INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY, EFFICIENT PROCESSING OF INFORMATION Текст научной статьи по специальности «СМИ (медиа) и массовые коммуникации»

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УДК 004.67

Saidov S.K. student

Dagestan State University Makhachkala, Republic of Dagestan INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY, EFFICIENT PROCESSING OF


Keyword: information technology, virtual reality, artificial intelligence, robotics, marketing, business.

Today information technologies take the important place in our life. With their help we resolve almost all the issues and tasks. It is difficult to imagine an untouched corner of the world where the informatization leg didn't enter. Information technologies have facilitated to us life so that we even without straining can order food, pay for household services, learn what news at the people who are for thousands of miles from us to develop, be improved, reach big heights in such areas as medicine, astronomy, virtual reality and other.

Why I have written virtual reality when there are a lot more very important areas of activity of the person? Because I consider that virtual reality and all her brothers in a look: the artificial intelligence, robotics and other, can reach just magnificent tops in development, thereby promoting new information revolution that perhaps will even lead to disappearance of mankind! Recently really information technologies develop so quickly that several five-years periods ago we couldn't even present that there will be such information system as, the Internet of things is when physical objects ("things") interact with each other or with the external environment without participation of the person. Or if to look at medicine, then we will see that we the other day have created artificial substitute of heart of the person, the truth lives he only an hour, but the thought about substitutes already bewitches us!

Professor Stephen Hawking, one of the most dear and famous British scientists, has said that efforts on creation of the conceiving cars can lead to the fact that existence of mankind will appear under the threat. All this says that we don't know what will occur already tomorrow and how we will use information technologies. But today we can't tell truth without them. As well as to other areas of activity of the person, informatization densely develops also in business. By means of information technologies it is possible not only to solve daily problems, but also to foresee the future on the platform of business and progress. It also allows heads of the large companies to remain always at the high competitive level. To take for example IT potential in the sphere of marketing.

Perhaps, information systems exert the most provocative impact on the sphere of marketing. The feature of information processes is that the businessman has an opportunity to capture as the bigger number of potential buyers is possible. If several years earlier potential category of clients who would receive data on the enterprise by means of information processes was small, then in the conditions of modern promoting of networks, it is really huge.

"Экономика и социум" №1(44) 2018



Even the simplest process of realization, for example, the announcement of business sale, will be more effective if in addition, it is placed also in information space.

Information technologies in small business are a real opportunity to increase publicity of the production. In particular it concerns the potential of virus advertizing and innovative methods, for example, of interactive.

The international business in many respects relies upon a factor of information technologies in promoting of the production by the abroad. Influence of information technologies on advertizing was prompt and fundamental. First of all exactly thanks to a factor of information technologies, reengineering of the enterprise and restructuring of marketing takes place according to modern requirements. Also the merit of information technologies is that marketing specialists receive much richer base for search of needs of potential clients, their preferences and wishes.

The enterprise which uses information systems for achievement directly fact of management of the choice of the consumer obviously is in advantageous situation. The one who has achieved management of the choice of the buyer has an opportunity to increase sales volume and to raise income. The presentation of innovations of own business directly gives to the consumer by means of information technologies the chance to lighten exclusively positive sides of firm.

List of references:

1. Market economy. In 3 t. — T.2 — "Business bases" in 2 parts. — M.: Somintek, 1992.

2. Introduction to information business: Manual / O.V. Golosov, S.A. Okhrimenko, A.V. Horoshilov, etc.; Under the editorship of V.P. Tikhomirov, A.V. Horoshilov — M.: Finance and statistics, 1996.

3. Information systems in economy: The textbook / Under the editorship of the prof. V.V. Dick. — M.: Finance and statistics, 1996.

'^KOHOMHKa h ^HyMM №1(44) 2018



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