УДК 33848(575.32) 7183
Assistant of the Department of Tourism Business, International University of Tourism and
Entrepreneurship Tajikistan
Assistant of the Department of Tourism Business, International University of Tourism and
Entrepreneurship Tajikistan
Annotation. The article examines the problems of studying natural and climatic, historical and cultural, socio-economic, tourist and recreational resources for the territorial organization of types and kinds of tourism in the upper of the Panj River. It should be noted that the territory of the upper reaches of the Panj River has certain exotic resources for the development of tourism and recreational activities.
Key words: tourism, mountain tourism, Panj River, natural - tourist - recreational, tourist sites, recreational zone, therapeutic - health climate, cultural - historical type of tourism.
In the modern world, the tourism industry has become a key segment of the socio-economic, cultural, political and environmental activity of many countries and regions of the world.
If earlier tourism was given attention as a luxury and recreational item, today this type of activity has become an integral part of people's lives, associated with satisfying spiritual and physical needs, maintaining the necessary level of their life [7, p.3].
Panj River, headstream of the Amu Darya in Central Asia. It is 700 miles (1,125 km) long and constitutes part of the border between Afghanistan and Tajikistan. The Panj River is formed between the Hindu Kush and the Pamir Mountains by the junction of the Vakhan River and the Pamir River along the border between eastern Afghanistan and Tajikistan.
From an economic and geographical point of view, the tourist area occupies the Eastern part of the republic, and here two mountainous regions are distinguished (West Pamir and East Pamir), which, from a tourist and recreational point of view, each has special natural and tourist recreational resources. The core of the mountain tourist zone, which has the form of a mountain geosystem, is considered short in size, about 108 km. This territory is the highest elevation in Central Asia [1, p. 235].
Numerous ridges here have great mountaineering and mountain-hiking tourist significance and attract climbers from all over the world. This is a tourist and recreational zone where the most diverse types of landscapes were formed: alpine, and eternal snow, and hot high-mountain territories, where the valley space gives way to sharp peaks, which, in their exotic features and landscape diversity and the historical, geographical and ethnographic mysteries that have developed, are a special world in the Eurasian continent.
From a tourist and recreational point of view, the Eastern Pamirs have a different physical-geographical and tourist character; this vast high-mountain desert stretches from the southern slopes of the Zaalai Range in the north to the banks of the Panj River in the south. [2, p. 55-60]. The Eastern Pamirs are distinguished by an extremely harsh climate with cold, snowless winters and rather cold summers.
Its natural and tourist resources are the eastern Pamir valleys and lakes of the Alichur, Murghab, Rangkul basins, located at an altitude of 3,500 to 4,200 m above sea level. After Tibet, this is the highest mountain tourist area in the world. In the central part of the Eastern Pamir, tourists can observe the compact system of the Muzkol Range, dividing the Eastern Pamir into northern and southern parts. When organizing the territorial organization of mountain tourism, it is necessary to keep in
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mind that in this territory with extremely different and large daily and annual temperature fluctuations, not all types and kinds of tourism are the main ones[6, p.30].
The main river flows of the Eastern Pamirs are Murghab, Gudara, Tanimas, Alchur and Pamir. They flow in the latitudinal direction and flow into the Panj River. These river flows are poorly studied, with tourist and recreational purposes they are poorly studied for their use, but during the development and irrigation of soils they can be used to improve the grass stand and the production of short-ripening types of vegetables. Some woody vegetation has great exotic, tourist and recreational value [5, 50-54].
The fauna of the highland plateau in the upper reaches of the Panj River, which differs from all the mountainous territories of Central Asia and Tibet, is of particular importance for the landscape diversity of the tourist zone. The Tibetan snowcock, Tibetan sadja and Himalayan merganser are sedentary in the Pamirs. The Indian goose, red duck, brown-headed gull and Tibetan tern nest in the tourist territory. Among the ungulates, there are the Siberian ibex and argali, a representative of wild sheep, which tourists meet on the gentle slopes of the mountains with soft relief.
For the territorial organization of hunting and commercial types of tourism, partridges, mountain idemka are widespread, marinka, khromulya, trout, carp, shovelfish live in lakes, but the hunting type of tourism is poorly developed. For the development of natural-educational, scientific and educational types of tourism, the territory of the mountainous region was known in ancient times.
The most important for the development of tourism are the ancient mines where gold, silver, mica, tungsten, talc, spinel, garnets, and lapis lazuli were mined. And the most ancient find of products made of the "stone of heaven" lapis lazuli dates back to thousands of years BC. To see the beauty and picturesqueness of the deposit of this mineral, a tourist has to visit the "Lojvar-dara" [4,p.211]
Local customs are of particular importance for sustainable tourism development - these are historically established stable norms of human behavior, their way of life and everyday life, which are passed on from generation to generation and are protected by the power of public opinion. In the upper of the Panj River, people were accompanied from birth to death by all sorts of family and everyday customs and rites.
In the territorial organization of tourism, especially in isolated mountainous areas such as the upper reaches of the Panj River, the decorative and applied arts of the Pamir Tajiks play an important economic role. It is represented by wood carving (architectural details, cradle boxes, lamps), embroidery, the production of monumental bath felt mats and school belts.
The architecture of the traditional dwelling of the Tajiks of the Pamirs has a huge attraction for tourists. It is made of stone, adobe brick, rectangular in plan, without windows, with a flat ceiling of wooden pillars. The "Pamir house" may seem primitive only to an unenlightened person, since it contains a strictly defined religious and philosophical meaning[5,p.54]. "Pamir House" is a great architectural philosophy in its meaning. It is a religious shrine, a symbol of purity for every Ismaili and consists of a three-level flooring (se sanj). Tourists sometimes spend up to 3-5 hours to inspect and analyze its architecture and its internal content, which embody Zoroastrianism, Christianity, Buddhism, Islam and Ismailism.
These tourist and recreational objects are unique natural and historical territories that amaze tourists with an amazing variety of landscapes and climatic contrasts. The special exoticism of the Panj River lies in its rapid rivers for the territorial organization of extreme types of tourism (rafting, canoeing, kayaking, rafts).
Historical and cultural monuments are located on the Great Silk Road and are objects of territorial organization of scientific and educational and religious types of tourism, along the historical Pamir Highway there are many mazors (holy places). The most important shrine is the Khazrati Burkh Mazar mausoleum and the minaret are made of burnt brick, which is not found in the territory of Central Asia.
1. The tourist and recreational potential of the upper reaches of the Panj river for the territorial organization of types and kinds of tourism has been poorly studied.
2. The main problem of the upper of the Panj river is the uneven distribution of tourist bases and resorts, they are located in the form of tourist points, which have a negative impact on the development of tourism. Due to poor transport links, tourists cannot always see the various cultural and historical values of tourist areas.
3. Due to the weak material and technical base in the locations of tourist facilities, the contingent of tourists, mainly medical and health tourists, are residents of the Republic of Tajikistan.
4. Lack of investment.
5. Underdevelopment of tourist infrastructure.
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