Научная статья на тему 'Influence of recreational loads on components of park and forest park ecosystems in Lviv'

Influence of recreational loads on components of park and forest park ecosystems in Lviv Текст научной статьи по специальности «Сельское хозяйство, лесное хозяйство, рыбное хозяйство»

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Ключевые слова
recreational load / digression / soil / woody vegetation / grass cover / forest park / ecosystem engi-neer.

Аннотация научной статьи по сельскому хозяйству, лесному хозяйству, рыбному хозяйству, автор научной работы — Melnychuk N., Henyk Ya., Melnychuk S., Paslavskyi M.

The results of studies of the impact of recreational loads on the condition of soils, woody vegetation and grass cover of Lviv city parks and forestry are analyzed. Based on the researchers, it was found that the dependence of indicators of the state of vegetation, soil and grass from the level of recreational impact is of the same type. Some differences of natural conditions (the nature of vegetation, granulometric composition of soils) are shown in the degree of change in indicators of recreational urban ecosystems.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Influence of recreational loads on components of park and forest park ecosystems in Lviv»


BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES / <<€©yL©MUM~J©U©MaL>>#«6i)),2©2©

UDC 635.9(075.8)

Melnychuk N.

PhD student, Department of Landscape Architecture, Park Gardening and Urban Ecology,

Ukrainian National Forestry University

Henyk Ya.

Prof. D.Sc., Head of the Department of Landscape Architecture, Park Gardening and Urban Ecology

Ukrainian National Forestry University https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6079-6827 Melnychuk S.

Senior Lecturer, Department of Ecology Ukrainian National Forestry University

Paslavskyi M.

PhD, Department of Ecology, Ukrainian National Forestry University

https://orcid. org/0000-0003-1635-4340





The results of studies of the impact ofrecreational loads on the condition ofsoils, woody vegetation and grass cover of Lviv city parks and forestry are analyzed. Based on the researchers, it was found that the dependence of indicators of the state of vegetation, soil and grass from the level of recreational impact is of the same type. Some differences of natural conditions (the nature of vegetation, granulometric composition of soils) are shown in the degree of change in indicators of recreational urban ecosystems.

Keywords: recreational load, digression, soil, woody vegetation, grass cover, forest park, ecosystem engineer.


The urban environment negatively affects on ecosystems that are trapped within the boundaries of cities and suburbs. In these conditions, comprehensive qualitative and especially quantitative information on the state of park and forest ecosystems and their components under different recreational loads is of particular importance. It is necessary for predicting the dynamics of recreational urban ecosystems, choosing the optimal control in them, and for ensuring sustainable urban development [3, 5, 8]. The recreational load is precisely the indicator, which reflects the combined effect of the form of recreation on the landscape complex and represents an integral indicator of the recreational use of natural objects [2, 4].

Many scientists unanimously conclude that the recreational loads the equilibrium state of the ecosystem is disturbed. The limit permissible recreational load is the maximum load taking into account the forms of recreation, at which the biogeocoenosis maintains its viability [2-5, 7, 8]. The purpose of the study is to identify the features of the formation of urban forestry ecosystems by evaluating their resistance to recreational effects.


The green zone of the city of Lviv includes forests (hornbeam, oak, beech) within a radius of 30 km, which are greatly modified. Most of the territories of forestry plantations are secondary stands of linden, maple, hornbeam, red oak, and ash-tree. The main soil types in Lviv and its neighborhood are sod-podzolic, gray and light gray podzolized [5, 7].

Field studies were conducted in 2016-2018. In the studied forest parks, six trial areas of 25 x 25 m in size were laid, corresponding to each of the five levels of

recreational load, determined by the fraction of the trampled area and characterizing each of the five stages of recreational digression. All trial area were laid in similar geomorphological conditions on autonomous relief elements. Typological description of the trial area carried out according to the V.N. Sukachev's and S.V. Zone's methodological guidelines [8].

The generally accepted five-step scale of recreational digression (RD) by N.S. Kazanskaya (1977) [4] was used. Each stage of the RD has its own characteristics. The initial state is the second stage of the RD. The stages of digression were distinguished taking into account such signs of plant communities: 1) the light fullness of the stand; 2) the projective cover of the grass layer and changes in its species composition; 3) the presence and severity of the path network; 4) the thickness and degree of decomposition of the litterfall [4].

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The studied test area (TA) are laid in the parks and forest parks of the city of Lviv and cover the following phytocenotic characteristics:

TA 1. Grouping Fagetum nudum (Shevchenko's Grove): completeness and branches density - 0.9; the average age of the stand is 80 years; average height - 25 m; the undergrowth is sparse with a predominance of Rubus sp. 11 species grow in living soil cover; the total projective cover is 10%. In grass cover with a coating up to 1-5% grows Anemonoides nemorosa, Dryopteris filixmas (L.) Schott., Galium odoratum (L.) Scop., Ox-alis acetosella L. , Asarum europaeum L. , Hedera helix L., one by one Paris quadrifolia L., Polygonatum mul-tiflorum (L.) All., Glechoma hederacea L., Impatiens parviflora D.C. Litterfall layer is powerful (6-8 cm). Stage of the RD is second.

TA 2. Grouping Fagetum galeobdolosum (Zubra Forest Park): completeness and branches density - 0.8; the average age of the stand is 80 years; average height

- 25 m; the undergrowth is underdeveloped and formed

by Sambucus nigra L. Galeobdolon luteum dominates in the living soil cover; the total projective cover is 10%. In grass cover with a coating up to 5-10 % grows Anemonoides nemorosa, Galium odoratum, Oxalis ac-etosella, Asarum europaeum, Hedera helix, presented singly Paris quadrifolia, Polygonatum multiflorum, Glechoma hederacea, Impatiens parviflora. Litterfall layer is 5-6 cm. Stage of the RD is second.

TA 3. Grouping Fagetum galeobdolosum (Po-gulianka Forest Park, a slope of the north-western exposure (20°): completeness and branches density - 0.8; the average age of the stand is 80 years; average height

- 20 m; the undergrowth underdeveloped and formed by single bushes of Sambucus nigra. 13 species grow in living soil cover, Galeobdolon luteum (20%) and Ae-gopodium podagraria (15%) dominate, the total projective cover of the grass layer is 50%. With a projective cover of 1-5%, typical forest species Oxalis ace-tosella, Galium odoratum, Hedera helix, Salvia glutinosa L., single - Dryopteris filixmas, Mycelis muralis (L.) Dumort., Sanicula europaea L., Asarum europaeum, Carex sylvatica Huds are growing. Ruderal species are represented by Urtica dioica L., Plantago major L. Litterfall layer is 3-4 cm thick, weak decomposition. The footpath net is clear-cut. Stage of the RD is the third.

TA 4. Grouping Fagetum asarosum (Zalizna Voda forest park, a fast-moving northern slope with a steepness of 65 °): completeness and branches density

- 0.8; average age - 40 years; average stand height - 20 m; the undergrowth is represented by Acer platanoides L., A. pseudoplatanus L., Carpinus betulus L., Tilia cordata Mill., Fagus sylvatica L., Juglans regia L.; the shrub layer is formed by single bushes of Sambucus nigra. The projective cover of the grass layer is 60%, Asarum europaeum dominates. With a projective coating up to 10%, Impatiens parviflora, Galeobdolon lu-teum, Salvia glutinosa, Oxalis acetosella, Pulmonaria obscura Dumort., Aposeris foetida (L.) Less., Aegopo-dium podagraria are growing. Single bushes of Carex sylvatica, Glechoma hederaceae, Actaea spicata L., Urtica dioica were recorded. Litterfall layer is missing. Stage of the RD is the third.

TA 5. Instead of the Fagetum nudum grouping, Tilieto-Fageto-Acereto-Quercetum aegopodiosum formed (Vysokyi Zamok forest park, slope 45° southwestern exposure): completeness and branches density

- 0.6; the average age of the stand is 40 years; average height - 15 m; shrub layer represented by plantations of Physocarpus opulifolius (L.) Maxim. and artificial origin. 8 species grow in living soil cover, Impatiens parviflora (70%) and Aegopodium podagraria (10%) dominate, the projective cover of the grass layer is 80%. A pronounced invasion of Geranium robertianum L., represented by regenerative individuals, with a projec-tive cover of 14%. Ruderal species are represented by Geum urbanum, Poa nemoralis. Litterfall layer is 1-2 cm. The path network is clearly pronounced. Stage of the RD is the fourth.

TA 6. Grouping Fageto-Acereto-Tilietum aegopodiosum instead of a beech forest (Snopkivskyi park, slope of the southwestern exposure 45°): completeness and branches density - 0.6; the average age of the stand is 60 years; height - 10 m; shrub layer formed by Sambucus nigra and Swida sanguinea (L.) Opiz., undergoes felling. The projective cover of the grass layer is 30%, Aegopodium podagraria (20%) dominates. Separate strongly suppressed Salvia glutinosa and My-celis muralis were found from forest species. Ruderal species are represented by Artemisia vulgaris L., Sonchus arvensis L., Plantago major, Urtica dioica, Chenopodium album L., Geum urbanum, Poe-memoralis, Impatiens parviflora, Phalacroloma annua, Achillea millefolium L., Humulus lupulus L. etc., but they also depressed. Litterfall layer is missing. Embossed areas appear without grass cover. Stage of the RD is the fifth.

Thus, for coenopopulations of different groups of parks and forest parks at the early stages of recreational digression (second to third) are characterized by low values of the recovery index, seed yield, the predominance of generative individuals in the age structure. With increasing recreational pressure to the fourth or fifth stage, there is an increase recovery and harvest index values, the predominance of regenerative age groups, resulting to the final degradation of cenopopu-lations.

With significant digression, the grass cover is formed mainly from the so-called forest weeds, the participation of typical ruderal and segetal species increases. An increase in the recreational load leads first to the formation of a mosaic distribution, and then to the almost complete destruction of the grass cover. Significant changes are occurring in the composition of the grass cover. The most severely affected by trampling the plants with succulent, fragile stems and tender leaves. With significant digression, the grass cover is formed mainly from the so-called forest weeds, the participation of typical ruderal and segetal species are increases. Due trampling therein peculiar structure formed: tropic, planar and combined network of paths. In the forest-park zone, the pathway trampling of the grass cover significantly prevails over the planar. The highest percentage of trampledness is characteristic of forest park areas, which are subjected to significant recreational pressures.

The paths in urban forest parks can conditionally be considered elements of a micro relief which accumulate and redistribute the products of urban technical genesis entering the landscapes. All this contributes to a change in the physical and chemical composition of the soils. Therefore, an increase in the anthropogenic load on the soil cover leads to an increase in soil density - from 1.18 g/cm3 with a weak anthropogenic load - to 1.37 g/cm3. A similar increase is characteristic of the density index of the solid phase of the soil. In the undisturbed state, the density of the solid phase of the upper soil layer is lower (2.395 g / cm3) than in places of intense recreation (2.490 g / cm3). Their density is increasing with rising width of the path. This dependence is clearly traced to a depth of 10-20 cm.



The value of soil hardness is greatly depends on humidity, so it was determined both in the dry and rainy periods of the growing season. The soils hardness of the road-path network in the dry period is 2-4 times higher than the background values. The average soil humidity on the paths in the rainy period increases by 1.4 times. This is reflected in the appearance of characteristic signs of gleysoling in the upper layer of soil (up to 3040%). With increasing illumination and rising soil density under the influence of recreation, light-loving species resistant to trampling and mechanical damage

begin to dominate in the grass layer. Environmental factors are quite broadly correlated with indicators of the development of secondary herbal synusia (Table 1). Also the table can verify that the associations in which edifier trees form an openwork crown (birch, acacia white, ash-leaved maple, European larch, common and green ash) are characterized by less contrasting characteristics and, accordingly, a higher stage of recreational load. Each species produces its own behavior strategy in relation to the recreation.

Table 1

Characterization of associations and ground cover

Phytocenosis Ecosystem engineer Lighting groups Natural regeneration, thousand units/ha Grass cover

Age of undergrowth, years Rating according to Nesterov The projected coverage, % Number of species, pcs.

1-5 6-10

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Norway maple Dark 0 0 Disrepair 0 -

Northern red oak Dark 0 0 Disrepair 0 -

Acer pseudoplatanus Dark 0 0 Disrepair 5 4

Common Oak + European Larch Average 5,0 3,2 Satisfactory 45 16

Common Oak Average 3,0 3,0 Disrepair 14 14

Scotch pine Average 3,1 3,1 Disrepair 29 6

Green ash Средн. Average 5,1 3,0 Satisfactory 78 29

European ash Average 5,0 3,1 Satisfactory 85 27

European Larch Average 3,0 3,0 Disrepair 64 12

Ash-leaved maple Average 3,2 1,0 Weak 95 14

Black locust Average 3,0 3,0 Disrepair 100 39

Silver birch Average 0 0 Disrepair 100 41

The number of mechanically damaged trees in territories of varying degrees of recreational impact are shown in table 2.

Table 2

Mechanical damage of trees in the forest parks

Recreational load Q-ty inspected, pieces Mechanical damage to trees, pieces Number of damaged, pieces % percentage of damaged trees

Broken Branches Bark Root Combined

The weak 524 5 14 4 2 16 41 7,82

Medium 286 1 5 3 3 5 17 5,94

Significant 218 2 24 3 3 25 57 17,54

Total 1028 8 43 10 8 46 115 11,19

An analysis of Table 2 shows that among mechanical damage greatest number of trees have to damage branches and combined - broken branches, injury to the bark and roots. The average percentage of mechanical damage to woody vegetation is 11.19%. Excessive recreational pressures alter the conditions of reforestation, as a result of which may change the dynamics of the whole ecosystem [2, 3, 8].

CONCLUSIONS According to the research results, the current state of forest parks and parks suggests that the urban kind has a multifaceted effect on the natural landscape and the environment, since various elements of the soil and vegetation cover are replaced by anthropogenic cover.

The growth and development of certain species over the past 50 years has largely depended on the competitive ability of plants, when when minor species survived in thickened stands unattended. The results of long-term observations showed that beech plantations are excellently restored in all areas, especially old-growth, there is a presence of thick beech undergrowth of different ages (up to 21 thousand units/ha).

Recreation has an impact on all tiers of vegetation. By the fifth stage of digression, the proportion of trees in good condition decreases by 4-5 times. As a result of the deterioration of the stand, the crown density of trees decreases from 70-80% to 30%, which leads to an increase illumination. By the fifth stage of digression,

illumination (relative to the open surface) increases by more than 30 times. Changes in illumination have a great effect on the number of undergrowth and the species diversity of herbs.

The greatest changes were noted in the soils of the road-path network. An increase of the anthropogenic load on the soil cover leads to an increase in soil density - from 1.12 g / cm3 (weak recreational load) to 1.31 g / cm3 (significant recreational load). Soil owercompac-tion not only on the paths themselves, but also in the near-path zones, where the pathway digression of the slopes and the development of erosion processes increase.


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