Научная статья на тему 'Influence of ecological factors on biochemical parameters of blood of rabbits of different breeds'

Influence of ecological factors on biochemical parameters of blood of rabbits of different breeds Текст научной статьи по специальности «Биологические науки»

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Аннотация научной статьи по биологическим наукам, автор научной работы — Khayitov Davron Gaybullaevich, Rajamurodov Z.T.

The article presents data obtained during the study of the influence of various environmental factors on the biochemical parameters of blood serum in different rabbit breeds differing in directional productivity. It has been established that irrespective of the pedigree of rabbits, when growing under conditions of comparatively intensive contaminated (CIC) conditions in blood serum, the amount of total protein and albumins decreases. And the amounts of globulins and transferrin were high.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Influence of ecological factors on biochemical parameters of blood of rabbits of different breeds»

Khayitov Davron Gaybullaevich, assistant, Faculty of Biology Samarkand State University, E-mail: hayitov80@bk.ru Rajamurodov Z. T., professor, Faculty of Biology Samarkand State University, E-mail: zaynitdin-fiz@mail.ru


Abstract: The article presents data obtained during the study of the influence of various environmental factors on the biochemical parameters of blood serum in different rabbit breeds differing in directional productivity. It has been established that irrespective of the pedigree of rabbits, when growing under conditions of comparatively intensive contaminated (CIC) conditions in blood serum, the amount of total protein and albumins decreases. And the amounts of globulins and transferrin were high.

Keywords: adaptation, ecology, factors, breed, rabbits, chinchilla, giant, New Zealand, blood, protein, serum proteins of blood, total protein, albumin, globulin, transfferin, etc.

Relevance of the topic: Currently, due to the growing of soil and water has led to a decrease in the reserve of natural

mineral wealth.

Because of anthropogenic interference of the human factor in various cities around the world, all the components of the atmosphere, especially atmospheric air, the chemical composition of aboveground and groundwater, the ecosystem of soils are greatly altered, and this will greatly damage the crop and livestock production of the world [1, P. 83-84; 3, P. 144-146; 5, P. 277; 7, P. 241; 14, P. 99-102].

Chemical pollution of the atmosphere, exert a strong influence of all biochemical periods of natural nature. The action of a person, exerting a strong influence on the external environment, worsens the state of the biosphere, along with the whole living organism, and exerts a certain influence on the human body itself [4, P. 55-57; 10, P. 992-1006].

In addition, various: - production, environmental, physico-chemical change in nature occurs only with the active participation and action of man. At the same time, the blood system responds to changes in its composition and properties by any influence of environmental factors [2, P. 80; 8, P. 430; 11, P. 216]. The blood of the body is considered a functional system of the body and the basis of this unites the various physiological systems of the body, and constitute a single whole organism.

The negative influence exerted on the body is closely connected with the functional states of the blood-forming cells and immunological systems, and this change is manifested in clinical and hematological processes. Because of such properties, blood has always attracted the attention of researchers [9, P. 318-320; 12, P. 1193-1202].

population demographics in the world and the deterioration of environmental among the entire planet among the population, food insufficiency is observed. This was reported by David Beasley, Executive Director of the World Food Program in his speech to the Security Council. According to David Beasley, the number of injured people in the world due to food shortages in the last 2 years has increased to 55%.

In addition, according to the director of the program the number of injured in 2015 was about 80 million, then in 2017 their number reached 124 million [15].

It should be noted that, according to the State Statistical Committee, by 1 April, 2018, the permanent population of Uzbekistan is 32.765 million people.

The period of economic development of providing people with high-quality and safe dietary rabbit meat, as well as local industry with raw materials remains a problem awaiting its positive decision. The governments of Uzbekistan along with the leading branches of livestock farming, pay special attention to the comprehensive development of such livestock breeding areas as poultry farming, fish farming, beekeeping and rabbit breeding. The decrees issued and the decision of the Ministry of Agriculture and Water Resources of the Republic of Uzbekistan, testify that, from the side of the government, much attention is paid to the development of rabbit breeding.

It is known that an increase in the number of people in the world will lead to many different problems. Among these problems, pollution of the external environment with various food and industrial wastes is considered to be the main one, as a result of the increased pollution by chemical (heavy metals)

Thus, the study in difficult environmental conditions, the influence of various climatic and nutritional factors in rabbit organisms has a certain scientific and practical significance [6, P. 122-126; 13, P. 359-366].

Proceeding from the above, we have accomplished this work in accordance with 5 priority directions of the Strategic Action for the Development of the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2017-2021. In 3 rd Priority direction is development and liberalization of the economy;

3.3. Mederinization and intensive development of agriculture; deepen the structural change and systemic development of agriculture, improve the security of security and expand the production of environmental clean food.

The purpose of the study was to study various environmental factors (stressful) on adaptation processes, digestion, hematological and immunological indices of blood and the productivity of various rabbit breeds brought from abroad.

To achieve the goal, the following specific tasks were set:

- to study the effects on feed intake with an increase in the amount of CO2 in NH3 in the respiratory air from the normal and with the inclusion ofvarious food preparations in the diet; study of the change providing the constancy of cellular and biochemical indicators of functional systems under the influence of stressful climatic and nutritional factors; study of the effect on the state of natural resistance of the rabbits organism of various stress factors; study the change in morphological and biochemical indicators of blood and the state of nonspecific protective systems of rabbits' organism in after stress periods;

Objects and methods of research. The subjects of the study were rabbits breed in various regions of Samarkand province. When performing experimental studies, electropho-retic methods widely used in physiological and biochemical processes. Digital materials were processed using the Microsoft Office Excel program on a personal computer. Experimental and scientific-production experiments were carried out in the conditions of the Samur State Vision (Chinchilla and Giant), in the agro-production center "Agrovelikan" of the Pastdargom district of the Samarkand region (New Zealand) breed. The experiments lasted up to 60 days, with two breeds of animals formed from each breed, in groups of15 each. Analogues; identical in age, live weight, sex and even masters.

Results of the study. In connection with the increase in the number of industrial enterprises and vehicles in villages and cities, the air environment and the pollution of water basins with various gases and wastes have deteriorated.

Proceeding from this, by the degree of pollution large settlements in comparison with the mountain and foothill zones of the republic are considered to be environmentally unclean. On the contrary, pasture zones of mountain, foothill and for-

est zones, an found ecologically clean zones. By intensity of pollution of all regions of Samarkand region, it is possible to divide into 3 zones; relatively environmentally friendly -mountain, foothill and forest zones (REF); relatively normal pollution - of the settlements and villages (RNP); relatively intensive pollution - large settlements and cities (RIP).

The table below shows the protein values of blood serum of rabbits contained in various zones of Samarkand province.

As can be seen from the figures, the rabbits of the chinchilla breed when grown in the REF zones the content of serum in the blood showed a total protein content of 66.0 ± 1.83 g/l, and under city conditions this figure was 65.0 ± 1.7 g/l i.e. between the compared groups the difference is practically not determined. When comparing the remaining groups, these indices amounted to 68.0 ± 2.1 g/l and 57.0 ± 1.2 g/l for groups of 4 gigantic; and in New Zealand -64.0 ± 1.92 g/l and 53.0 ± 1.8 g/l, respectively. In the latter groups, the difference between the compared groups by breed was almost the same,- 11 g/l.

The albumin fraction of proteins in sera from rabbits of the chinchilla breed was as follows - in the REF zones it was 52.0 ± 1.1 g/l, and for RIP conditions - 36.0 ± 1.3 g/l, respectively, and the difference between the compared zones was 16 g/l. Even more difference was observed in the gigant and New Zealand breeds of rabbits 57.0 ± 1.3; 30.0 ± 1.4 g/l, and 51.0 ± ± 1.0; 28.0 ± 1.0 g/l were respectively. The difference between the compared zones, for rabbit breeds was 27 g/l - for giants, and 23 g/l for New Zealand breeds respectively. The albumin fraction of blood serum in animals participates in metabolic processes, i.e. in the transport of food masses, since rabbits of the chinchilla breed are practically adapted to the local nature of the breed. The globulin fraction of whey proteins, along with participation in metabolic processes, perform the protective function of the organism, and the study of the number of globulin fractions of whey proteins makes it possible to characterize the immunological state of the rabbits' organism during breeding in various ecological zones, i.e., during the adaptation periods in new regions in life.

When chinchilla breeds were grown in the REF zones, the fraction of the globulin fraction was 14.0 ± 0.6 g/l, while in the growing of RIP zones their share increased to -29.0 ± ± 0.7 g/l or 2 times. This suggests that, even the local breeds in the cultivation of intensely contaminated zones mobilize all the capabilities of the body to eliminate the adverse effects of adverse environmental factors. Similar data were obtained for newly imported breeds and for breeds; 11.0 ± 0.84 and 27.0 ± ± 0.8 g/l for gigantic, and for 13.0 ± 0.42 and 25.0 ± 0.5 g/l for New Zealand respectively.

Apparently, the globulin fraction of whey proteins in comparison with the albumin fraction of the growth of SI

zones is the fraction of the first on the contrary increased. By the electrophoresis of the blood serum of the rabbit species being compared, three fractions of the globulin protein were obtained: a-, fi- and 7-globulins. When chinchilla breed rabbits were grown in the REF zone, the number of a-globulins

in serum was 21.43 ± 0.9% and in the RIP zone 24.5 ± 0.6% and the difference between the compared zones was 3.07%. In rabbits of chinchilla breeds grown in the REF domain, the a-globulin fraction of whey proteins was within the normal range, and decreased in the RIP regions.

Figure 1. A - Quantities of total protein in the blood serum from different breeds of rabbits, B - Quantities of albumin fraction in blood serum from different rabbit breeds, C - Quantities of the globulin fraction of protein in the blood serum in different rabbit breeds, D - Quantities of transferrin in the blood serum from different breeds of rabbits. I - chinchilla, II - giant, III - New Zealand

An analogous picture was also observed in the analysis of the data obtained on giant rocks and New Zealand rabbits amounted to 18.18 ± 0.16%, 25.9 ± 0.7%, and 7.72%, 15.38 ± ± 0.82, 26.4 ± 0.8% and 11.02% respectively. The reverse trend was observed in the analysis of data on the ^-globulin fraction ofwhey proteins. When growing in the REF zones, the fraction of the fi - globulin fraction in all three compared species was within the normal range, and in the RIP zones, the fraction of the whey protein fraction studied increased and made up by the chinchilla breed -40.0 ± 1.6; 28.6 ± 1.0 g/l and 11.4%; accord-

ing to the giant, 45.45 ± 1.4; 29.6±1.2% and 16.85%, and in New Zealand - 38.46 ± 1.3; 28.0 ± 0.8% and 10.46% respectively.

An analogous picture was also observed for the y - globulin fraction of blood serum proteins of all rabbits compared to breeds. Protein transferring cells, when combined and transported iron atoms in the animal body, is of particular importance. However, it should be noted that, in the blood of all three rabbit breeds, the ratio of variability was in the range from 0.5 to 1.19 g/l. From the above, we can state the following conclusions:

Regardless of the pedigree of rabbits when growing ments, necessarily render significant effect on protein values

under conditions of relatively intense (CIC) contaminated of blood serum rabbits.

conditions in blood serum, the amount of total protein and The data obtained can be used later in carrying out proalbumin is reduced. And the amounts of globulins and trans- duction experiments to evaluate the effect of various chemical

ferring were high. Changing conditions of external environ- compounds on the vital activity and productivity of animals.


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15. URL: http://kun.uz 9.04. 2018

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