INFLUENSE OF THE WOMEN’S RIGHTS ON ENGLISH LITERATURE Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
feminism / English literature / British feminism / organization. / феминизм / английская литература / британский феминизм / организация.

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Sultanova, Sevara Ruslanovna

The article examines the influence of the women's movement on English literature and its reflection in the works of English writers. The author analyzes various aspects of feminist criticism and research conducted in relation to English literature, from the Renaissance to the present. The importance of a female approach to the analysis of literature and its influence on the rethinking of classical works is also considered. This article describes the main stages and achievements of British feminism, such as the struggle for women's equality in education, labor rights, political participation and reproductive rights. The author also draws attention to important figures and organizations that played a key role in the development of the feminist movement in England. The article also analyses the modern state of feminism in England, discussing the pressing issues and challenges facing feminists in the country. The author emphasizes the need to continue the struggle for gender equality and strengthen the rights of women in various spheres of life. Overall, the paper provides an overview and analysis of feminism in England, allowing the reader to better understand the history and contemporary challenges of this movement in the country.

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В статье рассматривается влияние женского движения на английскую литературу и его отражение в творчестве английских писателей. Автор анализирует различные аспекты феминистской критики и исследований, проводимых в отношении английской литературы от эпохи Возрождения до современности. Также рассматривается значение женского подхода к анализу литературы и его влияние на переосмысление классических произведений. В данной статье описаны основные этапы и достижения британского феминизма, такие как борьба за равенство женщин в образовании, трудовых правах, политическом участии и репродуктивных правах. Автор также обращает внимание на важных фигур и организаций, сыгравших ключевую роль в развитии феминистского движения в Англии. В статье также анализируется современное состояние феминизма в Англии, обсуждаются актуальные проблемы и проблемы, стоящие перед феминистками в стране. Автор подчеркивает необходимость продолжения борьбы за гендерное равенство и укрепления прав женщин в различных сферах жизни. В целом, статья представляет собой обзор и анализ феминизма в Англии, позволяя читателю лучше понять историю и современные проблемы этого движения в стране.


SJIF 2024 = 7.404 / ASI Factor = 1.7


The article examines the influence of the women's movement on English literature and its reflection in the works of English writers. The author analyzes various aspects of feminist criticism and research conducted in relation to English literature, from the Renaissance to the present. The importance of a female approach to the analysis of literature and its influence on the rethinking of classical works is also considered.

This article describes the main stages and achievements of British feminism, such as the struggle for women's equality in education, labor rights, political participation and reproductive rights. The author also draws attention to important figures and organizations that played a key role in the development of the feminist movement in England.

The article also analyses the modern state of feminism in England, discussing the pressing issues and challenges facing feminists in the country. The author emphasizes the need to continue the struggle for gender equality and strengthen the rights of women in various spheres of life.

Overall, the paper provides an overview and analysis of feminism in England, allowing the reader to better understand the history and contemporary challenges of this movement in the country.

Keywords and expressions: feminism, English literature, British feminism, organization.

Feminism in England began to develop in the 19th century. One important moment in the history of feminism in England was the establishment of the Manchester Society for Women's Rights in 1865. It became the first organization to openly advocate for women's political rights, including the right to vote. In 1897, the Women's Socio-Political and Economic Union Society was created, which also actively fought for women's rights. In 1903, a women's socio-political union federation was founded, which became one of the leading organizations of British

Sultanova Sevara Ruslanovna,

Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, graduate student, Moscow, Russia, sevara91 91@list.ru


SJIF 2024 = 7.404 / ASI Factor = 1.7

feminism. In 1918, women in England won the right to vote in elections for the Supreme Council.

Feminism in England has a long and rich history. Britain is considered one of the birthplaces of feminism, and many of the key moments in the development of this movement happened here.

During this period, activists fought for equal rights for women, including the right to education, the right to vote and equal pay. One of the more famous figures of this period was Emilia Pankhurst, founder of the Women's Suffrage Union and one of the leaders of the struggle for the right to vote.

A second wave of feminism came to England in the 1960s and 1970s. During this period, activists focused on issues of sexual freedom, reproductive rights and equal opportunities in the workplace.

The third wave of feminism began in the 1990s and continues until today. During this period, activists focused on issues of gender identity, sexuality and racial justice. One of the more famous figures of this period is Catherine Hamnett, a fashion designer who used her collections to express feminist and political ideas.

Feminism in England has a significant impact on society and politics. Through the efforts of activists, women in England have been given equal rights and opportunities, although inequality still exists and requires further work. The feminist movement in England continues to fight for equality and justice for all women.

Nowadays feminism in England continues to be an active and influential movement. It addresses a wide range of issues, including gender-based violence, workplace equality, pay, political representation and issues related to transgender rights.

However, as in many other countries, feminism in England has also been the subject of criticism and debate. Some critics argue that feminism has become too radical and exclusive, ignoring the problems of men and creating a division between the sexes. Others believe feminism is failing to meet the challenges of modernity, such as cyberbullying and online cruelty.

Feminism in English literature has its own characteristics that distinguish it from other literary movements and movements. Here are some of them:

1. Emphasis on women's experiences: Feminist literature in England often focuses on women's experiences and explores the challenges facing women in society. This could include investigating gender inequalities, domestic violence, sexism and other forms of discrimination.

2. Breaking stereotypes: Feminist literature in England often seeks to break stereotypes about women and present more complex and realistic images of women.

SJIF 2024 = 7.404 / ASI Factor = 1.7

She can explore different aspects of female identity, including sexuality, motherhood, work and relationships.

3. The Study of Power and Subordination: Feminist literature in England often analyses issues of power and subordination in male-female relationships. She can explore how gender inequalities and patriarchy affect women's lives and how they can fight for their rights and freedom.

4. Diversity and inclusion: Feminist literature in England aims to be diverse and inclusive. It can represent different voices and experiences of women of different races, ethnic groups, social classes and sexual orientations.

5. Activism and change: Feminist literature in England is often activist in nature and seeks to cause change in society. It can inspire women to fight for their rights and freedom, and to create a more equal and just society.

These are just some of the features of feminism in English literature. Each author and work can have its own unique features and approaches to feminist themes.

The influence of feminism is noticeable in the English literature since the 19th century, however and during the previous periods it is the possible to track the growing interest in position of the woman in society.

In that sense novels by the English writer Jane Austen are interesting. Her role in development of the English literature of the 19-20th centuries, especially such genre as the novel. Jane Austen's views concerning position of the woman in society were affected by Mary Uolstonkraft and her work "Protection of Women's Rights". The main argument of this book was that women need the same rational education, as well as to men. In novels by Jane Austen there are also feministic motives, are considered we go social equality and women's rights. She is one of the first writers considering the idea of social equality of floors on a wide background of social processes of the time. Austen's love of freedom, her aspiration to independence, love for knowledge created a position of concern about the woman in society. She rightly believed that marriage was not the only purpose of a woman. Mutual respect is the basis in the relationship of the sexes. Jane Austen does not directly call for a struggle for equal rights with men, in her novels she shows consern many aspects of women's lives that could have more advantages here than they actually were.

One of the first works that can be attributed to feminist literature is Jane Austen's novel "Pride and Prejudice." In this novel, the author explores the topic of women's independence and self-determination in traditional society. The main character, Elizabeth Bennett, refuses a marriage based on material interests and seeks to find true love and happiness.

SJIF 2024 = 7.404 / ASI Factor = 1.7

Another important work of feminist literature is Virginia Woolfs novel "To the Lighthouse." In this book, Wolfe explores the theme of female self-determination and freedom in the context of the restrictions imposed by society on women. She also addresses issues of sexuality and identity.

Modern English literature is also active in feminist topics. For example, Stig Larsson's The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo explores the problems of violence against women and the struggle of the main character, Lisbeth Salander, for justice.

The analysis of feminism in English literature allows us to understand what challenges and challenges women face in different societies and eras. It also helps us realise the importance of gender equality and the fight for women's rights.

However, it should be noted that feminism in English literature is not limited only to female authors. Many men also contribute to feminist literature, and their work is also worth studying and analyzing.

In general, feminism in English literature is an important and relevant direction that helps us better understand and appreciate the role and status of women in society. It offers new perspectives and sparks debate on important issues related to gender equality and women's rights.

In general, feminism in England had a significant impact on society and politics. He helped change laws and norms, improve women's living conditions and raise awareness of gender inequalities. However, there is still much work to be done and feminists continue to fight for full gender equality in England and around the world.

Feminism has also influenced culture and the arts. Women artists began to actively perform and create works that reflect female perspective and problems. This contributed to a change in public consciousness and a broadening of horizons.

Yes, feminism has had a significant impact on culture and the arts. It has triggered changes in perceptions of women and their roles in society, and stimulated discussion of gender inequalities and issues facing women.

In art, feminists actively oppose sexism and discrimination, and explore and demonstrate female identity and experience. They use a variety of art forms such as painting, photography, sculpture, literature, theatre and cinema to express their ideas and fight for equality.

Feminists have also influenced culture, expanding the notion of feminine beauty and fashion. They oppose stereotypes about female appearance and call for the adoption of diversity and individuality. Thanks to their efforts, today we see more diversity in fashion shows, advertising and magazines, as well as more attention to issues of physicality and self-acceptance.

SJIF 2024 = 7.404 / ASI Factor = 1.7

Feminism has thus had a significant impact not only on literature but also on culture and the arts, helping to change perceptions of women and their roles in society, and stimulating discussion of gender issues and issues.


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