1 2 Ahmadjonova Sh.N. , Ahmadjonova M.J.
Abstract: the article discusses methods for increasing the motivation of learning foreign languages by students of non-linguistic universities through the organization of independent work. Traditional, interactive and innovative forms of work are highlighted with the use of additional multi-level tasks aimed at further deepening the knowledge gained in classroom studies. Keywords: foreign language, motivation, independent work, project activity, use of ICT, multi-level tasks.
UDC: 378
In the modern world, the importance of a foreign language in the system of higher professional education as an essential element of the general and professional culture of a specialist has acquired particular relevance. A modern specialist is not only a professional in his field, but also a highly educated person who is able to effectively participate in innovation processes, who is able to creatively tackle new tasks, successfully predict the expected results of his activities, and adapt to the changing labor market. The importance of the linguistic training of a modern specialist is beyond doubt, because, firstly, with the development of telecommunication technologies and the growth of international contacts in our day, knowledge of a foreign language is necessary for any modern person. Secondly, knowledge of a foreign
language significantly increases the competitiveness of a specialist in the labor market.
And especially today experts of a non-linguistic (technical, legal, economic) profile, practically speaking a foreign language, are valued. Such employees are more "universal" than people with a purely linguistic orientation. However, in practice, teachers in non-core higher education institutions face a serious problem -the number of classroom hours devoted to a foreign language as a general educational subject of the humanities cycle is not enough to build strong language knowledge and communication skills.
In this connection, the independent work of students during out of school time acquires special significance. However, it is necessary to take into account that only those students who have a sufficiently high level of motivation will be engaged in the language independently. There are usually very few of these in non-linguistic universities. After all, if a student has not chosen a foreign language as his main professional activity, it automatically means that a foreign language is not the most interesting discipline for him.
In modern science there are many interpretations of the concept of motivation. Taking as the basis for the work of these authors, we understand the motivation of learning a foreign language as a system of stimulating impulses, external and internal, directing learning activities to a deeper language learning and its improvement. Based on the foregoing, we share the training motivation on the external and internal. External motivation is caused by external factors: other people or certain events. This type of motivation is caused faster, but, as a rule, it passes quickly after the disappearance or weakening of the factor that caused it. Intrinsic motivation is the motivation that arises in a person under the influence of his own thoughts, thoughts, needs, reinforced by emotional experiences, which result in a conscious inner need to perform certain actions and achieve specific results. This type of motivation is harder to call and even harder to maintain for a long time. The modern level of development of the technique offers the widest arsenal of various forms and methods.
In this paper, we propose to highlight the traditional, interactive and innovative forms of additional multi-level tasks aimed at further deepening the knowledge gained in classroom activities. In our learning, in our opinion, it is advisable to use the following types of work: the organization of project activities, the use of information technologies as the main platform for independent work, traditional forms of extracurricular work, such as competitions and translation contests. Selecting the themes of the projects, it is necessary to take into account the content of each lesson, each topic to create motivation not with the help of momentary impulses or references to practical significance, but the relevance of the material, its informativeness, its personal significance for students.
Computer technologies are relevant today, since in the age of informatization and computerization one of the most important tasks facing modern education is the training of a competitive specialist who is able to apply new information and computer technologies. We can note that the rendering of the creation of educational material learning environment with a clear presentation of information use of color and sound excitation acting on the emotional and conceptual scope, contributes to a better assimilation of linguistic material1.
The ability to navigate in the modern information space with its information resources is an integral competence of a modern specialist. The computer system is a complementary and reinforcing means of teaching a foreign language, that is, it serves as the main assistant teacher in extracurricular time. The efficiency of the Internet depends on how much time is spent searching for the necessary information. The principle of "know where to look" allows you to optimize the student's time costs and support positive motivation.
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