IMPROVEMENT OF CUSTOMER SERVICE TECHNOLOGY IN REILWAY TRANSPORT Текст научной статьи по специальности «Строительство и архитектура»

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Ключевые слова
technical station / cargo hub / through branches / shunting operations / technical and commercial inspection / technological operations / delivery of goods / техническая станция / грузовой узел / через филиалы / маневровые работы / технико-коммерческий осмотр / технологические операции / доставка грузов

Аннотация научной статьи по строительству и архитектуре, автор научной работы — Кабулов Жамшид Ренатович, Баротов Жамшид Сайфуллаевич

This article discusses the interconnection between the operation of the trains from the train station to the designated stations, and the method of determining the causes of the wagons being stopped and the method of finding the distance between them. The authors have developed a formula for determining the total number of operations from the train station to the specified stations, as well as the scheme of algorithm calculation of railway carriages.

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В данной статье обсуждается взаимосвязь между движением поездов от железнодорожной станции до станций назначения, а также метод определения причин остановки вагонов и определения расстояния между ними. Авторами разработана формула для определения общего количества операций от железнодорожной станции до указанной станций, а также схема алгоритма расчета необходимого количества вагонов.


155М 2181-953Х



№ 1-2 2019

Железнодорожный транспорт: актуальные задачи и инновации

Издается с 2019 года

Редакционный совет:

Хосилов Х.Н., доц. Расулов М.Х., проф. Адилходжаев А.И., проф. Блажко Л.С., проф. Бочков К.А., академик Юсупбеков Н.Р.

Редакционная коллегия:

Главный редактор - проф. Адилходжаев А.И.

Заместитель главного редактора - проф. Амиров С.Ф.

Ученый секретарь - доц. Каримова Ф.Ф.

Члены редакционной коллегии:

Академик Аллаев К.Р., проф. Акимаса Фудживара (Япония), проф. Ишанходжаев А.А., проф. Кондращенко В.И. (Россия), проф. Куанышев Б.М. (Казахстан), проф.

Мансуров Ю.Н., проф. Мирахмедов М.М., проф. Никитин А.Б. (Россия), проф.

Петрова Т.М. (Россия), проф. Рахмангулов А.Н. (Россия), проф. Сладковский А.В.

(Польша), проф. Титова Т.С. (Россия).



Учредитель научно-технического журнала «Железнодорожный транспорт: актуальные задачи и инновации» - Ташкентский институт инженеров железнодорожного транспорта (100167, Республика Узбекистан, г. Ташкент, ул. Адилходжаева, дом №1, ком.: 333, тел.+998712990026; e-mail: nauka@tashiit.uz).

В журнале «Железнодорожный транспорт: актуальные задачи и инновации» публикуются наиболее значимые результаты научных и прикладных исследований, выполненных в ВУЗах железнодорожного профиля, других высших учебных заведениях, научно - исследовательских институтах и центрах Республики Узбекистан и зарубежных стран.

Журнал издается 4 раза в год и содержит публикации материалов по следующим основным направлениям:

• Путь и путевое хозяйство;

• Подвижной состав и тяга поездов;

• Электроснабжение, электроподвижной состав, автоматика и телемеханика;

• Организация перевозочного процесса и транспортная логистика;

• Техносферная безопасность;

• Инженерные сооружения и материалы;

• Информационные технологи и информационная безопасность;

• Бизнес и управление.

Свидетельство о регистрации средства массовой информации № 0952 выдан Агентством по печати и информации Республики Узбекистан.

Учредитель - Ташкентский институт инженеров железнодорожного транспорта

100165, Республика Узбекистан, г.Ташкент, ул.Адилходжаева д.1.

Тел.: +998 71 299 00 26 E-mail: nauka@tashiit.uz

Railway transport: Actual Tasks and


Published since 2019

Editorial Council:

Hosilov Kh.N., Assoc. Rasulov M.Kh., prof. Adilkhodjaev A.I., prof. Blazhko LS, prof. Bochkov K.A., Academician N.R. Yusupbekov

Editorial team: Chief Editor - prof. Adilkhodjaev A.I. Deputy chief editor - prof. Amirov S.F. Scientific Secretary - Assoc. Karimov F.F.

Members of the editorial team:

Academician Allaev K.R., prof. Akimas Fujiwara (Japan), prof. Ishanhodjaev A.A., prof. Kondrashenko V.I. (Russia), prof. Kuanyshev B.M. (Kazakhstan), prof. Mansurov Yu.N., prof. Mirahmedov M.M., prof. Nikitin A.B. (Russia), prof. Petrova T.M. (Russia), prof. Rakhmangulov A.N. (Russia), prof. Sladkovsky A.V. (Poland),

prof. Titova T.S. (Russia).


The founder of the scientific and technical journal "Railway Transport: Actual Tasks and Innovations" - Tashkent Institute of Railway Engineers (100167, the Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, Adilkhodzhaev str., Building 1, room .: 333, tel. + 998712990026; e- mail: nauka@tashiit.uz).

In the journal "Railway transport: Actual tasks and innovation" are published the most significant results of scientific and applied research carried out in universities of railway profile, other institutions of higher education, scientific - research institutes and centers of the Republic of Uzbekistan and foreign countries.

The journal is published 4 times a year and contains publications of materials in the following main areas:

• Path and track facilities;

• Rolling stock and traction of trains;

• Power supply, electric rolling stock, automation and telemechanics;

• Organization of transportation process and transport logistics;

• Technosphere safety;

• Engineering structures and materials;

• Information technologies and information security;

• Business and management.

Mass Media Registration Certificate No. 0952 issued by the Press and Information Agency of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Founder - Tashkent Institute of Railway Transport Engineers

100165, the Republic of Uzbekistan, the city of Tashkent, Adilkhodzhaev St., 1.

Tel .: +998 71 299 00 26 E-mail: nauka@tashiit.uz



Рахимов Р.В., Рузметов Я.О. Оценка воздействия подвижного состава с увеличенными осевыми нагрузками на путь и установление условий их обращения на железных дорогах

Республики Узбекистан..................................................................................... 5

Хромова Г., Раджибаев Д. Хромов С. Математическая модель колебаний рамной конструкции тележек локомотивов сложной конфигурации при повышенных скоростях движения для транспортного машиностроения........................................................ 14


Потылкин Е.Н. Выбор режимов взаимодействия железнодорожного транспорта общего

и необщего пользования................................................................................... 28

Кобулов Ж.Р., Баратов Ж.С. Совершенствование технологии обслуживания клиентов

на железнодорожном транспорте......................................................................... 41

Илесалиев Д.И. Методика определения запасов зерна и ёмкости линейного элеватора...................................................................................................... 47


Сиддиков И.Х., Умурзакова Д.М. Синтез адаптивной нейро-нечеткой системы управления нелинейных динамических объектов.................................................... 54


Халилова Р.Х. Экологическая безопасность дорожно-транспортной системы............... 74



Rahimov R.V., Ruzmetov Ya.O. Assessment of the impact of the rolling stock with increased axial loads on a way and setting the conditions of their circulation on the railways of the

Republic of Uzbekistan....................................................................................... 5

Khromova G., Radjibaev D., Khromov S. Mathematical model of vibrations of a locomotive bogie frame structure of complex configuration at increase edmotion speed in transport engineering.................................................................................................... 14


Potylkin Y.N. The choice of modes of interaction of public and non-public rail

transport....................................................................................................... 28

Qobulov J.R., Barotov J.S. Improvement of customer service technology in

reilway transport............................................................................................. 41

Ilesaliev D.I. Methodology for determination of grain reserves and capacities of a linear elevator......................................................................................................... 47

INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES AND INFORMATION SECURITY Siddikov I.X., Umurzakova D.M. Synthesis of adaptive neuro-fuzzy control system of nonlinear dynamic objects.................................................................................. 54


Khalilova R.Kh. Ecological safety of the road transport systems ................................... 74



Qobulov J.R.

Barotov J.S.

Tashkent Institute of railway engineering, Tashkent, Uzbekistan

Abstract: This article discusses the interconnection between the operation of the trains from the train station to the designated stations, and the method of determining the causes of the wagons being stopped and the method of finding the distance between them. The authors have developed a formula for determining the total number of operations from the train station to the specified stations, as well as the scheme of algorithm calculation of railway carriages.

Key words: technical station, cargo hub, through branches, shunting operations, technical and commercial inspection, technological operations, delivery of goods


Аннотация: В данной статье обсуждается взаимосвязь между движением поездов от железнодорожной станции до станций назначения, а также метод определения причин остановки вагонов и определения расстояния между ними. Авторами разработана формула для определения общего количества операций от железнодорожной станции до указанной станций, а также схема алгоритма расчета необходимого количества вагонов.

Ключевые техническая станция, грузовой узел, через филиалы, маневровые слова: работы, технико-коммерческий осмотр, технологические операции,

доставка грузов

Currently, cargo, adopted to ensure the terms of delivery of cargo to send not later than the date of receipt or the next day; reducing stopping of wagons in technical and freight stations; increase the speed of train movement; it is necessary to pay special attention to the improvement of interaction of railway transport with other types of carriages in cargo transportation, as well as other technological processes within the established timeframe [1]. These factors, which negatively affect shunk operations in the stations, include the delay of stationed wagons on stationary and station routes, maintenance after the technical and commercial inspection of the wagons, the timely implementation of trains at stations, is generally locomotive deficiencies in the plot [2,3].

This article examines the time spent on technological operations at the station and the time spent on site hikes until the freight wagons are loaded at the technical

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stations and reached the cargo location after the train is shipped.

After the departure of the train station, we determine the time of movement of the train from the station by the following formula:

L i1 +12 + + in

j _ distance _ a a "' a rynil (1 Л

1 distance = = , ИШ1 (1)

^distance ^distance

Ldistance - distance between technical stations, km; l] - distance between separation points, km; Stance - speed of the train on the track, km / min.

The time taken to receive the train at the technical station along the route is determined by the following formula:

treceive tprepara.route ^ ttrain receipt ^ tfixing content ^ tdisp.locom , (2)

here is: iprepararou te- preparation of the train route, min;

ttrain receipt - train reCeiPt, min; tfixing.conent- fiXing COntent, min;

t - displacement from the locomotive, min.

After the train is accepted, the wagons are technically and commercially inspected (tWag^str ) The time spent for technical and commercial inspection is

calculated by using the following formula [5]:

wagstr (т • m) • 60 • /лч

cagnc -—-—+a, min (3)

here is: т - average time of a technical inspection of a wagon, (т = 0,0140,016);

mc - the number of wagons in train, wagon; x - the number of employees in the brigade of technical inspection; a - time spent for additional operations, min.

We consider the factors that influence the wagons' stall during the train process at the technical stations.

Technological process of trains at the warehouses.

In the carriageway selection, sorting is carried out by shunting locomotives. From the time in the way of content distribution is determined using the following

Железнодорожный транспорт: актуальные задачи и инновации, 2019 №1-2 42


t = t + t min 4)

' distributbn 1 sotting ~ 1 stopping' """ V

here: Tsortmg - wagons sorting time, min; Tstopping - wagons stopping time, min.

The formula for determining the time spent on technological operations in the classification of wagons on the road to cessation is as follows [6]:

Tsorting = A ■ qo + E • mc, mm (5)

here: A and E ■ - normal coefficients within minutes. m - number of wagons in structure;

q0 - the number of average connections when the contents are reached. In this case, A and B are manufactured depending on the number(no) of operations on disconnecting wagons. In order to reduce the distance between the wagons, the extra time spent on concentration is determined by the following formula:

Tstopping = 0,06mc, min (6)

here: 0,06 - coefficient used for consolidation of one wagon, min; When collecting wagons on one track or discontinuance of concentration on the path of sediment, the normal time is determined by the following formula:

t = t + t min (7)

path.sedimnt -1 rcre ^-1 nogT ? V'/

here: Tnm3 - the technological time associated with the operation of wagons on the sidewalk. This technological time is in accordance with the technical regulations (PTE). Operations related to the carriage of wagons in accordance with the rules of technical use are as follows: correction of carriages by 100 mm or more, longitudinal lifting of wagons. Tnm3 is determined by the following formula:

Tnms = B + E ■ mc, min (8)

here: V and E - when designing the content depends on the average number of

connection operations on one wagon, norms of coefficients,

t_g - removing the distance between the carriageways on the sidewalk

paths by the sedimentation path:

Тremoving = 0,04 ' Щ , min


here: 0,06 - calculation of the cost of spending one wagon. Once the formation is complete, we define the technological time of transfer to the content wagon's pickup fleet by the following formula:

t = A + B • m

transfer ^^ransfer transfer transfer

here. - ^transfer, ^transfer

min (10)

normative coefficients. Carriages and the transfer of all

semi-arc A and B standard can be defined as the total of the road,

^transfer = ^a, ^transfer = •

^^fer Average number of wagons in transmitted content. When designing the content of the sorting park, the content is transmitted through the shunting locomotive.

When dispatching trains, the following parameters should be taken into account [4,9]:

tdispatching trains tlocomotives waiting ^ tchec.tra.bra. ^ tsend.train ^ tdispatch ?


here is t

locomotives waiting

- train locomotives waiting time, min;



- time of checking of train brake equipment, min; ^end .tram" to send a train of standby time, min; ^dispatch- the dispatch time of train, min.

At the technical station it is recommended to specify the general duration of the trains being processed through the following formula:

Total time of technological operations on acceptance and departure of trains at the site station, min:


t , t wag str , t , receive technic distribution

^ tpath.sedinent ^ ttransfer ^

I t wagstr I t

yT 1 technic ^ 1 A



dispatchiig trains J

Thus, the total time of the technological process, which takes place at the time of the train travel to each site and the station, can be summarized by the following formula:

Zt = t1 +12 + + tn distance distance distance ...... distance i /1 O \

S tst = tit + ts2t +......+ tsnt ^ ( j

The total time spent until the shipment from the station to the destination station is specified, that is, (+ )• The distance between the sender and

the receiver stations Lload km, the speed of the load according to the Shipping Procedure vtwenty km / a day, will be ttwenty [10]. The authors propose a


coefficient of determination of coefficient of delivery, which ensures delivery time. The formula for determining the delivery time coefficient of the cargoes will be as follows (<):

^ _ S ,tdistance ^ S 1 tst ^ J ^^


In the case of delivery < < 1, the delivery will be timely, it can be seen that cargo 1 < < is not being performed on time. In case of non-fulfillment of the time limit for delivery of goods, for every delayed day, a non-full day is considered complete, and a penalty of 6% of the rent fee per each late day, but not more than 30% of the rent [1].

Summary: This article describes the method of calculation and calculation for determining time of wagons being stationed on the station as well as walking distance in sections as a result of train processing at technical stations. Thus, the proposed method in the article will help to detect inefficient time losses during technological operations until the wagons are shifted from the station. The article presents the formula for determining the coefficient of coefficient, which ensures the delivery time of the goods.


1. Charter of the railway of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Tashkent - 2008 -111p.

2. Rules for the carriage of goods by rail. Collection - book1. Moscow, 2003. -712 p.

3. Instructions to the Agreement on International Freight Traffic (SMGS). 1992 -

190 p.

4. D.B. Butunov, J.S. Barotov, Analysis of the time spent by transit wagons with processing in the reception park and the station slides / D. B. Butunov, J.S. Barotov // Bulletin of the Turin Polytechnic University In the City of Tashkent Issue 1/2019 - 150 p.

5. Smetatnin A.I. Technical rationing of operational work of the railways. / Moscow. "Transport" 1984 - 292 p.

6. Nurmukhamedov RZ Management of operational work of the railways. Textbook / RZ Nurmukhamedov // - T: Ukituvchi, 1990. - 416 p.

7. Zharikova L.S. Improving the system for calculating elements of idle cars at stations in conjunction with the definition of delivery time. Author. dis ... cand. tech. sciences. Novosibirsk - 2016. - 16 p.

8. I.B. Sotnikov, Operation of railways. / Moscow. "Transport" 1972 - 230 p.

9. Kobulov ZH.R., Barotov ZH.S. Obosnovanie racional'nogo sposoba ispol'zovaniya refrizheratornogo vagona «Logistika: Sovremennye tendencii razvitiya» materialy XVII mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferenciya chast'-1. Sankt-Peterburg. Gosudarstvennyj universitet morskogo i rechnogo flota imeni admirala S.O. Makarova. 228-230st.

10. Kobulov ZH.R. Obosnovanie uslovij perevozok plodoovoshchnyh gruzov v refrizheratornyh vagonah: Monografiya. - T.:Abadiyot uchkunlari. 2018. - 128 str.

Сведения об авторах / Information about authors Jamshid QOBULOV, Jamshid BAROTOV

Tashkent Institute of Railways Engineering Adylkhodjaev 1, 100167, Tashkent, Uzbekistan


Журнал формируется по разделам, отражающим основные направления исследований в области железнодорожного транспорта:

• Путь и путевое хозяйство;

• Подвижной состав и тяга поездов;

• Электроснабжение, электроподвижной состав, автоматика и телемеханика;

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• Организация перевозочного процесса и транспортная логистика;

• Техносферная безопасность;

• Инженерные сооружения и материалы;

• Информационные технологи и информационная безопасность;

• Бизнес и управление.

Язык издания - русский и английский.


ПРЕДВАРИТЕЛЬНЫЕ ЭЛЕМЕНТЫ СТАТЬИ (на русском и английском языках)

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• Аннотация. Включает: предмет, тему, цель, гипотезу исследования, методы, эксперименты, основные результаты, область их применения, практическое значение, выводы.

• Ключевые слова. От 5 до 15 основных терминов.


• Введение

• Теория, данные и методы исследования, модели, технические и технологические разработки, эксперименты.

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The journal is divided into sections, reflecting the main directions of research in the field of railway transport:

• Path and track facilities;

• Rolling stock and traction of trains;

• Power supply, electric rolling stock, automation and telemechanics;

• Organization of transportation process and transport logistics;

• Technosphere safety;

• Engineering structures and materials;

• Information technologies and information security;

• Business and management.

The language of publication is Russian and English.



• Title of the article. Should briefly reflect the content of the article. It is not recommended to use abbreviations and shortenings.

•Affirmation. Specified: surname, name, patronymic of authors, academic degree, title, position, official full name of organizations and the English version of the name, e-mail address of at least one of the authors.

•Annotation. It includes: subject, topic, goal, research hypothesis, methods, experiments, main results, their field of application, practical significance, conclusions.

•Keywords. From 5 to 15 basic terms.


• Introduction

• Theory, data and research methods, models, technical and technological developments, experiments.

• Research results and discussion.

• References in Russian and English


• The electronic version of the article Microsoft Word, with the settings of the A4 page margin fields - by default.

• Drawings and photographs of a maximum size of 150x235 mm inserted into an article are made in a format that allows editing and resizing them without additional reference to the authors. Figures made in Microsoft Excel should be duplicated with the source file in * .xls format with the observance of color requirements.

• When preparing a manuscript, one should be guided by the International System of Units SI.

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The editors reserve the right to reject articles that do not meet the specified requirements.

For publication of articles contact: 100167, Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, st. Adilkhodzhaev, Building 1, room.: 333.

Phones: +998712990026; e-mail: nauka@tashiit.uz

Темир йул транспорти: долзарб масалалар ва инновациялар

Илмий-техник журнал

Железнодорожный транспорт: актуальные задачи и инновации

Научно-технический журнал

Railway transport: Actual Tasks and innovations Scientific and technical journal

Нашрга 2019 йил 1.07 да рухсат берилди. ^огоз формати 84х108/16. Х,ажми 5,25 б.т.

Адади 100. Буюртма №36-1/2019 ТошТИМИ босмахонасида нашрдан чикди Тошкент, Одилхужаев кучаси, 1.

Подписан в печать 1.07 2019 год. Формат бумаги 84х108/16. Объем 5,25 п.л. Тираж 100. Заказ №36-1/2019 Отпечатан в типографии ТашИИТ Ташкент, ул. Адылходжаева, 1.

© Тошкент темир йул мухдндислари институти, 2019 © Ташкентский институт инженеров железнодорожного транспорта, 2019 © Tashkent Institute of Railway Engineers, 2019

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