Научная статья на тему 'Influence of probiotics «Provagen» and «Subtilis» on zootechnical indicators of rearing of cross «Ross-308» broiler chickens'

Influence of probiotics «Provagen» and «Subtilis» on zootechnical indicators of rearing of cross «Ross-308» broiler chickens Текст научной статьи по специальности «Животноводство и молочное дело»

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Аннотация научной статьи по животноводству и молочному делу, автор научной работы — Chervonova I. V., Abramkova N. V.

The purpose of the work was to study the influence of the sporiferous probiotics «Subtilis» and «Provagen» on the productive qualities, viability, haematological parameters of cross «Ross-308» broiler chickens. The research was conducted according to the standard techniques. The feeding value of the complete feeds met the regulations of the All-Russian research institute of technology of poultry farming and recommendations for this cross. The Feeds were given to appetite. Probiotics were added to the complete feed at the enterprise by manual mixing just before feeding the birds. The main housing conditions of chickens (microclimate parameters, light regime, chicken density, feeding and drinking space) were identical for all groups and corresponded to «The Ross-308 broilers raising guide» (2009) and to the recommendations of the All-Russian research institute of technology of poultry farming (2008). As a result it was found that using of probiotics «Subtilis» and «Provagen» in broiler chickens feeding had positive impact on their growing capacity. Introduction of the test probiotics into the complete feeds of broiler chickens promoted improvement of zootechnical indicators of their rearing (increase in live weight, average daily gain, chick livability and reduction of feed costs per 1 kg of live weight gain). Using of probiotics had positive impact on the metabolic status and the general body resistance of birds, that was evident by the increase in quantity of erythrocytes in blood of chickens of the experimental groups, hemoglobin, total protein, albumines and globulins, increase of the bactericidal and lysozyme activity of blood serum. The best results were obtained in the 3rd group. In this group probiotic «Provagen» was added to the complete feeds for broilers in a dose of 0,015 g/bird. (1х10 9CFC/bird) per day (0,2 kg/t) during the first 7 days of rearing.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Influence of probiotics «Provagen» and «Subtilis» on zootechnical indicators of rearing of cross «Ross-308» broiler chickens»

UDC 636.5.033


Chervonova I.V., Candidate of Agricultural Sciences Abramkova N.V., Candidate of Biological Sciences Orel State Agrarian University, Orel City, Russia E-mail: katya [email protected]


The purpose of the work was to study the influence of the sporiferous probiotics «Subtilis» and «Provagen» on the productive qualities, viability, haematological parameters of cross «Ross-308» broiler chickens. The research was conducted according to the standard techniques. The feeding value of the complete feeds met the regulations of the All-Russian research institute of technology of poultry farming and recommendations for this cross. The Feeds were given to appetite. Probiotics were added to the complete feed at the enterprise by manual mixing just before feeding the birds. The main housing conditions of chickens (microclimate parameters, light regime, chicken density, feeding and drinking space) were identical for all groups and corresponded to «The Ross-308 broilers raising guide» (2009) and to the recommendations of the All-Russian research institute of technology of poultry farming (2008). As a result it was found that using of probiotics «Subtilis» and «Provagen» in broiler chickens feeding had positive impact on their growing capacity. Introduction of the test probiotics into the complete feeds of broiler chickens promoted improvement of zootechnical indicators of their rearing (increase in live weight, average daily gain, chick livability and reduction of feed costs per 1 kg of live weight gain). Using of probiotics had positive impact on the metabolic status and the general body resistance of birds, that was evident by the increase in quantity of erythrocytes in blood of chickens of the experimental groups, hemoglobin, total protein, albumines and globulins, increase of the bactericidal and lysozyme activity of blood serum. The best results were obtained in the 3rd group. In this group probiotic «Provagen» was added to the complete feeds for broilers in a dose of 0,015 g/bird. (1x109CFC/bird) per day (0,2 kg/t) during the first 7 days of rearing.


Broiler chickens; Probiotics; Subtilis; Provagen; Zootechnical indicators; Rearing; Morphological and biochemical haematological parameters; Floor system; Management.

In our country close attention is paid to the problem of food supply security, in particular the ability to make sufficient quantities of foodstuffs within the country, first of all of meat. Nowadays broiler poultry farming is one of the most fast-gaining, knowledge-intensive and high-tech industries. And this industry is capable of providing the consumer market with inexpensive dietetic meat within a short time [3, 7, 8, 13].

In the productivity indicators of broiler chickens and in the feed-gain relationship many poultry farms of Russia have already reached the world level. Use of growth stimulators, in-feed antibiotics , hormones, i.e. introduction into the birds ration only those feeds which would promote a greater yield of the demanded product without registration their influence on the representatives of normoflora, were until recently the main methods of achievement of high meat producing ability of broiler chickens [5, 11]. Today there are some alternatives to the above-named additives. They are probiotics and prebiotics which increase body resistance of birds, oppress growth of pathological bacteria and promote better assimilation of nutrients from feeds. It is also important that prolonged usage of these additives on the same poultry farm doesn't reduce their efficiency as contrasted with antibiotics [1, 2, 4, 6, 9, 10, 12, 14].

The probiotic preparations «Provagen» of the «Trionis» company and «Subtilis» of the «Scientific Research Institute of Probiotics» company represent the balanced complex of

probiotic bacteria of Bacillus Subtilis ARCM and Bacillus Licheniformis in the ratio 1:1. Distinctions between them are that «Subtilis» consists of an aerobic strain of Bacillus Subtilis - 2250 and an anaerobic strain of Bacillus Licheniformis ARCM 22252, and the active ingredients of «Provagen» are strains of bacteria of Bacillus licheniformis ARCM V-2414 and Bacillus subtilis ARCM V-2287 [9].

The purpose of this work was to study the efficiency of use of the sporiferous probiotics «Subtilis» and «Provagen» for zootechnical indicators of broiler chicken rearing.


The experimental part of the work was carried out in the poultry farm «Poultry Producing Factory» CJSC AIC «Oryol Niva». 3 groups of day-old cross «Ross-308» broiler chicks, up to 100 birds in each group, similar in the live weight and clinical-physiological state were formed for the experiment. The experimental male and female birds were reared in a standard windowless rearing house up to 38-days of age. The complete loose feeds were given to appetite. The feeding value of the feeds met the standards of the All-Russian research institute of technology of poultry farming and recommendations for this cross. The main housing conditions of chickens (microclimate parameters, light regime, chicken density, feeding and drinking space) were identical for all groups and corresponded to «The Ross-308 broilers raising guide» (2009) and to the recommendations of the All-Russian research institute of technology of poultry farming (2008). The scheme of the experiment is presented in table 1.

Table 1 - Scheme of the experiment

Groups Feeding practices

The 1st control The Main Diet (MD) without probiotic additives

The 2nd experimental MD + «Subtilis» as a part of the complete feed in a dose of 0,09 g/bird (0,45x109 CFC/bird) per day (3 kg/t) during the first 7 days of rearing

The 3rd experimental MD + «Provagen» as a part of the complete feed in a dose of 0,015 g/bird (1x109 CFC/bird) per day (0,2 kg/t) during the first 7 days of rearing

Chickens of the 1st group served as a control and didn't receive the studied preparations. Broiler chickens of the 2nd experimental group in addition to the main diet received probiotic «Subtilis» in a dose of 0,09 g/bird per day in the course of the first 7 days, and chickens of the 3rd experimental group received probiotic «Provagen» in a dose of 0,015 g/bird per day. From the 8th day the birds of experimental groups had the same feeding, as the main stock. Zootechnical indicators were identified with the help of the standard research methods.


Using of probiotics «Subtilis» and «Provagen» in feeding rations of broilers had positive impact on their growing capacity (relative liveweight gain). So, the relative liveweight gain of broilers in the experimental groups increased by 0,3% and 0,4% respectively in the 2nd and 3rd experimental groups in comparison with the control group (fig. 1).

192,8 192,6 192,4 192,2 192

Relative liveweight gain, %

□The 1st control DThe 2nd experimental

□The 3rd experimental

Figure 1 - Relative liveweight gain of broilers

The main zootechnical indicators of rearing of broilers are presented in table 2. It is found that introduction of probiotics «Subtilis» and «Provagen» into the feeds of broilers promoted increase in their live weight. At the end of rearing the maximum indicator of live weight was noted in the 3rd experimental group - 2108,03 g that is 2,88% higher (P <0,01) in comparison with the control group. Introduction of probiotic «Subtilis» into the feeds of broilers during the first seven days of rearing promoted 2,59% increase in live weight of the birds.

Table 2 - Zootechnical indicators of broiler chicken rearing (M±m)

Indicators Groups

The 1st control The 2nd experimental The 3rd experimental

Number of chicks for rearing, birds 100 100 100

Rearing period, days 38 38 38

Average live weight 1 bird, g 2049,01±21,02 2102,13±23,03 2131,03±20,4**

Average daily gain, g 52,87 54,27 55,05

Chick livability, % 96,0 97,0 98,0

Feed costs per 1 kg of liveweight gain, kg 1,76 1,72 1,70

European factor of efficiency, units 294,12 311,97 323,28

Note: ** - P<0,01

All broiler chickens had a high daily average liveweight gain - 52,87-55,05 g, and in the experimental groups it was higher, than in the control group. The maximum average daily gain was observed in the 3rd group where the difference with the control group was 2,18 g. As a result of using of probiotics «Subtilis» and «Provagen» increased the livability of broilers from 96,0% (the 1st control group) to 97,0-98,0% (the 2nd and 3rd experimental groups respectively).

Feed costs per 1 kg of live weight gain decreased in the experimental groups by 2,27% and 3,41% respectively in the 2nd and 3rd experimental groups in comparison with the control group.

Improvement of the main zootechnical indicators in the experimental groups provided higher index of efficiency of 311,97-323,28 units that is 17,85-29,16 units higher, than in the control group.

Within the experiment we studied morphological and biochemical haematological parameters characterizing reaction of broilers to the using of probiotics «Subtilis» and «Provagen» (table 3).

Table 3 - Morphological and biochemical haematological parameters of broilers

(age - 38 days; M±m; n=10)

Indicators Groups

The 1st control The 2nd experimental The 3rd experimental

Erythrocytes, 10l2/l 2,58±0,12 2,86±0,08 2,91±0,09

Hemoglobin, g/l 90,30±2,96 94,21±3,03 96,82±2,74

Total protein, g/l 44,11±1,59 46,84±1,42 47,64±1,33

Albumines, g/l 15,06±0,61 16,21±0,50 16,81±0,49

Globulins, g/l 29,05±0,92 30,63±1,01 30,83±0,79

BBSA, % 43,04±1,05 45,89±0,84 46,08±0,81

LBSA, % 29,92±1,25 35,74±1,19 35,81±1,21

Note: * - P<0,05; ** - P<0,01

Morphological and biochemical haematological parameters of broiler chickens indicate activation of the metabolic processes and metabolism of protein, as well as increase of natural body resistance of birds when adding the studied probiotics to their complete feeds. So, concentration of erythrocytes in blood of broilers of the 2nd and 3rd experimental groups was 10,85 and 12,79% (P<0,05) higher than in the control group, and the amount of hemoglobin was 4,32 and 7,20% higher respectively.

As is seen from the presented data, the content of the total protein, albumines and

globulins in serum of blood increased when probiotics «Subtilis» and «Provagen» have been added to the complete feeds, however the range of changes kept within the physiological norms for broiler chickens. So, if in the control group the level of the general protein was 44,11 g/l, in the 2nd experimental group it was 46,84 g/l, and in the 3rd - 47,64 g/l. In experimental groups concentration of albumines was higher, than in the control group: 7,64% higher - in the 2nd experimental group and 11,62% higher- in the 3rd. Thus in the 3rd experimental group the difference with the control group was reliable (P<0,05). The amount of globulins was also higher in the experimental groups 30,63 and 30,83 g/l in the 2nd and 3rd experimental group respectively in comparison with the level of the control group (29,05 g/l).

It was established that introduction of the studied probiotics into the complete feeds promoted activation of the nonspecific body resistance of birds. So, value of the bactericidal blood serum activity (BBSA) in the 2nd and 3rd experimental groups was 2,85-3,04% higher (P<0,01) in comparison with the control group.

Lysozyme Blood Serum Activity LBSA was more subjected to the influence of the studied feeds factor. So, if in the control group this indicator was 29,92%, in the 2nd and 3rd experimental groups it was respectively 5,82 and 5,89% higher (P<0,01). Thus, under the influence probiotics broilers of the experimental groups had an increase in BBSA and LBSA within the physiological norm. Increase of these indicators in total with other factors of immunity ensured higher liveability of the birds.


Probiotics «Subtilis» and «Provagen» influence the productive qualities and viability of broiler chickens in a positive way. Thus it should be noted that the best results were obtained in the 3rd group where probiotic «Provagen» in a dose of 0,015 g/bird. (1x109 CFC/bird) per day (0,2 kg/t) of rearing was added to the complete feeds during the first 7 days.


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