Научная статья на тему 'Importance of text interpretation in incomplete sentences'

Importance of text interpretation in incomplete sentences Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Niyazova Gulnorahon Gulomovna

The present article is intended to cope with the study incomplete sentences and their stylistic forms within stylistic device aposiopesis and the types of it to achieve for the success which presents a certain interest both for the theoretical investigation and for the practical language use. It is in the new approach to the question under study which lies on the cross of stylistics, text interpretation and cognitive linguistics. Scientific novelty of this study is also due to the use of cognitive analysis, while proving of informative value of the device by investigations according to practical results.

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Данная статья предназначена для изучения неполных предложений и их стилистических форм в рамках стилистического устройства апозиопезиса и типов его достижения для успеха, который представляет определенный интерес, как для теоретического исследования, так и для практического использования языка. Именно в новом подходе к изучаемому вопросу, который лежит на стыке стилистики, интерпретации текста и когнитивной лингвистики. Научная новизна данного исследования также обусловлена использованием когнитивного анализа при подтверждении познавательной ценности устройства исследованиями по практическим результатам.

Текст научной работы на тему «Importance of text interpretation in incomplete sentences»

There are components of omithonyms which are present in the language system of the foreign and native languages. But for a number of historical, economic or social reasons, they are contained or absent in the phraseological system of the languages being compared.

The presence in English of quite a large number of phrases with the component "turkey" - turkey is associated with trade relations of the British with America, as well as the fact that this bird has become the main dish of the British and Americans on Christmas and Thanksgiving:

• (as) red аs a turkey - красный как рак ;

• Like turkey voting for Christmas - «как индюшки, которые голосуют за Рождество», означает, что человек принимает решение, которое со временем ухудшит его жизнь.

Agriculture in England has led to the emergence of a large number of phraseological units, one component of which are the names of poultry: "chicken", "goose", "rooster", "cock", "duck". For example:

• Cook one's (own) goose - уморить себя, стать жертвой собственных интриг, рыть самому себе могилу;

• Tame as a chicken - очень покорный, смирный;

• Live like a fighting cock - жить на большую ногу, преуспевать; жить - не тужить.

When studying a foreign language, acquaintance with the national and cultural peculiarities of phraseological units helps to understand the figurativeness of phraseology, therefore, it contributes to better memorization of phraseology. Consideration of idioms from the point of view of linguocountry studies is interesting in the general educational plan, because the history of the emergence of idioms in the language have cognitive value [4].

References / Список литературы

1. Ayupova R.A., Sahibullina K.A. Estimated component of value of phraseological and paremiological units with a component ornithonym (on the material of English, Tatar and Russian languages) // Philological sciences. Questions of Theory and Practice, 2014. № 4 (34). P.p. 28-31.

2. Akramova N.M., Dekhkonboy Nabirasi O. Phraseological euphemisms in modern English // Problemy Nauki, 2019. № 12-2 (145). [Electronic Resource]. URL: https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/phraseological-euphemisms-in-modern-english/ (date of access: 11.02.2020).

3. Усмонова Д.С. Роль и особенность соматических фразеологизмов различных языков. // "Mirovaya nauka". № 9 (30), 2019. [Electronic Resource]. URL: https://science-j.com/domains_data/files/30/Usmonova3.pdf/ (date of access: 11.02.2020).

4. Abbasova N.K. The importance of techniques in developing critical abilities of the learners in teaching English proverbs and sayings. // "Mirovaya nauka". № 9 (30), 2019. [Electronic Resource]. URL: https://science-j.com/domains_data/files/30/Abbasova.pdf/ (date of access: 11.02.2020).



Niyazova G.G. Email: Niyazova17147@scientifictext.ru


Abstract: the present article is intended to cope with the study incomplete sentences and their stylistic forms within stylistic device - aposiopesis and the types of it to achieve for the success which presents a certain interest both for the theoretical investigation and for the practical language use. It is in the new approach to the question under study which lies on the cross of stylistics, text interpretation and cognitive linguistics. Scientific novelty of this study is also due to the use of cognitive analysis, while proving of informative value of the device by investigations according to practical results. Keywords: incompleteness, discourse, utterance, aposiopesis, fragment, interpretant, bilateral unit, stylistic.



Ниязова Гулнорахон Гуламовна - преподаватель, кафедра иностранных языков, Ташкентский государственный университет узбекского языка и литературы им. Алишера Навои, г. Ташкент, Республика Узбекистан

Аннотация: данная статья предназначена для изучения неполных предложений и их стилистических форм в рамках стилистического устройства - апозиопезиса и типов его достижения для успеха, который представляет определенный интерес, как для теоретического исследования, так и для практического использования языка. Именно в новом подходе к изучаемому вопросу, который лежит на стыке стилистики, интерпретации текста и когнитивной лингвистики. Научная новизна данного исследования также обусловлена использованием когнитивного анализа при подтверждении познавательной ценности устройства исследованиями по практическим результатам.

Ключевые слова: неполнота, дискурс, высказывание, апозиопезис, фрагмент, интерпретант, двусторонняя единица, стилистика.

UDC 34 7.78.034

Introduction. In order to communicate and share ideas people utilize language and address the discourse. While every creature has their language, the discourse is only produced by human being. Discourse is defined as the term to refer both spoken and written language. There is another notion to refer only written language is text. The term of text comes from Latin origin texere which means "to weave" [1].

Methodology. Syntactical stylistic devices play an important role in revealing the informativity of the text. Understanding incomplete structure and transpositions are on the main focus of Modern Linguistics. Traditional stylistics was not aware of them. Here, affirming similar subject- logical information of different stylistically constructions with several functional- stylistically and expressive means and connotations can be comprehended. For example, mostly sentences in imperative mood are shaped with predicate and without predicate [6].

The sentence is independent sequence of relative lexical and phraseological units, and separates sentence from a word, so it is fact that structure of sentence is unstable; there is not fixed length: it can be shortened or extended, complete or in complete, compound, complex or simple. Moreover, its sequence, length, and communicative type (assertion, negation, interrogation, and exhortation) are variable.

In linguistic field there are various definitions by well- known researchers:

• text is a complex unit, a sequence of verbal signs, a bilateral unit, consisting of the plane of expression, and that of content, a complex structural and semantic unit conveying certain information [7];

• text is a sequence of verbal sign, it main characteristics are cohesion and coherence [3];

• text is a product of speaking process which has complete context and the written form, a specific title, separate phrasal units, several logical stylistic combinations, certain logical direction as well as pragmatic structure. [1]

Here is another notion which contains a complex syntactical unit, and serves to transfer information is sentence or utterance.

M. Iriskulov stresses that sentence is a communicative unit which has to have a predicative feature and reveals a temporary complete thought and rhyme. Thus, the main distinguishing factor between text and sentence is logical and syntactical completeness [5].

An incomplete sentence may be defined as any word or group of words that creates the subject of a sentence, but fails to create a predicate. An example will help explain. The brown dog with a bushy tail ran through the woods. In the sentence above, the complete subject is "The brown dog with a bushy tail." The subject is complete in that it includes all the words that describe the word "dog," which is what we would call the simple subject. The rest of the sentence, "ran through the woods," is the predicate. A predicate is the section of the sentence that describes the action taken by the subject. You can usually identify the predicate by asking yourself what the subject of the sentence did, like this: "What did the brown dog with a bushy tail do? He ran through the woods." If we were to create an incomplete sentence out of "The brown dog with a bushy tail ran through the woods," all we'd have

to do is eliminate the predicate, like this: The brown dog with a bushy tail. But because the definition of an incomplete sentence is any word or group of words that creates the subject of a sentence, but fails to create a predicate, we might also come up with one of the following: Brown dog. The brown dog. The brown dog with a bushy tail. Note that neither "The brown dog with" nor "The brown dog with a" are considered incomplete sentences.

While interpreting incompleteness in the text the most importance is to define every interpretant. It can be the object of a new sign, an open chain of interpretation. The sentences in the story "I Spy" by Graham Greene are bright examples for incompleteness.

"A stitch in time... " - Full version is " a stitch in time saves nine" means that it is better to act or deal with problems immediately, because if action is delayed until later, things will get worse and the problems will take longer to deal with.

"While there is life ..." - Full version "where life there is is hope" means life exists only with hope and wish. More precisely, there is a notion which can be included into category of incompleteness is fragment.

A sentence fragment is a sentence that lacks a subject or lacks a verb or is not a complete idea (one reason could be because it does not have a direct object if the verb needs one) [3].

These sentences below have incomplete ideas and end too quickly. These sentences require a direct object. They are called sentence fragments.

Sentence Fragment The Reader Asks...

Since he came to New York. Since he came, what (has he been doing)?

Because my dog loves it. Because the dog loves it, (so what)?

Unless you see me. Unless you see me, what (will happen)?

Conclusion. Ashurova points " The reader has to collaborate in filling in the text's open gaps ( the implicit, the suppositions) making interpretive hypothesis co- textually pertinent in relationship to the entire textual area and verifying the coherence" [1]. So in order to interpret the given passage, thorough understandings, enough background knowledge, identify of the missing part in the text or sentences are need.

References / Список литературы

1. AshurovaD.U. Text Linguistics: Tashkent. Tafakkur Qanoti, 2012.

2. [Electronic Resource]. Copyright © 2002 WriteGuide, Inc. URL: http://www.writeguide.com/ (date of access: 17.01.2020).

3. Galperin I.R. Stylistics. Moscow: High school, 1997.

4. Graham Greene. The Basement Room - short stories, Moscow. 1970.

5. IriskulovM. Tilshunoslikka kirish. Toshkent, 2009.

6. Arnol'dI. V. Stilistika sovremennogo angliyskogo yazyka. M., 1990.

7. Galperin I.P. Tekst kak ob"yekt lingvisticheskogo issledovaniya, M.: Nauka, 1981.

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