IMPROVING MOTOR TRANSPORT SERVICES IN STATE AND LOCAL GOVERNMENTS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Ключевые слова
transport system / public administration / state regulation / budget financing of the transport sector / principles of strategic planning for transport development / international transport corridors / social norms and standards / deregulation of the transport sector

Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Kurbanova Maftuna Lazizovna

The article examines the improvement of existing approaches to the principles of state regulation of the economy at all levels of management, taking into account the current state of development of the transport complex, servitization and the formation of the sharing economy to change business models and develop the service sector. Fundamental changes occurring under the influence of each of the listed trends have been identified and a list of characteristics of the current state of the service sector has been compiled. The factors determining the high pace of development of the service sector are identified and disclosed, among which one of them is the study of world experience in the field of state regulation of the transport system in order to indicate the feasibility of state intervention in the operation of transport. Mechanisms have also been identified to help optimize the development of transport, which will contribute to the full development of the industry

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Kurbanova Maftuna Lazizovna

Tashkent University of Information technologies named after Muhammad al-

Kharezmi, senior teacher of the department "Management and marketing"

Abstract: The article examines the improvement of existing approaches to the principles of state regulation of the economy at all levels of management, taking into account the current state of development of the transport complex, servitization and the formation of the sharing economy to change business models and develop the service sector. Fundamental changes occurring under the influence of each of the listed trends have been identified and a list of characteristics of the current state of the service sector has been compiled.

The factors determining the high pace of development of the service sector are identified and disclosed, among which one of them is the study of world experience in the field of state regulation of the transport system in order to indicate the feasibility of state intervention in the operation of transport. Mechanisms have also been identified to help optimize the development of transport, which will contribute to the full development of the industry.

Keywords: transport system, public administration, state regulation, budget financing of the transport sector, principles of strategic planning for transport development, international transport corridors, social norms and standards, deregulation of the transport sector.


Kurbanova Maftuna Lazizovna

Muhammad Al-xarezmi nomidagi Toshkent axborot texnologiyalari

universiteti, "Menejment va marketing" kafedrasi katta o 'qituvchisi

Annotatsiya: Maqolada transport sohasini rivojlantirish, servislashtirish va zamonaviy iqtisodiyotni shakllantirishning hozirgi holatini hisobga olgan holda, xizmat ko'rsatish sohasini davlat tomonidan tartibga solish tamoyillarini takomillashtirish ko'rib chiqildi. Har bir sanab o'tilgan tendensiyalar ta'sirida yuzaga keladigan tub o'zgarishlar aniqlandi va xizmat ko'rsatish sohasining hozirgi holatining xususiyatlari tahlil qilindi.

Maqolada xizmat ko'rsatish sohasini rivojlantirishning yuqori sur'atlarini belgilovchi omillar aniqlangan va ochib berilgan, ulardan biri transport tizimini davlat tomonidan tartibga solish sohasidagi jahon tajribasini o'rganishdir. Shuningdek, transport sohasi rivojini optimallashtirishga yordam beradigan mexanizmlar ham belgilab qo'yildi, bu esa sohaning to'liq rivojlanishiga xizmat qiladi.

Kalit so'zlar: transport tizimi, davlat boshqaruvi, davlat tomonidan tartibga solish, transport soxasini byudjet tomonidan moliyalashtirish, transportni strategik rivojlantirishni rejalashtirish tamoyillari, xalqaro transportyo'laklari, ijtimoiy norma va standartlar, transportni qayta tartibga solish.


Курбанова Мафтуна Лазизовна

Ташкентский университет информационных технологий имени Мухаммада аль-Харезми, старший преподаватель кафедры "Менеджмент и маркетинг "

Аннотация: В статье рассмотрено совершенствование существующих подходов к принципам государственного регулирования экономики на всех уровнях управления с учетом текущего состояния развития транспортного комплекса, сервитизации и формирования шеринг-экономики на изменение бизнес-моделей и развитие сферы услуг. Идентифицированы фундаментальные изменения, происходящие под влиянием каждой из перечисленных тенденций и сформирован перечень характеристик современного состояния сферы услуг.

Выявлены и раскрыты факторы, определяющие высокие темпы развития сферы услуг, среди которых одним из них является изучение мирового опыта в сфере государственного регулирования деятельности транспортной системы с целью обозначения целесообразности вмешательства государства в работу транспорта. Также выявлены механизмы, способствующие оптимизации развития транспорта, которые будут благоприятствовать полноценному развитию отрасли.

Ключевые слова: транспортная система, государственное управление, бюджетное финансирование, стратегическоe планированж, международные транспортные коридоры, социальные нормы и нормативы, дерегулирование.


Currently, the service sector (from trade and transport to financing, insurance and various types of intermediation) is one of the most promising, fast-growing types

of economic activity. In our country, the sphere of transport services and economic activities is developing dynamically. Innovation is of paramount importance to improve the quality of transport services, since almost any organization uses its own or leased vehicles.

The most important areas of innovative activity in transport are associated with the use of modern technologies for organizing transportation, automation and informatization of all links of the transport chain, primarily customer service processes. Important criteria for assessing the effectiveness of using innovations in the field of transport services are the dynamics of the use of energy-saving technologies, automated systems, saving time and minimizing the cost of delivering goods with high reliability of transportation.

Transport services are a business that can be very profitable and interesting. In conditions of high market saturation with a variety of services, only a business that pays sufficient attention to innovation can become successful. As a rule, companies that offer new services, the use of new transport or special conditions of transportation are more successful. High quality work and the search for new solutions make it possible to create a positive image of the company and make its reputation impeccable, and this is precisely the calling card of almost any organization that strives for success. The transition of the transport complex to an innovative path of development requires the large-scale implementation of new technologies.


During the research, within the framework of the topic, it can be recognized that although the system of providing transport services to the heads of local state authorities is regulated and the use of the services of the relevant parking lots has been established, increasing the efficiency of their organizational, economic and financial activities issue has not been considered sufficiently. Looking at the foreign experience, D.Rahm, B.Fields, J.L.Farmer, M.L.Zwald, A.A. Euler, K.W. Goins, M. Fellesson, M. Freeman, H. Zhang, Y. Bi, F. Kang, Z. Wang, K. Bickerstaff, R. Tolley, G. Walker covered in research papers.

In the scientific researches of local economists such as Kh.Kh.Khikmatov, B.S.Ziyadullayev, I.N.Sharipova, O.B.Tursunov, A.Yolchiyev, J.G'ofurov, G.Z.Manapova, M.D.Abdumannapova, management of regulation of vehicles, appropriate management of international corridors, improvement of professional competence of personnel in the field of transport efficiency, the formation of transport services and the factors affecting it, scientific approaches and scientific theoretical considerations are presented from the point of view of categories and clusters.

However, in the scientific works of the above-mentioned researchers, there was no scientific research and research on the provision of transport services to the heads

of government bodies, on increasing their economic efficiency. In the conditions where the transport sector is improving and developing technically and economically in our country, covering the scientific research work by studying the segmental basis of the transport service to official leaders - substantiates the relevance and importance of the topic.


From the first days of independence, the development of the communications industry and the transport sector were defined as one of the priority areas of the economy. The infrastructure of transport and telecommunications has been updated, creating conditions for integration into the international system, providing the shortest route to world markets. As is known, the Republic of Uzbekistan is a state with a steadily developing economy. The Republic has an extensive transport system, which mainly provides internal and external transportation of goods and passengers, its economic ties with neighboring and distant foreign countries.

The transport complex of the republic is represented by rail, river, air, road and pipeline transport. The sovereignty of the Republic of Uzbekistan urgently required the expansion of foreign economic relations with both developed and developing countries, and these relations necessitated the further development and strengthening of transport communications and communications. Companies operating in the automotive sector, when implementing incorrect innovative IT solutions or in the absence of good automation systems, may face a number of difficulties, such as optimization of transportation costs associated with the operation of rolling stock: occupancy of transport, control of overloads or, conversely, underloads of vehicles and, as a result, receiving a fine from supervisory and control services; difficulties in creating optimal routes and planning the transport process; slow document flow; high competition in this business area.

Large territorial remoteness of facilities from each other, unsatisfactory quality of transport services, the impossibility of organizing work without an operator, as well as the wrong choice of vehicle (TS) - all this leads to high costs and, as a result, financial losses. [3] In transport logistics, enterprises have to resort to the service of intermediaries, where there is a high risk of economic fraud associated with the provision of inaccurate data on the amount of cargo transported and the use of vehicles. There is always another person in the process - a transport operator, coordinating all actions, controlling the information flow. It is the person who is the "weak link" of the entire process: he makes mistakes often due to simple negligence. To avoid this and many of the above problems, you need to use the help of high-quality solutions for the automation of the transport industry, the general name of which is ACS TP. These engineering products guarantee the protection of production and business. Well-

established transport logistics contributes to the establishment of favorable foreign economic relations, helps to establish communication between objects of one region and between regions, allows you to expand the geography of deliveries. [5]


Over the years of independence, large-scale structural and institutional reforms in transport have been carried out in the republic. State programs for the denationalization and privatization of transport facilities are being gradually implemented, and a consistent transition from direct administrative control to state regulation of market entities continues. To date, the legal framework for transport activities in market conditions has basically been created. Uzbekistan is one of the participants in international integration and a full-fledged subject of global economic processes.

Currently, transport accounts for 8% of the country's GDP, 17.6% of fixed assets, 1.5% of those employed in the economy, 30% of paid services provided to the population [1]. Over the past 17 years, the average annual increase in transport services has been 2.1% for freight transportation and 5% for passenger transportation. At the same time, the growth rate of transport services is not the same by type of transport. Personal vehicles today have taken over part of the cargo and passenger traffic of mass public transport, not only from short-distance and suburban lines, but also from longdistance routes.

In the market for passenger transport services, there is a continuous redistribution of passenger flows between alternative modes of transport, based on their ability to satisfy the effective demand of various segments of the population. The ongoing acceleration of economic growth and the improvement in living standards in Uzbekistan have had a positive impact on the volume of passenger traffic.

Passenger turnover of all types of transport in the republic in 2019 increased compared to the 2010 level. by 84.2% (Fig. 3.2). At the same time, there is a significant increase in the volume of air (89.6%) and road (85.9%) transport. Population mobility (average number of passenger-km per year) over these years has increased from 2.9 to 4.2 thousand passenger-km per inhabitant. For comparison, we note that in 2012. it (in thousand pass-km per person) was: in the USA - 12.7, in Germany - 8.2, Japan - 4.2, in Russia - 4.2. However, the COVID-19 pandemic has made its negative contribution, especially in the service industries, resulting in passenger turnover decreased by 16.7%.

There is not such a significant increase in the dynamics of cargo turnover. Thus, in 2019, freight turnover increased by only 20.1% compared to 2010, while road transportation increased by only 0.2%, rail - by 20.2%, pipeline - 34.8%. their intensive growth in road (78% compared to 2010) and pipeline (43%) modes of transport, and in air - a decline of 43% (Fig. 2). The slow increase in freight turnover on railways (5.4%)

is associated with a reduction in the average transportation distance here. [1]. The pandemic affected freight transport less than passenger transport. Recession in 2020 turned out to be 5.2% compared to the previous year.

From 2000 to 2019, the operational length of public railway tracks increased by 1,564 km and at the beginning of 2020. amounted to 4735.1 km. The density of railways and road networks is slightly higher than in Russia and Kazakhstan, but much lower than in developed countries. (Table 1). Indicators of countries' provision of transport routes differ depending on the density of communications routes, on the one hand, and, on the other hand, on the scale of economic and social development of the country (B, in the form of GDP in PPP, $ billion) taking into account the territory it occupies (S), population (N). When considering the indicators of countries' provision with an integrated transport network (Lin) in relation to the product 3V(NSB), one can see a slightly different picture.

Table 1

Indicators of the provision of individual countries with the railway and road

networks as of 2023 [2]

Countries Territory, thousand square meters km, (S) Population, thousand people (N) GDP in PPP, $ billion (B) Average value(3V(NSB) Length of the transport network, thousand km Average density of the transport network, km

railways (Lrail) highways (LA) integra. transport network railways (Lrail) highways (LA) integra. transport networks

Uzbekistan 447,4 33581 235 15227,2 6,5 183,5 24850 14,53 410,15 1,63

Kazakhstan 2717,3 18777 487,9 29198,8 16,6 168,7 33470 6,11 62,08 1,15

Turkmenistan 488,1 6031 112,76 6923,9 3,6 55,6 9160 7,38 113,91 1,32

Kyrgyzstan 198,5 6524 33,9 3527,7 0,4 18,5 2250 2,02 93,20 0,64

Tajikistan 143,1 9538 31,5 3503,2 0,6 27,8 3380 4,19 194,27 0,96

Russia 17075,4 145934 3968,2 214638,2 86,6 1542,2 240820 5,07 90,32 1,12

China 9596,96 1439324 22526,6 677635,2 124 5012,5 625250 12,92 522,30 0,92

India 3287,59 1380004 9229,2 347248,7 67,4 5903,3 657730 20,50 1795,63 1,89

Iran 1648 83992 1491 59095,9 12,3 214 33700 7,46 129,85 0,57

Türkiye 780,58 84339 2350 53683,1 12 236,6 35660 15,37 303,11 0,66

Japan 377,835 126476 5231,1 62994,3 27,3 1280 155300 72,25 3387,72 2,47

England 244,101 67886 3121,1 37258,0 17,7 397 57400 72,51 1626,38 1,54

France 547,03 65274 3097,1 47999,4 29,9 1090,2 138920 54,66 1992,94 2,89

Germany 357,022 83784 4473,8 51149,8 43,5 644,5 107950 121,84 1805,21 2,11

Italy 301,23 60462 2557,4 35979,9 24,2 487,7 72970 80,34 1619,03 2,03

Spain 504,782 46755 1924,7 35680,6 15,9 683,2 84220 31,50 1353,46 2,36

USA 9372,61 331003 20575 399647,8 257,7 7150 972700 27,50 762,86 2,43

All this is already holding back the development of the economy, creating a serious threat of slowing down the overall economic growth of the republic and weakening its position in the world market.

In the transport industry of Uzbekistan as a whole and its individual sub-sectors,

a number of unresolved problems have developed and remain open:

- there is no necessary coordination and complexity in managing the development and functioning of the transport system;

- transport intensity of GDP (adjusted ton-km per unit of GDP), although it has decreased more than three times over the years of independence, it remains high in comparison with developed countries;

- insufficient use of the geopolitical state and transit potential of the republic, which is due to the lack of communication along the shortest routes of the country's railways with the railways of India and China;

- the condition and pace of development of roads, especially in rural areas, do not correspond to established standards and the growth rate of motorization;

- the share of railways in the transport services market is clearly insufficient, especially in the development of massive freight and passenger flows in domestic communications;

- the share of single-track railways is 88% of the total length of communication routes, which reduces the maneuverability and mobility of railway transportation, especially when transporting expensive export goods;

- the presence of different railway gauge standards at cross-border stations leads to large financial, time and other losses during international transport;

- the technological level of transport systems does not sufficiently ensure the established technical regulations and requirements for their safe operation;

- measures for state support of transport industries have greatly weakened, and the excessive presence of the state in the activities of transport enterprises has increased significantly;

- there are certain differences by region in the development of the transport network;

- the aging trends of fixed assets persist steadily in all sectors of transport, the production capacities of existing facilities, especially the transit potential of the country, are not fully used;

- institutional and structural transformations in transport have not been completed, the mechanisms of state and market regulation have not yet been properly balanced.

In the last decades of the 20th century, transport policy took a leading place among the main directions of the socially oriented strategy of developed countries, aimed at increasing the efficiency of the national economy, which began to be measured not by traditional quantitative indicators, but by qualitative indicators, primarily the level of quality of life of the population. At the same time, the efficiency of transport, as a special sector of the economy, in Western countries is measured not

only by an increase in its own operational or financial and economic indicators, but also expressed by the degree of participation in the economic and social life of society.

Therefore, such forms of organization of market relations as transport and logistics are increasingly used, and transport becomes an integral participant in the logistics conveyor of cargo and passenger movement and works for the overall economic and social effect [9].

The share of transport in the GDP of most countries fluctuates between 3-9%, and in the number of employed - 3-8%. These data do not include individual and institutional transport, which further increases the importance of transport services in the economy, especially if there is a significant informal sector. Typically, the share of transport services in GDP decreases as national income increases. It is highest in Asian countries, then in Latin America and Africa. Employment in transport in the 1980s increased mainly in countries of the global periphery [10].

Taking into account the danger of negative consequences of the process of motorization, the transport policy of the EU countries, the USA and other developed countries strives not to directly limit this process, but to regulate it in order to reduce losses from road traffic accidents (RTA), prevent irreversible environmental consequences of motorization and prevent traffic jams in the busiest segments of the road network. This policy is being implemented within the framework of the EU concept of sustainable transport development, which provides for the balanced development of various modes of transport, strengthening the role of public transport, introducing some restrictions on the movement of individual vehicles in large cities and on the busiest highways (tolls, travel time restrictions, allocation of priority lanes bus movements, parking policy, etc.).

On the one hand, it is obvious that government regulation in the transport system is necessary, since transport is a strategic sector of the economy. In this case, the following areas of regulation are taken into account: control over the activities of monopolistic transport enterprises (antimonopoly legislation should also apply to transport vehicles); control and containment of the growth of transport tariffs; introduction and control of uniform norms, standards and rules in the field of environmental protection, traffic safety, working conditions in transport, as well as uniform technical standards. On the other hand, the higher the level of transport development, the more obvious it is that, given limited budgetary resources, many projects can be financed with the involvement of private capital.

Thus, an analysis of foreign experience shows that, regardless of the chosen model, governments and administrations of all cities in the world are trying to pursue a policy of limiting the growth of budget subsidies and transportation tariffs. However, the choice of model predetermines the means to achieve this goal. Statistics show that introducing private, market-based provision of transport services can

significantly reduce costs and therefore subsidies.

State regulation of transport activities and state financing of individual elements of the transport system and types of transport activities in market conditions remain an objective necessity. The transport strategy should be based on the principle of separating the tasks of state regulation of the industry and the performance of economic functions by private entrepreneurs.

The state remains responsible for the safety of the transport process, the state of transport infrastructure and the provision of transport services in sectors where the market is not yet sufficiently developed. It is based on the principle of eliminating unnecessary interference in the management of transportation activities, both in the field of transport entrepreneurship and in certain issues of transport regulation. The state, taking into account the technical, economic and environmental features of the operation of each type of transport, as well as their competitive advantages and weaknesses in the transport services market, in a strategic plan at the macro level, considers transport as a whole as a single management object.

The unity of the transport system in the process of managing this sector of the economy presupposes its development on uniform principles of institutional regulation of all types of transport, coordination of the development of all types of transport infrastructure, a balanced distribution of budget resources between different types of transport, as well as regulation of competition between different companies in the transport services market. Using common approaches and principles, it is necessary to harmonize interests and unite the efforts of the state and business in the field of transport, coordinate the provision of transport means to the national security and defense capability of the country, as well as the formation of a single information space in transport.

The economic basis for the functioning of the transport system is the principle of competition between independent operators and suppliers of transport services and transport infrastructure services. The state must cease its participation in competitive markets as an entrepreneur of transport services. In terms of transport infrastructure services, it is necessary to commercialize its use and attract private operators to its creation and operation. In the future, a phased privatization of individual elements of the transport infrastructure is possible. In sectors where privatization is not justified, the use of various forms of public-private partnerships should be encouraged.

In the national goals and objectives in the field of sustainable development for the period until 2030, approved by the Cabinet of Ministers, within the framework of the Development Strategy of the Republic of Uzbekistan for 2017-2021, they are set, in particular, in Goal 11 "Ensuring openness, safety, resilience and environmental sustainability of cities and populated areas" points" set Target 11.2: "by 2030, ensure access to safe, affordable, accessible and environmentally sustainable transport

systems by improving road safety, in particular increasing the use of public transport, paying special attention to the needs of socially vulnerable segments of the population [12].

Legislation should provide for the possibility of applying differentiated social, environmental and other standards in the regions both in the consumption of transport services and in the levels of transport development. The composition of the strategic planning model includes the following subsystems:

- economic growth: main indicators - cost of transportation (gradual decrease), completeness of transport services (consistent increase) and profitability of transport industries (consistent increase);

- social well-being: main indicators - density of the transport network (increasing trend), traffic accidents in transport (downward trend) and improving the quality of transport services (gradual improvement);

- environmental protection: the main indicator is the share of transport in total environmental pollution (the trend is a general decline);

- taking into account geopolitical conditions: the main indicator is the use of the benefits of the country's transit position (significant growth).

The totality of the above indicators of final consumption of transport services constitutes the so-called social norms for the consumption of transport services, recommended by national standards and other regulations of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Social norms and standards determine the level of implementation of constitutional rights and guarantees of citizens, regulate the social protection of clients and the formation of sectors of the social sphere. These standards are intended for regulatory authorities as a social guideline both for the purpose of improving the quality of life and regulating the level of transport services in the regions.

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The main prerequisites for establishing social standards in the transport system are the infrastructural nature, the close connection of its functioning with all sectors of the economy and social sphere, the direct impact of disruptions in the normal operation of transport on the state of the national economy, on living conditions in the regions, not only of the current, but also of the next generation . At the same time, the adopted transport development planning model should take into account such individual characteristics of individual regions as the provision of needs for transport services, safety indicators

transport process, environmental situation, congestion of transport infrastructure, etc. Certain functions of transport management can be transferred to specialized government agencies and unitary enterprises, non-profit organizations created with the participation of operators and users of transport services, specialized structures, as well as other self-regulatory (associations, unions, etc.) organizations.

Regional characteristics and differences in the levels of economic and social

development of regions suggest a differentiated approach to the territorial location of the core transport network, the formation of which is carried out based on the characteristics of (1) the extraterritoriality of its location and (2) the priority of ensuring the passage of transit flow along the shortest routes with (3) bypass largest transport hubs. The basis of the spatial model for the development of transport infrastructure in Uzbekistan is the national sections of the ITC. In the future, with the development and deepening of market relations in the country, the participation of the state in the market of transport services as an operator should be replaced by a phased privatization of infrastructure with the imposition of its owners with specific obligations to the state.

Certain communications and infrastructure facilities can be assigned to state ownership, which is determined, first of all, by the strategic importance of the relevant facilities that ensure the safe and environmentally sustainable functioning of the transport system. At the same time, border crossings are an integral part of the core transport network. Transport facilities and communications can relate to infrastructure of all forms of ownership. As market relations in the country deepen, the role of the state in demonopolizing, first of all, the previously considered purely natural monopoly sectors of the economy - railways and air transport - is increasing. The procedure and conditions for the provision of transport infrastructure services to users, as well as general requirements for public infrastructure operators, are established by current legislation and controlled by the state.

Recently, work has begun in Uzbekistan on the formation of private and joint-stock airlines and airports. Work on the formation of international logistics centers on the railways in Tashkent, Chinaz, Termez and a number of other regions with nonstate ownership has also intensified to a significant extent.

For the sustainable functioning of the transport sector, it is necessary, first of all, to improve antimonopoly regulation and a phased transition from price regulation to a market of free prices in the market sector of the market. This is especially important for railway transport, where the opinion about the supposedly absolutely stable natural monopoly position of the industry has become established. At the same time, in world practice, for example, in the USA, it is known that almost all railways are private, their number is more than 560, of which 7 are vertically integrated, private regional companies - 33 and private local companies - more than 500. Only one The unitary state company AMTRAK provides long-distance passenger services [15].

President of Uzbekistan Sh. Mirziyoyev, in his address to the Oliy Majlis on January 25, 2020, indicated: "In the railway sector, it is necessary to differentiate between the transportation of passengers and goods, operation and maintenance, that is, to highlight the natural monopoly part and separately develop those areas where the private sector can be attracted " [16].

State unitary enterprises that compete with private operators in the transport services market must consistently be privatized. At the same time, the state retains responsibility for the safety of the transport process, the state of transport infrastructure and the provision of transport services in sectors where the market is not yet sufficiently developed. It is based on the principle of eliminating unnecessary interference in the management of transportation activities, both in the field of transport entrepreneurship and in certain issues of regulation of the sphere. Gradual deregulation of the transport sector is considered one of the important ways to demonopolize it. Recognizing the entire railway infrastructure as a sphere of natural monopoly, it is necessary to recognize the relevance of strengthening the competitive position of the railway company, both in the domestic and foreign markets of transport services.


Innovative activities in the service sector, including in the field of transport services, must be associated with a predictable result, which leads to changes both within the organization and in the external environment. Expanding needs in the service sector determines transformations in the production process of commodity producers and in information systems. The development of the service sector creates a new competitive environment and new needs for goods and services. Innovative activities in the service sector are an integral part of effective production and market activities, since it is precisely this that ensures the strategic sustainability of companies in a rapidly developing services market. It is becoming increasingly clear that the service sector can provide significant employment growth both today and in the future, and become a "locomotive" of economic growth.

Transport, along with other infrastructure sectors, provides the basic conditions for the life of society, being an important tool for achieving social, economic, and foreign policy goals. Transport is not only an industry specializing in the movement of goods and people, first of all, it is an intersectoral system that transforms living and economic conditions. Sustainable development of transport is a guarantee of the unity of the economic space, free movement of goods and services, competition and freedom of economic activity, improvement of the living conditions and standard of living of the population. Every transport company must realize that without the introduction of innovative technologies it is extremely difficult to remain a market participant.

The full use of foreign instruments of state regulation of the transport sector of Uzbekistan is limited, in our opinion, by the insufficient development of public administration institutions at the regional level, the country's incompletely developed unified transport system, as well as a significant gap between the planned results of the industry's development and those actually achievable in the current political and

economic conditions. conditions indicators.


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