INFORMATION WARFARE IN THE MULTIPOLAR WORLD Текст научной статьи по специальности «Философия, этика, религиоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по философии, этике, религиоведению, автор научной работы — Sokolova S.N.

The article pays attention to the variety of tactics of information warfare, as well as the modern specifics of geopolitical transformations of hybrid reality. The authors emphasized the toxic version of international relations in the information society, which is directly related to neo-terrorism or spiritual terror, with the information sphere and spirituality of modern man.

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В статье уделяется внимание многообразию тактик ведения информационной войны и современной специфике геополитических трансформаций гибридной реальности. Автором сделан акцент на токсичном варианте международных отношений в информационном обществе, что непосредственно связанно с нео-терроризмом или духовным террором, а также с инфосферой и духовностью современного человека.


УДК 159.9.01

SOKOLOVA S.N., Doctor of Philos. Sc., Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of Psychology, Content and Methods of Education, State Educational Institution «Academy of Postgraduate Education», Minsk, Republic of Belarus

Received 3 October 2023


The article pays attention to the variety of tactics of information warfare, as well as the modern specifics of geopolitical transformations of hybrid reality. The authors emphasized the toxic version of international relations in the information society, which is directly related to neo-terrorism or spiritual terror, with the information sphere and spirituality of modern man.

Keywords: information warfare, neo-terrorism, human spirituality, system of traditional values, hybrid intrusion, infosphere, extremism.

С.Н. СОКОЛОВА, доктор филос. наук, доцент,

профессор кафедры психологии, содержания и методов воспитания,

ГУО «Академия последипломного образования», г. Минск, Республика Беларусь

В статье уделяется внимание многообразию тактик ведения информационной войны и современной специфике геополитических трансформаций гибридной реальности. Автором сделан акцент на токсичном варианте международных отношений в информационном обществе, что непосредственно связанно с нео-терроризмом или духовным террором, а также с инфосферой и духовностью современного человека.

Ключевые слова: информационная война, нео-терроризм, духовность человека, система традиционных ценностей, гибридное вторжение, инфосфера, экстремизм.


1 Статья публикуется в авторской редакции.

Introduction. Global changes in hybrid reality, taking place at the beginning of the 21st century in a multipolar world, update the multiformat scenarios of information warfare, which is associated with the transformations of society and human spirituality in the information society [1, c. 75]. Focusing on information warfare in a multipolar world, it is important to note the aggressive and meaningful orientation of the modern information sphere, to identify the specifics of geopolitical transformations of hybrid reality, reflecting the palette of destructive tactics used by the Euro-Atlantic alliance (information weapons, multi-format information channels, toxic social networks). The information war today indicates that not only the economy, politics and the social sphere of the information society are on the front line, but also the spirituality of modern man is under the crosshairs of the aggressor state. All destructive events taking place today in a multipolar world affect the media sphere, which, being a necessary subversive tool in information warfare, serves to carry out spiritual terror or neo-terrorism. It is no secret that manipulative technologies that determine social consciousness are often practiced in the modern media sphere, as a result of which axiological eclecticism is growing, traditional values are devalued and modern man is changing in the process of civilizational and tectonic transformations. And due to the dynamic modification of the existing hybrid reality, there is a change in the moral qualities of the person, which largely determine the modern vector of the development of international relations. In a multipolar world, the destructive format of social media is more clearly visible, which is associated with informational confrontation and a war of meanings aimed at disorienting and disorganizing the person in order to change the spiritual and moral stability of modern man [2, c. 40].

Modern content that determines destructive social networks and various foreign media channels determine the format of the information sphere, provoking a socio-psychological and cultural-mental deformation of a person (national identity, language, national interests), fixing social recapitulation that formats the axiological matrix that reduces the intellectual potential of not only the modern person, but also society. Thus, international conflicts and permanent crises contributing to the split of the multipolar

world today indicate that extremist sentiments are growing in the information society at the initiative of the Euro-Atlantic alliance, Rus-sophobia is gaining momentum, intensively devaluing [3, c. 416]. Human spirituality, as a rule, is guided by the value-meaning context of the historical past and present of his country, as well as traditional values and national culture (As-molov AG, Bratus BS, Vasilyuk FE, Vygotsky LS, Zinchenko VP, Nemov RS, Leontyev A.N., Rubinstein S.P.). Human spirituality as a conscious activity is focused on a respectful attitude towards the older generation, to the historical past of his country, to creation for the benefit of his homeland (Amonashvili Sh.A., Belozertsev E.P., Bondarevskaya E.V., Dyachkova M.A., Zimnyaya I.A., Makeeva S.G., Sukhomlinsky V.A., Ushinsky K.D., Shchurkova N.E.). The spirituality of a person associated with the history and culture of his Fatherland is a target in the information war, since the traditional values of the enemy's personality and its spiritual component are under the constant sight of the aggressor. At the same time, as a rule, traditional values are a semantic reference point for human life, and under certain conditions, they become a fundamental quality of a highly motivated person who, in her daily activities, strives for peace and creation. The ongoing transformations in the multipolar world are aimed at changing the media-information content of the modern information sphere (social-virtual environment, the Internet, network communities) in order to change the positive-creating constant characterizing human spirituality. Thus, everyone knows that the aggression on the part of NATO is provocative and confrontational, demonstrating not only the initiative of the rapid response forces, stocks of heavy weapons, additional military contingents and military equipment, but also the large-scale initiation of destructive content of the information society, strengthening the aggressor group. And in such an ambiguous international situation, the modern person is under constant information and psychological influence and is a direct participant in the destructive content of the information society that destroys the foundations of human spirituality, which updates the philosophy of security, including the spiritual security of the person [4, c. 187].

Main part. Information war in a multipolar world, as a special type of large-format impact

on modern man and on the opposing state, demonstrates many destructive conflicts, including armed ones that destroy human spirituality. Information warfare is an updated technological tool for the struggle between modern states for the resources of our planet, significantly different in a number of characteristics from the traditional methods of military aggression, which today represent the unification of the classical style of warfare with the active use of irregular armed groups, which is characterized by the transition from wars with the extermination of the enemy, the destruction of material objects, seizure of territory to information destructive influences focused on self-organization and self-orientation of the enemy. Information war is largely different from such conflicts in this confrontation and irreconcilable rivalry, as well as in information confrontation, it is impossible to fix the start and end dates, distinguish the front and rear, and identify the status of a fighter. In the context of information warfare, it is necessary to focus on the spirituality of a person, which is determined by a variety of intangible components and in a concentrated form records the ability of the person to self-control, internal assessment of his behavior and creative daily activities. Modern man does not always understand the meaning of the events taking place: where and from whom the threat comes from, how it manifests itself, how to withstand this threat and therefore it is very important to focus not so much on material as on moral needs and focus on the spiritual and meaningful aspect of social reflection. Intensive hybridization of society is determined today by the powerful destructive impact of international media on all spheres of life of the information society, which is undoubtedly associated with the active use of information weapons that initiate spiritual terror or neo-terrorism in a multipolar world where axio-logical deactivation of the person occurs, toxic semantic eclecticism arises, exacerbating the conflict of interpretations in an aggressive media environment [5, с. 26]. Hybrid reality, as practice shows, implements many levers of pressure on the enemy, among which hostilities make up only a small part of the panoramic destructive impact on society. This is not only about the rivalry of various states for a strategic advantage, but also about the fact that information war is a conflict between political associations over

symbols (language, national interests, identity) [6, с. 253].

Hybrid reality, as practice shows, implements many levers of pressure on the enemy, among which hostilities make up only a small part of the panoramic destructive impact on society. This is not only about the rivalry of various states for a strategic advantage, but also about the fact that information war is a conflict between political associations over symbols (language, national interests, identity). And in this case, hybrid war is not a new, but an updated type of modern war, which is waged not only and not so much by guns, airplanes, tanks as by the forces of political propaganda, terror and disinformation. Information war demonstrates a variety of tactics, since the format of terrorist structures in the information sphere is changing, spiritual terror or neo-terrorism is practiced, there is a change in ideologies broadcast by extremist, terrorist organizations, Russophobia is spreading, ideological confrontation, information confrontation is growing, financial capabilities of terrorist, extremist organizations are expanding, while providing them with access to modern information technologies. Extremists and terrorists are a means of hybrid warfare of a new type, where the enemy is multifunctional and uses network structures (system cyberat-tacks) and not always identifiable technologies. At the same time, the specially deformed identity of individual social groups is an end in itself and a political resource that allows creating a social, information environment of highly motivated, controlled extremist, terrorist associations. In information warfare, as a rule, the media are activated (media), opposition forces, public organizations held for foreign grants that act as a «fifth column», trying to implement the ideas of the aggressor, where terrorist structures are assigned the role of an external factor, the internal life of the enemy State, which, through its systemic impact, achieves the radicalization of various groups, discrediting the policy of the state, drawing resources on itself, in the most vulnerable periods for society, acts as a force that should finally push the social system to instability and self-destruction.

The information war begins with massive information "stuffing" into social networks, in which the authorities of the country against which the invasion is carried out and the information confrontation is conducted are discredit-

ed. Particular emphasis, in this case, is placed on criticism of the foreign policy and economic course of the state (several states) and the increasing social turbulence rocks the political situation in the country. Thus, in the process of information warfare, the economic institutions of an independent state are subjected to pressure, economic sanctions are imposed and opportunities for foreign economic activity are closed, destroying regional logistics. Information war, as a rule, characterizes the actions of the Euro-Atlantic alliance, which does not openly take part in the ongoing armed clashes, but provides financial support, as well as instructors and private armies are present. It is such a war that is interpreted today not as something completely updated, since most of its components were in world history before, and the unification of these leaving them into a single whole has become new, despite the fact that the information component has increased in the multidimensional world (radio, television, media communication, media production, Internet). As a result, modern wars differ from other armed conflicts in that they are guided not so much by the use of force as by information warfare, where the media play a special role, social media acting as a weapon (tool) in information warfare. Taking into account the latest military-technical developments, hybrid wars include the fighting of regular troops, the activities of terrorists, rebels and economic pressure (sectoral sanctions, embargoes, undermining the financial system, transport barriers), political pressure (mobilization of the opposition for protest actions, diplomatic isolation, pressure in international organizations), social pressure (activation of internal group conflicts, disorganization of the social security system), as well as media information pressure (shaping the image of the enemy, manipulating the historical past, replacing the value core with a «surrogate of spirituality»).

Today, such a war is still the most dangerous form of conflict, especially in its scale and consequences, because conflicts of a different plan with mixed methods of military operations become more likely, where strategic victory over the enemy does not consist of victories in individual battles and decisive battles. Modern aggression is characterized by the integrated use of military and non-military tools in an integrated campaign aimed at achieving surprise to seize the initiative, gain economic, tactical-strategic

and psychological advantages, as well as the use of large-scale and rapid cyber operations, concealment and cover-up of military (intelligence) actions combined with increasing economic pressure. This is a combination of open and latent actions, secret provocations, systematic sabotage, especially in the infosphere and in combination with the denial by latent forces of their own involvement in the conflict, significantly complicates the response to aggression. A characteristic feature of modern warfare remains the mixed or blurred nature of the struggle in the sphere of meanings, which is necessary for the Euro-Atlantic alliance to separate, separate and then destroy independent states. In the course of information warfare, which is a psychological war (information flows are aimed at obtaining an effect from changes in cognitive abilities and personality consciousness), which is the main goal of information warfare related to technologies for influencing values in an intensively digi-talizing, virtualizing society when modifying information systems, sociocultural programming that determines the social reflection of a person.

Destructive content of the information society can be considered as spiritual terror or neo-terrorism, implementing all known types of modern war for self-organization, self-orientation of the enemy in the constantly growing axiological chaos. And spiritual terror, as the basic element of hybrid wars, expanding the conflictogenic potential in all spheres of life of society to change the ratio of non-military and military methods of influence [7, c. 222]. Initiating, as a result, the destructive content of the information society, the Euro-Atlantic alliance initiates an unauthorized struggle of citizens for ghostly freedom on the territory of their state, which is carried out through self-organization, self-orientation, strengthening the opposition element, the «criminal elite», which «rocks» the national economy, discrediting the social institutions of an independent state in the course of color revolutions and neo-terrorist aggression. It is neo-terrorism, as a complex provocation that generates sociotectonic changes in a multipolar world, initiating information and telecommunication technologies that destructively affect the mental core and cultural matrix of the modern personality, thereby implementing the «war of meanings» [8, c. 103]. In the era of hybrid wars, when the geopolitical landscape of our planet changes, with the help of information war, the

axiological deactivation of the modern personality is carried out, information resources are redistributed during the "multivariate war" or "complex military operations" that affect both the rational and emotional perception of military-political reality by the subject [9, с. 5]. Hybrid invasion in the form of neo-terrorism extends to all spheres of public life of the information society (economic, political, social, spiritual), where the target is any person, as well as the cultural-historical, ideological component of the enemy's social relations. The purpose of hybrid wars is revealed in the denial of all norms of morality, and therefore in the use of the dirtiest social technologies, including the spread of slander, rumors, distortion of facts and falsification of history, which is directly related to human spirituality and value orientations. Spiritual terror or neo-terrorism, according to the author of the article, is a large-scale aggression of the Euro-Atlantic alliance, which is aimed at destroying the traditional values of Slavic peoples and replacing the axiological guidelines of personality with a surrogate. In the process of resource-territorial aggression by NATO and the use of information and political «napalm» against Slavic peoples, it initiates destructive content of the information society, which is a manipulative structure aimed at changing public consciousness, therefore, today in a multipolar world, dialogue between states is not so much at the negotiating table as in hot spots [10, с. 4].

Conclusion. As a result, information warfare in a multipolar world (psychological, and civili-zational in form) synthesizes various methods of modern warfare today, exacerbating toxic axio-logical eclecticism, which is directly related to the destructive content of the information society. As a result of such panoramic aggression and spiritual terror in a multipolar world, destructive socio-psychological consequences are observed, manifested in the fact that a modern person changes moral concepts and begins to change values, which means that the ability to distinguish between illusory and real [11, с. 182].

Modern war breaks away from its militaristic context, as it is associated mainly with cyberat-tacks, defense not on the physical territory of the enemy, but in the spheres of cognitive-mental, media-information. It is neo-terrorism, as a special element of the strategy of hybrid wars, that generates diverse conflicts, including, realizing the aggressive potential of the warring parties

and all known types of modern war (cognitive, mental war) [12, a 522]. At the same time, it is important to focus on the socio-cultural and more humane interaction of political elites on the basis of correct international cooperation (military-strategic, financial-economic, political-legal, military-scientific, technological and technical), minimizing the degree of distrust between modern states, and it is also important to initiate more effective international control of scientific developments, providing legal support for innovative projects in the field of security (innovative-tactical, strategic systems, disarmament programs, creation of modern types of weapons, collective control in ensuring cybersecurity). In a multipolar world, it is important today to optimize public relations on the basis of equality and trust in order to improve the ways of transparent interstate cooperation in the process of strengthening the collective security system, as well as change the orientation of information structures (media environments). In this regard, the author of the article proposes to update: method of aggregation and antimonopoly development of the information sphere (national strategy for the development of information security of the individual, society and the state); method of priority in the development of financing for scientific and technical innovative developments (nanoindustry, biotechnology, robotics, artificial intelligence, android construction, upgrade technologies, space industry); method of consistency in solving issues related to digitalization and visualization (creation of territorial infrastructures in order to implement a systematic approach in creating a single information sphere that would guarantee a high level of personal information security); method of coordinating impact (financial and economic stability, integrated security) and the method of predicting the development of the information sphere (information and semantic aspect, information and analytical support, information security monitoring).

Thus, the multipolar world is now at the peak of information warfare, which is determined by the activity of the warring parties, whose aggression is increasing, since extremists and terrorists are a means of realizing the negative influence of a new type, where the enemy uses systemic cyberattacks, network structures and not always identifiable technologies [13, c. 130]. Modern geopolitical realities today indicate that the de-

structive content of the information society in the era of hybrid wars is of particular importance, since the information war with its powerful information support is aimed at changing the system of traditional values and reformatting the social information needs of individuals and social groups [14, c. 505].


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