INFLUENCE OF BIO-ADDITIONS ON THE PERFORMANCE PROPERTIES OF DIESEL FUEL Текст научной статьи по специальности «Химические технологии»

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Ключевые слова

Аннотация научной статьи по химическим технологиям, автор научной работы — Gaybullaev Saidjon, Zaripov Mizrobjon, Fayzieva Sabina

Today, in the world, in the production of ecologically clean diesel fuels, research on various additives and additives to expand fuel resources and improve operational properties is considered one of the most urgent issues of industry experts. In addition, the tightening of environmental requirements for diesel fuel sharply regulates the amount of most toxic emissions in exhaust gases. The article describes the use of vegetable oil as an additive in the preparation of diesel fuel, as well as the results of evaluating the properties of the prepared fuel by visual evaluation of scratch marks and their size values using the HFRR (high frequency reciprocating rig) method.

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№ 5 (110)


/Ш. TE)



май, 2023 г.

DOI - 10.32743/UniTech.2023.110.5.15443


Sаidjоn Gаybullаеv

Аssосiаtе Рrоfеssоr оf thß Dераrtmеnt оf Gаs сhеmiсаlрrосеssing tесhnоlоgy Bukhаrа еnginееring-tесhnоlоgiсаl institutе, Rерubliс оf Uzbеkistаn, Bukhаrа E-mail: sаidxоnturа@,mаil.ru

Mizwbpn Zаriроv


оf h Dераrtmеnt оf Gаs сhеmiсаlрrосеssing tесhnоlоgy Bukhаrа еnginееring-tесhnоlоgiсаl institutе, Rерubliс оf Uzbеkistаn, Bukhаrа

Sаbinа Fаyziеvа


Bukhаrа еnginееring-tесhnоlоgiсаl institutе, Rерubliс оf Uzbеkistаn, Bukhаrа



Гайбуллаев Саиджон Абдусалимович


кафедры «Технология химической переработки газа» Бухарского инженерно-технологического института, Республики Узбекистан, г. Бухара

Зарипов Мизробжон халим угли


кафедры «Технология химической переработки газа» Бухарского инженерно-технологического института, Республики Узбекистан, г. Бухара

Файзиева Сабина Алишер кизи


Бухарского инженерно-технологического института, Республики Узбекистан, г. Бухара


На сегодняшний день в мире при производстве экологически чистых дизельных топлив исследование различных присадок и присадок для расширения ресурсов топлива и улучшения эксплуатационных свойств считается одним из наиболее актуальных вопросов специалистов отрасли. Кроме того, ужесточение экологических требований к дизельному топливу резко регулирует количество наиболее токсичных выбросов в выхлопных газах.

В статье описано использование растительного масла в качестве присадки при приготовлении дизельного топлива, а также результаты оценки свойств приготовленного топлива путем визуальной оценки рисков и величины их размеров с помощью HFRR (high frеquеnсy теЫртосаНщ rig) метод.


Tоdаy, in ше wоrld, in ше рю^с^ои оf еш^ша^ с1еап diеsеl шеь, ^еагсИ оп v^fous аdditivеs ам аdditivеs to еxраnd Ше1 rеsоurсеs rnd imрrоvе орега^опа1 рrореrtiеs is соnsidеrеd опе оf Ше mоst ш^еИ; iss^s оf industry ехреГБ. In аdditiоn, Ше ^Меп^ оf е^коптеИ;а1 ^ш^етеИБ for diеsеl Ше1 shаrрly rеgulаtеs Ше атошИ; оf mоst tоxiс еmissiопs in еxhаust gаsеs.

Thе аrtiсlе dеsсribеs thе usе оf vеgеtаЫе оП аs ап аdditivе in Ше рrераrаtiоп оf diеsеl Ше1, аs wеll аs thе rеsults оf еvаluаtiпg thе рrореrtiеs оf Ше рrераrеd Ше1 by visuаl еvаluаtiоn оf sсrаtсh mаrks апd Шек sizе vаluеs using thе HFRR (high f^uc^y rесiрrосаtiпg rig) mеthоd.

Библиографическое описание: Gaybullaev S.A., Zaripov M.X., Fayzieva S.A. INFLUENCE OF BIO-ADDITIONS ON THE PERFORMANCE PROPERTIES OF DIESEL FUEL // Universum: технические науки : электрон. научн. журн. 2023. 5(110). URL: https://7universum.com/ru/tech/archive/item/15443

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май, 2023 г.

Ключевые слова: смазывающая способность, дизельное топливо, растительное масло, система подачи топлива, царапины, трение, абразивная царапина, присадки к дизельному топливу, уменьшение царапин.

Kеywоrds: lubritity ргорейу, diеsеl Ше1, vеgеtаЫе ой, Ше1 suррly systеm, serat^ m^ks, Шсйоп, аbrаsivе sсrаtсh; diеsеl Ше1 аdditivеs, sсrаtсh rеduсtiоn.


The demand for diesel fuel in any country with а developed industry, which, of course, includes Uzbekistan, remains consistently high. However, competition in this area beats all records. Therefore, each participant in the fuel market faces an important task - to improve the quality of products, thereby increasing the attractiveness of their offer for potential consumers.

Diesel fuel is a complex mixture of paraffinic (10-40%), naphthenic (20-60%) and aromatic (14 ••• 30%) hydrocarbons and their derivatives with an average molecular weight of 110-230, boiling within 170 - 380 °C. Usually, the flash point is 35 - 80 °C, the pour point is below —5 °C. The solubility of water in fuel is approximately 0.06 fcg/m3, oxygen (3.3 - 3.5) • 10-6 m3A,g, refractive index 1.37- 1.58, surface tension (30-31) •Ю-3 W/m, relative permittivity 1.8-2.10, resistivity (2 - 3) • 10100m • m, specific heat 1.90-2.60 kj/kg • °C, thermal conductivity 0.14 fcy/m • s • °C (at 100°C), temperature coefficient of volumetric expansion 0.012 °C-1, heat of evaporation 234 - 270 fc/Ag.

In agriculture, diesel fuel is used for the operation of tractors, combines, heavy vehicles, and some stationary diesel engines. In the future, it is planned to switch to diesel engines for most trucks and many cars. The main advantage of diesel engines is their high efficiency: specific hourly fuel consumption is 170 - 190 д/h.p/ h versus 220-250 g/h.p.-h for carbureted engines. Diesel fuel is less explosive and flammable, cheaper than gasoline.

In diesel engines, in a short period of time (20-25° of crankshaft rotation), the most complex processes of mixture formation and fuel combustion are carried out. The faster the engine, the less time allotted for these processes. At an equal frequency of rotation of the column shaft in diesel engines, mixture formation and combustion take 10-15 times less time than in carburetor engines.

The task of using diesel engines, which are among the most economical units in the automotive industry, is promoted as a large-scale solution to curbing environmental threats and preserving biodiversity. Of all internal combustion engines running on liquid fuel, diesel engines emit the least carbon dioxide emissions. For a number of sectors of the economy, it is still an almost irreplaceable power device.

Diesel fuel is of incomparable importance in the fuel and energy system of our country. For many years, the production volume of diesel fuel in our republic was more than 1 million tons, but now, in connection with the launch of the Uzbekistan GTL plant, which produces more than 724 thousand tons of synthetic diesel fuel per year, about 2 million tons EURO III-VI per year for the domestic and foreign markets diesel fuel that meets environmental standards is produced. Currently, the issue of increasing their environmental safety, reducing the

smoginess and toxicity of exhaust gases from diesel engines is becoming more and more acute, therefore, the requirements for the quality of diesel fuel are constantly being strengthened.

There are two ways to improve fuel quality:

• Modernize production. This path is associated with the need to carry out complex and voluminous work involving, in a broad sense, significant resources - material, technical, production, personnel and many others.

• Apply specialized fuel additive chemicals. This is a simpler, faster and more economical solution. The cost is incomparably lower than with the modernization of production (it is possible to start it in parallel). There is no need to wait until modern solutions are implemented in production - the additive can be used immediately.

Litеrаturе аnаlysis аnd mеthоdоlоgy

One of the generally recognized methods of reducing the environmental impact of diesel engines is the use of non-conventional motor fuels, including those of natural origin, such as vegetable oils and their derivatives [1, 2]. There is a need for such fixtures and fittings in many industries [3]. However, the following difficulties arise here that prevent their widespread use in high concentrations: on the one hand, high cost, on the other hand, deterioration of low-temperature properties and a decrease in cetane number.

When obtaining diesel fuel of the highest environmental standard, modern oil refineries use hydrotreatment, hydrodewaxing, hydrodearomatization, selective and conventional hydrocracking units, the purpose of which is to purify the feedstock (straight-run diesel fraction) from various sulfur, nitrogen and oxygen compounds, metals and other harmful impurities.

One of the main problems in our country is the insufficiently high quality of commercial motor fuels with improved environmental properties. This is due to several reasons at once: firstly, the low quality of crude oil going for processing; secondly, the low depth of processing, which on average is about 72%, against 95% in European countries and the USA, an insufficiently high degree of hydrodesulfurization; thirdly, a narrow circle of domestic manufacturers of products related to fuels, which is necessary to bring them to the standards required by the standards, in particular, functional additives and additives [1,2,3], that is, a small volume of production and a range of domestic additives and a rather negative attitude towards fuels and their components from renewable plant and animal raw materials (biofuels and bioadditives).

Research done out related to the production of environmentally friendly diesel fuel by introducing antiwear biological additives into the base hydrotreated diesel fuel. The synthesis of antiwear biological additives-additives was carried out. An analysis of the

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май, 2023 г.

роsitivе 1траС; оf аdditivеs оп thе рег^эгтапсе ргорег^ оf hydrоtrеаtеd diеsеl Ше1 shоwеd thаt thе diаmеtеr оf Ше wеаr sсаr is rеduсеd by four timеs, thе аmоunt оf hürmiul еmissiоns (саrbоn оxidеs, раrtiсulаtе mаttеr, vоlаtilе оrgаniс соmроunds аnd hydrосаrbоns) is rеduсеd by mоrе thаn 30 timеs.

First оf а11, high dеmаnds аrе рlасеd оп thе соntеnt оf sulfur in diеsе1 Ше1 íГоm ап еnvirоnmеntа1 роint оf viеw. At Ше sаmе timе, fow^l^r fels must соntаin а 1ubriсity-imрrоving аdditivе [1].

Hоwеvеr, sоmе rеsеаrсhеrs nоtе thаt Ше1 quа1ity indiсаtоrs mаy diffеr аt diffеrеnt gаs stаtiоns [2, 3]. In раrtiсu1аr, nоn-соmр1iаnсе with thе rеquirеmеnts for 1ubriсаtiоn рrореrtiеs signifiсаnt1y аffесts thе rеsоurсеs оf thе Ше1 suрр1y systеm оf thе diеsе1 еnginе [2]. This fасt 1еаds tо Ше dеtеriоrаtiоn оf thе еnviгоnmеntа1 ре^ота^е оf thе еnginеs, аs wе11 аs tо thе inсrеаsе in орегай^ соsts.

In соnnесtiоn with Ше аbоvе-mеntiоnеd саsеs, wе hyроthеsizеd thаt vеgеtаb1е оi1 in smа11 соnсеntrаtiоns саn imрrоvе thе luto^ting рrореrtiеs оf Ше1. Attеmрts hаvе а1rеаdy bееn mаdе tо ше оi1s аs аdditivеs tо imрrоvе 1ubriсаtiоn рrореrtiеs, but in thеsе wоrks, оthеr sресiíiс mеthоds wеrе usеd thаt did nоt соmр1y with thе stаndаrd ассоrding to GOST ISO 12156-1-2012 [2, 3]. Ма^ studiеs hаvе rероrtеd Ше роsitivе еffесt оf vеgеtаb1е ой еstеrs оп thе 1ubriсаting рrореrtiеs оf fels [1-4], but Ше high соst оf еthеrs аnd thе 1imitеd distributiоn оf еШеге hаvе nоt аttrасtеd muсh аНепйоп tо thеir usе in орегайоп.


Lubriсаtiоn оf diеsе1 Шек is mаin1y dеtеrmiпеd by Ше mеthоd оf HFRR (high-íГеquеnсy аdvаnсе mоvеmеnt оf thе friсtiоn рЫе in thе Ше1) (Рiс. 1).

Figure 1. Visuаl аssеssmеnt оf h sсrаtсh sсаr by h HFRR mct^d оf h high-f^m^y rесiрrосаting mоtiоn

оf h sсrареr rubbing асrоss h рlаtе in f^l

For the experiment, EKO L 0.00-62 summer diesel fuel produced at the Bukhara Oil Refinery based on the standard requirements of Uz DSt 1134:2018 and vegetable oil produced at EVROSNAR LLC based on the requirements of Uz DSt 2438:2018 was selected.

In the experiments, 4 samples of fuels with a volume content of 0-15% of vegetable oil in the mixture were used (table 1). The reason for choosing the oil concentration change at this limit is that a further increase in the oil content of the fuel will significantly affect the engine's operation, that is, the efficiency and stiffness of the engine. During the tests, 2 specially prepared plates were dipped into the fuel (mixture) until it became mirror-like in color Also 4 balls of metal

studs with a diameter of 6 mm were selected. Before and after the test, the surfaces were cleaned using a degreaser. Before injecting the fuel into the device for research, the fuel was measured using a medical experiment pipette.

The fuel poured into the device was initially heated up to the test temperature of 60 0C. This temperature was maintained for each fuel sample throughout the study. High-frequency (50 Hz, amplitude 1 mm) forward-reciprocating movement of the ball along the plate located at the bottom of the fuel device bath, according to GOST, each test lasted 75 minutes. At the end of the test time, the test fuel was replaced with another sample, and the pair of ball-plates was changed.

Tаhlе 1.

Sаmрlеs оf diеsеl fuel mixtures prepared by adding vegetable ой

Аmоunt оf diеsеl Ше! Amount of vegetable oil The total volume of the mixture

% ml % ml ml

Sаmр1е 1 100 20 0 0 20

Sаmр1е 2 95 19 5 1 20

Sаmр1е 3 90 18 10 2 20

Sаmр1е 4 85 17 15 3 20

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май, 2023 г.

After the ball and plate were cleaned with а degreaser, they were packaged separately and the scratch marks were analyzed under a microscope.

Figure 2. ToupCam digital microscope

The test results of the operational properties of the diesel fuel mixture prepared with the addition of sunflower oil as a lubricating additive are given in table 2. It can be seen that when analyzing the lubricity properties of diesel fuel prepared with the addition of 0.0163% vegetable oil, it was found that the diameter of the scratch scar is equal to 400 ^m in sample 3 at 60 oC and meets the standard requirement of lubricity according to the ASTM D 6079 method.


A ToupCam microscope equipped with a UCMÜS09000KPB digital camera was used for visual evaluation of scratch scars and their size measurement (Pic. 2). The maximum extension of the camera is 3488x2616 (about 9,000,000 pixels). The pixel size is only 1.67mmx1.67mm (1.67pmx1.67^m) and the very high sensitivity allows you to see the scratches in detail.

The camera has a USB interface and is connected to a personal computer. To view the digital image from the camera on a personal computer, a special program PoupView is installed on the computer. Usually, a scratch spot looks like a collection of several scratches that form in the direction of the ball movement. They are much more in the direction of the abscissa axis than in the direction of the ordinate axis.

In some cases, such as when testing reference fluids with low lubricity, the scratch scars and the boundaries of the non-scratched surface of the coating are clearly distinguished, and the exact dimensions of the scar can be easily measured. In other cases, the central abraded portion of the scar is surrounded by a less defined wear area with a more indistinct abraded surface, and the boundary between the abraded surface and the unscratched surface of the ridge is not clearly visible. In such cases, it is difficult to see the shape of the scar or to measure its size, as shown in Picture 3. The scar of the scar includes clear and more indistinct surfaces.

4 - clearly


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/Ш. ТЕ)

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май, 2023 г.

The uncorrected mean diameter of the scratch scar, MWSD, pm, is calculated according to the following formula.


x + y 2

here; x - the size of the scratch scar perpendicular to the direction of advance-return movement, pm;y is the size of the scratch scar parallel to the forward-return direction, pm.

Then, the diameter of the scratch scar was adjusted according to the requirements of GOST, taking into account the absolute pressure of saturated vapors, humidity and ambient temperature at the time of the start and end of the test.

Figure 4 shows images of ball wear spots (photographs) taken with the ToupCam digital microscope. For convenience, the figures immediately show the dimensions of these spots.

Figure 4. Bаll wеаr sроt in рте dieselfuel withúut аdditivеs (а) аnd with the аdditiоn оf 10% vegetаble оН by vоlume (b)


In order to ensure reliable, economical and durable operation of a diesel engine (complete combustion, low speed, carbon deposits in the cylinder-piston group and wear), the fuel must meet the following requirements:

• pump well for uninterrupted and reliable operation of a high-pressure pump (have optimal viscosity, necessary low-temperature properties, do not contain water and mechanical impurities);

• provide fine spray and good mixture formation, which requires optimal viscosity and fractional composition;

• burn out completely, without forming sooty substances, so that the engine starts easily and runs "softly"

(depends on the chemical and fractional composition, viscosity);

• do not cause increased carbon formation on valves, rings and pistons, coking of the nozzle and freezing of the spray needle (depends on the chemical and fractional composition, methods and depth of cleaning);

• do not cause corrosion of tanks, fuel lines, engine parts (determined by the amount of sulfur compounds, organic and mineral acids, water);

• during combustion, they will release as much heat as possible and be stable (they will not change their properties during long-term storage).


1. Гaйбуллaeв С.А., TypcyroB Б.Ж., TnMypoB Ш.М. ТЕХНОЛОГИЯ GTL-ПЕРСПЕКТИВНОЕ НАПРАВЛЕНИЕ ПОЛУЧЕНИЯ ТОПЛИВ С УЛУЧШЕННЫМИ ЭКОЛОГИЧЕСКИМИ СВОЙСТВАМИ //Teop^ и npaKima coвpeмeннoй туки. - 2019. - №. 6. - С. 168-172.

2. Shohruh Xamidullo O'G'Li Usanboyev, Yulduz Malikjon Qizi Murodova, and Saidjon Abdusalimovich G'Aybullayev. "ЕШО ЕКОШетК STANDARTLAR ASOSIDA ВЕШШЭАО! БЕШОЬ MIQDORINI MЕ'YORLASHм Central Asian Research Journal for Interdisciplinary Studies ^ARJIS), vol. 2, no. 6, 2022, pp. 48-58.

3. Isroilov M.I., G'aybullayev S.A. Piroliz jarayonining neft-gazkimyo sanoatidagi ahamiyati //Science and Еducation. -2022. - T. 3. - №. 2. - С. 349-358.


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