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professional competence / future specialists / physical education and sport / informal education / physical and sports activities.

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Liannoi M.

The article outlines the theoretical and methodological principles of developing the professional competence of future specialists in physical education and sport in the context of informal education, which provides independent and effective implementation of the goals of the pedagogical process. It is noted that informal education of future specialists in physical education and sport takes place in integration with formal and informal in various combinations. The major advantages of informal education in the context of professional training of future specialists in physical education and sport over formal and informal are manifested in the focus on self-realization, concentrating on personal self-improvement of students and further management of their own educational space. Theoretical analysis of scientific and methodological literature on certain issues, comparison and generalization of the data, comparison of different views on the research problem are used. The professional competence of specialists in physical education and sport includes “a system of general and special psychological and pedagogical knowledge and skills necessary for the effective implementation of educational activities; economic, management and legal training, which allows one to work individually and prepare students to perform various social roles; formed a holistic professional thinking and consciousness, which determine the success of creative professional and pedagogical activities. Informal education is manifested in the focus on self-realization, concentration on personal self-improvement of students and further management of their own educational space; accounting for personal interests, desires, needs, opportunities; interpersonal interaction, which saturates the socio-cultural environment; informal education is flexible, mobile, accessible, regardless of gender, age, it is able to satisfy personal and professional interests with an accent on personal or other people's experience, which is a source of learning. Informal education is distinguished from other types of continuous education by a high degree of self-regulation (selfcontrol, self-analysis, self-education, etc.).

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давати дитиш змогу переживати власний дос-вiд успiшних самостшних дiй в досягненнi бажа-ного результату, шляхом оргашзацп сприятливого предметно Игрового розвивального середовища i щдтримки бажання дошкiльника робити вибiр, про-понуючи йому рiзнi варiанти дш у межах дозволе-ного;

чггко визначати лiмiт дозволеного: що, коли i де можна робити. При цьому необхОдно оберiгати дитину ввд безглуздого i випадкового досвiду вико-нання будь-яких дiй поза межами дозволеного;

позитивне оцшювання дiяльностi дитини, оо ре-зультатiв, а головне - тих зусиль, якi доклада ди-тина до досягнення бажаного результату. Даючи позитивну оцiнку зусиллям дитини, доросл закрш-люють позитивний досввд довiдьних дiй i спонука-ють дiтей повторювати його в подальшш дОяльно-стi.

Таким чином, доросл вiдiграють важлива роль у розвитку самостiйностi дiтей. За допомогою комплексу методiв впливу дорослих самоспйш вмiння дошкольников виявляються i закрiпдюються пiд час рiзних видiв дiядьностi, поступово стаючи характеристиками особистостг

Список лiтератури

1. Ананьев Б. Г. Психология педагогической оценки. Избр. психол. труды: в 2 т. Москва: Педагогика, 1980. Т. 2. 1980. С. 128-267.

2. Богуш А. М., Грама Н. Г., Лучан Н. I. Розви-ток особистосп дитини дошкольного вшу у рiзних видах дiяльностi. Одеса: Вид. Букаев В. В., 2013. 236 с.

3. Буре Р. С. Современные проблемы социального становления личности дошкольника: монография. Москва, 2009.

4. Дубасенюк О. Професшна педагопчна освiта: акме-синергетичний пiдхiд: монографiя. Житомир: Вид-во ЖДУ ш. I. Франка. 2011. 389 с.

5. Косенко Ю. М. Взаемодiя вихователiв i бать-шв у забезпеченнi соцiально-особистiсного розвитку дитини дошкольного вшу. Психолого-педагогг-чт проблеми сшьсько!школи. 2013. Вип. 46. С. 199204.

6. Минина А. В. Формирование педагогической компетентности родителей в воспитании самостоятельности детей дошкольного возраста: дис. ... канд. пед. наук: 13.00.02. Москва, 2015. 220 с.

7. Рейпольська О. Д. Особливосп виховання цшшсного самоставлення у старших дошкольников та ох уявлень про самих себе. Пауков! записки НДУ ¡м. М. Гоголя. Психолого-педагог1чн1 науки. 2014. №2 3. С. 75-79.

8. Слободчиков В. И., Исаев Е. И. Основы психологической антропологии. Психология развития человека: Развитие субъективной реальности в онтогенезе. Москва: Школьная Пресса. 2000. 416 с.

9. Формування базових якостей особистосп дь тей старшого дошкольного вшу в ДНЗ: монография / Г. Беленька, С. Васильева, Н. Гавриш, В. Марши-цька, С. Нечай, О. Острянська, О. Полякова, В. Ра-гозша, О. Рейпольська, Н. Шкляр; за заг. ред. О. Рейпольськоо. Харшв: «Друкарня Мадрид», 2015. 330 с.



Liannoi M.

Makarenko Sumy State Pedagogical University


The article outlines the theoretical and methodological principles of developing the professional competence of future specialists in physical education and sport in the context of informal education, which provides independent and effective implementation of the goals of the pedagogical process. It is noted that informal education of future specialists in physical education and sport takes place in integration with formal and informal in various combinations. The major advantages of informal education in the context of professional training of future specialists in physical education and sport over formal and informal are manifested in the focus on self-realization, concentrating on personal self-improvement of students and further management of their own educational space. Theoretical analysis of scientific and methodological literature on certain issues, comparison and generalization of the data, comparison of different views on the research problem are used. The professional competence of specialists in physical education and sport includes "a system of general and special psychological and pedagogical knowledge and skills necessary for the effective implementation of educational activities; economic, management and legal training, which allows one to work individually and prepare students to perform various social roles; formed a holistic professional thinking and consciousness, which determine the success of creative professional and pedagogical activities. Informal education is manifested in the focus on self-realization, concentration on personal self-improvement of students and further management of their own educational space; accounting for personal interests, desires, needs, opportunities; interpersonal interaction, which saturates the socio-cultural environment; informal education is flexible, mobile, accessible, regardless of gender, age, it is able to satisfy personal and professional interests with an accent on personal or other people's experience, which is a source of learning. Informal education is distinguished from other types of continuous education by a high degree of self-regulation (self-control, self-analysis, self-education, etc.).

Keywords: professional competence, future specialists, physical education and sport, informal education, physical and sports activities.

Formulation of the problem.

In the context of modern development of education graduates with skills and abilities of socio-psycho-logical and professional adaptation in our changeable world is of prime importance. Government educational standards of higher education in Ukraine significantly update the development of professional competence of the future specialist in physical education and sport. The major problem of professional training of future specialists in physical education and sport is determined by the focus on forming a set of knowledge and skills, which leads to the fact that a specialist, being an efficient professional in the theory is not capable of applying the knowledge acquired in practice. To solve this problem means to implement into the educational process innovation forms and means that allow to shift emphasis, on the one hand, on the practical orientation of higher educational programs, and on the other hand, on independence, self-organization, self-education and self-development of the student (informal education), which includes formation of a high degree of personal motivation to master a range of competences that are in demand nowadays [8].

The traditional educational system, which is most often represented by formal and non-formal forms of education, does not meet the requirements and challenges of the present and hinder the development of potential opportunities for education. That is why in recent decades, much attention is paid to informal education, the importance and necessity of which have been increased significantly in the educational process of higher education. Taking into account the fact that informal education adds to formation of applicants' life attitudes, fills in the gaps in professional competence, there is a need to comprehend its relevance in the context of professional training of future specialists in physical education and sport.

Analysis of current researches.

Significant contribution to the development of the problem of professional training of future specialists in physical education and sport has been made by national scientists N. Mitskevych, L. Sushchenko, O. Tomenko, Y. Bykov, I. Strunin, V. Chichkin, P. Rybalko, A. Kashuba, etc. Issues for the development of professional competence of future specialists in physical education and sport were in the focus of attention in V. Lozova, O. Pometun, M. Stepka, A. Khutorsky, I. Mar-ionda, E. Syvokhop, A. Tovt, I. Ivany, etc. works.

The complexity to determine and measure informal education accounts for almost a complete lack of fundamental theoretical studies of such form of education. Partly the problem of using informal education in professional training of future specialists is presented in the research of O. Zhykhorsky, T. Krystopchuk, V. Lugovoy, V. Haletska, O. Shcherbyna. The above-mentioned scholars believe that it is informal education that can effectively solve the tasks of professional training, filling in the gaps in the professional competence.

Among foreign researchers engaged in informal education H. Pokorny, R. Whittaker, H. Gibson are to be mentioned.

The purpose of the article is to determine theoretical and methodological principles of development of professional competence of future specialists in physical education and sport in the context of informal education, which will provide an independent and effective implementation of the goals of the pedagogical process.

Methods of research. Theoretical analysis of scientific and methodological literature on the problem posed, comparison and generalization of data, comparing different views on the research problem have been used.

Presenting the main material. A future specialist in physical education and sport is interpreted by P. Rybalko as a "person who purposefully acquires qualification at higher educational institutions in accordance with a particular educational qualification level in the process of specially organized educational activities aimed at training for further professional activity to support the relevant level of physical education of the population or achievement of higher sports results at the Olympic, world or regional arenas in team or individual dimensions "[9].

In the context of the research, it is also relevant to consider the notion of "professional competence" and "informal education".

A. Markova offers the following definition of professional competence. Professional competence is "individual characteristic of the degree of compliance with the requirements of the profession, the mental state, which allows to act independently and responsibly, one's ability to perform certain professional functions." A. Samusik under professional competence understands "the system of indicators of mastership in a certain field of professional activity" [6].

In general, professional competence is defined as a set of qualities of a personality that ensure effective professional activity. Personal qualities include: professionally important knowledge and skills; professional abilities; professional orientation; experience in creative professional activities and thinking. Their integration is the unity of theoretical and practical readiness for a certain professional activity that allows a specialist to manifest the ability to realize one's potential for successful creative professional activities.

S. Hazova in her studies emphasizes that the professional competence of specialists in physical education and sport includes a "system of general and special psychological and pedagogical knowledge and skills necessary for effective educational activities; economic, management and legal training, which allows to perform individually and train students to perform various social roles; formed holistic professional thinking and consciousness, which determine the success of creative professional-pedagogical activities"[10].

Thus, the formation of professional competencies of a specialist in physical education and sport begins

from the moment of the first sports activities and continues in the process of study by the speciality and further activities.

The professional competence of a specialist in physical education and sport can be divided into the following types:

- gnostic, reflecting the ability to analyze special literature, distinguish the most significant, comply with generalization; to adequately evaluate the state of athletes, find reasons for errors and complications; reflection of one's activities and activities of the students;

- projecting that provides a strategic direction of the teacher / coach, which is manifested in the ability to orient on the ultimate goal, to solve relevant tasks, taking into account the specificity of future sports activities of the students and establish the necessary interconnections to own psychological and pedagogical influences with all components of their development;

- constructive, which will ensure the implementation of tactical purposes, the choice of adequate forms of conducting classes, the determination of the most rational ways of activities and accurate observation of the patterns of planning of the lessons content;

- organizational, which is a practical realization of projects and plans, as well as a condition for purposeful and real drafting of pedagogical tasks;

- communicative, which provides information exchange between participants in training and educational processes.

Informal (or non-institutional) education can be interpreted as "individual cognitive activity, which accompanies everyday life and is not necessarily of a purposeful character" [2], when an adult transforms educational potentials of society into effective factors of one's development [5].

Y. Gibadulina defines informal education as "non-purposeful, spontaneous, unintentional process of obtaining knowledge and skills. It is carried out at the workplace, in a family circle or on vacation - in everyday life, without educational formalities. Informal education does not lead to certification "[4]. O. Shuvalova defines this notion as "individual training (self-education), which, unlike formal education and additional education, is carried out independently and is not recorded in a diploma or other document, but contributes to the improvement of knowledge and skills" [11].

Extension of the educational space in the XXI century led to the emergence of informal education as a response to dynamic changes in all spheres of human life. Its relevance in modern conditions of life and professional activities is related to the search for other quality assurance strategies for the training of educational applicants in a higher school. Non-stop acquisition of qualifications, improving the professional level within the previously acquired profession, as well as mastering of new competences are vital to a modern competitive specialist. Investing in one's own professional development increases competitiveness, allows to maximize one's potential [7].

The analysis of scientific and pedagogical literature shows that today there are no sufficient scientific researches aimed at the development of the conceptual foundations of informal education. More often than not,

the study of informal education takes place in integration with formal and non-formal in different combinations.

Formal education is considered by scientists as a process of obtaining knowledge in an organized and hierarchically ordered context, and is completed with the state document - a diploma of primary / secondary professional or higher education or a certificate. This process lasts for a certain period what is fixed is the state curriculum and state educational standards organized by formal, certified establishments [1].

Non-formal education is interpreted as a process of obtaining new professionally-oriented knowledge that takes place outside the specialized educational space, while there are specific objectives, methods and techniques, and most importantly, the result of training. It can be carried out by educational or public organizations, various clubs, sections, in training with a teacher or trainer individually, and is represented by a variety of trainings, courses, seminars, round tables that are accompanied by a document that certifies additional advanced training - a certificate of a participant, a diploma of advanced training, certificate, etc. [12].

The main difference between informal education from formal and non-formal lies in the fact that the process of acquiring professionally-oriented knowledge and skills takes place not in institutions of the educational system, but in other social institutions (in the family, at training, at work, in other formal and nonformal associations). The process is multifaceted, and its structure coincides with the structure of human life activities. Despite the lack of systematization of types of informal education, the main types include teaching by method of tries and errors, spontaneous self-education, mutual education during group activities, obtaining media information, work under the guidance of an experienced specialist, occupation by amateur art activities and others [3].

At present, one can find a large variety of definitions, concepts relating to informal education, indicating that this issue is under discussion and is highly relevant. This is a relatively new model of professional development, which is demanded by the applicants of education, since the forms of informal education are directed precisely on the subject of education, take into account one's personal interests and needs, are focused on one's personal growth.

The types of informal education in the process of professional training of future specialists in physical education and sport comrise:

- training by the method of tries and errors during physical and sports activities;

- spontaneous or conscious self-education in the form of individual search of responses to actual professional issues or methods of solving practically significant problems in the field of physical education and sport;

- mutual education during group performance of certain tasks of training and competitive activities;

- obtaining new knowledge through modern information technologies (Internet, databases, etc.) and by means of mass media;

- the enrichment of the spiritual world through reading and visiting cultural institutions (reading does not play only an educational function, but actively affects self-development and self-identification of a personality, performing the function of self-education);

- performance of physical and sports activities under the guidance of a competent coach / specialist / teacher, etc.;

- development of communicative skills and formation of the world outlook in the process of interpersonal communication;

- enlargement of outlook, enrichment of the spiritual world and the acquisition of vital knowledge, skills in the process of cognitive, organizational, propaganda, instructional and pedagogical, judicial activities.

To determine the place and importance of informal education in the educational process of future specialists in physical education and sport in a higher school

is not difficult as its value is constantly increasing. Thus, determining the place of informal education in the process of studying of a student of a physical education profile, we should mention the fact that a certain number of hours is formally allocated to independent work on each discipline according to the curriculum of the educational program. Conditions are created to achieve the most effective result in this type of education: methodological materials (working programs, syllabuses) are developed; special sports equipment to improve one's sports mastership is available. Since the informal education of future specialists in physical education and sport is inextricably linked with formal and informal learning, it seems possible to separate these types of education, based on official documents of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, our own professional experience and author's positions of leading scientists who devoted their research to continuous education (Table 1).

Table 1

Comparative characteristics of the types of continuous education of future specialists in physical education and


№ n/n Signs of comparison Formal Education Non-formal education Informal education

sometimes there is no

1 The purpose of training development / improvement of professional competences in the process of advanced training or professional retraining getting rid of professional incompetences owning to additional knowledge, abilities, experience of practical activities goal, it is determined by the applicants independently taking into account their personal and professional interests


organizations (state / non-state, institutions of additional professional education) that have a license to educational educational and

2 Place of study public organizations (centers, clubs, classes with private teachers, short-term beyond educational organizations, in everyday practical activities

programs, trainings, etc.)

activity and passed the procedure of the state accreditation

3 Normative Law of Ukraine "On Higher Education", professional educational standards, educational contract no normative-legal

regulation programs, educational-planning documentation and others. regulation

4 Subjects of the pedagogical process Teaching staff (teachers who meet the requirements of normative documents and are allowed to different specialists, who do not have to meet any requirements to pedagogical activities (including teachers) interpersonal environment, socio-cultural

perform pedagogical activities) environment

Terms are regulated, The terms are not

5 Term of study limited in time, study by the schedule for a full day regulated, flexible schedule, possibility to stop continuous everywhere and always

depending on the type of education (courses of advanced training or professional retraining) study at any period

conscious and

unconscious, where

conscious, the main sense

6 Compulsory training compulsory voluntary with high degree of interest of applicants is personal growth and further management of one's own educational space

no document,

7 Learning outcomes obtaining a state document (certificate, diploma) obtaining or no document, that certifies the fact of training; satisfaction of professional interests and personal needs that certifies a fact of training; solving personal professional difficulties with the focus on one's own or somebody's experience that is a source of learning

8 Conditions regulating the learning process procedure of enrollment (the presence of orders in an educational organization), applicants of education are contract (non-contract) enrollment system, applicants of education are involved in common educational activities not regulated, voluntary participation

fixed to specific groups

9 Accompaniment after study none self-regulation self-education, self-regulation

10 Training control external self-management self-regulation

Thus, from Table 1, it is possible to conclude about the obvious advantages of informal education in the context of professional training of future specialists in physical education and sport over formal and informal, which is manifested in orientation for self-realization, focusing on personal self-improvement of applicants and further management of one's own educational space; accounting for personal interests, desires, needs, opportunities; interpersonal interaction, which saturates the socio-cultural environment; informal education is flexible, mobile, generally available, it does not depend on sex, age, it is capable of satisfying personal and professional interests with the focus on a personal or somebody's experience that is a source of learning; a high degree of self-regulation (self-control, self-examination, self-education, etc.) distinguishes informal education from other types of continuous education.

Conclusions and prospects for further scientific research. Significant importance of informal education in the educational process of higher educational institutions emphasizes the fact that everything listed above allows future specialists in physical education and sport to achieve a better theoretical and practical level of knowledge in the field of physical education and sport

and a high level of sports mastership. Considering informal education as an element of a holistic continuous educational system of future specialists in physical education and sport, it is obvious that it has an internal complex structure and enriches / complements formal and non-formal education. It has been established that informal education in the context of the development of professional competence of future specialists in physical education and sport has its own structure that requires detailed and comprehensive research and considerable potential for the professional and personal growth of the above mentioned specialists. It is in the process of informal education that the very development of personality and professional qualities take place. Further research requires studying and analyzing the structure and functions of informal education in the context of professional training of future specialists in physical education and sport.


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iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.

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Мороз С.А.

студент-магистрант педагогического факультета по направлению история и обществознание


Moroz S.

master's student of the pedagogical faculty in the direction of history and social studies


Техническая революция, сопровождавшая 20-21 века, привела к изменениям во многих сферах человеческой деятельности, в том числе и в общественной коммуникативной деятельности, что привело к появлению новых форм визуального искусства (ВИ). Постепенно современные формы ВИ, такие как фотография, кино и телевидение, стали играть ведущую роль в общественной коммуникации. С появлением и развитием Интернета понятие доступа к информации изменилось: продукты технических видов ВИ стали частью обыденного сознания и формируют повседневные поведенческие привычки учащихся7.

7 Ворохоб Ю. А. Формирование перцептивной культуры студентов вуза средствами визуального искусства : дис. -ЮА Ворохоб-М., 2014.-176 с, 2014.

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