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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Loginovskiy O.V., Shestakov A.L., Korennaya K.A.

It is shown that the strengthening of the role of strategic management of industrial enterprises and corporations that has taken place in recent years requires the creation of new developments in the field of both improving the strategies for managing manufacturing companies themselves and the formation of appropriate information and analytical support for the mentioned process. The aim of the work was the need to develop an up-to-date information and analytical support for the strategic management of enterprises in the context of global instability in the world and a tough confrontation between Russia and the West. In this regard, the implementation of effective management of industrial enterprises and corporations is becoming an increasingly difficult task, the solution of which depends on an increasing number of factors, not only direct, but also increasingly significant indirect impact. Materials and methods. The study of the origin, formation and development of ideas of strategic management of industrial enterprises and organizations showed that the implementation of operational and strategic management of enterprises cannot be carried out, as was done in the very recent past, based on the experience of managers and simple unambiguous schemes development of management decisions. Based on the analysis of the development of scientific ideas, foreign and domestic approaches and conceptual provisions for the strategic and operational management of industrial companies and corporations, a set of scientific provisions for the formation of information and analytical support for the development of the strategy of Russian companies, based on the results of practical experience and scientific developments of the authors. Results. The proposed set of scientific provisions for the development of information and analytical support for the strategic management of enterprises in the context of global instability enables the leaders of these enterprises to increase the validity and effectiveness of their activities. Conclusion. Because foreign and domestic experience in managing enterprises and organizations, scientific research on the strategic and tactical management of companies of the past years, by now, has ceased to make it possible to effectively manage the development of companies. The complex of scientific provisions presented in the article and the algorithm of strategic management of industrial enterprises and corporations is a necessary element for improving the quality of strategic management of manufacturing companies in today's extremely tense and unstable conditions for doing business and business in our country.

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Original article

DOI: 10.14529/ctcr220210


O.V. Loginovskiy1, loginovskiiov@susu.ru A.L. Shestakov1, a.l.shestakov@susu.ru K.A. Korennaya2, kkris221@mail.ru

South Ural State University, Chelyabinsk, Russia 2 Kuznetsk Ferroalloys, Novokuznetsk, Russia

Abstract. It is shown that the strengthening of the role of strategic management of industrial enterprises and corporations that has taken place in recent years requires the creation of new developments in the field of both improving the strategies for managing manufacturing companies themselves and the formation of appropriate information and analytical support for the mentioned process. The aim of the work was the need to develop an up-to-date information and analytical support for the strategic management of enterprises in the context of global instability in the world and a tough confrontation between Russia and the West. In this regard, the implementation of effective management of industrial enterprises and corporations is becoming an increasingly difficult task, the solution of which depends on an increasing number of factors, not only direct, but also increasingly significant indirect impact. Materials and methods. The study of the origin, formation and development of ideas of strategic management of industrial enterprises and organizations showed that the implementation of operational and strategic management of enterprises cannot be carried out, as was done in the very recent past, based on the experience of managers and simple unambiguous schemes development of management decisions. Based on the analysis of the development of scientific ideas, foreign and domestic approaches and conceptual provisions for the strategic and operational management of industrial companies and corporations, a set of scientific provisions for the formation of information and analytical support for the development of the strategy of Russian companies, based on the results of practical experience and scientific developments of the authors. Results. The proposed set of scientific provisions for the development of information and analytical support for the strategic management of enterprises in the context of global instability enables the leaders of these enterprises to increase the validity and effectiveness of their activities. Conclusion. Because foreign and domestic experience in managing enterprises and organizations, scientific research on the strategic and tactical management of companies of the past years, by now, has ceased to make it possible to effectively manage the development of companies. The complex of scientific provisions presented in the article and the algorithm of strategic management of industrial enterprises and corporations is a necessary element for improving the quality of strategic management of manufacturing companies in today's extremely tense and unstable conditions for doing business and business in our country.

Keywords: production corporation, strategic management, operational management, political and economic instability, information system

For citation: Loginovskiy O.V., Shestakov A.L., Korennaya K.A. Information and analytical support of strategic management of enterprises in global instability conditions. Bulletin of the South Ural State University. Ser. Computer Technologies, Automatic Control, Radio Electronics. 2022;22(2):107-121. DOI: 10.14529/ctcr220210

© Логиновский О.В., Шестаков А.Л., Коренная К.А., 2022

Научная статья УДК 658.5

DOI: 10.14529/ctcr220210


О.В. Логиновский1, loginovskiiov@susu.ru А.Л. Шестаков1, a.l.shestakov@susu.ru К.А. Коренная2, kkris221@mail.ru

Южно-Уральский государственный университет, Челябинск, Россия 2 Кузнецкие ферросплавы, Новокузнецк, Россия

Аннотация. Показано что происходящее в последние годы усиление роли стратегического управления промышленными предприятиями и корпорациями требует создания новых разработок в области как совершенствования самих стратегий управления производственными компаниями, так и формирования соответствующего информационно-аналитического обеспечения упомянутого процесса. Целью работы явилась необходимость разработки актуального информационно-аналитического обеспечения стратегического управления предприятиями в условиях глобальной нестабильности в мире и жесткого противостояния России со странами Запада. В этой связи осуществление эффективного управления промышленными предприятиями и корпорациями становится все более сложной задачей, решение которой зависит от все большего количества факторов не только прямого, а все более значимого косвенного воздействия. Материалы и методы. Изучение вопросов зарождения, формирования и развития идей стратегического управления промышленными предприятиями и организациями показало, что осуществление оперативного и стратегического управления предприятиями нельзя проводить, как это делалось еще в совсем недавнем прошлом на основе имеющегося у руководителей опыта и простых однозначных схем выработки управленческих решений. На основе анализа развития научных идей, зарубежных и отечественных подходов и концептуальных положений по стратегическому и оперативному управлению промышленными компаниями и корпорациями предложен комплекс научных положений по формированию информационно-аналитического обеспечения развития стратегии российских компаний, базирующийся на результатах практического опыта и научных разработок авторов. Результаты. Предложенный комплекс научных положений по разработке информационно-аналитического обеспечения стратегического управления предприятиями в условиях глобальной нестабильности дает возможность руководителям этих предприятий повысить обоснованность и эффективность своей деятельности. Заключение. В связи с тем, что зарубежный и отечественный опыт управления предприятиями и организациями, научные исследования по стратегическому и тактическому управлению компаниями прошлых лет к настоящему времени перестали давать возможность эффективно управлять развитием компаний, представленный в статье комплекс научных положений и алгоритм стратегического управления промышленными предприятиями и корпорациями является совершенно необходимым элементом повышения качества стратегического управления производственными компаниями в современных крайне напряженных и нестабильных условиях ведения хозяйственной деятельности и бизнеса в нашей стране.

Ключевые слова: производственная корпорация, стратегическое управление, оперативное управление, политическая и экономическая нестабильность, информационная система

Для цитирования: Loginovskiy O.V., Shestakov A.L., Korennaya K.A. Information and analytical support of stratégie management of enterprises in global instability conditions // Вестник ЮУрГУ. Серия «Компьютерные технологии, управление, радиоэлектроника». 2022. Т. 22, № 2. С. 107-121. DOI: 10.14529/ctcr220210


The theory and practice of management in production companies and corporations show that for many years now the prevailing trend in the development of ideas and innovations in this field has been the consolidation of the role of strategic planning, actually from the zero point in the period of evolving capitalistic relations and through the prevailing positions in the modern era. However, the task on effi-

ciently performing both strategic and operational management in production companies and corporations is becoming more and more complicated since the conditions, in which modern industrial enterprises and corporations of various fields of activity are working, are characterized with surging uncertainty.

The military-and-political, social and economical situations in the world are extremely tense. The controlled chaos, local and hybrid wars, inter-ethnic and interreligious conflicts in different regions around the world, organized by the United States of America and supported by their NATO allies, have resulted in utter instability and created significant migration flows of refugees, as well as intensified social antagonism between different population groups, what entailed a whole number of other negative factors accompanying such actions. All of the that, over the recent years, has been contributing to the escalation of tension in the world, and the aggravation of contradictions between the major superpowers in their civilizational competition for the dominating influence in the international arena, for the possession or control over the strategic territories, oil reserves and other natural resources, and so on.

As a consequence, the conditions of efficient functioning and prospective development have become quite complicated for industrial enterprises and corporations. For Russian production companies and corporations, the situation gets aggravated also due to the fact that the U.S.-led western nations have imposed different sanctions on Russia aiming at creating various obstacles for Russian companies striving to enter foreign markets and signing long-term contracts on supplying goods produced for foreign consumers. As a result, the task on ensuring efficient activity of Russian companies has become more complicated as compared to that of their foreign competitors. This especially concerns the issues of strategic character, forming of medium-term and long-term development strategies for production companies and corporations, and their ability to survive in the context of the surging uncertainty.

Thus, the problems on strategic and tactical management at industrial enterprises in the modern conditions are becoming especially relevant; and the importance of scientific and methodological substantiation of this relevance is becoming extremely necessary in order to ensure the competitiveness of the Russian business. This article is devoted namely to the issues of such substantiation, as well as of forming modern management strategy for industrial enterprises and corporations functioning in the context of global instability.

1. Developing the ideas on strategic management in production companies and corporations

The issues on emerging, forming and development of the ideas on strategic management in industrial enterprises and organizations hold an important place in the scientific literature. This is explained by the fact that without the understanding of situations, factors and peculiarities of their occurrence and evolving, it is quite difficult to make sense of the trends of such dynamics, as well as of the already dated or still relevant approaches, concepts and technologies of managing the organization systems, including production enterprises and corporations, regardless of their fields of activity.

In this context, one should acknowledge that the methods and algorithms of strategic management aiming at improving the efficiency of operation of enterprises and organizations, as well as the quality of preparing the decision-making are the key ones among the complex of various measures and tasks on forming the goal-oriented activity of industrial enterprises, companies and firms, and the like, with regard to the evolution of the managerial approaches, starting from the school of scientific management, administrative school, schools of human relationships, behavioral sciences, quantitative analysis, and also the process-, system-, and situation-based approaches to management [10, 17, 26, 33, 41], and ending with various modern approaches and concepts [1-4, 6-8, 12, 16, 22, 23, 25, 28, 30, 32, 34, 35, 37, 40, 42-44].

The development of the directions of the western management is described significantly more comprehensively in scientific literature than that of the Russian ones. Nevertheless, the origination of scientific management (scientific labor organization) in Russia dates back to the very beginning of the 20th century [17]. After coming to power of Bolshevicks in the Soviet Russia, the new leaders of the country had to think over how to manage the work of industrial enterprises and organizations to meet the interests of a state of dictatorship of the proletariat. Thus, the Russian history of scientific management belongs already to this epoch. Back then, the Soviet government established several institutes of scientific labor organization, which started actively developing different directions of scientific management [17]. And since in those times industrial enterprises already became a state property, the main ideas and

developments on managing those were being formed as part of the centralized planning and management for various fields of industry, as well as improving the efficiency of manual labor, its standardization, etc. However, generally speaking, no smooth or profoundly substantiated concepts on improving the efficiency of strategic management at certain enterprises were created in that epoch. And the functions of strategic management of the country's enterprises at the industries level were being fulfilled by the Planning Bureau, as well as certain ministries. By the period of the decline of socialism in the USSR, the country's government included already about a hundred ministries, meanwhile those comprised several metallurgy ministries, several mechanical engineering industries, and so on, with regard to different sector groups. As a result, the authorities in our country began seriously speaking about the strategic management for certain industrial enterprises only after the restoration of capitalism in Russia, that is, starting from the 1990s.

And since the new Russia was influenced by the West in those years, the developments of the Russian scientists in the field of scientific management (including the strategic management at industrial enterprises and organizations) mostly repeated the scientific ideas and approaches of the well-known western schools and their most prominent representatives.

Let us give a number of most famous works by the Russian scientists and specialists in the field of strategic management of industrial enterprises, which are mostly based on the approaches and concepts of the western strategic management [3, 9, 35, 43]. We should also mention several more up-to-date Russian works on strategic management of industrial enterprises at the industries level: [5, 6, 14]. A significant contribution to the development of organizational management was made through the works by the scientists of V.A. Trapeznikov Institute of Control Sciences of Russian Academy of Sciences [7, 8, 34]. For a number of years, the authors of this book were also studying the issues of managing (including the strategic managing) of production companies and corporations [18, 20-22, 24, 27-29, 31].

In the recent years (starting from the world economic crisis of 2008), many heads of Russian businesses have come to fully realize that the organization of a system of strategic planning and management is a vital necessity for industrial enterprises and corporations. The external environment, and the whole production-and-economic infrastructure of the society together with it, started changing even faster than before. In this context, even the best specialists on operational management at enterprises are not able to ensure the prospective development of those. Therefore, the Russian scientific basis of strategic management is in need of reinterpretation and further development.

As we have mentioned earlier, the western theoretical developments in the field of strategic and tactical management, same as the Russian ones, date back to the beginning of the past century, in the course of which they were being developed and amended. The names of the western predecessors and founders of scientific management are widely known: Robert Owen, Charles Babbage, Andrew Ure, Frederick Taylor, Mary Parker Follett, Elton Mayo, Henri Fayol, Henry Gantt, Frank and Lillian Gilbreth they were the first ones to point out the necessity of performing analytical preparation of any production operation, staff selection and training, resource support of works, as well as material incentives for the employees for better labor efficiency. Their contribution into the theory and practice of management, along with that by other classical authors, is described in details in [10, 23, 26]. The huge influence on the development of the management theory was made by Norbert Wiener, who wrote a well-known book on Cybernetics: Or Control and Communication in the Animal and the Machine in 1948, as well as by C. Shannon and R. Ashby.

Among the outstanding theoreticians of the western management we must mention D. Aaker, R. Ackoff, I. Ansoff, S. Beer, T. Peters, P. Drucker, M. Porter, J. Womack, P. Gaughan, R. Johnson, R. Koch, H. Mintzberg, W. Rice-Johnston, P. Senge, A.-W. Scheer, J. Sheldrake, and others [1, 2, 4, 10, 11, 13, 15, 23, 30, 32, 33, 35, 36, 38, 39, 41, 42, 44, 45].

We should note that the trends on using this or that idea, approach, concept and other theoretical developments on tactical and strategic management in the field of managing enterprises and corporations were constantly changing depending on the emerging of those approaches and concepts. The rise of every new school and approach to management, much as of other conceptual developments of similar kind, was being widely advertised in the western scientific literature, and the consulting firms with this regard were attracting lots of new clients and were making good money on them.

It is important to understand that the development of the theory of management was happening over the span of quite a long period of time, that is why the scientific ideas, provisions and results obtained

by those, who participated in this process and made their contribution to modern theoretical legacy of the management science, should be appreciated and assessed with consideration to the historical peculiarities, conditions of doing business in the time when they were formulated, as well as the goals and tasks, which this or that management theoretician or practice expert was setting before him-/herself.

Among the ideas on modern strategic management that are still relevant are the elaborations by R. Ackoff on the methods of interactive planning of the development of a corporation's future; by Christopher Bartlett and Sumantra Ghoshal on the meaning of transnational corporations and international companies, their structure and management peculiarities, development strategies, and more; by Raymond Miles and Charles Snow on pointing out the main aspects of a company's strategic development: the entrepreneurial, technical (engineering) and managerial (administrative) aspects, which in combination form an adaptive cycle, as well as on the interrelation between a company's structure, management process and development strategy. As to the ideas on improving the management efficiency in companies, we may mention those by J. Grayson and C. O'Dell, which demonstrate the importance of such factors as: flexibility in management, occupation of new markets, using all the possibilities to receive orders, new forms of labor control and organization, requirements to quality, and abrupt changing of the structure of production expenses. These people proved that it is necessary to make modern production more efficient by means of reducing the staff while attracting employees with higher qualifications; improving labor efficiency through monetary incentives; optimizing the vertical structure of management through using brigade forms of work and orienting the supply and assortment of products at the consumers' needs; minimizing the reserves of raw materials, etc.

As compared to the western corporate practices, the experience of Japanese companies is of interest. It is described, for example, by Masaaki Imai in his book on Kaizen: The Key to Japan's Competitive Success [32]. In terms of this experience, the systems of relations between an individual and an organization are normally characterized, which form five "great systems":

1) system of lifetime employment (usually, this is not a legal system of obligations, but rather an a priori agreement, which an organization voluntarily and unilaterally assumes, and what is a first step to making an employer more devoted to the company);

2) system of workplace training (usually, the obtained education is never enough for efficient working, and the Japanese pay special attention to it; the continuous training becomes some sort of a part of the technological process);

3) system of rotation (transfer to a different subdivision is taken as something new in the employer's life; rotation broadens the mind, allows to get a grasp of the related productions and processes, build new connections, solve some conflict issues, and cultivate the process-wise thinking);

4) system of merits (attestation ruins a business, but getting hold of the information on what the employee's colleagues think about him/her helps him/her better understand his/her drawbacks and strengthen his/her merits);

5) system of bonuses (length of service is an important moment for the labor remuneration; the participative management or bonus, related to the successes and failures of the whole firm and the team, in which the employee works, allows to make him/her part of the family - the company).

Moreover, the collective mechanisms of decision-making and other similar measures are used. Ultimately, an integral mechanism of improvements to companies called "Kaizen" is generated, which is formed in the course of their many years of evolution.

In Japanese companies, each employee can contribute suggestions aimed at various improvements to work. This is a way to encourage creativity, which is the main essence of "Kaizen".

Thus, the emerging of "Kaizen" (1980-1990) replaced the epoch of expanding markets, constantly growing demand, possibility of using cheap resources and work force. Instead of increasing the sales volume, companies started using the methods and technologies of improving the quality of goods, increasing the assortment of the manufactured products, and more. With this regard, "Kaizen" is some kind of a system of improving the production efficiency and quality control.

Studies foreign developments in the field of strategic management show that currently the most widely spread and tested methods of analyzing an enterprise's strategic status include:

• SWOT analysis, STEP analysis (analysis of the macro-environment spheres: social, technical, economical, and political spheres);

• analysis of the "field of forces", as per I. Ansoff;

• marking out of competitive forces, as per Porter;

• comparing the growth ratios and the market share - BCG matrix;

• evolution analysis method - Hofer/Schendel model;

• analysis of sector attractiveness - Shell/DPM model;

• comparing the attractiveness of the market and competitiveness - GE/McKinsey model.

The Western specialists in the field of production management are actively promoting the mentioned developments in the process of rendering consulting services to industrial enterprises and corporations. However, where these managerial technologies might help achieve positive results at foreign production companies, they are often of little efficiency when it comes to Russian industrial enterprises [18-20, 22, 28, 29]. Moreover, the theoretical and methodological substantiations for the majority of the developments in the field of the western production consulting, and different concepts and recommendations on developing of companies and corporations, unfortunately, feature only in a verbal presentation in foreign scientific literature. Essentially, all of those have always been and still are nothing but trivial advices for various managerial links within a company. Therefore, the mentioned developments do not include all the technical, informational, and often organizational-and-methodological aspects of improving the efficiency of the activities of industrial enterprises and corporations.

All of the above leads us to a quite obvious conclusion: it is unlikely that the use of the theoretical provisions and developments in the field of production management, widely covered in foreign scientific literature, allows for positive results by ensuring the improved management efficiency even at foreign companies. For modern Russian industrial enterprises, the western theoretical developments on strategic and tactical management (as well as Russian analogues repeating their ideas) prove to be even less productive.

In this context, the main shareholders and heads of Russian industrial enterprises and corporations should realize that in the business conditions of our country they should not expect significant economic effect in management from using different concepts and methods of foreign management, such as the "new corporate strategy" by I. Ansoff, "lean manufacturing" by J.P. Womack [45], "balanced system of indicators" by M. Brown, or R. Kaplan, D. Norton [15], "7 laws of Chrysler" by R. Lutz [30], "six sigmas" by P. Pande, L. Holpp [36], "McKinsey method" by Ethan M. Rasiel [37], "fifth discipline" by P. Senge [39], as well as Kaizen: The Key to Japan's Competitive Success by Masaaki Imai [32].

We should once again stress that the peculiarities of functioning of industrial enterprises and organizations in Russia are quite specific and fundamentally differ from the existing western practices. We have a different mentality, and our criteria of success in production, economic and financial activity are not like those in the West and they far from always coincide with foreign ideas on the methods and means of reaching the goal in a competition, technical re-equipment of productions, information support of a business, remunerations and incentives for the personnel labor, etc.

The difference from the western practice of managing the activities of industrial enterprises and corporations is that, as of today, to manage production companies in our country, we may use not one, but several organizational-and-economy ideologies (and sometimes a symbiosis of the two) given below. Among those, the classical ideology of doing business as per the Western model clearly stands out. Many Russian production companies and event major holdings have formed their management systems in full agreement with the classical recommendations of the western management. It is a different matter, that this does not always produce good results. An ideology that is still practiced by some Russian industrial enterprises (which may be characterized as authoritarian) implies the preservation of the principles and methods of the Soviet-era command and administration system in the system of an enterprise management (such a system still survives at some industrial enterprises, which did not perform serious production modernization, and are using outdated logistics and other methods of administration originating from the USSR of second half of the past century).

Nevertheless, the using of authoritarian approaches, methods of administration, means and methods of doing business at certain industrial enterprises allows to ensure relative stability of their operation. This becomes possible due to the following logic of the administration activity. In the cases when an authoritarian organizational-and-economy ideology is adopted for managing of an industrial enterprise, the efficient company management should not be performed by several leaders, even if they are vested with approximately equal authority. If orders are given by different management centers, they might contradict each other, and lead to misunderstanding and confusion. Within the authoritarian mana-

gement system, an industrial enterprise can have only one leader - a top manager who should hold the authority to make decisions on any issue of the company management at his/her sole discretion, and without any procedures on obtaining approval with this or that collegial body (board of directors, etc.), even if the enterprise's management structure features one. In case of an authoritarian management leaders of industrial enterprises have no need for any so-called "teams of fellow-thinkers".

The "teams of fellow-thinkers", heading enterprises and corporations, along with collegial bodies, might indeed be useful for managing western companies and corporations, but essentially are of no use for Russian production companies (even if these are managed as per the Western-model classical ideology of doing business), since those do not facilitate the elaboration of managerial decisions but rather hinder the formation of the latter.

If on the West, a team is a group of people working to improve a company's operation, in many other corporations (including Russian ones) such a "team" is nothing but a group of individuals, striving for personal gain at the expense of an enterprise and basically facilitating its collapse and bankruptcy. After all, the "team" members far from always pursue interests of the company as a whole, for the most part they are guided by their own interests and personal profit. "Teams" may be useful only in such organizational structures as, for instance, political parties, election campaign headquarters, and the like, which are created in the process of preparing to different kinds of elections. In these cases, those allow to produce new moves, means and a system of steps in the course of election campaigns.

Heads of industrial enterprises and corporations in the context of modern conditions in Russia should be fulfilling the following with regards to the management process:

• fixing all the strings of strategic and operational management of a company on him-/herself, its top leader should be in possession of complete and quality information on all the processes happening there. Meanwhile, s/he should be absolutely sure that no information is kept back by this or that subordinate employee. For all the cases of withholding the information on the business status at the subdivisions, the heads of these subdivisions should be subject to severe punishment, up to and including termination of employment. In this context, an enterprise should create such a procedure of providing data to the company leaders which would make it totally unacceptable to corrupt information on the current state of affairs. Without regular inspections, a company leader should not blindly believe the data being reported to him/her by the heads of the enterprise productions on an on-going, and especially, on an emergency basis;

• company's striving to achieve good results in strategic and tactical management is, first and foremost, related to ensuring total control, which the top leader should have over the financial flows, resources, documents, information databases, stock reserves, sales system, external relations, and more. This control should be in the hands of namely the company's top manager, and not in those of any of his/her deputies or other highly placed officials in the company's structure, since the "blurring" of the management, and consequently, of the responsibility, can significantly decrease the resulting quality of administration.

Thus, the authoritarian management system in a company is structured in such a way that only its head or top manager could made decisions at his/her sole discretion. And namely this person bears the responsibility for everything that is happening at the enterprise, while the management structure should be maximally convenient to ensure sole leadership.

It is worth reminding that the modern literature, touching upon the methodological aspects of managing enterprises and organizations, features a thesis stating that in the structure of a company, the functions of its departments, production subdivisions and other offices should not overlap or duplicate each other. However, the analysis of management practices at industrial enterprises in many cases shows a different thing - it is no good when the functions of an industrial enterprise's deputy heads, supervisors of workshops and other subdivisions do not overlap in any way at all. It is not only impossible, but is impractical as well. Otherwise, the company's top manager will be receiving information from all the subdivisions which is difficult to consolidate, and will not be able to see the true state of affairs at the enterprise, but what is more important, s/he will not be able to get a quality information grasp of the situation based on which s/he must make managerial decisions [22, 25, 29].

Company managers should also be realizing that in real practice there are extremely few enterprises at which the heads of line units, along with the majority of supervisors over the main and auxiliary productions, are not interested in stagnation of the procedures and rules at the workplaces and look forward

to changes in the company, its modernization and so on, feeling wary the new procedures might be more severe than the old ones, and their positions will go downhill. For quite many enterprises it is characteristic that the production workers fight for excessive norms of consumption of materials, electric energy, etc.

Today, the use of either classical, or authoritarian ideology of doing business does not allow production companies to ensure solving of the new tasks set before our country's industry with regard to creating breakthrough technologies within the frameworks of the new industrial revolution in Russia. As the most adequate to the modern conditions of doing business in our country, one may suggest a modernized organizational-and-economy ideology of managing enterprises and corporations. It orients a company's collective towards taking into consideration the influence of global social-and-economical processes, the forming international business environment and market dynamics, and the specifics and peculiarities of doing business in Russia [22].

2. Forming the strategy and tactics of managing production companies

and corporations in modern conditions

When forming the strategy of their prospective development, as well as the tactics of achieving that and the operational management of company activity, certain industrial enterprises, big production corporations or holdings are naturally guided by the experience they have gained over the years of reforms in Russia. However, the conditions of doing business, which have changed in the several recent years, in a certain way cancel out this experience, possibly making it not quite suitable for development of such strategies (as well as of algorithms of managing current activity of industrial enterprises) in the currently unfolding uncertainty situations, both with regard to the issues of making forecasts on market development, competitors' behavior, etc., and to determining the complex of steps on company activity planning and management.

Given below are the relevant ideas and algorithms on strategic and operational management of company activity, elaborated based on many-years' scientific research by authors, and on practices of managing big industrial enterprises, which can help their main shareholders and heads organize efficient company operation.

In modern, very complicated, conditions of doing business, the successful management of the activities of industrial enterprises and corporations should be based on the fact that their heads are realizing that today they must not consider the managerial algorithms within any production structure apart from one another, that is, for this or that field of company activity. It is possible to ensure the efficient management at industrial enterprises and corporations provided the managerial, information, production, fi-nancial-and-economic, and all other technologies, including logistics, marketing research, etc. are only considered as interrelated and from the point of view of achieving the goals set before companies and the criteria of efficiency of reaching those. Only with such approach it becomes possible to ensure well-balanced company development, based on creating relevant advantages while fighting against competitors.

It is worth noting that, currently, the horizon of strategic planning for industrial enterprises has shrunk to very short time periods. In this context, industrial enterprises need to use such local management models, which would allow to achieve most acceptable results in the practical preparation to forming of managerial decisions.

It would be reasonable to form the strategy of managing big Russian industrial enterprises and production corporations, which are functioning in the context of growing international political, economical and financial instability and different sanctions, in the following way:

1. In compliance with the wishes of the main shareholders of a company, the strategic priorities, goals and tasks of its development are determined. In the course of this work, the main shareholders of the company along with its leadership come up with their vision of the company's future (if necessary, it is possible to differentiate the short-term, medium-term and long-term prospects). Meanwhile, it is important to represent the complex of different changes at all the company departments, workshops, warehouses, transport and other infrastructure elements, and in all the fields of activity. This work results in dynamic development of the logistics of the industrial enterprise, modernization of the technology park of the main and auxiliary productions, application of new industrial technologies (within the current and future technological setup), as well as improvement of the existing one or creation of a new integrated information-and-analytical system of preparation to making managerial decisions at the enterprise. There should be a place for changes related to the quality of the manufactured products, using of

the available resources of raw materials, as well as the sales markets' dynamics, etc. Thus, the basic foundation is formed for the managerial paradigm of the industrial enterprise's development.

2. In the process of work on creating an integral managerial paradigm of the company development it is also necessary to perform the analysis of the customary operational, tactical and strategic approaches, methods and models of company management, and reveal the bottlenecks decreasing the efficiency of operation in various fields. Based on this, new methods, models and technologies are created, which allow to improve the managerial algorithms and formulate relevant tasks on improving the system of support for making decisions on managing different fields of activity and company subdivisions. Within the frameworks of the chosen ideology of doing business, all of that should facilitate the growth of the operation efficiency at industrial enterprises and corporations.

The strategies of developing of an industrial enterprise or corporation can be formed based on several scenarios. The criteria of choosing the most acceptable scenario of company development may include the following ones:

• possibility of the best use of a company's competitive advantages;

• availability of a staff of most qualified specialists for successful strategy fulfillment;

• availability of all types of resources within the scenario under consideration;

• minimization of capital investments and expenses on developing the enterprise's material base, etc.

Thus, the choice the company development strategy should be based on the comparison of the tech-

nical-and-economical substantiations for the elaborated scenarios.

In the process of working out the development strategy for an industrial enterprise or organization it is possible to use the advanced innovations in the field of organizational management by V.A. Trapez-nikov Institute of Control Sciences of Russian Academy of Sciences [7, 8, 34]. Among the most efficient developments on operational and strategic management at industrial enterprises and corporations, which give significant practical results, it would be reasonable to use the methodologies of operational and strategic management for industrial companies, which have proven their practical value, and which were created by the authors of this monography [18, 21, 22, 25, 28, 29, 31].

Within the mentioned methodologies, it is possible to use a number of the following mathematical models:

• integral assessment of the activity of an industrial enterprise [22, 29];

• managing the material resources of the industrial enterprise, while supporting its economical and ecological priorities [27, 29];

• optimization of cargo delivery from the manufacturers of raw materials [28, 29];

• development of the industrial enterprise on new territories [28, 29];

• improving the efficiency of managing the human resources at enterprises through perfecting the systems of labor remunerations and incentives for workers [28, 29];

• forming the production plan of goods manufacture [29];

• planning the preventive maintenance of the main production assets of the industrial enterprise [29], etc.

It would be reasonable to perform the process of current or operational management at an industrial enterprise using the model developed by the authors as part of the forecast-adaptive approach, the detailed description of which is given in [18, 19, 22, 29, 31].

3. To successfully fulfill paragraphs 1 and 2, the company structure should be brought into compliance with the changed conditions of doing business, and if necessary, it should undergo reformation. The structure that is being formed must, in the best way possible, meet the requirements of efficient enterprise management within the whole vertical administration. In such a structure, all the excessive managerial links must be eliminated, so that any orders and commands given by the leadership could reach the end executors (without unnecessary intermediaries) as quickly as possible. Meanwhile, the main managerial functions of the company's structural subdivisions must organizationally ensure the fulfillment of the enterprise's priority goals and tasks. Then again, reducing the excessive managerial links in the enterprise's management structure provides for additional saving on the financial resources.

As the research studies by the authors have shown, the structural scheme of management at an industrial enterprise should not be built on the basis of linear or divisional approaches. The matrix-divisional structure schemes are also inefficient for this purpose. In [25] a profound consideration is

given to the advantages and disadvantages of different schemes of management at enterprises and corporations.

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4. The company's main shareholders and leadership should timely analyze the operation indicators for the enterprise as a whole, and for all of its subdivisions.

In the process of analyzing the enterprise's production-and-economy activity indicators it is very important to reveal their compliance or non-compliance with the current trend of the company's development. If the mentioned dynamics of the technical-and-economical indicators of the enterprise's development does not comply with the intentions and plans of the main shareholders and leadership, it would be necessary to correct the whole set of the relevant strategic imperatives of the enterprise's development. Such correction will allow to steer towards the positive dynamics of the technical-and-economical indicators of the company's development, long-term.

In this context, the development of the system of logistics, project management, as well as the assessment of the adequacy of the production and all other technologies used at the enterprise must comply with all the modern competition requirements and the necessity to transit to new technology setups. All of that should be fulfilled in a coordinated fashion, and on the basis of a complex technical-and-economical substantiation. Meanwhile, it is necessary to be taking into account the fact that the process of technical upgrade at industrial enterprises is a cost-demanding measure. The main shareholders and leadership of industrial enterprises must be absolutely sure that the transition to a new technology setup will be beneficial for the enterprise, and that customers will prefer more quality products (but at a higher price) to usual (but cheaper) products.

Creation of new projects of this kind should be guided by the assessment of the capacities available at the enterprise, its technological equipment, etc.

In the context of decline of productions around the world and the proprietors' lacking significant financial resources for the transition of enterprises to state-of-the-art industrial technologies, or in case a company's main shareholders are confident that the transit to such technologies will allow to achieve good results and undeniable advantages to fight competitors, it would be reasonable to make decision on taking time to wait before making such a transition, so that it could be performed only provided it is economically feasible and the risks are acceptable. The project management at the enterprise can be successfully fulfilled using modern methodologies, for instance such as those represented in [29].

5. The leader (top manager) of the industrial enterprise or corporation must suggest to and mandato-rily obtain approval from its main shareholders for the system of preparing and making basic managerial decisions on the development of the company, as well as of the operational management of its function-ning. Such work cannot be performed efficiently without a developed information-and-analytical system supporting the making of managerial decisions, which is part of the integrated information-computing system of the industrial enterprise or corporation. Meanwhile, the mathematical models and methods, used in the process of analyzing different indicators of the company activity and for other computations, must comply with the requirements of the analysts and other persons making managerial decisions at all the stages of preparation of these decisions. Therefore, the applicability of this or that model or method must be agreed upon with the persons making decisions.

Since any modern industrial enterprise or corporation today features a more or less developed set of information systems of various designation (accounting, economic, process automation, production management, warehousing facilities, stock reserves, and the like), which can function locally or within the integrated information-computing system of the company, it is crucial that the resulting indicators of functioning of these systems do not contradict each other and can be interconnected into a unified integral complex for managing the company activity. And the impossibility for the leadership of the company to receive non-contradictory information from its subdivisions, where such systems are installed, in many ways cancels out the use from operating those.

Heads of companies may face especially serious difficulties when elaborating their managerial decisions in case foreign ERPs and other information systems are used at an enterprise, since often those lack computation, analytical and other modules (for instance, modules of the flow of materials, semifinished products and goods within the production workshops) required for the company's leadership. In such cases the enterprise has to order such modules, which are being created by Russian IT developers.

As a result, the elaboration of an efficient system of preparing the decision making in a company should be performed in coordination with the development of the enterprise's information-computing

infrastructure, creation of new or modernization of the available automated control systems, process control systems, computer-aided design systems, analytical and expert information systems, etc.

If a company does not create a modern information-computing infrastructure, which will be based on an automated system controlling all the enterprise's fields of activity and the processes of production-and-economy activity, and will be adequate to users' requirements and the level of business processes, it will be extremely difficult for such a company to sustain competition even on Russian markets, not speaking of the international ones.

We should also remember that in the current conditions of doing business in our country, the use of foreign equipment, computing machinery, as well as the software manufactured abroad, as part of the company's information-computing infrastructure does not give any guarantee that this equipment will not fail or stop functioning at all in case of deterioration of the political and military situation in the world. Successful development of the company's information-computing infrastructure and infor-mation-and-analytical systems of preparing the decision making is possible based on the methodological and technical developments presented in [18, 20, 22, 25, 28, 29].

6. The following should be fulfilled within the processes of creating the strategy of managing the industrial enterprise, as well as administration of its current activities [18, 22, 26, 29]:

• well-thought-out and non-contradicting division of functions, rights and obligations between and inside the subdivisions;

• forming an analytical forecast on the development of the competitive organizations, suppliers and consumers of the products, as well as the dynamics of various external environment factors influencing the enterprise;

• creating an efficient system of managing the human resources, selecting and appointing the personnel [18, 22, 29].


The foreign and Russian practices on management at enterprises and organizations, and scientific research on the strategic and tactical company management of the past years, by the present moment, have stopped providing a possibility for efficient management of company development. In the new conditions of doing business (growing political and economical instability, sanctions, etc.) there is a need for updated approaches, concepts or mechanisms of forming the development of industrial enterprises and corporations.

The complex of scientific provisions and the algorithm of forming the development strategy for production companies and corporations suggested in this article allow to take into account the existing drawbacks of many classical developments of the past and provide the owners and heads of big businesses with a mechanism of forming the corporate management strategy, that is adequate to modern conditions of economic activity and is oriented towards the needs of Russian entrepreneurs and managers.


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Information about the authors

Oleg V. Loginovskiy, Dr. Sci. (Eng.), Prof., Head of Department of Informational and Analytical Support of Control in Social and Economic Systems, South Ural State University, Chelyabinsk, Russia; loginovskiiov@susu.ru.

Aleksandr L. Shestakov, Dr. Sci. (Eng.), Prof., Rector, South Ural State University, Chelyabinsk, Russia; admin@susu.ru.

Kristina A. Korennaya, Cand. Sci. (Eng.), General Director, Kuznetsk Ferroalloys, Novokuznetsk, Russia; kkris221@mail.ru.

Информация об авторах

Логиновский Олег Витальевич, д-р техн. наук, проф., заведующий кафедрой информационно-аналитического обеспечения управления в социальных и экономических системах, Южно-Южно-Уральский государственный университет, Челябинск, Россия; loginovskiyo@mail.ru.

Шестаков Александр Леонидович, д-р техн. наук, проф., ректор, Южно-Уральский государственный университет, Челябинск, Россия; admin@susu.ru.

Коренная Кристина Александровна, канд. техн. наук, генеральный директор, Кузнецкие ферросплавы, Новокузнецк, Россия; kkris221@mail.ru.

Contribution of the authors: the authors contributed equally to this article.

The authors declare no conflicts of interests.

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The article was submitted 12.03.2022

Статья поступила в редакцию 12.03.2022

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