУШМУМ~^©и©Ма1>#34(1®&)),2©2©

УДК 81-11

Набиева А. Е.,

Магистрант Калиева А. Б.

кандидат педагогических наук, и. о. доцента Казахстан, Нур-Султан, Евразийский Национальный Университет Им. Л. Н. Гумилева

DOI: 10.24412/2520-2480-2020-3486-20-23


Nabiyeva A. E.,

master degree student Kaliyeva A.B.

candidate of pedagogics, acting associate professor Kazakhstan, Nur-Sultan, L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University



Существует множество методик обучения иностранному языку, которые предполагают использование интерактивных и компьютерных технологий. Эти технологии обеспечивают высокую информативность материала, стимулируют познавательную активность учащихся, повышают наглядность урока, интенсивность его проведения. Изучение английского языка предполагает, что процесс будет непрерывным, а это значит, что обучение с использованием мобильных технологий, с использованием га-джетов, которые всегда под рукой, - это прекрасная возможность повысить качество и интенсивность обучения.


There are many methods of teaching a foreign language that involve the use of interactive and computer technologies. These technologies provide a high informative capacity of the material, stimulate the cognitive activity of students, increase the visibility of the lesson, and the intensity of its conduct. Learning English assumes that the process will be continuous, which means that learning using mobile technologies, using gadgets that are always at hand, is a great opportunity to improve the quality and intensity of training.

Ключевые слова: qr-код, приложения, гаджеты, книжные соединения, кроссворд

Keywords: qr code, applications, gadgets, the book connections, crossword

Currently, there are about 1.5 billion mobile phones in the world, which is three times more than traditional computers. As technology advances, mobile devices gain new technical capabilities, and the speed and reliability of data transmission over wireless channels increases. Mobile phones, smartphones, and tablet computers are becoming a major part of a person's digital life. According to available data, over the past 5 years, the number of children who can use a computer and mobile information technologies has increased by about 10 times. Now almost everyone has a mobile device, which is a convenient tool for accessing any information, but students do not always use their smartphones, communicators and tablet computers for educational purposes. As revealed in many studies, children are mostly familiar with computer and mobile gaming programs and applications, and use their mobile phones and computer equipment for entertainment. At the same time, cognitive, in particular educational, motives for working with a computer are approximately in the twentieth place[1].

Studying the traditions of teaching English shows that such training has always been closely associated with the use of technical means. Thus, language laboratories are widely used, which can help you master various skills of foreign speech, such as: language communication skills, speech culture, listening, reading,

speaking skills, language grammar and creating a rich vocabulary. Technical means are also used to reproduce the speech of native speakers in training sessions. Computer tools for language teaching - training programs, electronic dictionaries, etc. - have become very popular. The use of audio and video courses in foreign languages is very popular[4].

QR codes are one of the sub-items of the BYOD model. The BYOD (Bring your own device) model, based on the idea of using personal mobile devices for work purposes, is widely used in the world. This model is gradually being integrated into educational organizations. Each of us, both in everyday and in the work environment, never part with a mobile phone. And children are no exception. The task of the teacher is to show students how the gadget can and should be used[2].

QR code was invented in Japan in the mid-90s of the last century. Developed a QR code in 1994, the Japanese company Denso Wave, which is one of the Toyota companies. Its appearance was due to the increased requirements for machine-readable codes imposed by the Japanese industry in the 80's. The task of QR codes was to store a large amount of data with a small area of their placement. While the scanning process should not be hindered by any damage or partial contamination of the code.

They are always made in the form of a square. The matrix with an intricate pattern is the heart of the code. And the squares and black lines contain information stored in modules.

Despite the presence of many squares and lines, the matrix can provide a wide range of data storage options. Unlike old-style barcodes, information can be stored in a matrix both horizontally and vertically. For example, small squares can contain about 4,000 characters consisting of letters and numbers combined with special characters[3].

The most common QR code formats include:

-- Contact information that can be applied, for example, on business cards. This helps simplify the use of personal data, as you simply scan the QR code, and then save your contacts on your computer or phone.

-- SMS messages that may be required to participate in the promotion. Then, thanks to the QR code, there is no need to type text. All you need is a program for reading QR codes, which will allow you to see a ready-made message on the phone's display.

-- An Internet address that can be found in advertisements and Newspapers. Thanks to these links, the user gets to the site they need without entering a lot of characters in the address bar. For example, a web resource may contain a product description or information that complements what is available in a newspaper article.

-- E-mail address. You don't need to enter data manually, as you can send an email by simply clicking on the button. These QR codes can be used to get information or participate in sweepstakes. You can also read the recipient's name.

-- Phone number. Thanks to these codes, you can immediately call. However, this option is only available to those owners of phones (smartphones) whose QR code program supports this function.

-- GEODATA that allows you to view the location of the desired object, for example, in Google maps.

--Text. This format is suitable for various purposes. For example, for drawing on travel (or entrance) tickets, as well as storing short poems and texts.

There are special applications or websites that generate QR codes [9]. The principle of operation of such applications and services is simple - you need to enter the data for encoding and get an image of the QR code. Returning to the problems of our research, we will say that this property of QR codes allows us to apply this technology in teaching English.

Creating a QR code is not difficult. These codes were not licensed, so anyone can not only use them, but also create them for free. You only need a generator to create a QR code. Using online services is as simple as possible and does not require any special knowledge or training[4].

1. Qrcoder.ru - allows you to encode in black and white: text, website link, business card, sms message, as well as change the size.

2. Creambee.ru - encodes: simple text, vCard contact, call to an SMS number, to a number, go to a website, send an E-Mail, message to Twitter, share to Face-book. Allows you to change the size, design in color, add your own logo and background.

3. Qrmania.ru - allows you to change the color and rounding of corners. Encodes text, website link, phone, SMS message, Email address, Email message, business card, Twitter, Google maps.

4. Qrcc.ru - allows you to change the color of the code, its size, add icons and text inside the code. Encodes the content: business card (VCARD), website ad-dress(URL), custom text, phone number, SMS message, Google Maps coordinates, e-mail address, e-mail message, scheduled event (VCALENDAR), WI-FI. Getting codes: QR-code, Data Matrix, Micro QR

5. Zxing.appspot.com encodes in black and white: event calendar, contact information, email address, geographical location, phone number, SMS, text, URL, Wi-Fi network

6. Qrcode.kaywa.com - creates b/W static and dynamic (paid) codes by encrypting: URL, Facebook, Coupon, contact.

7. Keremerkan.net - creates color codes in the following formats: QR Code (recommended), Data Matrix (only ASCII chars), Aztec Code (only ASCII chars), Micro QR Code (only ASCII chars)

8. Quickmark.com - encodes all the possible content.

9. Mojiq.kazina.com - generator of "beautiful" QR, inserting text in QR (in Chinese)

10. Goqr.me - encodes 9 standard functions in black and white.

11. Qrvoice.net - a tool for creating a voice message (up to 100 characters) and generating a QR code.

The possibilities of using QR codes are endless. But, like all technologies, QR codes are likely to be replaced in the future by other equally fun and interesting "quirks". However, they are now popular, so you need to take advantage of their popularity in your educational activities.

• Promotional material. Bookmarks, business cards, flyers, and posters are just a few places where you can place QR codes. To use images of various codes on the Internet, drawing on business cards, t-shirts, advertising signs, posters and more. These codes can link to your site, project, community, event plan calendar, electronic databases, or other important resources. QR codes can be placed on information stands with information such as video or multimedia comments (in the form of links) to an ad, announcement, or other material. This will significantly enrich the information saturation of standard information stands not only in the library, but also in the study room.

Presentation materials. QR codes can be placed on business cards (paper or electronic), on badges of participants of various events, conferences, meetings, etc. When showing slides or videos of a presentation, you can provide listeners with handouts with QR codes to access the transcript of the presentation or additional materials on the site. You can also place QR codes on the presentation slide itself. Users will be able to scan them from the screen.

• Connection book. Use QR codes on book covers to provide access to book Abstracts, reference materials about the author, or additional information about the book. To do this, you can use color coding of QR codes. For example, a blue QR code can be used for a link to



find similar books on the web pages of a website, blog, or to search through a catalog. Similarly, you can make QR codes as an addition to separate sections of the textbook paragraphs.

Online reading. QR codes can be used to link to online content, provide access to an electronic library, and enable online reading of e-books or magazines. For example, create a handout with links to poems and stories dedicated to certain holidays

• QR-quest. You can use QR codes in training by organizing a quest game-QR treasure hunt. Students can become detectives or take on other roles. In the search for an exhibit ("treasures») they use QR codes placed in the real world or on virtual maps to collect evidence and investigate. Along the way, they solve a mystery or solve tasks.

• Work sheets, tasks. If we practice various quizzes and thematic contests, then QR codes can be placed on any type of paper or handout. Use the links to provide students with video or audio of the contest questions. Sheets with QR codes can also provide links to pages with interactive tasks or online quizzes. You can use QR codes with links to multimedia sources and resources that help you solve a particular problem. Use it directly in the classroom by distributing control and test material made in the form of cards with various options for tasks. There is a special service ClassTools.NET, which allows you to create such tasks in the form of QR codes (there are other forms), or by printing the codes, you can paste them directly into notebooks or notebooks of students.

Questions and answers. Students can answer questions and create their own questions and answers. Preparing questions for your peers is a great way to understand what you've learned. Create a QR code that contains links to the document containing the answers.

• Abstract.

Encourage students to include QR codes in their presentations, exhibition, or poster that provide links to their main research work. published on the Internet.

• Information board. Put cover images of books of scientific and popular literature on the Bulletin Board. QR codes can be sent to the site's pages with lists of books related to the same popular science topic, which are regularly updated. When organizing project activities, you can create collections of links, information blocks, comments, etc. QR codes can be published on the pages of project support sites, posters, etc.

The proposed method of teaching English using mobile devices and graphic encoding of information assumes that the study of English words and their pronunciation is made on the example of surrounding objects, which will be attached QR codes. These codes, read by students ' mobile devices, provide access to an electronic catalog of foreign words, as well as a library of audio materials for mastering pronunciation.

There are many ways to use QR codes in the educational process: from conducting games to creating a resume. The easiest way is to print out and place QR codes on information sheets or posters to get more information about planned events, Olympiads, competi-

tions, educational sites, and so on. One of the most popular game techniques using QR technologies is the game "Treasure Hunting" ( "Treasure Hunting)

Game "in search of treasures" ( "Treasure Hunting or Scavenger Hunts"). "In search of treasures" is a game where participants must use QR codes located in different remote locations to translate instructions for further actions encrypted in them from English to Russian in a limited amount of time. The team that reaches the final goal first and correctly answers the question encrypted in the QR code wins. To start the game, you need to create instructions, such as Go three steps forward, then turn right. / Look inside the top drawer / Open the red box / Take the key out of the red box / Turn left and go five steps / Open the box with the key and so on. These instructions are printed on a printer and placed in the right places in the school. Then the children have a "Treasure hunt". They read instructions with smartphones and perform actions. You can also print and place QR codes with encrypted tasks in the classroom or school yard (if the weather allows), or distribute tasks on a handout; divide the class into groups of 3-5 people and give each group a QR code that must be scanned, read the instructions, find the answer and tell it to the person specified in the text. If the answer is correct, the group receives a second note with a QR code, and so on. The winner is the student or group that is the first to answer all the questions or complete more tasks in a limited time.

Another variation of this game is the use of QR codes pasted on paper in different colors. Each team is given a different color, and at each stage, the team takes a task card that matches their color.

You can invite students to develop the game "In search of treasures" by encrypting tasks in the form of QR codes and creating a route for the group's progress. In the next lesson, groups exchange tasks, complete them, and share their opinions.

2."QR-crossword" the next type of tasks is to solve the classic crossword puzzle tasks that are encrypted in QR codes. Each pair or three receives a sheet with 15 QR codes and a sheet for recording responses. The task completion time is limited. Questions in the crossword puzzle for this task can be on the topics covered.

In conclusion, we can add that our proposed approach to the organization of English language teaching using mobile devices not only continues the previously established traditions of teaching foreign languages using technical devices, but also expands them by using fundamentally new features of mobile platforms. The proposed approach expands the foreign language learning environment, taking it beyond the computer application and even the computer network. Our experience in using the proposed technologies has shown their feasibility and effectiveness in modern real educational practice. At the same time, learning English is included not only in the system of lessons, but also implemented in the form of independent and playful activities, which is very important for the successful development of a foreign language.

The optimal model for using new technologies in the current education system is a skillful combination of communication with the teacher, communication

and digital technologies. This is by no means ignoring or replacing the teacher. The goal is to create conditions in which students can effectively apply existing technologies to form their own knowledge.

QR codes are just a mini — milestone in technology, and after a while they will be no less ridiculous than floppy disks. But while this small pattern in the corner of the printout or site can save time and paper, save you from reprinting long links, or at least diversify your routine, it is relevant.


1. Samokhina N. V. Use of mobile technologies in teaching English: development of traditions and search for new methodological models // Fundamental research. - 2014. - № 6-3. - pp. 591-595;

URL : http://www.fundamental-research. ru/ru/ar-ticle/view?id=34208 (accessed: 14.12.2018).-

2. Yakovlev A. I.: Information and communication technologies in education. ... [Electronic resource]. - Access mode http://cor.edu.27.ru/

3. Electronic technologies in the education system... [Electronic resource]. - Access mode. http://som.fio.ru/getblob.asp?id= 10007856# Tos26155139

4. The use of new information technologies in the teaching of English in secondary school ...[Electronic resource]. - Access mode http://por-tal.krsnet.ru/razdels/uchitelia/rmo/

UDC 811.111'37'42

Strochenko L. V.

Assistant Professor, PhD, Odesa I.I. Mechnikov National University,





The article is dedicated to the study of the English concept A WORK OF GENIUS as a constituent of the conceptual field GENIUS. The work outlines the main trends in philosophical studies of this phenomenon (irrational, rational, empirical, socio-cultural); offers the algorithm of the linguistic study of the conceptual field GENIUS. GENIUS is a conceptual field divided into three segments, each of which is denoted by a corresponding sub-concept: GENIUS as a phenomenon; GENIUS as a person; A WORK OF GENIUS as a result of a genius' activity. These segments have a nuclear-peripheral structure, the analysis of which is carried out on the language and speech material, which represents both naive and scientific versions of the picture of the world. These segments are connected within the conceptual field by a cyclic connection. Cyclization ofthe conceptualfield GENIUS occurs when a person (2) endowed with the phenomenon of genius (1) creates a certain product (3) (depending on the field of his activity), which is recognized as genius. Only under such conditions the person (creator of this product) will be nominated a genius.

Keywords: conceptual field, concept, genius, phenomenon, picture of the world.

Language is one of the main tools of cognition and conceptualization of the world. To examine a concept through the language is one of the most reliable ways of linguistic analysis which allows to detect its conceptual features and to work out the model of the concept. The structure of a concept is manifested through dictionary definitions of the corresponding lexical units (the name of the concept and its synonyms) and through speech contexts. The study of the verbalized concept involves: (a) defining the linguistic means that objectify it, (b) the fullest possible description of the semantics of these units and (c) modeling the meaning of the concept as a holistic mental unit marked with its national originality. The main methods employed in our conceptual analysis were: (1) componential analysis, (2) etymological analysis, (3) identification of synonyms of the lexeme which names the corresponding concept and (4) the study of ways of conceptualization as secondary reinterpretation, for example in idioms and aphorisms.

Among numerous researches dedicated to the investigation of the philosophical aspects of the given phenomenon, Khomchenkova's thesis [1] stands out,

offering a detailed and reasonable classification of main trends in genius study.

The first one is irrational approach, which emphasizes the divine nature of genius and is closely related to archaic and religious ideas. The irrational view of the nature of genius correlates with the etymology of the word genius and can be traced in the dynamics of interpretation of this concept in language, culture and history. In Roman mythology, genius was a spirit, a deity, a guardian angel, who belonged to and was worshiped by every mail person throughout his life while Juno was a similar deity for a female. The views on creativity in medieval philosophy reflect the religious aura of the era, dictated by the ideology of the church. In the Middle Ages genius was most often identified with mental abnormalities and attributed to the intrigues of the dark forces. Therefore, geniuses were considered mentally ill, possessed by the devil, bewitched. If in the Middle Ages meticulous attention is focused mainly on religious and moral aspects, artistic and scientific creativity being of the secondary importance, the Renaissance is focused exactly on human creativity. In that era, the cult of genius as a creative individual arises. However,

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