Научная статья на тему 'Increasing the biological value of dietary cutlets'

Increasing the biological value of dietary cutlets Текст научной статьи по специальности «Прочие сельскохозяйственные науки»

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Аннотация научной статьи по прочим сельскохозяйственным наукам, автор научной работы — Syzdykova L.S., Dikhanbayeva F.T., Bazylhanova E.Ch

Relevance of work: meat products are the main source of the proteins, necessary for activity of the person. In this article is determined the biological value of the cutlets with dietary properties. The purpose of this work is development of the production technology of dietary cutlets in branches of public catering and determination of their biological value. As a result of work dietary cutlets with the increased biological value due to addition of oatmeal are received.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Increasing the biological value of dietary cutlets»


2. Абдурахмонов С.Э., Мавлонов Р.А. Трещины в железобетонных изделиях при изготовлении их в нестационарном климате. // Материалы сборника международной НПК «Наука и образование: проблемы и перспективы». 13 март 2014 г. - С. 197-198. г Уфа, Россия.

3. Мавлонов Р.А., Ортиков И.А. Cold weather masonry construction. // Материалы сборника международной НПК «Перспективы развития науки». 20 март 2014г. - С. 49-51. г Уфа, Россия.

4. Мавлонов Р.А., Ортиков И.А.. Sound-insulating materials. // Материалы сборника международной НПК «Актуальные проблемы научной мысли». 24 апреля 2014г./ - С. 31-33. г Уфа, Россия.

© R.A.Mavlonov, Kh.S.Vakkasov, 2015

UDC 637.525

Syzdykova L. S., candidate of technological science, associate professor laila.ss@mail.ru

Dikhanbayeva F.T., doctor of technological science, professor

Bazylhanova E.Ch, senior lecturer Almaty Technological University Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan



Relevance of work: meat products are the main source of the proteins, necessary for activity of the person. In this article is determined the biological value of the cutlets with dietary properties.

The purpose of this work is development of the production technology of dietary cutlets in branches of public catering and determination of their biological value.

As a result of work dietary cutlets with the increased biological value due to addition of oatmeal are received.


Meat, meat semi-finished products, cutlets, oatmeal, power value, nutrition value, technology.

Word cutlet (in french cotelette) formed from the french word cotele - rib or cote - edge. First, with the same name prepared grilled meat of cow, that is a natural cutlet. At the beginning, it was a condition that was cutlet with a bone, because it was helped to consumer for convenient to consume cutlet in his hand. After some time, due to the expansion of the range of cutlery chopping cutlets was extended, and the bone was not considered as an element necessary for this product [1, 2].

Cutlet - a product that is made from meat, fish, poultry, spending through a meat grinder, add the onion, frying, stewing and on water steam. Cutlets are divided for pure without additives, flattened and made from minced meat [3, 4, 5]. Content cutlets prepared from chopped meat shown in the following table (Table 1).

Table 1

Flow chart of meat (chopped) cutlet

Product name Traditional cutlet (norm for one portion of the product, g)

Gross Net


Wheat bread 14 14

Onions 10 10

Eggs 7-9 7-9

Crackers 8 8

Weight semifinished - 97

Weight fried cutlets - 75


Considering the chemical content, food and biological value and useful properties of raw oatmeal to the human body, in this work we propose to use it for the production of products for cutlet, that is to replace wheat bread of cutlets to oatmeal.

Oatmeal - oats, flattened by a special device. It is used for quick cooking oatmeal or as a basis for other quick breakfast.

For cereal whole grains oats are dried, cleaned of chaff, grind and steamed. Under the influence of steam grains are softer, which significantly reduces the time of their preparation [6].

Oatmeal contain carbohydrates, useful proteins and fats, saturated and unsaturated fatty acids; food fiber; starch; vitamins PP, E, B, H; minerals - potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, sulfur, chlorine, sodium, manganese, iron, zinc, iodine, copper, fluorine, cobalt [7] (Table 2).

Table 2

Vitamins, which contained in oatmeal

Vitamins, mg

РР Н Е В9 Вб В2 Bi

4,6 20 3,2 23 0,24 0,1 0,45

Calcium and phosphorus contained in oatmeal strengthens bones of the human body, to affect the strength of the hair and nails. Calcium and magnesium contained in oatmeal are struggling with muscle fatigue, so it is particularly useful for people engaged in sports or hard physical work (Table 3).

Table 3

Minerals of oatmeal

Macronutrients, mg Micronutrients, mg

Ca Mg Na К P Fe Zn Cu Mn I S Cl F

52 129 20 330 328 3,6 3,1 0,45 3,82 0,006 88 73 0,45

Cutlet, which made from chopped meat are rich with vitamins and minerals, beneficial to the human body. [7] Their biological value is shown in the following tables (Tables 4 and 5).

Table 4

The amount of vitamins, contained in meat (chopped) cutlet

Bi, mg B2, mg B5, mg Вб, mg B9 mcg B12 mcg Е, mg К, mcg РР, mg Choline, mg

0,03 0,17 0,54 0,43 21 2,65 0,41 2,3 5,3 74,6

Table 5

The amount of minerals, contained in the meat (chopped) cutlet

Macronutrients, mg Micronutrients, mg

Ca Mg Na К P Fe Zn Cu Mn Se F

11 19 77 305 174 2,42 4,84 0,077 0,022 0,021 0,022

Yet it turned out, that the biological value, i.e. the amount of important vitamins and minerals is much more in the cutlets, cooked by replacing white bread to oatmeal (Table 6).

Table 6

The amount of vitamins and minerals, contained in the samples traditional and dietary cutlets

Name of meat semifinished Vitamins mg / 100g Minerals mg / 100g

B1 B2 К Р

Traditional cutlet 1,27 0,034 1,26 1,09

Dietary cutlet №1 1,62 0,039 7,14 6,07

Dietary cutlet №2 2,03 0,038 8,96 7,80

The amount of vitamin Bi, contained in the traditional cutlets less 0,35mg than dietary cutlet №1, and 0,76mg than dietary cutlet №2. That is, because of the addition of oatmeal to new cutlets, vitamins significantly increased. This vitamin is particularly useful for mothers during pregnancy and breast feeding, in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, acute and chronic infections, after surgeries, burns, diabetes, as well as in the treatment of any disease with antibiotics.

The amount of vitamin B2, contained in the traditional cutlet increased to 0,005mg in dietary cutlet №1, and 0,004mg in dietary cutlet №2. This vitamin promotes the accumulation of energy in the body and affect the growth of the body, is involved in the metabolism of carbohydrates.



ISSN 2410-700Х

If speaking about the minerals, contained in the meat semifinished, the amount of potassium, contained in the traditional cutlet increased by 5,88mg in dietary cutlet №1, and 7,7mg in dietary cutlet №2. Reducing the amount of potassium in the body leads to muscle weakness, drowsiness, loss of appetite [12, 13].

And the amount of phosphorus increased by 4,98mg in dietary cutlet №1, and 6,71mg in dietary cutlet №2. Phosphorus compounds has a significant place in the functioning of the brain, and skeletal muscle, skin glands.

The amount of vitamins and minerals as part of samples traditional and dietary cutlets was determined in a research laboratory Estimate of food quality and safety.

Considering the properties of raw oatmeal, cooked cutlets form them used to prevent various diseases, including nervous system disorders, tuberculosis, reduction of total cholesterol in the blood, preventing a sharp increase of sugar. References:

1. Kuzembaeva G. Kuzembaev K. Smagulova A., Alzhanova A. / Technology products catering / Almaty, 2007 - 252p.

2. Salavatulina R.M., Aliev S.A., Lubchenco V.I. / "The new method of determining the basic functional properties of minced meat" / 1983.

3. Kuznetsova N.V., Roîtenberg I.G., Syrnikova T.V., Anokhina U.V. / "Cutlets and Co '/ LLC" Publishing house "Archaiym", 2010-94 p.

4. Lagutin L.A., Lagutin S.V. / "Cutlets, pies, rolls: Collection of recipes." / Rostov-on-Don: Prof-Press, 2000, 703 p.

5. Lagutin L.A., Lagutin S.V. / "Cutlets" / cooking school Lagutin - 2004 - 205 p.

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8. Zhuravskaya N.K., Gutnik B.E., Zhuravskaya N.A., other / "Process control of meat and meat products" / Kolos 2001 - 476 p.

9. Rogov I.A., Zabashta A.G., Kazyulin G.P. / "General technology of meat and meat products" / Kolos 2000-368 p.

10. Potapova N.V. / "Cutlets" / 2013 - 47 p.

11. Bezuglova A.V., Kasyanov G.I., Palagina I.A. / "Technology of production of pâté and minced meat" / 2004 - 295 p.

12. Shepelev A.F., Kozhukhova O.I., Tour A.S. / "Commodity research and examination of meat and meat products" / 2001 - 189 p.

13. Vipnikova L.G. / "Technology of meat and meat products" textbook / 2006 - 599p.

© L.S. Syzdykova, 2015

УДК 534.014,621.802

Елисеев Андрей Владимирович

младший научный сотрудник, НОЦ СТСАиМ ИрГУПС

г. Иркутск, Россия e-mail: eavsh@ya.ru Елисеев Сергей Викторович проф., д.т.н., старший научный сотрудник - директор НОЦ СТСАиМ ИрГУПС

г. Иркутск, Россия e-mail: eliseev_s@inbox.ru




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