INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY IN THE FORMATION OF A PERSONALITY OF А STUDENT Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Ключевые слова
information / influence / multipolar / importance / global changes / harmful / educational / development / continuously.

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — L. T. Tursunboyeva

Today one simple truth should be obvious to us: the most noble goal, facing us today and a great future of our country and our tomorrow, free life and prosperity, and the place of Uzbekistan in the world community in the XXI century it all depends primarily on the next generation, what kind of people will our children be when they grow up

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L. T. Tursunboyeva

Uzbekistan State University of Physical Education and Sport


Today one simple truth should be obvious to us: the most noble goal, facing us today and a great future of our country and our tomorrow, free life and prosperity, and the place of Uzbekistan in the world community in the XXI century - it all depends primarily on the next generation, what kind of people will our children be when they grow up

Key words: information, influence, multipolar, importance, global changes, harmful, educational, development, continuously.


The world is on the threshold of global changes and entering a new stage of development. Under conditions of increasing world population, the struggle for resources erupted with renewed vigor and with great fierce. The world is gradually, painfully and with great loss of life striving to become multipolar and liberal. But some states and blocs do not like it, and this scenario "is not in their own script." They would like to be the political and economic hegemony in the world and dictate and even forcibly impose their own desire. And so they tend to use different types of weapons and arms to maintain their dominant position.

Since we live in the age of information and ICT, the most powerful weapon and the lever of influence is the information and various ICT, through which it is possible to deliver "the right for the customer" information for the "consumer".

Whereas in the past aggressors won the people and the state with fire and sword, now the most powerful weapon is information and ICT. It suffices to study the psychology of people, based on the goals and objectives of the plan contents and then deliver this information to the end "user" and sow discord and chaos in the minds and hearts of people. At the same time as necessary have to enclose additional information firewood in inflaming the fire, and after a certain time, you can reap the rewards!

All this tells us about the importance and possible danger of information and ICT. And also presents us with new challenges and tasks for a secure, peaceful,

consistent and constructive development of our country and the society. This encourages us to be more careful in the selection and use of information and ICT.


As early as January 24, 2001 at the meeting devoted to the education of youth our President Islam Karimov said: "... those who want to put obstacles in our independent development path to achieve our goals, building a new society, first of all try to affect spirituality still immature youth with immature thinking, obscuring their ideas contrary to nature and the sacred traditions of our people, seeking to turn them into a tool in achieving their selfish and vile intentions.

Unfortunately, more and more people around the world, and in our country become literally dependent on television, pop music and the tabloids constantly and persistently firing its main part of their body - the brain - various information for are often meaningless or even harmful and dangerous! And at the same time, various companies using modern research and discoveries in the field of human psychology and behavior, skillfully use it for the benefit of themselves. They hire experts in the field of human psychology to create ingenious commercials, posters and action to literally make a person buy their goods. For these purposes they use the TV, radio, pop music, social networking, tabloids, etc. It has long been a special science the psychology of advertising and marketing, as well as special profession for these purposes.

The number of educational programs on TV and in other media has been steadily declining: Now from every five hoursnews just one minuteisreferred to science. Only 1.4% of the total flow of information available through television, print media, radio and the Internet, is dedicated to educational topics.

A study conducted by the University of California, found that repeated exposure to scenes from the scene of terrorist attacks and war zones increases the percentage of physical and mental illness among viewers. In fact, the TV was accused of provoking a collective trauma. And it's name is fear and aggression.

MD, renowned psychiatrist Igor Anatolevich Janushew said in an interview: In the people who always look aggressive scenes on TV, aggression can be developed in their own mind and body. And it is not virtual, and the most that neither is real. I happened to be on probation in the United States just at the time of a criminal: seven pupils were shot directly in the school. I was officially admitted to the research man as a third party, i.e. an independent consultant. So the killer was found healthy . But when he was asked about his hobbies he said something like this:

I like to watch fighters, fantasy, horror. The plot of the shooting of schoolchildren he "spied" in one of the coolest fighters.

Television, pop music videos and video games, all without exception, using television technology, "unfold" a much faster rate than real life, and delivered faster, with the result that people have formed an increased need for high-speed receiving information through these means of communication. It is a form of television transmission facilities - fast frame rates, installation, zoom, panoramic images and unexpected noises - changes our brain, activating what Pavlov called «orienting reflex» Orienting reflex is a physiological expression: a reduction in heart rate of 4-6 seconds. TV includes this reflex is much faster than it does in real life, and that is why we sometimes cannot take our eyes off the screen even during an intimate conversation or watch TV much longer than planned. Typical music videos, action sequences and commercials actuated orientation reflexes at a rate of one per second, viewing them makes us continuously orienting reflex without pauses for recovery.

Computers play an increasingly important role in society as a whole, and in a teenager's life, more and more influence on the life and development of adolescents. Computer games have a negative impact on its growth and development as a child and man.

Because of the great changes taking place in the body and psyche of a teenager, his mind isvery often in strong despair and depression because of the problems, new concerns and difficulties in learning or in communicating with their peers. Desire to "rest" from the real world and move to another, in which he will not have any problems or concerns, all that is necessary executed by pressing one button and you become a superhero. Thus, the teenager immediately "solve" 2 of their problems: running away from their new problems and increases their self-esteem, feeling like a superhero in a computer game.

A team from the Hammersmith Hospital in London has developed a typical video game in which a tank commander shoot enemies and dodge enemy fire. The experiment showed that during these games in the brain of the player is going an dopamine - the neurotransmitter awards granted which provoke and drugs, that develop an addictive habit. People addicted to computer games have all this signs of addiction: strong desire to play, when the game is terminated; neglect of other activities; euphoria during the game; and a tendency to deny that they are in addiction.

But in modern computer games becomes 'normal' that the characters can freely exercise hardness for others: murder, violence and bullying. All this causes the adolescent storm divergent emotions and feeling that you can do anything, and no

one will not be punished for it. This gives impetus to the children to repetition this behavior in real life, the expression of irritation, aggression and disrespect for the family and people around: classmates, teachers, parents, etc.


All this makes the modern man, and especially the younger generation addicted to all this from a physical and psychological point of view, and also bring up to the intellectual degradation.

But the man was not created to watch TV, play computer games, eat and infinitely more slowly kill themselves by eating useless ("flavorings" various food additives, flavor enhancers, colors, etc.), and sometimes even harmful (alcohol, tobacco, etc.).

For example, René Descartes, one of the major thinkers of modern times, believed that God created the human mind to that served as a "natural light" that can illuminate all corners of the universe and discover all its laws.

And what modern science says about human capabilities?

"The brain of any man has about a trillion (1 000 000 000 000) cells. Each brain cell (neuron) contains a microprocessor and multicomponent electrochemical transmission system, which, despite its complexity, is able to fit on the tip of the needle.

Since adolescence boys tend to quickly become a "real man" and seek to imitate the adult males in the first place they need to form an image of the real man, is necessary for the culture of our people and society, ie, honest, courageous, responsible, intelligent and strong in all respects defender of the motherland without bad habits and abnormal addictions. How to achieve this?

Instead of the competition on skill games computer games create specialized training games. For example, instead of racing computer games without rules and survival training game on traffic rules and driving skills of different types of vehicles in the same interactive and entertaining fashion as in those games. Instead of computer games in which the characters are trying to kill each other, or tell a friend, you must create a game for the development of adolescent boys as future military service officials and defenders of the Motherland.

It should be based on a specific part of computer clubs (internet cafe) to create specialized training centers for teenagers on computer literacy and programming, as teens have the desire to computers in the classroom and in the school in 45 minutes sessions they cannot catch all the necessary training material. To accomplish this, in

addition to government regulations, it will be necessary entrepreneurial responsibility and the will of the business community, as well as demand from parents.

To implement these solutions to the problem will need to throw all the power (economic, political, and scientific) of our people, to collect the most professional managers, IT professionals, psychologists and teachers! All this will be very very expensive for the state budget. But I think you can save on not very important ways. For example, in the financing of the football team, from the victories which our children smarter, stronger and healthier will not!

I.A. Karimov: "Our next goal is to force the general public, intellectuals, scientists and artists, especially workers spiritual and educational sphere, for new levels of activities aimed at improving and approval of the basic principles of national independence ideology in people's minds".

In circumstances where the amount of accumulated human knowledge is growing and doubling every year, it is necessary from the very first years of teaching the pupils to develop the skills of effective learning and most importantly - self-learning. It is impossible to make a person, a fortiori a child to do anything if he does not want or is not aware for what is to be done. There is only one the kind method to make a man to do anything and is to make it so that he wanted to do it.

Life example. Father explained to her child, who "studied" only when he was forced to learn, that he had to study only for himself and that education is necessary only to himself. After that, the child no longer forced to make do homework, teach poetry, etc. He stubbornly and self-started, and when he could not understand something he asked for help from their parents!

But even more power than the power of the teacher belongs to the parents. First of all, it is in the family, by the meaningfully efforts of parents in early childhood form the basis upon which then teachers will continue to build and develop the child.


This tells us that the education of the younger generation must first be given a lot of attention to their spiritual and moral education. After all, the spiritual and moral healthy generation can protect their homeland and make a huge contribution to its development and prosperity.

Since adolescence boys tend to to quickly become a "real man" and seek to imitate the adult males in the first place they need to form an image of the real man, is necessary for the culture of our people and society, ie, honest, courageous,

responsible, intelligent and strong in all respects defender of the motherland without bad habits and abnormal addictions. How to achieve this?

Instead of the competition on skill games computer games create specialized training games. For example, instead of racing computer games without rules and survival training game on traffic rules and driving skills of different types of vehicles in the same interactive and entertaining fashion as in those games. Instead of computer games in which the characters are trying to kill each other, or tell a friend, you must create a game for the development of adolescent boys as future military service officials and defenders of the Motherland, i.e in the same manner fun to teach them the basics of military service, the skills of defense against potential enemy and the strategic and tactical thinking on the battlefield!


To implement these solutions to the problem will need to throw all the power (economic, political, and scientific) of our people, to collect the most professional managers, IT professionals, psychologists and teachers! All this will be very very expensive for the state budget. But I think you can save on not very important ways. For example, in the financing of the football team, from the victories which our children smarter, stronger and healthier will not!


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