тетради, тем более готовить выписки («шпаргалки») из секретных источников [3].
Представляется, что одним из основных условий, определяющих соблюдение режима секретности в учебных организациях МВД России, является наличие уполномоченных лиц, так называемых «секретчиков», которые назначаются приказом по учебному заведению из числа наиболее подготовленных курсантов (слушателей), обладающих высоким чувством ответственности, прошедших специальный инструктаж и сдавших зачет по знанию правил пользования специальной библиотекой.
В своей деятельности ответственные учебных групп руководствуются требованиями приказов МВД России по вопросам сохранности документов, приказом начальника учебной организации и указаниями библиотекаря специальной библиотеки, а также инструктажа о порядке обращения с секретными документами, где разъясняются меры ответственности в случаях нарушения требований режима секретности. Их основными обязанностями являются:
- получение и сдача специальной литературы в специальную библиотеку;
- обеспечение сохранности литературы во время перерывов между занятиями;
- выдача и сбор специальной литературы и специальных тетрадей на самом занятии и иное.
Необходимо отметить, что специальные библиотеки учебных заведений системы МВД России являются режимными помещениями. К использованию фонда спецбиблиотеки допускаются
Библиографический список
профессорско-преподавательский состав кафедр специальных дисциплин и курсанты (слушатели), имеющие соответствующую форму допуска [4].
Индивидуальная выдача спецтетрадей и материалов в часы занятий, зачётов, экзаменов не производится. Передавать и получать секретные материалы другим лицам, минуя специальную библиотеку, категорически запрещается
Стремительное развитие цифровой техники, телефонной связи повлияло на дополнительные меры по защите информации, что нашло отражение в запрете использования и применения цифровых фотоаппаратов, мобильных телефонов не только при работе в специальной библиотеке, но и в часы проведения аудиторных занятий, где рассматриваются вопросы, относящиеся к государственной тайне.
Выполнение слушателями и курсантами рефератов, курсовых работ, научных докладов, сообщений, с использованием сведений, составляющих государственную тайну, осуществляется только при соблюдении требований режима секретности, определяющих порядок составления и подготовки секретных документов [5].
Таким образом, изучение основных положений режима секретности в учебных заведениях МВД России преследует цель не только передачи знаний будущим сотрудникам оперативных подразделений по порядку обращения со сведениями, составляющими государственную и служебную тайну, но и несёт в себе психологический элемент, влияя на воспитательный процесс будущих офицеров, вырабатывая и развивая в них чувство ответственности и гордости за выбранную профессию.
1. О государственной тайне. Федеральный закон Рос. Федерации от 21 июля 1993 г. № 5485-1-ФЗ. Консультант Плюс: комп. справ. правовая система Available at: http://www.consultant.ru
2. Об утверждении Инструкции по делопроизводству в органах внутренних дел Российской Федерации. Приказ МВД РФ от 20 июня 2012 г. № 615.
3. Основы управления и делопроизводство в органах внутренних дел. Альбом схем. Москва: Московский ун-т МВД России, 2012.
4. Об утверждении Перечня документов, образующихся в деятельности органов внутренних дел Российской Федерации, с указанием сроков хранения, создание, хранение и использование которых осуществляется в форме электронных документов: приказ МВД РФ от 31 мая 2011 г. № 600.
5. Казаков В.В. и др. Основы делопроизводства в ОВД: курс лекций. Нижний Новгород: НА МВД России, 2013.
1. O gosudarstvennoj tajne. Federal'nyj zakon Ros. Federacii ot 21 iyulya 1993 g. № 5485-1-FZ. Konsul'tant Plyus: komp. sprav. pravovaya sistema Available at: http://www.consultant.ru
2. Ob utverzhdeniiInstrukciipo deloproizvodstvu vorganah vnutrennih delRossijskojFederacii. Prikaz MVD RF ot 20 iyunya 2012 g. № 615.
3. Osnovy upravleniya i deloproizvodstvo v organah vnutrennih del. Al'bom shem. Moskva: Moskovskij un-t MVD Rossii, 2012.
4. Ob utverzhdenii Perechnya dokumentov, obrazuyuschihsya v deyatel'nosti organov vnutrennih del Rossijskoj Federacii, s ukazaniem srokov hraneniya, sozdanie, hranenie i ispol'zovanie kotoryh osuschestvlyaetsya v forme 'elektronnyh dokumentov: prikaz MVD RF ot 31 maya 2011 g. № 600.
5. Kazakov V.V. i dr. Osnovy deloproizvodstva v OVD: kurs lekcij. Nizhnij Novgorod: NA MVD Rossii, 2013.
Статья поступила в редакцию 28.09.18
УДК 37.01
Kirgueva F.H., Doctor of Sciences (Pedagogy), North-Ossetian State University n.a. Kosta Levanovich Khetagurov (Vladikavkaz, Russia), Chechen State University (Grozny, Russia), E-mail: [email protected]
IMPROVEMENT OF HIGH SCHOOL TEACHERS' PEDAGOGICAL COMPETENCE IN DESIGN. The article deals with a problem of quality of an educational process at a university. In modern conditions, high professional requirements are imposed on a university teacher. One of these requirements is the teachers' training in the field of designing technologies for teaching students. However, the insufficient development of the theory, the lack of didactic bases and methodological support for this process hinders the solution of practical problems of the development of pedagogical competence in the field of pedagogical design. The author assumes that the design of technologies is an author's training, possessing such essential characteristics as innovation, relevance, activity and variability. They are manifested in the coordinating-stimulating, comparative-evaluative, dynamic-transforming, value-objective functions with the help of motivational, communicative and constructive structural components of the author's training. Key words: vocational education, pedagogical technology, technology design, author training.
Ф.Х. Киргуева, д-р пед. наук, проф. каф. начального и дошкольного образования, ФГБОУ ВО «Северо-Осетинский государственный университет имени Коста Левановича Хетагурова», г. Владикавказ; проф. каф. теории и технологии социальной работы, ФГБОУ ВО «Чеченский государственный университет», г. Грозный, E-mail: [email protected]
В статье рассматривается проблема качества образовательного процесса в вузе. В современных условиях к преподавателю вуза предъявляются высокие профессиональные требования. Одним из этих требований выступает подготовка преподавателей в сфере проектирования технологий обучения студентов.
Однако недостаточная разработанность теории, отсутствие дидактических основ и методического обеспечения данного процесса сдерживает решение практических задач развития педагогической компетентности в области педагогического проектирования. Автор предлагает, что проектирование авторских технологий является авторским обучением, обладающим такими сущностными характеристиками, как инновационность, востребованность, активность и вариативность. Они проявляются в координирующе-стимулирующей, сравнительно-оценочной, динамико-преобразующей, ценностно-целевой функциях с помощью мотивационной, коммуникативной и конструкторской структурных составляющих авторского обучения.
Ключевые слова: профессиональное образование, педагогическая технология, проектирование технологий, авторское обучение.
The system of vocational education is the basic infrastructure in Russian education and post-industrial society in general. In this regard, its main goals are to satisfy the needs of the individual, society and the state, due to their educational needs, development prospects and social stability, economic security of the country, its competitiveness and autonomy within the global community.
At the moment, the complex of social factors that determine the problems of vocational education are represented by economic diversification; demographic situation; competition in the labor market, competition between levels of vocational education. At the same time the higher school is modernized; this process is promoted by the intensification of life in general, the use in the Russian Federation of a single European education system, a huge increase in the flow of information and its rapid obsolescence.
The quality of the process of education in universities is largely influenced by the purposefulness and effectiveness of the teacher's professional activity, his professionalism and creative activity, and his professional world outlook, which is aimed at a critical approach to comprehending different theories and concepts. In such circumstances, the role of the teacher of higher education in the life of society is increasing, and many higher moral and professional requirements are imposed on it.
The training of teachers in the field of design of student learning technologies becomes relevant.
The scientific and pedagogical literature examines various aspects of the issue under study: the establishment of the essence, specifics and effectiveness of traditional design (in the writings of J. Dietrich, P. Hill, V.M. Rozin, J. Jones, V.I. Ginetsinsky, V. Gaspar-sky, M. Azimov and others); designing with creative potential (in the works of P.K. Engelmeyer, G.Y. Bush, G.S. Altshuller and others); goal-setting in the course of pedagogical design (in the works of B.V. Sazonov, E.I. Mashbits, I.Ya. Lerner, V.V. Kraevsky); the question of designing the process of education in general (in the works of N.O. Yakovleva, V.Z. Yusupova, A.V. Shumakova, R.S. Safi-na, V.E. Rodionova, V.B. Popova, N.P. Polichki, M.N. Nevzorova, G.E. Muravyova, V.M. Monakhov, A.C. Mescheryakova, Z.F. Ma-zur, E.A. Kryukova, A.M. Kochneva, G.M. Koroleva, E.S. Zair-Bek, O.B. Episheva, L.I. Gurie, V.V. Gura, B.S. Gershunsky, V.P. Bespalko, V.S. Bezrukova, etc.)
It should be noted that the resolution of the practical tasks of developing the pedagogical competence of teachers in such areas as pedagogical design is constrained by poor theoretical development, the lack of didactic foundations and the methodological support of this process.
Having studied the theory and practice of pedagogical activity in the structure of higher professional education, we can conclude that modern continuous professional education does not provide adequate training of teaching staff in the field of designing technology for teaching students. This is confirmed by some contradictions between:
- the increased need of the current education system in modern copyright technologies of teaching students and their poor development;
- the need to ensure the training of teachers in the field of designing copyright technologies for teaching students and the lack of scientific substantiation of the content, organizational and pedagogical conditions and methodological support for this process;
- the increased requirements for the pedagogical professionalism of high school teachers and the currently unimproved methods of its diagnosis.
In scientific and pedagogical literature training is most often viewed as an activity or as a process. Process is one of the leading characteristics of any training. Any training has a copyright nature, as pedagogical activity always involves creating your own methods, selecting personal methods and forms of training depending on the
tasks of training, the level of training of students (their developed motivation to acquire certain knowledge, levels of perception and ability to understand).
Authorship is considered as belonging to the work (invention) of the author; the activity of the author [1], the creator of something (psychological dictionary). The author's training means teaching activities aimed at achieving the goals of the educational and educative nature, using various, different from the standard, innovative methods, means and forms of education and training.
Innovation, as a rule, is based on certain traditional foundations of education, expressed in the development of scientific ideas, teachings, etc. Any author's method should consider not only one way to develop the education sector, but suggest an evolutionary, sometimes alternative way to achieve the goal. Another essential characteristic of the author's education is activity. If we consider the educational process as the subject interaction of a teacher and students, then in this case we should speak about the development of activity both of a teacher and students.
The author's technology should be focused on the demand in certain circles of the pedagogical community, should benefit society and students, who should later become full-fledged representatives of this society. In the dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language, the concept of "demand" is interpreted as a necessity [2].
Based on the above, we can draw the following conclusion: the present author's training should be characterized by essential characteristics in the form of variability, activity, demand and innovation [3]. These characteristics are manifested in several functions of the educational process: in the coordinating-stimulating, comparative-evaluative, dynamically transforming, value-oriented; it uses the constructive, communicative and motivational structural components of the author's teaching.
When studying the Russian experience in the design and introduction of copyright technologies and teaching methods, consider the issues of the formation of copyright education in our country in the XIX-XX centuries. The choice of this historical era is conditioned by the ongoing country's social, political and economic changes that contribute to the repeated reform of the education system. The most vivid manifestation of the author's teaching in Russia of this era is the "school of free teaching" developed by L.N. Tolstoy. In this school, the main criteria for training and education are presented by experience and freedom, the task of training is to educate a moral and creative person [4]. The goal of pedagogy, as L.N. Tolstoy considered, is to solve the problem of finding new conditions in a creative and moral approach to the process of education and personal upbringing [5].
The second vivid example of the implementation of the author's pedagogical idea is presented by the "Labor School" named after M. Gorky and the Commune named after F.E. Dzerzhinsky, headed by the outstanding teacher A.S. Makarenko, in which the entire educational process was focused on work as a value [6].
In the twentieth century, education, including professional one, underwent many reforms. These changes have led to the emergence in the national education of new author's methods and technologies of education. These technologies were grouped mainly according to their purpose: pedagogical technologies - personal orientation of the pedagogical process, activation and intensification of students' activities, management efficiency and organization of the educational process, didactic improvement and reconstruction of the material; private subjects (emotional and imaginative upbringing of V.V. Kiryush-in, technology of musical thinking upbringing by A.V. Zaruba, methods of musical upbringing by V.V. Shilova) and alternative (based on Valdorsk pedagogy of R. Steiner, M. Montessori's free upbringing and self-development, A.M. Lobok's probabilistic education, workshops of A.N. Tubelsky; schools: of Z.M. Agisheva, of Summerhil's Free School (A. Nil), of P. Freire's liberating education) technology, developmental technology (method of developmental education) aimed at developing the individual's creative qualities developed by I.P. Ivanov,
G.S. Altshuller, I.P. Volkov, personality-oriented developmental training by I.S. Yakimanskaya, technology of self-developing learning by G.K. Selevko) and distance teaching (case technology).
In our opinion, pedagogical technologies should ensure the receipt of the planned educational results; be characterized by clearly defined types of learning operations; determine the sequence of pedagogical operations (i.e., set a certain algorithm of actions); set the complex of methods and tools necessary to obtain or transform the product of labor.
So, within the framework of the proposed research, pedagogical technology should be considered as a prescription of an algorithmic type [7], which is a sequence of operations based on a given set of teaching tools and methods and which make it possible to obtain a planned educational result with a certain confidence share.
At present, as it is known, the main directions of optimization of the effectiveness and quality of the educational process in universities of our state (as, indeed, in the practice all over the world) are associated by the pedagogical community with the ideas of human-ization (the student's personality is given priority) and technologiza-tion that supports informatization and intensification, constructivism. Modern higher education at the same time should be aimed not only at getting a certain amount of knowledge, but also on the ability to use them in real production conditions. For this reason, recently the competence approach in the structure of higher education has been actively discussed. That is why modern training of specialists must be connected not only with the humanitarian paradigm widely used in teaching students in the university, but with some kind of humanitarian-competent synthesis used in this teaching, which must be carried out through a certain specific teaching [8]. It should be noted that the humanitarian-competence paradigm enables the development of author's creative thought in the process of developing pedagogical technologies, creates the necessary conditions for the formation and improvement of the competence of both educators and students.
It will be noted that the personality-oriented approach that was laid down in the domestic (L.S. Vygotsky, P.Ya. Galperin, etc.) and foreign (J. Piaget, K. Rogers, O'Neill, etc.) pedagogy and psychology, organically fits into the humanitarian-competence paradigm, because the main emphasis in it is made on the organization of the cognitive
Библиографический список/ References
activity of the student, taking into account the individual characteristics of his character and intellectual development, with the obligatory respect for his dignity.
The process of learning within the framework of the author's technology of teaching students we consider as a complex but integral phenomenon occurring in a single framework of intensive pedagogical system that contains several subsystems:
• subsystem, the elements of which are the teacher and the student;
• motives, goals, structure and content of training;
• intensive didactic system of forms, methods and means of teaching.
It is necessary to formulate the principles of teaching that relate to the pedagogical system as a whole, as well as to its individual elements and subsystems. In our opinion, the general principles of the humanization of education, which are system-forming, answer the humanitarian-competence paradigm; such principles as systematic, scientific, concreteness and development of truth. At the same time, we took into account the dialectical unity of the above-mentioned general principles. Based on the identified patterns of students' teaching on copyright technologies, it was possible to formulate the following special principles: analog-innovative and hypothetically-forming, principles of real realization of innovation and developing effectiveness, principles of complex informatization and intensification of education. We considered it necessary to distinguish two leading principles in this system: developing effectiveness and conformity of teaching technology to the laws of learning (student activities), indicating the need to organize educational and cognitive activity of students in accordance with its objective laws. The dominant role among these patterns, in our view, belongs to the gradual assimilation of the content of instruction. At the same time, the following approaches were used, based on the humanitarian-competence paradigm - competence, personality, activity and creativity [8].
Thanks to the humanitarization of the training of specialists with higher professional education, they do not simply immerse themselves in the profession: personal qualities that are important to any individual for productive life in a particular social society are being adjusted and developed.
1. Efremova T.F. New Dictionary of Russian. Interpretative and word-building. M.: The Russian language, 2000.
2. Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language. Practical reference book. M.: The Russian language. Z.E. Alexandrova. 2001.
3. Kirgueva F.H., Totoonova M.H. Author's teaching as a component of specialists' professional training. The Eurasian Union of Scientists -2014. - No. 7 (15): P. 105 - 107.
4. Regaliuk M.M. The theory of "free education" in the pedagogical views of L.N. Tolstoy. Available at: // http://www.superinf.ru/view_helpstud. php
5. Hessen S.I. Fundamentals of pedagogy. Introduction to Applied Philosophy: tutorial for universities / ed. By Doc. of philosophy P.V. Alekseeva. Moscow: Publishing house "School-Press", 1995. Available at: // http://nkozlov.ru/library.Pdf
6. Makarenko A.S. A person should be happy. Karapuz, 2009.
7. Landa L.N. Algorithmization in teaching. Moscow: Education, 1968.
8. Totoonova M.H. Pedagogical approaches to designing author's technologies for teaching students. Fundamental research. 2014; No. 11-8: Pp. 1821 - 1826.
Статья поступила в редакцию 01.10.18
УДК 377
Gizoev S.E., postgraduate, North-Ossetian State Pedagogical Institute (Vladikavkaz, Russia), E-mail: [email protected] Kirgueva F.H., North-Ossetian State University n.a. Kosta Levanovich Khetagurov (Vladikavkaz, Russia), Chechen State University (Grozny, Russia), E-mail: [email protected]
article deals with a problem of education of younger generation of a sustainable citizenship and a patriotic attitude towards their homeland, their motherland. The article presents various approaches to the definition of the concepts of "citizenship" and "patriotism". The authors assign a special role in this matter to the school, namely to the teacher. Analysis of research and observations shows that the level of preparation of future teachers for the patriotic education of students in modern conditions is not high enough. A special place in the process of education for the youth the authors assign to history. The education for young people should be carried out in the following areas: spiritual and moral, heroic patriotic, local history, civil-patriotic, sports-patriotic.
Key words: education, patriotism, citizenship, history.
С.Э. Гизоев, аспирант, ГБОУ ВО «Северо-Осетинский государственный педагогический институт», г. Владикавказ, E-mail: [email protected]
Ф.Х. Киргуева, д-р пед. наук, доц., ФГБОУ ВО «Северо-Осетинский государственный университет
имени Коста Левановича Хетагурова», Владикавказ, ФГБОУ ВО «Чеченский государственный университет»,
г. Грозный, E-mail: [email protected]