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Endless light in science
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Ключевые слова
inclusion / inclusive education / integration / virtual laboratory / PhET simulation.

Аннотация научной статьи по Гуманитарные науки, автор научной работы — Umbetyarova Lyazzat Bekimovna, Atkan Dayana Manaskyzy, Amantai Akbota Yerkinkyzy, Yerkhanova Simbat Borikhankyzy, Nurumova Bibinur Bekbolatkyzy

This article addresses the pressing issues of inclusion in education and explores the potential of virtual laboratories in creating equal opportunities for all students. It delve into how the use of technology in virtual laboratories can contribute to the engagement of diverse students, including those with special educational needs. The article also discusses the advantages of virtual laboratories in the context of inclusive education and offers practical recommendations for their successful implementation in the educational process.

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УДК 34.01.45



Associate professor m.a., c.m.s., Senior Lecturer of the Department of Biophysics, biomedicineand neuroscience, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty, Kazakhstan


The 2nd year master's student of the Department of Biophysics, biomedicine and neuroscience, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty, Kazakhstan


The 2nd year master's student of the Department of Biophysics, biomedicine and neuroscience, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty, Kazakhstan


The 2nd year master's student of the Department of Biophysics, biomedicine and neuroscience, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty, Kazakhstan


The 2nd year master's student of the Department of Biophysics, biomedicine and neuroscience, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty, Kazakhstan

Abstract. This article addresses the pressing issues of inclusion in education and explores the potential of virtual laboratories in creating equal opportunities for all students. It delve into how the use of technology in virtual laboratories can contribute to the engagement of diverse students, including those with special educational needs. The article also discusses the advantages of virtual laboratories in the context of inclusive education and offers practical recommendations for their successful implementation in the educational process.

Key words: inclusion, inclusive education, integration, virtual laboratory, PhET simulation.


Inclusive education is a philosophy and approach that promotes equal access and participation in learning for all students, regardless of their backgrounds, abilities, or differences. It goes beyond merely integrating students with disabilities into mainstream classrooms; rather, it aims to create an environment where every learner feels valued, supported, and engaged. The importance of inclusive education in modern society cannot be overstated, as it aligns with the principles of equality, diversity, and social justice, fostering a more inclusive and equitable society [1].

Defining Inclusive Education: At its core, inclusive education is about recognizing and responding to the diverse needs of all students. It involves restructuring educational systems, curricula, and classroom practices to cater to the varied learning styles, abilities, and preferences of learners. In an inclusive setting, students with disabilities, those from different cultural backgrounds, and those with varying learning styles are welcomed into the same learning environment, fostering a sense of belonging and mutual respect [2].

Key Principles of Inclusive Education:

- Diversity Celebration: Inclusive education celebrates diversity as a strength rather than a limitation. It acknowledges the unique contributions each student brings to the learning community.

- Equitable Access: Inclusion ensures that every student has equal access to quality education. This involves removing physical, social, and educational barriers that might hinder a student's participation.

- Collaboration and Support: Teachers, students, and support staff collaborate to provide appropriate support and accommodations. This collaborative approach enhances the overall learning experience for everyone involved.

- Individualized Instruction: Inclusive education recognizes the importance of adapting teaching methods to suit individual learning needs. Differentiated instruction and flexible assessments are integral components [2,3].

In the ever-evolving landscape of education, technology continues to reshape the way we teach and learn. Virtual laboratories, a product of this technological advancement, have emerged as transformative tools with the potential to revolutionize the educational process. Unlike traditional laboratories constrained by physical space and resources, virtual laboratories offer a dynamic and accessible platform for students to engage in hands-on learning experiences. This introduction delves into the essence of virtual laboratories and explores their vast potential for enhancing the educational journey [4].

Defining Virtual Laboratories: Virtual laboratories, often referred to as online labs or simulated labs, are digital environments that replicate the physical experience of traditional laboratories. These platforms leverage interactive simulations, 3D models, and real-time data to provide students with immersive, hands-on learning opportunities. Whether in the fields of science, engineering, or other disciplines, virtual laboratories aim to simulate experiments, fostering exploration and understanding in a virtual space [5].

Potential for Improving the Educational Process:

- Overcoming Resource Constraints: Virtual laboratories address the limitations posed by physical constraints in traditional labs, allowing students to access a wide range of experiments without concerns about resource availability.

- Enhanced Safety: Virtual labs provide a risk-free environment, particularly important in disciplines where experiments may involve hazardous materials or complex procedures, ensuring student safety while maintaining the integrity of the learning experience.

- Adaptable Learning Environments: The flexibility of virtual laboratories accommodates diverse learning styles, allowing students to engage with materials at their own pace and revisit experiments for deeper understanding.

- Global Collaborations: Virtual laboratories facilitate collaborative learning experiences, connecting students and educators worldwide. This interconnectedness fosters a global perspective and enriches the educational experience [6].

Materials and methods of research

A methodology for the integrated application of modern technologies in biology teaching has been developed. A pedagogical experiment was conducted to test the effectiveness of this technique. Pedagogical practical work has been provided at the № 178 school in the city of Kyzylorda to the students of 9th grade in the 2022-2023 academic year.

The total number of students involved in pedagogical practical work is 15. Experimental practice consists of three stages:

• Detection experiment

• Formative experiment

• An experiment to check the results of control and research work.

Research results and their analysis.

The students were divided into two groups, equal in level of knowledge: the first was taken as an experimental group (EG), and the second as a control group ^G). The levels of mastery of the topic were determined by formative assessment indicators. Its result is shown in Figure 1. The level of mastery of the topic by students of the experimental group was 88%, and in the control group-85%.

89% 88% 88% 87% 87% 86% 86% 85% 85% 84% 84%

Figure -1. Indicators of the level of knowledge of students involved in the pedagogical experiment

At the stage of determining pedagogical practical work, the level of students ' knowledge was checked using the following questions:

What is natural selection?

Who is credited with developing the theory of natural selection?

Explain the basic idea behind natural selection in your own words.

How does the concept of "survival of the fittest" relate to natural selection?

Give an example of an adaptation in living organisms.

What role does the environment play in natural selection?

How does natural selection contribute to the diversity of species over time?

What are some factors that can influence the process of natural selection?

Describe a scenario where a specific trait would be advantageous for an organism's survival.

Can natural selection occur in humans? Why or why not?

The answers to each question were evaluated on three levels: "high", "medium", "low". Those who answered "high" to the definition questions were 13% (EG) and 11% (CG) , which means that only some questions had a complete answer. The "medium " indicator is 26% (EG) and 34% (CG), the answers are incomplete. The " low " score of 61% (EG) and 55% (CG) was not properly addressed in most open questions.

70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10%

high% medium% low%


Figure -2. Indicators of the level of assimilation of information by two groups of students at the

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During the formation experiment, a methodology for the integrated use of a virtual laboratory using modern technologies in teaching biology was compiled. The virtual laboratory instruments used in the methodology were shown below:

• PhET Interactive Simulations (Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Math): -Website: [PhET Interactive Simulationsl(https://phet.colorado.edu/)

-Description: PhET provides a wide range of interactive simulations covering physics, chemistry, biology, and mathematics. Topics include circuit construction, gas properties, natural selection, and more. These virtual laboratory simulations provide students with hands-on experiences in a digital environment, enhancing their understanding of various scientific concepts. PhET simulations provide fun, interactive research-based simulations for use in K-12 and college STEM education. To help students visually comprehend concepts, PhET simulations animate what is invisible to the eye through the use of graphics and intuitive controls such as click-and-drag manipulations, sliders and radio buttons. In order to further encourage quantitative exploration, the simulations also offer measurement instruments including rulers, stop watches, voltmeters, and thermometers. All of the simulations are extensively tested and evaluated. All of the simulations are freely available from the PhET website and are easy to use and incorporate into the classroom https://www.colorado.edu/csl/programs/phet-interactive-simulations.

• Labster (Biology, Chemistry, Physics):

- Website: [Labsterl(https ://www.l abster.com/)

- Description: Labster offers virtual labs in biology, chemistry, and physics. Students can explore topics such as cell biology, molecular genetics, organic chemistry, and thermodynamics through interactive simulations.

• ChemCollective (Chemistry):

-Website: [ChemCollective Virtual Labsl(http://chemcollective.org/)

-Description: ChemCollective provides virtual labs in chemistry, allowing students to perform experiments in areas like stoichiometry, acid-base chemistry, and chemical equilibrium.

• BioMan Biology (Biology):

- Website: [BioMan Biologyl(https://biomanbio.com/)

- Description: BioMan Biology offers a variety of biology-related games and simulations covering topics like ecology, genetics, and cell biology. The interactive modules engage students in virtual experiments.

• ExploreLearning Gizmos (Multiple Sciences):

- Website: [ExploreLearning Gizmosl(https://www. explorelearning.com/)

- Description: ExploreLearning Gizmos offers a variety of interactive math and science simulations. These cover topics such as algebra, geometry, physics, and biology.

Below is an example of an laboratory lesson conducted using innovative technologies and methods.

Methodology of the lecture.

Topic of the lecture: natural selection and its types.

Purpose: to explain natural selection using virtual laboratory work.

Method used: multimedia (PhET simulation) technologies are used.

Visualization: projector, interactive whiteboard.

Course of the lecture:

Organizational stage: inventory of students.

Main part: explanation of the course of laboratory work.

Figure -3. Instruction for PhET simulations

Approval of laboratory work: we received the formative assessment work through test questions.

1. What is natural selection?

a) Human intervention in breeding

b) The process by which organisms with favorable traits survive and reproduce

c) Genetic modification in laboratories

d) Random changes in the environment

2. How does natural selection contribute to the evolution of a population?

a) By creating new species instantly

b) By eliminating all individuals with unfavorable traits

c) By favoring individuals with traits that enhance survival and reproduction

d) By preventing any changes in the population

3. In a population of rabbits, those with thicker fur survive better in a colder climate. What term best describes this phenomenon?

a) Genetic drift

b) Artificial selection

c) Adaptation

d) Mutation

4. What role does the environment play in natural selection?

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a) It determines the species' diet

b) It shapes the traits that are advantageous for survival and reproduction

c) It has no influence on natural selection

d) It guarantees equal opportunities for all individuals

5. A rabbit population in a forest evolves to have longer ears, making it easier to detect predators. What type of natural selection does this represent?

a) Stabilizing selection

b) Disruptive selection

c) Directional selection

d) Artificial selection

6. Why is variation important in the process of natural selection?

a) It ensures all individuals have identical traits

b) It provides a pool of traits for natural selection to act upon

c) It slows down the process of evolution

d) It prevents adaptation to the environment

7. What is the significance of reproductive success in the context of natural selection?

a) It ensures the extinction of a species

b) It is irrelevant to the process of natural selection

c) It determines which traits are passed on to the next generation

d) It hinders the process of adaptation

8. How does natural selection differ from artificial selection?

a) Natural selection is driven by environmental factors, while artificial selection is human-


b) Natural selection only occurs in plants, while artificial selection only occurs in animals

c) Natural selection always leads to positive adaptations

d) Artificial selection is a faster process than natural selection

9. What is the purpose of camouflage in the context of natural selection?

a) To attract predators

b) To make individuals more visible to mates

c) To escape detection by predators

d) To indicate dominance within the population

10. Over several generations, a rabbit population develops a resistance to a specific type of parasite. What evolutionary mechanism is at play in this scenario?

a) Genetic drift

b) Lamarckian evolution

c) Adaptive evolution through natural selection

d) Convergent evolution

From the lessons conducted with such innovative technologies and methods, we noticed an increase in students ' interest and motivation in the lesson.

After the formation stage, the level of students ' knowledge of information was re-checked using test questions, the result shown in Figure -4.


high% rnedliim% low%

a EG ■ CG

Figure -4. Indicators of knowledge of two groups of students at the end of the experiment

Pedagogical experience showed significant changes in the level of knowledge of students of the experimental group (EG) compared to the result at the beginning of the work, and the results at the end. The" high "indicator decreased to 49%, the" average "indicator - to 38%, the" low " indicator - to 13%.

And in the control group (CG), no significant changes were observed.


In conclusion, the findings suggest that the integration of virtual laboratories has a transformative effect on students' knowledge levels, particularly in promoting a more balanced distribution across proficiency categories within the experimental group. The study underscores the potential of inclusive educational approaches, such as harnessing the power of virtual laboratories, in creating equal opportunities for diverse learners. Further research and implementation of these methodologies could contribute to shaping a more inclusive educational landscape.


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2. Hodkinson, Alan. "Inclusive and Special Education in the English Educational System: Historical Perspectives, Recent Developments and Future Challenges." British Journal of Special Education 37.2 (2010): 61-67. https://doi.org/10.1111/J.1467-8578.2010.00462.X

3. Anabel Morina (2017) Inclusive education in higher education: challenges and opportunities, European Journal of Special Needs Education, 32:1, 3-17, DOI: 10.1080/08856257.2016.1254964

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5. Supovitz J.A. The effects of professional development on science teaching practices and classroom culture / J.A. Supovitz, H.M. Turner // Journal of Research in Science Teaching: The Official Journal of the National Association for Research in Science Teaching. — 2000. — Vol. 37, No. 9. — P. 963980.

6. Bencze J.L. Democratic constructivist science education: Enabling egalitarian literacy and self-actualization / J.L. Bencze // Journal of Curriculum Studies. — 2000. — Vol. 32, 6. — P. 847-865.

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