УДК 628.81
Atamov A.A., senior teacher Majidov N.N., senior teacher Namangan Engineering - Construction Institute
Annotation: In this article the different methods of calculating of expenditure of natural gas are given and optimum ways of calculating of expenditure of natural gas are clearly proven.
Key words: gas standard, plus gas, gas meter.
At present, gas is widely used in everyday life of the population, in the community-owned enterprises and industrial enterprises. Gas fuel can be said to be unique fuel. This is because gas has many advantages over other fuels; It is easy to deliver gas to consumers for long distances; it is easy to launch gas-fired equipment, facilitates the automation of the combustion process, and so on.
Thus, in the autumn-winter period, centralized heating systems in multistorey houses were poorly functioning, and because some houses were demolished from centralized heating systems, the use of gas-stove cookers for household cooking would increase gas consumption and increase the amount of gas consumption in non-gas-filled households which results in excessive gas consumption [1, p. 4 p. ].
I-analysis. A multi-storey house consisting of 80 flats with a total of 260 consumers was acquired. The gas meter consumed by the gas meter (J-1.6 gas meter) in accordance with the standard requirements for the uncertainty of these houses was passed to the average payout. Retail prices for natural gas are supplied to the population and wholesale consumers pursuant to the price list of price quotations as of July 1, 2018, approved by the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan №19-03-22-05 - RZ-28-2018 1 m3 natural gas 320,0 sums, monthly payment per 1 person 5010,60 sums 1 person per month gross gas consumption 5010,60 / 320,0 = 19 m3 per month 260 x 19 mZ total 260 x 19 = 4940 mZ gas is taken into account. However, in this house, gas was heated for 8-10 hours a day, heating households. In accordance with the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On approval of the Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. PP- hourly gas consumption per model of 1,371 m3 / h; 1,371 m3 / hour * 10 hours * 30 days * 80 houses = 31200 m 3 of gas. But according to the norms set by the population pays gas for 3900 mZ, but gas consumption per day is not taken into account for 10 hours every day in a month, therefore excessive natural gas consumption at the price of 27300 mZ of natural gas is spent for excessive 7801.4 thousand soums [ 3, 45 b.].
Analysis II. Although a number of multi-storey houses for analysis were used by heating homes for central heating in November and December 2017, the monthly gas consumption was 453.9 thousand m3 per year, In October, the above-mentioned homes were used for heating water from natural gas. However, additional gas costs
are not considered. Taking this into account:
- In houses equipped with centralized (single) hot water supply systems, gas consumption per 1 m3 / month consumed per person for cooking;
- 16 m3 / month of gas per capita for gas heating is provided to provide hot water to households with hot water supply failures, even though no central hot water supply is connected or connected;
The monthly consumption of30257 people x 27 m3 / month = 816.9 thousand for the use of heating gas for heating by households without hot water supply in a number of multi-storey houses with a population of 30,257 in October 2018 m3. According to the norm, the monthly gas consumption should be 453.9 thousand m3. However, the difference was 363.1 thousand m3, with the use of natural gas equal to 77164.4 thousand soums.
III Analysis. For the analysis there was no gas meter installed at the citizens' gathering, 400 of the individual apartment houses were received. Households' gas consumption is based on the requirements of homeowners for cooking, bathing and heating.
In addition, most non-gas meter flats use non-standard gas appliances.
There is no gas meter installed in the households in the fourth quarter of 2017, with an analysis of the amount of gas consumed by non-standard gas equipment. The following is an example of the amount of gas consumed in 1 households without gas meters: gas consumption in normal conditions (00S, 760 mm. Hr) for gas appliances - Q = 1,371 m3 for PG-4 gas plate cooking Q. = 0.75 m3 / h and Q = 0.95 m3 / h for heating units of OVP or OP for bath heating and hot water supply via AGV-80 water heater. However, when calculating hourly gas consumption under standard conditions (200S, 760 mmHg), according to DAST 2939-63, it is based on the above-mentioned devices that the standard hourly gas consumption by standardization is normally multiplied by 1.073. Accordingly, we deduct the following analytical calculations:
- A month's gas consumption for cooking gas on the gas boiler PG-4
V cooking = 1,371 m3 / h x 1,073 x 8 hours x 30 days = 353 m3;
- Monthly hourly gas consumption to heat the bath and provide hot water for the AGV-80 water heater
Vhammom = 0.75 m3 / h x 1,073 x 24 hours x 15 days = 270 m3;
Monthly hourly consumption of gas for MVP or OP equipment
Visitish = 0,95 m3 / h x 1,073 x 24 hours x 30 days = 734 m3;
Except for gas consumed for feeding animals. Total: Total monthly gas consumption per household
Circular = 353 m3 + 270 m3 + 734 m3 = 1357 m3.
When analyzing the above-mentioned situation, according to the norms approved by the Ministry of Finance and average of 5 people in one household,
- 5 persons for cooking x 11 m3 = 55 m3;
- 5 people for hot water x 16 m3 = 80 m3;
- 976 m3 of natural gas is consumed to heat room heating with a heating capacity of 146 m3 x 5.76 m3 = 841 m3. The heating and bathing appliances in use
are unusual, causing 381 cubic meters of natural gas [3, 45 b].
IV analysis. Is gas (SO) is a gas that is generated by the incomplete combustion of natural gas used in the household. Gas is a powerful influence on the respiratory tract and respiratory organs of the human body. Gas is damaging the organism, especially the central nervous system, through respiratory tract. In non-indoor rooms, as well as in household conditions, under natural gas burns and in heating houses (houses, baths, etc.) the oven lid can be poisoned in a timely manner, depending on its concentration and expiration time. At moderate poisoning, headaches, dizziness, ears, nausea, and sometimes vomiting and dizziness occur [2, p. 8].
On moderate poisoning, muscle weakens, respiration compresses, pulse accelerates, arterial blood pressure is lowered, nausea, mental decay, and sometimes people are sleepy. A red spots appear on his face. In severe poisoning, the person goes completely unconscious and appears red on his face. Pulse accelerates, arterial blood pressure drops dramatically, respiration slows, and muscles relax, breathing stops, and the person dies. The concentration of CO2 emissions in the air is 0.08%.
Monitoring results were accurately evaluated and correctly analyzed.
In order to ensure the heat supplied by the heat source to the consumer premises, it is necessary to carry out activities such as full repair and isolation of heat production boilers, heat networks;
The Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated January 17, 2006, No. 7 "On replacing the old-fashioned wastewater boilers with state-of-the-art technologies in enterprises and organizations financed from the national and local budgets" was not implemented. Application is required;
When multi-storey houses are fully supplied with standard heating, gas that consumes excess gas and damages the health of residents will not be affected.
A number of problems in gas detecting and computing systems will be eliminated by installing modern gas meters.
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2. Ю. К. Рашидов. Газ таъминоти укув кулланма. Тошкент. 2017.
3. А. А Ионин. Газоснабжения. М.: Стройиздат. 1989.