INFORMATION INFRASTRUCTURE OF A SOCIETY Текст научной статьи по специальности «СМИ (медиа) и массовые коммуникации»

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Аннотация научной статьи по СМИ (медиа) и массовым коммуникациям, автор научной работы — Ibragimova Z.N.

The article refers to the current problems of the functioning and development of information infrastructure. The idea of this article is to try to consider the information infrastructure of a society as a social institution. How does a social institution in the course of informatization. How does the Internet affect society.

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UDC 336.226.46

Ibragimova Z.N. master student

1 course, faculty of "informatics and information technology"

Technologies Dagestan State University Makhachkala, Russian Federation INFORMATION INFRASTRUCTURE OF A SOCIETY

Abstract: The article refers to the current problems of the functioning and development of information infrastructure. The idea of this article is to try to consider the information infrastructure of a society as a social institution. How does a social institution in the course of informatization. How does the Internet affect society.

Keywords: information infrastructure of society, information development of society, social institution.

The global nature of informatization is determined by the change in social structures and institutions under the influence of the penetration and strengthening of the socially transforming potential of innovative information management formats. Traditionally, the leader of social transformations is the information infrastructure of a society, understood as a system of organizational structures, whose social mission is the development of the information space as the basis for satisfying information needs and providing social communications.

The idea of this article is to try to consider the information infrastructure of society as a social institution, because the fundamental sociological works devoted to this issue provide all the grounds for such an interpretation. In this vein, the organizational aspect receives a different perspective: not just modernization "mergers and acquisitions", legalized raider seizure or liquidation, but ignoring certain functions of the information infrastructure of society as a social institution at the level of various informatization driving forces: from the mass informatization actor to the state as a leading social actor.

Addressing this problem is undoubtedly caused by events related to the fate of the "classical" elements of the information infrastructure of society, which themselves can also be regarded as social institutions. Observing their activity in recent decades often makes G. Spencer recall his concept of dysfunction of a social institution: one cannot but agree that their functions change in the course of informatization, and the changed social needs are not adequately reflected in their structure and functions. But these were always predictable, expected consequences of the information development of society and, first of all, the development of its information infrastructure, the new elements of which correct the dysfunction of the classical elements. But today this is happening outside the "soft" technologies of social management, and through a completely new phenomenon - raiding at the level of social institutions.

The most striking example, the library and the Internet: whatever way we

weren't trying to prove their distinction and sovereignty with the help of a powerful theoretical and methodological tools, it is impossible to ignore things - the Exodus of readers from the library because of the diversity and availability of online resources.

The cautious attitude of libraries to the emergence of new communication formats were observed even at the level of Informatization "how are you feeling", finding an echo in libraries and new media. Nevertheless, numerous discussions about the position of any new element in the information infrastructure of society "rested" in the fundamental law of information and communication for development

- the law of conservation of all forms and information activities, methods and techniques of operating information ever invented by man [6].

It is necessary to note that for the first time in the practice of social development, how informatization sets management tasks and makes demands for diversification of methodology, including information policy as a multivariate tool of public administration in the conditions of informatization [4]. In our works (for example, [1]) we have repeatedly drawn attention to the fact that the theory and practice of managing informatization in Russia ignores the phenomenological complexity and multifactorial nature of this process, the diversity and hierarchy of its actors.

Analysis of the current stage of informatization of society, including the transformation processes of its information infrastructure, increases the heuristic character of the informatization of society put forward in the mentioned study, which determines the diversity, complex hierarchy and differentiation of roles of subjects of management and multi-level management relations, including self-management.


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2. Moiseev N. The Information Society as a Stage of Modern History // Free Thought. - 1996. - № 1. - P.81-83.

3. Mol A. Theory of information and aesthetic perception / A. Mole - M .: Mir, 1966. - 352 p.

4. Nisnevich Yu.A. Information policy as a factor in the democratization of government in Russia: Dis. on the competition uch. step. Dr. Politich. sciences.

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5. Rakitov A.I. Our path to the information society // Theory and practice of social scientific information - Moscow: INION, 1989. - 89 p.

6. Slyadneva N.A. Homo informaticus - man of the informatization era // Scientific-Technical Info. Ser. 1. - 1999. - № 3. - p. 9-13.

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