ALCOHOLISM AS A FORM OF MANIFESTATION OF DEVIANT BEHAVIOR IN CHILDREN Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Ключевые слова
children's alcoholism / deviant behavior / theories of alcoholism / education. / детский алкоголизм / девиантное поведение / теории алкоголизма / образование.

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Bazarbayeva Aynura Baxtiyarovna

the article examines in detail one of the topical topics, alcoholism, consider whether alcoholism can be a form of deviant behavior in children, in addition, we will examine the theory of alcoholism.

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в статье подробно рассматривается одна из актуальных тем алкоголизм, рассматривается, может ли алкоголизм быть формой девиантного поведения у детей, кроме того, мы рассмотрим теорию алкоголизма.


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Bazarbayeva Aynura Baxtiyarovna student of the Nukus State Pedagogical Institute aynurabazarbaeva001@gmail.com

Abstract : the article examines in detail one of the topical topics, alcoholism, consider whether alcoholism can be a form of deviant behavior in children, in addition, we will examine the theory of alcoholism.

Key words: children's alcoholism, deviant behavior, theories of alcoholism, education.

Аннотация: в статье подробно рассматривается одна из актуальных тем - алкоголизм, рассматривается, может ли алкоголизм быть формой девиантного поведения у детей, кроме того, мы рассмотрим теорию алкоголизма.

Ключевые слова: детский алкоголизм, девиантное поведение, теории алкоголизма, образование.

Currently, child alcoholism is one of the most important social and pedagogical problems. The changes taking place in our society today have raised a number of problems, one of which is the problem of raising a difficult child. Its relevance lies in the fact that every year there is an increase in child crime, drug addiction, alcoholism, there is a tendency to an increase in the number of children with deviant behavior. The causes of deviations in the child's behavior arise as a result of political, socioeconomic, environmental instability of society and unfavorable family and domestic relations, lack of control over behavior, excessive employment of parents, epidemics of divorce. Studies conducted among teenage schoolchildren have revealed that the main role in the introduction to alcohol played the existing traditions and customs. 57.7% of boys and 73.4% of girls first got acquainted with alcoholic drinks at home on holidays and family celebrations. The influence of peers has also been revealed on the development of a propensity to alcoholism in young adolescents. Among the motives for drinking alcohol, adolescents 12-16 years old name: self-affirmation - 56, 9%, symbolic participation (pressure from adolescents of the same age) - 31, 1%, mental stress relief - 12%. Moreover, if the transition from drunkenness to alcoholism in an adult takes 5-10 years, in a child, the formation of chronic alcoholism occurs 3-4 times faster.


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It is customary to call deviant (deviant) behavior social behavior that does not correspond to the norms established in a given society (Nevsky I.A.). The famous sociologist I.S. Cohn refines the definition of deviant behavior, considering it as a system of actions that deviate from the generally accepted or implied norm, be it the norms of mental health, law, culture and morality. In accordance with the concept of adaptive behavior, any deviation leads to disorders of adaptation (mental, socio-psychological, environmental).

Deviations in the behavior of children and adolescents are understood to be such features and their manifestations that not only attract attention, but also alert educators (parents, teachers, the public). These behavioral features not only indicate deviations from generally accepted norms, requirements, but also carry the beginnings, sources of future misconduct, violations of moral, social, legal norms, requirements of the law, pose a potential threat to the subject of behavior, the development of his personality, the people around him , society as a whole.

A special role and significance in this chain of reasons is played by the social and pedagogical neglect of children and adolescents, which develops against the background of the indifferent, inattentive attitude of others around them. As a result, feelings of loneliness, abandonment, their uselessness, insecurity arise. Feelings of protest, alienation, hostility towards adults, a desire for unification, cooperation, self-organization on the basis of like-mindedness, common destiny, interests and inclinations arise.

Lack of positive social experience, underdevelopment and unformed worldview, systems of value orientations, ethical norms and aesthetic tastes contribute to the choice by adolescents of negative, illegal spheres of application of their activity, which inevitably affects their behavior, the formation of their personality, social appearance. A significant role in this process is played by the lack of timely, necessary pedagogical, psychological, social and medical assistance to children and adolescents.

The microenvironment in which the modern teenager revolves is very unfavorable. He is faced in varying degrees with various forms of deviant behavior on the way to school, and in the yard, and in public places, and even at home (in the family) and at school. An especially favorable environment for the emergence of deviations in the sphere of morality and behavior is created by the urban environment, with its anonymity, impersonal nature of relationships between people, with a greater degree of freedom, with a wide range of negatively influencing

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economic, social and cultural factors. Liberation from traditional norms, values, lack of firm patterns of behavior and moral boundaries, weakening of social control contribute to the growth of deviant and self-destructive behavior in adolescents.

Logical, historical, coherent and objective methods of scientific knowledge were widely used in the analysis of this article. The study examined the specifics of adolescent psychology. E.G. Goziyev's textbook "Management of students' learning activities" was identified as a methodological resource.

In half of cases, alcoholism and drug addiction begin in adolescence. More than a third of delinquent adolescents abuse alcohol and are familiar with drugs. The motives for using are to be your own in the company, curiosity, the desire to become an adult or to change your mental state. In the future, they drink, take drugs for a cheerful mood, for greater relaxedness, self-confidence, etc. Addictive behavior can be judged first by the appearance of mental dependence (the desire to survive the rise, oblivion), and then physical dependence (when the body cannot function without alcohol or drugs). The emergence of group mental dependence (the desire to get drunk at every meeting) is a threatening precursor to alcoholism. The desire of a teenager to find a reason for drinking or drug addiction, a constant search for alcoholic beverages or drugs, is already an early sign of alcoholism, and in other cases, drug addiction.

There are several theories of the development of alcoholism:

• the moral model sees it as a controlled human weakness: the drinker does not quit drinking because of his moral weakness;

• the medical model considers alcoholism to be a disease;

• the psychological model considers alcoholism as an unsuccessful means of relieving stress and anxiety, reducing it to a greater extent to a type of deviant behavior, and not to a painful physical state;

• the genetic model reduces alcoholism to an inherited addiction. Pathological attitudes of adults, primarily parents and teachers, play a primary role in the onset of early alcoholism. The lifestyle of people who are significant for the child forms in the subconscious of children a primary psychological program, which is the basis for the formation of character and habits. Among the risk factors for early alcohol abuse, the most significant are such as "conflict relationships in the family, character anomalies, early onset of deviant behavior, infantilism, low intellectual level, poor academic performance, lack of plans for continuing education."


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F. Uglov writes about the works of the famous scientist B.I. Isakov, which show that the damaging effect of alcohol on the genetic apparatus of women is the strongest. Refusal from alcoholic beverages for 4 years leads to the restoration of the man's reproductive function, the restoration of the woman's reproductive organs does not occur. Damage to the genetic code (with alcoholism in several generations) leads to the birth of children with impaired consciousness, which manifests itself in aggressiveness, intellectual weakness, physical disorders, and behavioral disorders. Moreover, families even "moderately consuming" alcohol are paying the price with the limitations of their children and grandchildren.

The most important thing in upbringing is to spiritually awaken a child, to educate a personality before which all the temptations and temptations of modern Satanism would be powerless. It is advisable for libraries to purposefully hold events dedicated to the problems of combating vices common in the youth environment. When defining the practical tasks of spiritual and moral education, one should focus on those aspects of this sphere that are distinguished by the educational institution served by the library. When planning work, preference should be given to forms and methods that help students themselves to form spiritual and moral attitudes, their own assessments and beliefs.

In the education system, new information technologies are increasingly beginning to be considered as a special modern instrument of spiritual and moral education. They allow you not only to find materials on the topic and study them, but on their basis to create your own creative products:

- text (abstracts, reviews, essays, reports and messages, creative works), visual (tables, including synchronous, picture-pictures, collages using photos and isomaterials),

- auditive (recordings of their performances, messages and reports, recitation and singing, musical and poetic compositions, etc.),

- multimedia (video films, cartoons, game programs).

At the same time, we must remember that today, through both traditional and new media, including those that fall into the collections of libraries, there is a conscious spread of a subculture alien to us (culture of drug addicts, criminal and gay culture, etc.). So, for example, through the Internet you can get a variety of information, including those that threaten the moral and physical health of people.


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1. "Raising a Difficult Child: Children with Deviant Behavior: Textbook. Manual "edited by M.I. Rozhkov.

2. Almazov B.N. "Mental environmental maladjustment of minors."

3. Zakharov A.I. "Deviations in the behavior of the child."

4. I.A. Nevsky "To a teacher about children with behavioral disabilities."

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