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Ключевые слова
Problem-based learning technology / problem situation / intellectual activity / pedagogical methods / abilities / FSMU technology. / проблемная технология обучения / проблемная ситуация / интеллектуальная деятельность / педагогические методы / умения / технология ФГМУ.

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Rakhmonova, Zarnigor Abdukodir Kizi, Egamberdiev, Oyatillokh Alisher Ugli, Sotvoldiyeva, Orzigul Marufjon Kizi

The article describes the content of problem-based learning, the teacher's ability to create problem situations in the classroom, and the psychological and pedagogical ways of organizing education that develops the intellectual potential of the student. The main stages and didactic goals of problem-based learning are outlined.

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В статье раскрыто содержание проблемного обучения, умение учителя создавать проблемные ситуации на уроках, а также психолого-педагогические способы организации обучения, развивающего интеллектуальный потенциал ученика. Обозначены основные этапы и дидактические цели проблемного обучения.


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Rakhmonova Zarnigor Abdukodir kizi

Shirin town of Syrdarya region General Secondary School No. 4 Mother tongue and literature teacher Egamberdiev Oyatillokh Alisher ugli 3rd year student of the Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology, Fergana State University Sotvoldiyeva Orzigul Marufjon kizi 2nd year student of the Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology, Fergana State University

The article describes the content of problem-based learning, the teacher's ability to create problem situations in the classroom, and the psychological and pedagogical ways of organizing education that develops the intellectual potential of the student. The main stages and didactic goals of problem-based learning are outlined.

Keywords: Problem-based learning technology, problem situation, intellectual activity, pedagogical methods, abilities, FSMU technology.

В статье раскрыто содержание проблемного обучения, умение учителя создавать проблемные ситуации на уроках, а также психолого-педагогические способы организации обучения, развивающего интеллектуальный потенциал ученика. Обозначены основные этапы и дидактические цели проблемного обучения.

Ключевые слова: проблемная технология обучения, проблемная ситуация, интеллектуальная деятельность, педагогические методы, умения, технология ФГМУ.


The current principles of socio-economic development of the Republic require further increase of our spiritual potential and economic power to take a worthy place among the developed countries of the world, their reconstruction in accordance with the requirements of scientific and technological development of the XXI century. To do this, we need to change the worldview of our youth, to raise their knowledge and spirituality to the level of world standards. Today, society is faced with the task of educational institutions: to develop their special abilities in accordance with the



Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, R VOLUME 1 | ISSUE 11

educational, natural and social sciences ( ) ISSN 2181-1784

Scientific Journal Impact Factor SJIF 2021: 5.423

purpose of their independent learning. Problem-based learning technology plays a leading role in solving these problems.

Problem-based learning is a process of logical thinking (analysis, generalization, etc.) and previously known teaching and learning structured taking into account the laws of students' research activities (problem situation, interest in learning, need). is a new system of rules for applying the methods you want. Therefore, problem-based learning promotes the development of more students' thinking skills, their overall development and the formation of their beliefs. Without excluding all the achievements of didactics, but using them, problem-based education remains a developmental education as a means of forming scientific knowledge and concepts, worldview, comprehensive development of the individual and his intellectual activity. Problem-based learning theory explains the psychological and pedagogical methods of organizing the development of student intellectual power.


Defining the role and importance of problem situations led to the idea of restructuring the learning process based on the consistent consideration of the psychological and pedagogical laws of student active thinking. The main idea of problem-based education is defined on the basis of theoretical consideration of new pedagogical facts: in problem-based education almost all knowledge is not given to students ready, but is acquired by students in the process of independent learning activities in problem situations .

It is known that an important indicator of a person's comprehensive and harmonious development is the ability to think at a high level. If education leads to the development of creative ability, then it can be considered as an evolving education in the modern sense of the word.

Developmental education can be considered as education that leads to general and special development, in which the teacher thinks about the legitimate development of thinking in the process of learning the basics of science, using special pedagogical tools, based on knowledge. conducts goal-oriented activities related to the formation of abilities and the need for knowledge.

The learning process based on the problem-based learning method is carried out in four stages:

creating a problematic situation;

problem-solving and general analysis to solve the problem;

verification of the estimated solution;

application, regulation and politicization of practical and theoretical issues.


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Problem-based learning should not be seen in the same way as the research method, but as a type of education that promotes the development of student thinking and memory, promotes creative acquisition of knowledge, accumulation of scientific facts and builds faith. . However, the level of problem-solving and the level of independent learning vary depending on the age and individual characteristics of the students and their level of learning with problem-based learning technology.

We will focus on the use of FSMU technology in problem-based learning.

This technology can be used to resolve contentious issues, debates, or at the end of a practical session (in order to find out what the audience thinks about the session), or on the basis of a syllabus after studying a section. , because this technology allows listeners to defend their opinions, think freely and communicate their ideas to others, to debate openly, as well as to assess students' ability to analyze their knowledge in the learning process. teaches the audience a culture of debate.

Objective: This technology allows listeners to express their opinions in a clear and concise manner on a plain piece of paper, and to present affirmative or negative opinions.

Transmission technology.

This technology is implemented in several stages.

Phase 1

the facilitator identifies with the audience the topic of discussion or the problem to be discussed, or the section studied;

During the training, the trainer informs the students that each student will work individually, then in small groups, and finally at the end of the lesson as a team;

During the session, it is reminded that each listener is free to express his / her opinion freely.

Stage 2

Each student was given a Phase 4 paper on FSMU technology:

F - Express your opinion.

Q - Give a reason for your statement.

M - Give an example to prove your point.

He - summarize your thoughts.

Each listener individually completes Step 4 of the FSMU on paper, stating their views in writing.

Stage 3

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After each trainee has completed their paper, the facilitator asks them to break it into small groups, or he or she divides the listeners into small groups using different grouping methods;

trainer FSMU technology for each group Step 4 Distributes large format papers;

the facilitator summarizes in a large format the ideas and arguments on the papers, each written in small groups Invites them to write step 4.

in small groups, each listener first introduces the group members to the ideas they have written at each stage. After all the opinions of the group members have been studied, the small group members begin to summarize them;

the members of the group summarize the 4th stage of the FSMU for each and prepare to defend it;

during the generalization of opinions, each listener can defend and prove his / her point of view. Stage 5

small groups defend their generalized ideas: the group representative reads each step separately without commenting as much as possible. He can prove some of the chapters, that is, why the groups came up with the idea. Stage 6

the trainer concludes the session, comments on the ideas expressed; addresses the audience with the following questions: What did you learn and what did you learn from this training? How effective has this technology been in the learning process? What qualities does the use of this technology cultivate in the student, what do they form, what qualities do they develop?

At what stage of the learning process should this technology be used and why? What does the use of this technology in the classroom give and what do students learn?

How else can this technology be implemented? What is the main task of this training.

NOTE: The above questions may be asked by the trainer to the audience or students, depending on the content and purpose of each training. Approximate copy of the handout. FSMU TECHNOLOGY (F) - Express your opinion

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(S) - Give a reason for your statement

(M) - Give an example to explain the reason

(U) - Summarize your point.

When using this technology, the teacher first assigns the task of formatting each student's opinion on the topic. After the students have expressed their opinions, the teacher divides them into two small groups and asks the group members to prove their point. After each student has proven their point, all of the group's ideas are summarized and the group members exchange ideas and learn from each other's opinions. As a result, each student will have a number of new ideas on the topic and will gain a deeper understanding of the topic. In the end, the teacher proves that all the opinions of both groups are right or wrong. There will be at least 15 such ideas, each of which will be mastered by each student.

This means that the advantage of FSMU technology is that each participant not only stops to think about the topic, but also has a number of new ideas. It develops students' thinking, teaches them to think independently, uses more of this technology, increases the activity of students.

Problem-based learning requires the teacher to be precise, to take into account every minute of the lesson, and to use all his or her abilities and skills to produce the desired effect during this time. An important condition for solving this problem is the readiness of the teacher for the next lesson. In the process of preparation, it is necessary to take into account all aspects of problem-based learning and develop its methodology. Teachers face a number of challenges in preparing for problem-based learning. The teacher's innovative creative laboratory is important in overcoming these challenges.

One such challenge is choosing a problem-based approach to the lesson. This is because the chosen method should not only ensure the mastery of the study material, but also provide independence in the activities of students.

The second difficulty arises in identifying the nature of problem-based learning, i.e., does the teacher involve all students in the classroom in solving the problem, or does he or she assign the task to individual groups of students? This difficulty is due to the teacher's lack of understanding of the problem situation and the description of the problem.

The third challenge is to keep students interested in the lesson and to develop it continuously. Because the teacher's experience and skills may not be enough to focus students on one point on a regular basis.

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Based on the data collected on problem-based education, it should be noted that this type of education has 3 scientific and methodological aspects. Ways to create a problem situation:

the teacher explains to the students the conflict situation related to the topic of the lesson and offers to find a way to resolve it; articulates different perspectives on an issue;

suggests solving problems that are not enough to solve, that have too much information, or that the question is asked incorrectly, and b. Levels of problem solving:

the teacher poses the problem and solves it himself; the teacher poses a problem and finds a solution with the students; the students themselves pose the problem and find a solution. Ways to solve the problem:

study and analyze the problem from different perspectives;

compare, generalize;

identification and comparison of facts;

draw conclusions about the situation;

students ask specific questions and so on.


Creating a problem situation requires special skills from the teacher and cannot be done without any preparation. Creating a problem situation, ensuring the active participation of students in solving this problem, engaging them in independent thinking requires creativity from the teacher. In the process of solving a problem, students learn to think independently and think independently through the effective use of resources. The ability to create a problem situation is the result of the teacher's innovative work.


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educational, natural and social sciences ( ) ISSN 2181-1784

Scientific Journal Impact Factor SJIF 2021: 5.423

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