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Theory and Practice of Physical Culture
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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам о здоровье, автор научной работы — Skok N.S., Makarov Yu.M., Kulikov V.S., Lutkova N.V.

Objective of the study was to identify the causes and types of manifestations of deviant behavior of young athletes in the process of training activities based on the results of an expert survey.Methods and structure of the study. In the course of the research work "Development of evidence-based proposals for the prevention, correction of deviant behavior and the formation of value orientations among athletes from among the sports reserve", an expert survey was conducted (January-February 2022) (n=20), the information received was processed with using SPSS 23.0.Results and conclusions. An analysis of the results of the expert survey made it possible to identify the most significant causes that contribute to the emergence of manifestations of deviant behavior in young athletes: the influence of peers; environment outside the sports environment; lack of understanding and positive experience of interaction in the family (with relatives); indifference of coaches and other sports professionals (ignoring the personal problems of young athletes); increased level of anxiety. The types of manifestations of deviant behavior, predisposition to which can be observed in young athletes, are revealed: addictive, affective, aggressive.

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Indicators of manifestations of deviant behavior of young athletes in the process

of training activity

UDC 796.011.1

PhD, Associate Professor N.S. Skok1

Dr. Hab., Professor Yu.M. Makarov1

PhD, Associate Professor V.S. Kulikov1

PhD, Associate Professor N.V. Lutkova1

1Lesgaft National State University of Physical Education,

Sports and Health, St. Petersburg

Corresponding author: n.skok@lesgaft.spb.ru Abstract

Objective of the study was to identify the causes and types of manifestations of deviant behavior of young athletes in the process of training activities based on the results of an expert survey.

Methods and structure of the study. In the course of the research work "Development of evidence-based proposals for the prevention, correction of deviant behavior and the formation of value orientations among athletes from among the sports reserve", an expert survey was conducted (January-February 2022) (n=20), the information received was processed with using SPSS 23.0.

Results and conclusions. An analysis of the results of the expert survey made it possible to identify the most significant causes that contribute to the emergence of manifestations of deviant behavior in young athletes: the influence of peers; environment outside the sports environment; lack of understanding and positive experience of interaction in the family (with relatives); indifference of coaches and other sports professionals (ignoring the personal problems of young athletes); increased level of anxiety. The types of manifestations of deviant behavior, predisposition to which can be observed in young athletes, are revealed: addictive, affective, aggressive.

Keywords: deviant behavior, young athletes, expert survey, coaches, level of deviant behavior.

Introduction. To understand the processes taking place in modern social reality, it is important to work with self-sufficient forms of existence and development of the individual in society, which manifest themselves in social, including deviant, behavior, which makes it possible to study the life priorities of the younger generation. High impulsiveness, characteristic of sports activities, increases the likelihood of modifying the intentions of deviant behavior into an actual act.

In the scientific literature, there are several approaches (social, biological, psychological, professional, etc.) to the study of deviant behavior and consideration of the causes of its occurrence (socialization, social and intrapersonal conflicts, social inequality, etc.). The main reasons for the appearance of deviations in the sports environment are called: dysfunctional manifestations of the sports subculture, orientation of young athletes to utilitarian values, extreme sports, injuries, vulgarization of moral and spiritual

values in the sports environment, practices of interaction with individuals (communities) of deviant behavior [3] and etc. Deviant is defined as "any behavior that is potentially dangerous for society or a person (crime, drunkenness, drug addiction, suicide, vagrancy, prostitution, hooliganism, dependency, corruption, terrorism, racism, genocide, destructive cults" [1].

The relevance of the study is characterized by the observed contradiction between the need to study deviant behavior and the lack of scientific and theoretical studies of the causes of its occurrence in young athletes in the process of training activities.

Objective of the study was to identify the causes and types of manifestations of deviant behavior of young athletes in the process of training activities based on the results of an expert survey.

Methods and structure of the study. In the course of the research work "Development of evidence-based proposals for the prevention, correction of deviant behavior and the formation of value orienta-

Theory and Practice of Physical Culture I teoriya.ru I January I № 1 2023

tions among athletes from among the sports reserve", an expert survey was conducted (January-February 2022) (n=20), the information received was processed with using SPSS 23.0.

The experts were asked to answer closed (with a limited number of alternatives) and open questions regarding the reasons that contribute to the emergence of deviant behavior in young athletes.

Results of the study and their discussion. The reasons were identified, which, according to experts, may contribute to the emergence of manifestations of deviant behavior in young athletes (see figure).

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Experts' answers to the question: "Who (what) contributes to the manifestations of deviant behavior of athletes from among the sports reserve" (multiple answers could be selected) (n=20), %

According to experts, the most significant reason that can contribute to the emergence of manifestations of deviant behavior is interaction with others: the influence of peers (85.0%), family (80.0%), coaches and other sports professionals (55.0%).

The answers of experts to an open question, what determines the occurrence of asocial forms of behavior among athletes from among the sports reserve,

were singled out and grouped according to the indicated reasons (see table).

A significant part of the experts (80.0%) pointed to the influence of the age aspect of the occurrence of deviant behavior, noting that it is more often observed in athletes aged 13-15 years (50%).

Expert opinions on whether the propensity for deviant behavior of athletes depends on the level of sportsmanship were divided: "no, rather no" - 50%, "yes, rather yes" - 45%, "difficult to answer" - 5.0%. Experts, according to whom there is a relationship between the propensity for deviant behavior and sportsmanship, note that the higher the level of skill of athletes, the lower the propensity for deviant behavior.

The analysis of the obtained results, taking into account the degree of agreement between the opinions of experts, made it possible to establish the main reasons that can lead to antisocial behavior of young athletes: problems in the family, problems with peers, increased anxiety, a tendency to conflicts, external circumstances (social problems), lack of education, lack of attention from the side of the coaching and teaching staff, Internet and telephone games, social networks.

To assess the level of severity of various types of deviant behavior of young athletes, experts used an adapted "Map of observations of the manifestations of deviant behavior of adolescents" [2], which allows "to fix the presence or absence of certain behavioral signs in adolescents, indicating a tendency to certain forms of deviant behavior" [ 2].

The experts were asked to assess the presence/ absence (0 points - none, 10 - permanently) of negative behavioral actions among athletes: 1) in the moral sphere (dishonest attitude to training, to other athletes, swearing, etc.); 2) pre-criminal and criminal (acceptably refers to asocial offenses, violations of

The answer of experts to the open question: "What determines the emergence of asocial social forms of behavior of young athletes?" (experts indicated several reasons) (n=20), %

Reason Percentage of the total number of experts (n=20)

Upbringing 30,0

Environment outside the sports environment, learning problems 30,0

Lack of parental love, family problems 25,0

Inability to establish communication with peers, problems with peers 20,0

Indifference of the trainer, ignoring by the trainer of personal problems 15,0

Internet and phone games, social networks 15,0

Failure in sports for a long time 10,0

Lack of motivation in sports 10,0



public order, etc.); 3) addictive behavior: Internet addiction, Internet games, etc.; 4) deviations in the sexual sphere (behaves obscenely, etc.); 5) affective behavior (an overestimated level of claims with a low level of opportunities to achieve the set goals); 6) aggressive behavior (constantly in conflict with the coach, team, etc.); 7) suicidal behavior (harm to one's own health, depression, etc.). The highest degree of inclination to negative behavioral actions (score in the range from 8 to 10), according to experts, can be manifested in young athletes in addictive (25.0%), affective (20.0%) and aggressive (15.0%) behavior.

Conclusions. The main reasons that contribute to the emergence of asocial behavior of young athletes in the process of training activities have been identified: lack of understanding and positive experience of interaction in the family, environment outside the sports environment, problems with peers, increased anxiety, tendency to conflicts, external circumstances, lack of education, attention from the coaching staff. -teaching staff. The propensity of young athletes to the emergence of such forms of deviant behavior as addictive, affective, aggressive has been revealed.

The results obtained will help to improve the methodology of technologies and procedures for studying the causes and manifestations of deviant behavior

of young athletes in the process of training activities, which will help to ensure the completeness of the description, explanation and prevention of the phenomenon under study.


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2. Maysak N.V. Diagnostika i korrektsiya lichnost-nykh osobennostey podrostkov s deviantnym povedeniyem [Diagnosis and correction of personal characteristics of adolescents with deviant behavior]. Astrakhan: Astrakhanskiy universitet publ., 2009. pp. 146-149.

3. Skok N.S. Deviantnoye povedeniye v sfere fi-zicheskoy kultury i sporta: kratkiy analiz me-todologicheskikh podkhodov [Deviant behavior in the field of physical culture and sports: a brief analysis of methodological approaches]. Proceedings final scientific- practical conf., St. Petersburg for 2020, dedicated to the 125th anniversary of the University: in 2 parts. Part 1. St. Petersburg: [b.i.], 2021. pp. 224-227.


Theory and Practice of Physical Culture I teoriya.ru I January I № 1 2023

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