Научная статья на тему 'Improvement of personnel management'

Improvement of personnel management Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Risbaev Zahid, Korzhovov Mirsaid, Umurzakova Dilorom, Sajfutdinova Zuhra

For the last time essential attention is paid to the issue of human capital management, so far as in the conditions of global information economics this part of recourses can be a crucial aspectof industrial policy for achieving necessary competitive advantage.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Improvement of personnel management»

Выводы: Совершенствовать антенатальной и интранатальной помощи, развитию служб планирования деторождения, усилению помощи новорождённым, развитию медико -генетической службы, внедрению скрининговых программ по разным видам патологии. Создать семейных школ здоровья и реестру семей с высоким риском развития детской инвалидности, работать со здоровыми детьми, профилактической работе с женщинами репродуктивного возраста.


1. Флетчер Р., Флетчер С., Вагнер Э. Клиническая эпидемиология. Основы доказательной медицины. Медла Сфера, Москва, 1998. с 346.

2. Маматкулов Б., Ла Морт В., Рахманова Н. Клиническая эпидемиология. Основы доказательной медицины. Учебное пособие для магистрантов медицинских ВУЗов. Ташкент, 2011. с. 225.

Improvement of personnel management Risbaev Z.1, Korzhovov M.2, Umurzakova D.3, Sajfutdinova Z.4 (Republic of Uzbekistan) Совершенствование управления персоналом Рисбаев З. А.1, Коржовов М. Н.2, Умурзакова Д. А.3, Сайфутдинова З. А.4

(Республика Узбекистан)

'Рисбаев Захид Абдувалиевич /Risbaev Zahid—магистр, школа общественного здравоохранения;

2Коржовов Мирсаид Нодирович / Korzhovov Mirsaid — студент;

3Умурзакова Дилором Абдумуминовна / Umurzakova Dilorom — студент;

4Сайфутдинова Зухра Абдурашидовна / Sajfutdinova Zuhra — студент, медико-профилактический факультет, Ташкентская медицинская академия, г. Ташкент, Узбекистан

Abstract: for the last time essential attention is paid to the issue of human capital management, so far as in the conditions of global information economics this part of recourses can be a crucial aspectof industrial policy for achieving necessary competitive advantage.

Аннотация: за последнее время существенное внимание уделяется проблеме управления человеческим капиталом, до сих пор, как и в условиях глобальной информационной экономики, эта часть ресурсов может быть одним из важнейших аспектов промышленной политики для достижения необходимого конкурентного преимущества.

Keywords: management development, personnel management, personnel management system. Ключевые слова: развитие управления, управление персоналом, система управления персоналом.

Evolution of scientific approach to the issue of personnel management of an enterprise was accompanied with close connection with the development of such sciences as management, psychology, sociology.

The development of management in the 30s of the last century enabled to define the approaches to the management of organization, as well as human resources management [1, р. 700].

Within the scope of scientific management the system of stimulation of workers has been developed, on purpose to interest the last to increase the productivity and volume production. Authors of works on scientific management accepted the importance of selection of people that physically and intellectually were corresponded to work carried out by them; they also underlined great value of training. However, though adherents of scientific school of management accepted the importance of the human factor, their discussions were limited to such aspects as a fair payment, provision of economic incentives and an establishment of formal functional relations.

Especially big contribution was brought by «human relations» school the formation of which is connected with the theory of motivation of E. Mejo. The principles of people management developed by him proclaimed the account of desires and expectations of people, interpersonal relations. The emphasis by later schools of scientific management was placed on a combination of rationality of the organizationwith the worker's satisfaction with the activity.

Development of such sciences as psychology and sociology and perfection of methods of research after the Second World War has made behavior studying on a workplace strictly scientific. Among the largest scientists of the late period of development of behavioral (behavioristic) directions it is possible to mention R. Lajkerta, D. Mak-Gregora, F. Gertsberga these, and other researchers studied various


aspects of social interaction, motivation, character of the power and authority, change of work content and quality of a labour life. The new approach aspired to assist the worker in comprehension of the possibilities on the basis of application of concepts of behavioral sciences. In the most general lines the main objective of this school was to increase the efficiency of the organization at the expense of efficiency increase of its human resources.

Development of the theory of the human capital began only in 50-60th of the XX-th century in G. Bekker, T. Schultz's works, etc. Just during this period for the first time the human capital was investigated on a microeconomic level, in work of the «the Chicago school» representative of human capital, Nobel winner G. Bekker who defined, that the human capital consists of the got knowledge, skills, motivations and energy by which human beings are allocated and which can be used during the certain period of time with a view of manufacture of the goods and services [1, р. 700].

In 1973 D. McClelland assumed, that such personal triads as the motivation and itself presentation, can distinguish the worst, average and best executors that proves to be true in various groups of works. Investigating the work with the personnel at the enterprises, scientists adhere to different sights at its periodization. In «the three-phase scheme», published in 1973 the chairman of the Society of heads on the personnel of Germany of H. Fridrihs, personnel activity was structured as follows: till 1950 - the administrative period; 1950-1970 - the period of recognition (approval); since 1970 - the integration period. After a decade, U.Shpie, only partially agreeing with the three-phase scheme, subdivides history of development of work with the personnel into four time intervals: till 1960 - the administrative period; 1960-1970 - the legitimacy period; 1970-1975 - the structurization period; since 1976 - the period of realization (introduction).

Practice of personnel management of 90th years shows an inefficiency of sample decisions of difficult social and economic problems. New methods of work with the people take root into this period, providing the account of interests of businessmen and the personnel. Innovative approaches to personnel management promote the realization of creative potential of the personnel. Today personnel management services of the large organizations solve difficult and varied problems and represent large enough divisions incorporating 50 and more people. They build the work on the basis of strategic planning and management, expansion of guarantees of employment of manpower.

Practice has shown that the realization of new strategy in personnel management depends on scientific character of the approach to personnel activity in the organization that became possible at expansion of corresponding profile structures at national universities. According to experience of countries of Western Europe, process of formation of professors and, accordingly, chairs of personnel management, since eightieth years, tended increase [2, p. 10].

Theoretically proved and approved national approaches to work with the personnel by 2000 have appeared to be the base to their further transformation caused by a number of factors. Among them: displacement of a vector of organizational development for work with the client and satisfaction of his requirements, the updated trend of values of the occupied personnel and candidates on employment, their unilateral approach to a choice of a trade and a work place, the demographic factors, the changed profile of a workplace, a business exit for limits of national borders.

In the XXI century organizational services of the personnel of leading world powers have entered with necessity of acceptance attention of three new tendencies which outlined in work with people and have proved to be true in the first five-year period of new century: decentralization, economization and internationalizations [3, p. 300].

Thus, during formation and development of such sciences as management, personnel management, psychology, sociology development of representations about personnel potential of the enterprise was going on. If right at the beginning there were only isolated representations that labour productivity of the worker depends on its internal spirit the further researches have shown dependence of efficiency of activity of the organization on such factors as personal and collective potential of shots of the enterprise.

Development of the concept of personnel management, formations of personnel potential went on a way of overcoming of the texnocratic approach to the person as to the car, connections of his motivational resources, socially-psychological factors of growth of labour productivity and a production efficiency, bigger account of interests of the worker as persons.

Management of the personnel has adopted basic principles of the theory of scientific management, such as use of the scientific analysis for definition of ways of performance of problems, selection of the workers better approaching for performance of work, maintenance of corresponding training of workers, regular and correct use of material stimulation, etc.

Formation of the new moral values divided by all personnel; flexible and adaptive use of «human resources», increase of creative and organizing activity of the pe rsonnel, organizational culture.


1. Meskon M. X., Albert M., Hedouri F. Fundamentals of Management / Trans. from English. M.: Case

2004. P. 700.

2. Motivation of personnel in modern conditions / V. V. Alekseev // www.education.ru. p. 10.

3. Hosking A. Entrepreneurship Course: Scient. Benefit: Trans. from English. M.: Internet Relations in

2005. P. 300.

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