FEATURES OF PR IN INTERNET NETWORK Текст научной статьи по специальности «СМИ (медиа) и массовые коммуникации»

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Аннотация научной статьи по СМИ (медиа) и массовым коммуникациям, автор научной работы — Kobtseva Olga Nikolaevna, Vlasova Christina Vasilyevna, Dzhavadyan Diana Vyacheslavovna

Relevance of the researched problem is caused by the fact that PR on the Internet is the communicative activities on the Internet directed to forming and maintenance of mutual understanding and a cooperation between the subject of PR (Internet representative office, Online project, the separate website) and the network public; and also on ensuring stable bilateral communication and receipt of feedback from target groups of the subject of PR. The purpose of article consists in studying of the theory which will help to come to understanding of correctness of own actions and universal laws of marketing and PR. The leading approach to a research of this problem applies the system approach allowing to consider set of methods and PR technologies on the Internet, the purposes and functions of all elements as components of single system of PR-communications. Article is result of a research of ours, PR on the Internet gains huge popularity every year, and is huge promotion in business as many entrepreneurs first of all begin to advance the company and to acquaint consumers with goods on the Internet. Materials, this article first of all can be useful to the beginning businessmen who develop the business from scratch, and also for people who has wide experience in the sphere of Internet PR.

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Текст научной работы на тему «FEATURES OF PR IN INTERNET NETWORK»

Shadrikov, V. D. (1996).Psychology of activity and abilities of the person. Moscow, NY: Logos.

Sokol'nikov, Y. P. (2000).On trends, prospects and strategy of development of pedagogical science at the present stage. Cheboksary, NY: Cheboksary state pedagogical University named. I.Y. Yakovlev.

Tutolmin, A.V. (2010). The formation and development of creative competence of a future teacher. Glazov, NY: Glazovskiy state pedagogical Institute named. V.G. Korolenko. 150-151.

Vernadsky, V. I. (2012).The Biosphere and Noosphere. Moscow, NY: Ayris-Press.



Relevance of the researched problem is caused by the fact that PR on the Internet is the communicative activities on the Internet directed to forming and maintenance of mutual understanding and a cooperation between the subject of PR (Internet representative office, Online project, the separate website) and the network public; and also on ensuring stable bilateral communication and receipt of feedback from target groups of the subject of PR. The purpose of article consists in studying of the theory which will help to come to understanding of correctness of own actions and universal laws of marketing and PR. The leading approach to a research of this problem applies the system approach allowing to consider set of methods and PR technologies on the Internet, the purposes and functions of all elements as components of single system of PR-communications. Article is result of a research of ours, PR on the Internet gains huge popularity every year, and is huge promotion in business as many entrepreneurs first of all begin to advance the company and to acquaint consumers with goods on the Internet. Materials, this article first of all can be useful to the beginning businessmen who develop the business from scratch, and also for people who has wide experience in the sphere of Internet PR.


Internet, PR-Internet, PR campaign, "Media relations", "Group relations", online advertizing, professional PR, Electronic PR


Christina Vasilyevna Vlasova

Student, Faculty of Management, Kuban State Agricultural University. 13, Kalinina Str., Krasnodar, 350004, Russia. E-mail: vlasova201.vlasowa@yandex.ru

Diana Vyacheslavovna Dzhavadyan

Student, Faculty of Management, Kuban State Agrarian University. 13, Kalinina Str., Krasnodar,

350004, Russia. E-mail: diana_dzhavadyan@mail.ru

Olga Nikolaevna Kobtseva

PhD, Associate Professor of the Public and Municipal Authority, Kuban State Agricultural University. 13, Kalinina Str., Krasnodar, 350004, Russia.


1.1 Relevance

During an era of development of the Internet and social networks, their importance transships all imaginable limits. For 2015 every fourth resident of the Russian Federation uses the Internet.

And today we will in details talk about how to attract visitors with method of carrying out PR campaign on the Internet.

1.2 Theoretical aspect of PR on the Internet

Throughout almost all the activities of public relations relied on a seal. But this orientation promptly changes. From the beginning of the new millennium electronic media can become the main method of informing the population. Among them and the Internet, connecting more than 400 million persons.

Chronology application the Internet in business: (Zakharchenko, 2014)

1) services of e-mail

2) preparation and acceptances of management decisions on the basis of collection of offers and notes from partners and clients and distribution of answers to them.

3) advertizing, is dispatched in e-mail mode

4) teleconferences

since 1994 corporate

Figure 1. Chronology application the Internet in business

Methodological base

2.1 Types of methodologies of PR on the Internet

The PR methodology on the Internet can be divided into mass communication (mass relations), relations with groups (group relations) and the relations with media (media relations), at each of which — the tasks.

For "mass relations" it can be promotion of goods or the website. Promotion of the website became the most vostrebuyemy service when it is necessary to draw attention of target audience to the website and to create on it active community of regular customers of the website (community) which is the immediate business environment of the company, community permanent online which members have access to information and informative materials of the website can get advice, and also actively communicate with each other for the purpose of experience exchange on the field of activity and just for the sake of communication.

"Media relations" are any relations by means of media, interaction with mass media by means of use of opportunities of Network (mailing of press releases, creation on the website of the special section "for the press", writing of invited papers, etc.). (Balakhonskaya, and Bykov,2014 ).Today the majority of newspapers and other media in this or that form are present at Network (for example, kommersant.ru, izvestia.ru, vedomosti.ru). The relations with media, as well as in offline, continue to remain one of the most often used PR-activities elements.

"Group relations" are the relations of interaction on the Internet with the immediate environment of the company (with a target segment of the market), i.e. all those who need receipt of information on the company. (Balakhonskaya, and Bykov, 2014). The company can segment the business environment on certain groups and from each of them to hold events. For example, a set of actions for regular customers can be such: mailing of information on changes in the prices and new services, weekly mailing of a sector statistics, presentations invitation, congratulation on holidays.

2.2 Negative and positive sides of PR on the Internet

From the point of view of specialists in public relations, the Internet network, is the powerful tool for creation of an effective communication structure.

Internet stopped being something from the category of a fantasy. It is used everywhere. Besides, the number of users increases with an enviable permanency. The analysis of advertizing activities shows that the audience attracted by means of competent PR takes the powerful place in lump, so - work with users of Worldwide network shall be carried out surely, it is much cheaper and more productively than other marketing mixes.

Already now there are specialists who are engaged only in online advertizing. Allocation in the isolated group specifies them that these activities are especially demanded now.

Internet PR stopped being an insignificant part of advertizing policy. It turned into the most powerful method of involvement of the interested users which often acts as the dominating method.

It is remarkable that if there is such desire, then it is possible to work with each user individually.

As a rule, the interested audience is divided into groups on some signs (a sex, age, a profession, etc.). Preferences of this or that category are surely considered, as leads to increase in demand.

Pay attention to how the importance of own website quickly increased in activities of the company.

Still quite recently it was an indicator of progressive thinking of a management of the organization, and now - is an integral part of image.

Good resource - a respectability indicator so not to do without it in any way. Any marketing specialist shall consider this fact.

The negative moments - the Internet became mass, but not so qualitatively to cover all categories of citizens of the Russian Federation.

For example, pensioners will hardly purchase here goods as they have absolutely other stereotype of thinking. The most part of users - school students and students. It isn't enough really to advance trademark.

Besides, the result of PR not always meets expectations. A lot of things depend on quality of work of other specialists. For example, mistakes in case of determination of target audience will significantly reduce overall performance.

If this action is really well planned, then it reminds the infinite story about some brand. To prospective clients information moves so that they had a positive impression about object of PR. The narration never bothers as it always bears positive emotions. To reach excellent effect, the set of levers of impact is used.

2.3 PR campaign steps

Correctly and effectively to advertize (to promote) the goods or service on the Internet, it is necessary to know bases, namely PR campaign steps.

PR campaign has the following steps: (Zakharchenko,2014)

• information occasion. Its role can play any significant event connected with activities of the company or a resource on the Internet;

• articles about trademark placed in Worldwide network. The more such materials will appear on the websites, the better;

• blog-attack. It comes down to the room of data on trademark on author's and corporate resources;

• useful services. That it was more clear, visit a resource of some insurance company. You easily there will find the calculator of cost of policies. Such decision will surely attract users. The simplest option is creation and fixed updating of the section with articles or news on a subject;

• information mailing is a possibility of receipt of data by mail. It is very effective tool provided that it is competently applied;

• Internet scandals. They take place not always as the "black" publicity move can negatively affect a general state of affairs;

• interactive communication represents feedbacks, comments, answers to questions, etc. Dialogue with users shall be adjusted very well as it has huge value as a result.

Let's provide it in the scheme.

Figure 2. PR campaign steps

2.4 Professional PR

Any online campaign assumes availability of own website. If it is absent, then the effect will be not such impressive. Such resource will allow to provide the slightest details, it is created especially for some firm, the share, group of goods, etc. For example, it can be oriented only to entrepreneurs. Besides, the analysis of audience is available.

Professional PR includes a number of techniques. Here the most popular:

• work with own website;

• impact on users by means of other resources;

• "virus" advertizing.

Most visually they are reflected in the figure 3

Figure 3. Number of popular techniques of professional PR


3.1 Plan of PR campaign

So, plan of PR campaign. Conditionally all PR campaign from the moment of the decision to carry out it to assessment of results can be divided into 3 consecutive stages: (Zakharchenko,2014)

1. PR campaign development.

2. Carrying out PR campaign.

3. Assessment of effect of PR campaign.

Let's open stages of the plan of PR campaign in more detail.

PR campaign development. At this stage the basis and PR campaigns technology is planned. If you want to promote any goods, then it is necessary: (Balakhonskaya, and Bykov,2014)

A) To determine whom it is expected. If this car equipped with the latest technology, then persons with the income obviously above an average, most likely judges of high technologies in a car, for certain skilled motorists target audience.

B) To allocate its benefits and distinctive features that will distinguish it among others. Perhaps, it will be some essentially new function, or unique design. It is necessary to find that highlight for which it is possible that is called to hook on the viewer. Also you remember one important thing: To sell goods once, good packaging is necessary. But to sell goods the second time, it is necessary that it were the good goods (Silvius Chiz). So the goods, anyway, shall be high-quality and competitive regardless of it how many money you are ready to spend for PR campaign.

The following items are very important in PR campaign, and it is better to entrust them to professionals:

C) To create on the basis of the allocated benefits and features material for PR campaign. It will be a certain basis to which the PR manager especially shall pay attention.

D) To make material convenient for transfer and unique external. What bigger virality material will possess, that finally it will give big efficiency to you.

E) To think over the development plan for PR campaign. Here it is necessary to think over strategy and tactics of development of PR campaign. To determine quantity and quality of resources for placement. To determine optimum labor costs.

E) To make matching of platforms for placement. It is necessary to distribute efforts. Perhaps, some platforms will demand additional support.

G) To prepare platforms under placement. Under preparation the choice of locations in the resources approved for PR is determined. Quantity and quality of participants of PR campaign.


4.1 PR as universal decision

Many believe that online advertizing - not the best decision. They specify a low performance of such PR. It is unlikely it is possible to agree with similar opinion, the Worldwide network constantly broadens the sphere of the influence. Each new day opens more and more ample opportunities therefore application of Internet technologies shall be considered. If to be overzealous, then any advertizing will be persuasive so it is simple to accuse of this online PR there is no sense.

Creative approach - an opportunity to glance in tomorrow

Modern situation such is that new technologies so quickly appear that old don't manage to accustom. For this reason it is necessary to think creatively though many PR-managers prefer not to deviate the settled templates though they are already perceived as frank spam. Search the rating and attention of clients will win those who use nonstandard decisions.

We think that the role of the designer as he is capable to create a cover which will force to linger on the website in the future will strongly increase and to get acquainted with its content.

Besides, if you want to see to it about tomorrow's success already now, refuse cheap advertizing. It is too boring and monotonous. Services of professionals always are more expensive, but it is better to overpay, than to endanger all PR campaign.

PR - really universal decision

Public relations really can be used everywhere as among its benefits are available: (Balakhonskaya, and Bykov,2014)

• democratic cost in case of almost instant return;

• a possibility of work with target audience in case of very democratic censorship. It is possible to afford much more, than usually. Besides, there is an access to statistical data;

• interactivity against the background of steadily growing confidence to Internet sources. It turns out that it is really possible to influence users. It should be noted also the fact that it is possible to adjust the course of an advertizing campaign at any time;

• prospects. The role of online PR becomes more notable;

• advantageous position in relation to many competitors, some don't look at the Internet seriously yet.

In spite of the fact that the Internet market just accustoms, many already managed to win serious line items here. It is caused by the fact that the offline-PR which is applied in other spheres was universal, so - found application and in Worldwide network.

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It doesn't mean that online marketing doesn't need to study, but even the person, remotely familiar with it, will feel quite surely at the beginning. Naturally, further activities are possible only provided that the advertiser will deal with specifics of Internet impact on potential buyers.

The appeal to a multimedia format significantly expands possibilities of PR-managers though often and becomes the quality degradation reason. Information is wrapped too quickly. Not all manage to check it properly. Despite the last feature, always pay attention

to PR, it is similar to a beautiful wrapper. If the stuffing corresponds to it, then the advertiser is steadily waited by success.

4.2 Online advertizing problems

It is necessary to consider also that feature that PR and TITs of the website are capable to disappear in one moment. That it didn't happen, it is necessary to work constantly. Even if advantageous position is lost, it can be returned, but it is better not to bring a situation to such outcome. By the way, even provided that the provision isn't so successful in Google as it it would be desirable, the website is capable to bring in the stable income so all win.

It turns out that it is about integration of traditional advertizing and Internet PR. Practically all classical regularities are characteristic also of Global network.

That the picture turned out complete, we suggest to consider components of this direction of advertizing: (Kobtseva, and Shmakov,2016)

• creation and CEO promotion of a resource;

• work with mailing;

• use of databases, forming of target audience and interaction from media

Figure 4. Advertizing components

If to speak about its problems, then it is worth allocating: (Kobtseva, and Shmakov,2016)

• insufficient development. Some categories of people use the Internet extremely seldom or in general I have a foggy idea of it;

• besides, the average frequenter of Network is more educated also obespechenny than the standard resident of the Russian Federation. It turns out that there is no objective picture, so - the publicity move shall be special. Unfortunately, not all this is considered;

• as a rule, it is not about achievement of result, and about the process. Speaking differently, the client pays not for the first place in search rating, and for promotion. It

is necessary to transfer constantly money, but to be calculated not one-time with the contractor;

• it is necessary to consider also the fact that the thinking of our entrepreneurs differs from the western approach. At them it is necessary to move forward constantly, and at us - to work step by step. And, each course shall change significantly a situation to the best. Other option isn't accepted by domestic businessmen;

• still it is impossible to speak about complete use of opportunities of Internet network. Here it is necessary to open a lot of new so to specialists in PR is what to aim at;

• many advertisers are more engaged in offline, so - badly understand internet marketing.

So modern online PR and its problems looks. It is necessary to make much in order that the situation changed to the best though already now statement about prospects of this direction is an axiom.

4.3 Distinctive features of PR-Internet from other media

In addition to PR - the Internet, there are many other methods and options as it is possible advertize the business, for example, it can be: posters, booklets, stands, banners, leaflets and so on. But nevertheless, in what difference of PR - intrent from other media?

Distinctive features the Internet and its benefits in comparison with other media within goal achievement for public relations: (Zakharchenko,2014)

1. Interactivity, i.e. an opportunity to react immediately to addresses and market changes, a possibility of operational transfer of the staticized information;

2. A communication scope, not limited neither in time, nor in space. The Internet allows to be in touch all the time, going in contact with large audience.

3. Direct contact with audience by means of the websites, e-mail, debatable groups. Possibility of the statistical analysis of behavior of users; breakdowns of clients on groups;

4. Optimum transparency of the market - conditions of competitors can be found out in only a few seconds. On the other hand, if in the real world it is possible not to allow nazoyklivy curiosity at office, on the website all can smotkret. Competitors, investors, journalists and just nedobrokzhelatelny clients — all of them can visit the website of the company or read the messages and articles placed in on-line conferences. On the Internet the company is constantly open for the outside world and therefore everything that takes place online, can skakzatsya on reputation.

5. Accurately certain channels of access;

6. Predisposition of users of Worldwide network to receipt of information promotes more positive perception and high comprehensibility of PR-material.

7. Bilateral communication. A main goal of PR is the vystraikvaniye of bilateral communication between the organization and the public, svyazankny with it, as helps to ustanokvit strong and mutually beneficial relations. In the real world this opportunity is rare as traditional media limits participation of audience, leaving it a role of passive observers. On the Internet bilateral communication becomes possible thanks to the fact that the audience can freely communicate with you and with your business.

8. Profitability. While in the real world of PR from the point of view of finance costs it is more productive, than just than a reklakm, electronic PR is economically even more effective as there are no costs for office supplies and a seal.

Thanks to creation and functioning of numerous computer databanks and connection to them of corporate affairs of commercial structures it is much easier for services public relations to perform special PR-actions, PR campaigns, to come into contacts with target groups and as a result to create positive public opinion.

4.4 Electronic PR

In addition to program, technical PR there is an electronic PR. Let's consider this


Electronic PR consists of three main parts. . (Kobtseva, and Shmakov, 2016)

1. Web PR which includes:

- The interactive websites providing to the user the service FAQ (frequently asked questions) - bystry questions and answers;

- The web conferences which are taking place in various forms: text, audiovisual, visual

- The web presentations representing the interactive catalogs available to networks.

2. Net-PR which includes:

- Electronic mailing of press releases,

- Various chats and forums,

- Virtual organizations in the Internet

3. Online-PR to which carry:

- A possibility of on-line access to offline information (for example, articles from newspapers on the website)

- On-line informing by means of network resources,

- The electronic interactive database available through network. Online-PR allows specialists to deliver corporate information of target audience with guarantee.

The Internet became Wednesday, a competitive environment, became the market in which one offer services, and others consume, the Internet became the intermediary between the seller and the buyer. Each company to aim to take the place in the market, to draw attention of audience to itself including the audience Internet if of course it is provided in global network. The PR-company is also one of means of drawing attention of the people. As Stewart Henderson the Briton spoke: To do business without advertizing -all the same what to wink at girls in complete darkness.


And in the conclusion it would be desirable to tell that importance of development of PR campaign can't be underestimated. In fact, its success in many respects depends on success of development of PR campaign.

After PR campaign development is complete, pass to the main part - directly to carrying out PR campaign.

Carrying out PR campaign represents actually accomplishment of all that is planned at a development stage, namely placement and support of the material PR.

That you can expect from PR campaign:

First, awarenesses of the public on the company;

Secondly, trust to the company;

Thirdly, knowledge of the features of the company distinguishing it from competitors.

Indistinct and in figures them it is difficult to express words.

Assessment of effect of PR as you already guessed a thing individual.

The main thing for participants electronic PR - not to get lost in infinite open spaces of network and to carry out the main tasks of the carried-out PR campaigns:

• forming of positive opinion,

• campaign memorability, her reliable knowledge,

• simplicity of perception of information.


Balakhonskaya, L. V. and Bykov, I. A. (2014) Spetsifik of PR-texts on the Internet: communicative and pragmatical aspect//Scientific bulletin of the Voronezh architectural and construction university. Series: Modern linguistic and metodiko-didactic researches. Page 41-59.

Kobtseva, O. N. and Shmakov, A. V. (2016) Social communications as integral part of company management. Collection: 21st century: fundamental science and technologies Materials VIII of the international scientific and practical conference. N - and. c. "Academic". Page 74-76.

Zakharchenko, N. P. (2014) Features of the PR-kommunikatsii organization on the Internet and assessment of their efficiency. Messenger of the Belgorod university of cooperation, economy and right. Page 239-244

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