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Modern European Researches
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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Gorev Pavel

The paper deals with the one of the directions of improvement of school mathematical education – modernization of the main and additional programs by inclusion of new training courses in practice of educational institution. There are the examples from practical work of the author in this direction.

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The paper deals with the one of the directions of improvement of school mathematical education - modernization of the main and additional programs by inclusion of new training courses in practice of educational institution. There are the examples from practical work of the author in this direction.


school mathematical education, additional mathematical education of pupils, development of cognitive interest, updating of scientific creativity of pupils


Pavel Gorev

PhD in Pedagogic, Associate Professor Department of Fundamental and Computer Mathematics Vyatka State University of Humanities Kirov, Russia pavel-gorev@mail.ru

Transition to standards of new generation (FSES) defines implementation of teacher's and students' activity in a new format: there is a need of transition to the new educational and methodical complexes conforming to the standards, and, therefore, need of formation of the new methodical line in teacher's work. It is necessary to consider that educational process (perhaps, even in one class) has to be carried out both at the different levels (basic, advanced, profile, profound) and in different forms: basic (lesson activity) and additional education (extracurricular and out-of-class activities), defining that pupils gain not only the subject results, but also personal and meta-subject results.

In this regard, there is a need of careful elaboration of educational programs of the basic and additional mathematical education in their interrelation and interconditionality for foreseeable, but rather long period. We see the possibility of implementation of such work at three levels and in the following directions.

At the level of the basic educational programs:

- reduction of the basic educational programs to formats relevant for requirements of educational standards with indication of preparation levels and cross references on the questions discussed in additional educational programs;

- development of the basic educational programs for classes with profound (profile) study of mathematics on the basis of poly-information approach, which takes into account requirements of each pupil;

- development of modern multiple and multidimensional didactic maintenance of the basic educational programs.

At the level of additional educational programs:

- development of study groups, elective and facultative courses and their didactic maintenance in compliance with the operating basic educational programs and their interrelation;

- development of programs for overcoming individual difficulties of pupils when studying mathematics both in classes, where the mathematics is studied at the general educational level, and in classes with profound (profile) study of mathematics;

- development of special courses and seminars for profound classes or preprofile preparation, carried out by teachers of additional education - teachers of higher educational institutions;

- development of new courses and their didactic maintenance in the system of additional mathematical education of pupils, carried out within an academic year and in short-term conditions, for example, during the work of mathematical camp.

At the level of interdisciplinary programs:

- development of courses providing inclusion of pupils in design and research activity;

- development of programs of additional education directed on activation of scientific creativity of pupils;

- development of programs providing development of cognitive interest and motivation for mathematics through its interdisciplinary and humanitarian potential.

There are some brightest educational projects, which are carried out in Kirov Lyceum No. 21 in these directions. We do not think it's necessary to describe the details of creation and implementation of educational programs in the paper.

1) In recent years, the Lyceum has a tendency of 6 week hours, allocated for studying mathematics in 5-6th grades, where one hour is given for realization of the course "Lessons of developing mathematics" (more details about structure and maintenance of a course is described in the paper (Gorev, 2012)).

Main objective of the course is development of thinking and creative abilities of pupils of elementary grades through their inclusion in active and interactive forms of interaction by means of mathematics.

The course consists of the separate modules (6-7 hours for each module), issued in the form of workbooks, and includes classes for mathematical tasks solution, mathematical competition, class for open type tasks solution, mathematical experiments, seminar for out-of-class reading and block of self-development tasks. There is the tutorial for all ten modules (Gorev, Utyomov, 2014).

Today methodological work actively continues: we elaborate methodological recommendations for teachers; develop similar courses for 3-4th and 7th grades and fill its contents (maintenance); prepare the tutorial with rules and options of mathematical competitions for the course.

Such work helps to put additional mathematical education of pupils on the new level and brings the great contribution to the professional growth of lyceum teachers.

2) For the last five years the Lyceum realizes the program "Intersubject projects of high school pupils: mathematics and natural sciences". The program is realized within implementation of pupils design activity in school mathematical camp (short-term projects) and within an academic year (long-term projects).

We published the educational-methodological tutorial, describing the projects, their subjects and essence (Gorev, Luneeva, 2014).

Work on this sort of projects is directed on expansion of a pupil's outlook and system thinking and allows to diversify mathematical activity, show its penetration into all spheres of human life.

3) The new 68-hour course "Design activity and scientific creativity" is the other direction to involve 10th grade pupils in design and scientific activities within the regional component of curriculum (Gorev, Kozlova, 2015).

The course assumes to solve the questions of formation of personal and meta-subject results of pupils. It is directed on training the following aspects:

- methods of new ideas generation on the basis of scientific creativity and overcoming of psychological inertia (Mikhailov, Gorev, Utyomov, 2014; Gorev, Utyomov, 2014).

- development, implementation, public protection and promotion of socially significant projects in educational space of the Lyceum;

- development of research works connected with questions of the mathematical educational area.

As the result of the course mastering, each pupil has an opportunity to develop his own socially significant project, which would be realized in educational space of the Lyceum and followed by the final product (result). So, for example, during this academic year pupils developed and carried out such projects, as "Pleasure to each house - help the orphanage", "A memorable album of a pupil", "Operation 'Book Exchange'", "Lessons of hand-made", "Lyceum club 'What? Where? When?'", "Operation 'Make good!'" and others.

The other result of the course is elaboration of one of the offered subjects. The work is presented in the form of written paper (article), including elements of own research in the mathematical educational area, and is carried out under the leadership of a teacher or additional education teacher. For example, this year works pupils can work on the following subjects: "Trigonometrical analysis of regular pyramids", "Geometrical constructions by 'unusual' tools", "Collection of semiregular polyhedrons", "Inexhaustible infinity: facts and paradoxes", "Geometry of crystal lattices", "Myths, legends and fairy tales from the mathematical point of view" and others.

Such activity accustoms pupils to the experience of research activity, design of the time and possible result, shows the social importance of their educational work and possibility for external examination of results.

4) During the last two years, classes with general level of mathematics has the program "Humanitarian-focused projects of pupils on mathematics as a mean for increase of interest to mathematics". The purpose of the program is formation of cognitive interest and motivation to study mathematics (Gorev, Sopot, 2014).

The humanitarian-focused projects on mathematics are urged to bring pupils epy understanding of importance of mathematics as universal value, its orientation on person and his vital needs, close connection of mathematical knowledge with other areas of science and culture. Besides, work on the project assumes the complex of actions, specially organized by a teacher and independently carried out by a pupil. The result is the product consisting of a labor object, produced in the course of design, and its oral or written representation.

5) Youth intensive school of scientific creativity "Break: science, creativity, success" became the successful activity, which is carried out in the Lyceum for the last six years.

Pupils, teachers and students of Vyatka State University of Humanities have a great opportunity to strengthen their health and develop mental and creative abilities. The educational program of the camp is constructed on the theory of open tasks and focused on the use of innovative pedagogical systems on development of creative thinking, such as "TRIZ pedagogics" and creative thinking training. It promotes formation of pupils scientific endowments, leadership skills and active living position. Important result of the program is creation of the new problem tasks solutions, in particular in mathematical educational area.

Many of the projects, developed by pupils during the camp, find reflection at project various competitions and exhibitions of school, city and country levels. Separate ideas have copyright certificates (for example, the project "System of development of figurative thinking by means of origami" received the certificate of the State registration of a database No. 2013621458 of November 25, 2013).

Thus, modernization and creation of new educational programs in the basic and additional mathematical education provide inclusion of active forms of pupils cognitive activity in educational process. These programs are directed on achievement of high subject, meta-subject and personal results.


1. Gorev, P.M. (2012), "Lessons of developing mathematics in 5-6th grades of high school", scientific and methodological journal Koncept, №10, available at: http://e-koncept.ru/2012/12132.htm (accessed 15 April 2015).

2. Gorev, P.M. and Utyomov, V.V. (2014), Lessons of developing mathematics. 5-6th grades: Problems of mathematical study group, Publishing house MTslTO, Kirov, Russia, 207 P.

3. Gorev, P.M. and Luneeva, O.L. (2014) Intersubject projects of pupils of high school: mathematical and natural-science cycles, Publishing house MTslTO, Kirov, Russia, 58 P.

4. Gorev, P.M. and Kozlova, E.V. (2015), "The contents and structure of the course " Bases of design activity and scientific creativity" for high school pupils", scientific and methodological journal Koncept, №2, available at: http://e-koncept.ru/2015/15040.htm (accessed 15 April 2015).

5. Mikhaylov, V.A., Gorev, P.M. and Utyomov, V.V. (2014), Scientific creativity: methods of new ideas design, Publishing house MTslTO, Kirov, Russia, 97 P.

6. Gorev, P.M. and Utyomov, V.V. (2014), Scientific creativity: practical guidance on development of creative thinking. Methods and receptions of TRIZ, Publishing house LIBROKOM, Moscow, 112 P.

7. Gorev, P.M. and Sopot, A.O. (2014), "Realization of an educational program for introduction of the humanitarian focused projects of school students in practice of work of the mathematics teacher", scientific and methodological journal Koncept, №10, available at: http://e-koncept.ru/2015/15040.htm (accessed 15 April 2015).



The paper presents the experience in developing the professional competence of the future teacher. There are given different definitions about the topic. Scientists research new psychological and pedagogical direction in modern education - competence approach.


competence, competence, competence approach, professional competence, qualifications, professional skills, professional self-activation, values, knowledge, skills, mode of activity, flexible mind, the educational competence


Zhainagul Kartbaeva

Lecturer, Department of Preschool

and Special Education Aktobe Regional State University after K.Zhubanova, Aktobe city, the Republic of Kazakhstan

Botagoz Zhubatyrova

Lecturer, Department of Preschool

and Special Education Aktobe Regional State University after K.Zhubanova, Aktobe city, the Republic of Kazakhstan botagoz.alga@mail.ru

In modern civilized society, the teacher is a figure that requires special attention, and there are enough unprofessionally teachers. There must be teachers and educators who are most prepared intellectually and morally to work with children. An educator or a

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