Научная статья на тему 'INCOME INEQUALITY IN RUSSIA'

INCOME INEQUALITY IN RUSSIA Текст научной статьи по специальности «СМИ (медиа) и массовые коммуникации»

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Аннотация научной статьи по СМИ (медиа) и массовым коммуникациям, автор научной работы — Shevchenko A.A.

This article examines the main causes of income inequality of Russian citizens. The most important problem of income inequality is that every year the needs are increasing more and more, but the level of income that the population currently has is no longer able to satisfy them in full. Also, this article outlines the main ways to solve the problem of income inequality.

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В данной статье рассмотрены основные причины неравенства доходов российских граждан. Самой главной проблемой неравенства доходов является то, что с каждым годом потребности возрастают все в большей степени, но тот уровень дохода, который на данный момент имеет население, уже не способен удовлетворить их в полной мере. Также в данной статье выделены основные пути решения проблемы неравенства доходов.

Текст научной работы на тему «INCOME INEQUALITY IN RUSSIA»

get skills in this area, accumulate it for a long time and then apply it in practice, that is, in his entrepreneurial activities [3].

Thus, it can be concluded that in Russia the potential of small business is not yet fully realized and has a number of problems that need to be eliminated so that small businesses develop more efficiently, the development of which subsequently influences the entire economic system as a whole. That is, in order to develop small businesses in the best way, all of the above problems must be solved. Namely, it is necessary to improve the conditions for the development of entrepreneurship, that is, financial support from the state, to expand the placement of small enterprises, to multiply the sources of financing, to form a regulatory and legal framework, and to train a highly qualified staff.

Использованные источники:

1. Предпринимательство в начале XXI века / Под ред. Дынкина А.А. и др. -М.: Наука, 2014. -310с.

2. Изрядникова, О. Предпринимательство в России: состояние и проблемы / О. Изряднова, Е. Фомина, Д. Казанцев // Российская экономика: тенденции и перспективы. - 2014. - №7. - С.17-22.

3. Чепуренко А.Ю. Малое предпринимательство в социальном контексте // Вопросы экономики. 2011. - № 9.

УДК 336

Шевченко А.А. студент 4 курса факультет «Управления и бизнеса» Кемеровский институт (филиал) РЭУ им. Г.В. Плеханова

Россия, г. Кемерово НЕРАВЕНСТВО ДОХОДОВ В РОССИИ Аннотация: В данной статье рассмотрены основные причины неравенства доходов российских граждан. Самой главной проблемой неравенства доходов является то, что с каждым годом потребности возрастают все в большей степени, но тот уровень дохода, который на данный момент имеет население, уже не способен удовлетворить их в полной мере. Также в данной статье выделены основные пути решения проблемы неравенства доходов.

Ключевые слова: неравенство доходов, прожиточный минимум, заработная плата.

Shevchenko А.А. 4th year Bachelor's Degree student Plekhanov Russian University of Economics Kemerovo Institute (branch) Kemerovo


Annotation: This article examines the main causes of income inequality of Russian

citizens. The most important problem of income inequality is that every year the needs are increasing more and more, but the level of income that the population currently has is no longer able to satisfy them in full. Also, this article outlines the main ways to solve the problem of income inequality.

Keywords: inequality of incomes, living minimum wage, salaries and wages.

Sociologist and economist, Wilfredo Pareto shared his unique ideas about the causes of inequality: he said that all people are different by their origin. That is, in his theory the psychic principle was considered basic. Those psychological "remnants" that a person receives since the birth, will be fundamental in dividing society into elite and non-elite. This division is conditioned by psychological aspects: the privileged part of society passes the entire life cycle from inception to the moment of decay and at the same time moves society along with it. According to this theory, one type of leader has such qualities as cunning and the ability to manipulate people, while the other uses violence as an awesome force. When there are no more privileged people, then people from the lower strata of the population take their place. [1].

When forming the class division, the following factors are decisive [2]:

• Education and qualification

Wages are higher for highly qualified specialists, for workers, the higher the education, since it is these qualities that undoubtedly have an impact on labor productivity. The abilities and skills of employees are as a formative link in the structure of the labor market, and hence income from a particular activity. The size of workers and staff incomes as a whole determines the size of human capital.

• Differences in working conditions

There is activity that does not cause a strong strain of mental and physical abilities, while others may be monotonous or associated with a certain risk. Such a differentiation in working conditions wages sis able to replenish: hard work must be paid higher than uncomplicated, that does not require much effort, both physical and mental. For example, working in the night shift, the worker must receive an additional payment. It can be concluded that high wages can compensate workers for difficult working conditions.

• Difference in experience and skill

With work experience, workers can receive wages more than those who do not have it, since it is believed that having work experience means higher labor productivity. For this reason, this criterion causes a problem for young professionals who have just graduated from university. Often a person with a lack of work experience is not considered at all in the workplace.

• Mobility of the population

Salaries in different regions of the country are different. If people move from less well-to-do regions to well-paid regions, then the labor market in their region will decrease and hence the reward will only increase. As a result, such a process would give an equalizing wage in all regions of the country. However, not

everyone agrees to take such a responsible step as moving from their native place, so somebody remains at the same place due to a lack of knowledge that somewhere the salary may be higher, and someone simply does not have enough money to move to another region and provide residence of his family there. Another barrier to such mobility can be bureaucratic difficulties, such as registration in another city. In other words, in most cases, employees prefer their own place of residence, that is, non-market factors can also influence this supply and demand. Without using of the possibility to move, employees unconsciously do not change the supply-demand ratio in such a market, and consequently, the costs remain at the same level, as a result, this process causes lower wages in a certain region.

• Skills and diligence Talents and skills in people vary: strength and endurance, eloquence and ability to convince, organizational and leadership qualities, the ability to solve mobile problems and much more. The responsibility and diligence that a person exerts to his work is also an important indicator in the calculation of wages and income distribution. But at the same time, for the ability to help increase wages, they must have application in each specific activity in different ways. According to a poll released by the Public Opinion Foundation on December 31, 34% of Russians expect an even worse fall in their financial situation in 2016, 31% of respondents believe that their situation is simply not able to go for the better.

Real wages, according to Rosstat's statistics, declined in October 2015 year by 10.9%. The Institute for Economic Policy named after Yegor Gaidar and Bloomberg note that the fall in real wages in October has become the strongest since 1999, that is, for the whole time that Vladimir Putin was in power. In November of the same year, real incomes of the Russian population decreased by 1.9% in comparison with October, and even optimistic-minded Kremlin officials expect the wages to be regenerated at least to the level of the crisis year 2014 not earlier than in 2018 [ 3].

Ways of solving the inequality of income distribution. The change in the principles of management, as well as any refraction of the prevailing views on the economy, have a direct connection with the expansion of social belonging, the development of even more unpleasant living conditions of the population.

The approaches to the implementation of the revenue policy in a market and transition economy may differ. A social approach is to guarantee each citizen such income that would not allow him to fall below the "poverty line". The state should form various social programs to help citizens with low incomes. At the heart of the market approach there is the task not to guarantee the optimal level of income, but to create conditions for every citizen to increase his income through his own economic activity.

However, since the first approach is based on the principle of social justice -guaranteeing the optimal incomes of every citizen, and the second approach - on

economic rationality, it follows that the second approach is much more effective, as ensuring the state's optimal income reduces economic activity, Which can be a reason for the economic recession and losses for the entire population. It will be optimal to combine both methods in the right ratio, so that the incomes are distributed among all citizens most rationally.

The state is able to influence incomes at the stage of conclusion of contracts on the labor market, pursuing an income generation policy, that is, the state, acting as the largest employer in the country, can provide a professional organization of remuneration for workers in the budget sector. For this purpose, the state forms an economically justified minimum wage for all workers by defining the lower limit of labor costs, which ensures compliance with the minimum standard of living. Russian social assistance is not permanent and does not cover all those who need social support. Such help is rendered to people already in a crisis situation, which includes low-income, incapacitated, neglected, conflicts in the family, lack of permanent residence. This state assistance should be developed more effectively so that every citizen is socially protected.

The most important aspect in the redistribution of incomes of the population should be attributed to the policy of regulating the enterprises payment in the budgetary sphere. It can be said that the state in this sphere is a monopolist since it centrally establishes the level of the minimum wage rate for first-class labor. This level is a guaranteed minimum for all employees. But it is worth noting that the level of the minimum tariff rate for the last ten years was much lower than the subsistence level and the minimum wage. The amount of wages that accounted for one employee of the enterprise was more than two times lower than the subsistence level of the able-bodied population. This suggests that the state should pay attention to this fact and form the right amount of wages, since such wages do not correspond to the norm - the amount of wages should not be lower than the subsistence minimum.

Thus, the state needs to solve the following problems of the uneven incomes distribution, so that the distribution of income proceeds in the best way:

- high level of poverty;

- untimely payment of wages;

- unstable social policy;

- social insecurity of the middle class;

- inadequacy of favorable conditions for increasing the citizens incomes;

- lack of initiative diligence among workers.

Having considered the basic principles of the distribution of citizens' incomes and the standard of the Russian population living, it should be noted that state processes to reduce income inequality do take place, but they are not properly implemented. For example, the problems of untimely wages, imperfect social policies, which were relevant 10 years ago, are still relevant nowadays. To solve problems of this nature, there should be both state support and the citizens desire to ensure their own lives. By resorting to social support processes, the state should

create all favorable conditions for receiving income and raising it, improving the quality of life, and the working people themselves should take the initiative to obtain optimal incomes and ensure their own budget, thanks to their skills and, if it is necessary, further training . Thus, an effective allocation of funds in society can be achieved only in the aggregate of necessary state processes aimed at a reasonable distribution of the incomes of the population and the purposefulness of citizens.

Использованные источники:

1. Сажина М.А. Экономическая теория: учебник / М.А.Сажина, Г.Г.Чибриков; МГУ им. Ломоносова. - 3 - изд. перераб. и доп. - М.: ИД ФОРУМ: ИНФРА - М, 2012. - 608 с.

2. Станковская И.К. Экономическая теория: полный курс МВА / И.К.Станковская, И.А.Стрелец. . - М.: РидГрупп, 2014. - 608 с.

3. Иванова Ю.И. Экономическая статистика: учебник / под ред. Ю.Н.Иванова. - 5 изд., перераб. и доп. - М.: НИЦ ИНФРА - М, 2015. - 576 с.

УДК 338

Шевченко А.А. студент 4 курса факультет «Управления и бизнеса» Кемеровский институт (филиал) РЭУ им. Г.В. Плеханова

Россия, г. Кемерово РАЗВИТИЕ ВЕНЧУРНОГО БИЗНЕСА В РОССИИ Аннотация: В данной статье рассмотрено состояние венчурного предпринимательства в России. В статье говорится об инфраструктуре венчурной отрасли, а также основные направления деятельности, способствующие его улучшению и развитию, такие как осуществление перехода от принятия единичных односторонних законодательных актов, организация более четкого распределения функций между финансовыми институтами венчурной деятельности в РФ, дальнейшая реализация программ по формированию и развитию инновационных инфраструктур и т.д.

Ключевые слова: риск, рисковое предпринимательство, инновации.

Shevchenko А. А. 4th year Bachelor's Degree student Plekhanov Russian University of Economics Kemerovo Institute (branch) Kemerovo


Annotation: This article considers the state of venture entrepreneurship in Russia. The article deals with the infrastructure of the venture industry, as well as the main activities that contribute to its improvement and development, such as the transition from single unilateral legislative acts, the organization of a clearer distribution offunctions between financial institutions of venture activity in the

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