INFLUENCE OF THE VAGUS NERVE ON SECRETORY ACTIVITY OF THE STOMACH IN POSTNATAL ONTOGENESIS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Медицинские науки и общественное здравоохранение»

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Ключевые слова
secretory fields of the stomach / protein spectrum / vagus nerve / proteases / postnatal ontogenesis.

Аннотация научной статьи по медицинским наукам и общественному здравоохранению, автор научной работы — Hasanova Guljamal Ami̇r, Bakhshi̇eva Zenfi̇ra Tagi, Rustamova Afaq Fatulla, Rustam-Zade Azada Azad

To clarify the role of the parasympathetic nervous system in the synthesis of proteins and enzymes, experiments were carried out using the method of stimulating the vagus nerve with electric current, chemicals, vagotomy, or suppressing the influence of the nerve using chemicals. The effect of vagotomy on the secretion of gastric juice and its composition has been sufficiently studied. However, research aimed at studying the role of the vagus nerves in the secretory activity of the glands of various secretory fields of the stomach in the age aspect are still not enough. As a result, there is a need to study changes in the proteolytic activity of various parts of the gastric mucosa after vagotomy during the period of postnatal development. Experiments were carried out on dogs during the transition to a general nutritional regimen (1-month-old), during the period of morphofunctional development (6-month-old) and on adult dogs (12-month-old). Studies show that vagotomy leads to increased metabolic processes in the tissues of the stomach; protein fractions (especially “mobile” ones) accumulate in its mucosa. The data obtained allow us to draw a conclusion about the age-related characteristics of the mechanism of regulation of the vagus nerve on the protein-synthesizing function of various secretory fields of the stomach.

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and on adult dogs (12-month-olds). Vagotomy was performed according to the following technique: dogs were first subjected to unilateral vagotomy at the level of the neck, and after 4-5 days the vagus nerve on the other side was cut. 3 days after bilateral vagotomy, the animals were killed by decapitation. After this, sections of the cardial, fundic, pyloric regions and lesser curvature of the stomach were cut out. Having separated the mucous membrane, it was homogenized in a buffer solution at 800-1000 rpm, using 9 ml of buffer per 1 g of material. The resulting homogenates were placed in a freezer for 18 hours at a temperature of minus 15°C, then thawed, centrifuged, and the fermented liquid was used for further studies. The studies were carried out by disk electrophoresis on a polyacrylamide gel. To identify isoforms of proteases of the gastric mucosa, the gels were incubated for 3 hours at 37°C in a hemoglobin substrate, stained, washed, and against the general dark background of the colored hemoglobin diffusing into the gel, light bands of proteases that degraded hemoglobin became visible. After densitometry of protease isofractions, proteolytically active fractions were determined on the resulting densitograms and numbered in order of decreasing electrophoretic activity I, P, III, etc.

Results and their discussion. Generalized data on the isoforms of proteases of the gastric mucosa of vagotomized 30-day old puppies (Fig. 1) revealed 7 proteolytic active fractions in the cardiac secretory field, 10 in the fundamental field, 9 in the pyloric field, 8 in the area of the lesser curvature, while the intact ones had 4 fractions in the lesser curvature, and 3 fractions in the rest. In experimental puppies, the second fraction had high activity in the cardiac and fundal zones, and in control puppies, the first fraction had high activity. In the area of the lesser curvature and in the pyloric region, the first one was more active, while in the control group the first and second ones were more active, respectively.

~ x | g | vm | vn | v» | v I rv | m | "I l

Fig. 1. The effect of vagotomy on the number and activity of protease isoforms in the gastric

mucosa of 30-day-old puppies.

Symbols: — cardiac region;----small curvature; -*-* - fundal region; ... - pyloric region.

Controls are additionally indicated by perpendicular lines. On the ordinate - proteolytic activity, on

the x - axis - the number of fractions.

In 6-month-old vagotomized dogs (Fig. 2), 4-5 fractions were found in various secretory fields of the gastric mucosa, and in intact dogs - 3-5 fractions.

In vagotomized dogs, the second fraction had high proteolytic activity of cardiac and fundic secretion fields, the third fraction in the lesser curvature, the first fraction in the pyloric field, and in intact animals the first, fourth, first and second fractions, respectively.

Fig. 2. The effect of vagotomy on the number and activity of protease isoforms in the gastric

mucosa of 6-month-old puppies. The symbols are the same as in Fig. 1.

In the mucous membrane of one-year-old dogs (Fig. 3) of both groups, the number of fractions was the same, but in vagotomized ones the second fraction had high activity in the cardiac and pyloric zones, in the fundic zone - the third, in the region of the lesser curvature - the first, while in intact animals in all areas except the pyloric, the second fraction was active, in the pyloric - the third.

Fig. 3. The effect of vagotomy on the number and activity of protease isoforms in the gastric

mucosa of 12-month-old puppies. The symbols are the same as in Fig. 1.

As the results of the study showed, vagotomized dogs had more fractions than intact ones. This can be explained by the fact that after vagotomy the secretion of proteases is partially disrupted, which leads to their accumulation in the glandular apparatus of the gastric mucosa. The fact that this pattern is more pronounced in 30-day-old puppies than in older dogs confirms the leading role of the compensatory function of the nervous system in the regulation of metabolic processes in the gastric mucosa after completion of morphofunctional development. Thus, studies show that vagotomy leads to increased metabolic processes in the tissues of the stomach; protein fractions (especially "mobile" ones) accumulate in its mucous membrane. The data obtained allow us to draw a conclusion about the age-related characteristics of the mechanism of regulation of the vagus nerve on the protein-synthesizing function of various secretory fields of the stomach.


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Batumi Shota Rustaveli State University. Georgia TAKIDZE NINO Clinic Medical Center. Batumi. Georgia doctor

KATAMADZE SHORENA Clinic Medical Center. Batumi. Georgia doctor

KHARABADZE NONA Clinic Medical Center. Batumi. Georgia doctor

Abstract: According to WHO 12 million people get sick and 6 million die from cancer every year. The number ofpeople suffering from cancer is increasing, at the same time diagnosis is being improved, although the number of people suffering from cancer is also increasing every year, . (4.5) In Georgia, on average, 7-8 thousand people are sick with cancer, and every year up to 2 thousand new cases are revealed . 1.

The study was conducted in the Adjara Oncology Hospital. Patients participated in the study after they were provided with proper explanation and via their consent. During the clinical interview, the number and severity of panic attacks, severity of agoraphobic symptoms, suicidal thoughts and attempts, changes in social behavior, and limitation of physical abilities were evaluated.

The severity of panic attack symptoms was assessed using the Shikhani scale, where the severity of symptoms was determinedfrom 0-4 points - not present, slightly present, moderately, sufficiently, extremely strongly expressed. The level of anxiety above 80 points is considered a high level, 57 is an average level, 30 is a mild disturbance, and 20 points is normal.

60 patients from 25 to 75 years of age were included in the study. Out of these, 25 were women, 35 men, 20patients underwent surgery, 16 after chemotherapy. 4 after radiation therapy, 20patients with combined therapy. The examined patients did not have hyperthyroidism, epilepsy, or heart rhythm disorders.

Panic or somato-vegetative disorders (headache, dizziness, heart palpitations, and weakness) were characteristic of 79% of those examined. A large number of patients complained of sleep disturbances (80% of them) (difficulty falling asleep, waking up in the middle of the night, early awakening), some place was occupied by the symptoms of asthenia - 56%.

Thus, the high level of panic attacks in cancer patients is quite high, the attacks are quite frequent and are characterized by a variety of symptoms. Therefore, we believe that along with the basic treatment, it is necessary to identify the symptoms of oncopatients, diagnose panic attacks, and select treatment tactics in the form of psychological assistance and drug therapy.

It is necessary to establish free psychological rehabilitation centers for cancer patients on the basis of oncology clinics. Qualified psychological help will not only improve the "quality of life " of cancer patients, but also help to cope with the neuro-psychological disorders of their family members.

Key words: Panic attack. psychological rehabilitation. cancer


According to WHO 12 million people get sick and 6 million die from cancer every year. The number of people suffering from cancer is increasing, at the same time diagnosis is being improved, although the number of people suffering from cancer is also increasing every year, . (4.5) In Georgia, on average, 7-8 thousand people are sick with cancer, and every year up to 2 thousand new cases are revealed . 1.

According to researchers, the number of panic attacks in cancer patients is high. The patient is affected by the complexity and duration of the diagnostic-treatment process, chemotherapy and radiation therapy, and the depressing environment of the oncology clinic. As a result of constant and

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