IMPORTANCE OF ADVERTISING UNDER FREE MARKET CONDITIONS Текст научной статьи по специальности «СМИ (медиа) и массовые коммуникации»

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Аннотация научной статьи по СМИ (медиа) и массовым коммуникациям, автор научной работы — Shevchenko A.A.

The article is devoted to the role of advertising in the activities of enterprises. The article discusses the positive and negative aspects of advertising.

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Статья посвящена роли рекламы в деятельности предприятий. В статье рассматриваются положительные и отрицательные стороны рекламы.


УДК 659

Шевченко А.А. студент 4 курса факультет «Управления и бизнеса» Кемеровский институт (филиал) РЭУ им. Г.В. Плеханова

Россия, г. Кемерово РОЛЬ РЕКЛАМЫ В УСЛОВИЯХ РЫНОЧНОЙ КОНКУРЕНЦИИ Аннотация: Статья посвящена роли рекламы в деятельности предприятий. В статье рассматриваются положительные и отрицательные стороны рекламы.

Ключевые слова: реклама, привлечение, эффективность.

Shevchenko А. А.

4th year Bachelor's Degree student Plekhanov Russian University of Economics Kemerovo Institute (branch) Kemerovo



Annotation: The article is devoted to the role of advertising in the activities of enterprises. The article discusses the positive and negative aspects of advertising.

Keywords: advertising, attraction, efficiency.

The relevance of this work is advertising as a type of human activity that has existed for many millennia. It arose from the natural need of people to inform others about any information about products or services produced. It is well known that advertising has always played a big role, and recently it is especially difficult to imagine our life without ads, which has become our companion.

Advertising is a special kind of communication activity that has an economic basis and accompanies a person throughout the history of his development [1]. At the moment there are a lot of definitions of advertising or promotional activities. So, for example, Philip Kotler wrote: "Advertising is an impersonal form of communication, carried out through paid means of dissemination of information, with a clearly specified source of funding." However, the key concept is the definition reflected in the Advertising Law from March 13, 2006 No. 38-F: "Advertising - information distributed in any way, in any form and with any means, addressed to an undefined circle of persons and directed To attract attention to the object of advertising, the formation or maintenance of interest in it and its promotion in the market. " In Russia this law is the main for all advertising activities.

Advertising can effectively solve such problems as:

1. informing, that is informing customers about a new product;

2. suggestion of consumers to purchase the advertised goods; stimulation of

the purchasing fact, etc .;

3. reminder - keeping in the memory of buyers information about the product; a reminder where you can buy this product;

4. positioning, that is branding of a brand or firm;

5. retention of consumers who are most susceptible to the product advertised;

6. formation of a unique image of the company, which distinguishes it from all firms-competitors [2].

That is, it is possible to say that advertising is necessary for producers to obtain greater profits, and for consumers to get acquainted with a product and, ultimately, to meet their needs.

Despite the positive aspect of advertising - an effective impact on the consumer, it still has negative aspects. First, consider the positive sides:

• Due to some commercials the society learns about something and as a result can participate in various programs, for example, on protection of wild nature, protection of valuable cultural and historical achievements of the countries;

• Due to such advertising as advertising of vitamins, natural food additives, various fitness clubs, we are to some extent involved in a healthy lifestyle. Such advertising can effectively influence consumers, forming the need for a quality life;

• For the working population advertising is a certain incentive, because it demonstrates a better way of life. So, for example, a consumer who sees an advertisement regarding housing conditions subconsciously strives to achieve this. That is, this principle works here: when you earn - you can buy it

Now the negative moments of advertising:

• Advertising can be too emotional or persistent, which can irritate its target audience;

• Advertising alcohol and tobacco, in contrast to advertising vitamins and fitness clubs, can harm the health of the population, giving him a misconception about happiness;

• Unfair advertising. In such advertising there is a deception, for example, about the quality of the product, because the producers of this product advertised pursue only one goal - to sell. But this kind of advertising can cause a certain distrust among consumers.

To assess whether advertising is effective from the point of view of its implementation in the mind of the consumer, methods are used to evaluate the effectiveness of advertising:

• Tests for the recognition of advertising. Looking through the previously seen magazine, it is possible to find out which ads are more memorable to him.

• Tests for remembering advertising. Next, you need to tell about the memorized advertising in more detail to check how well this advertisement is remembered.

• Interrogation of opinions and attitudes. Further questions are asked: "Do you like this advertisement?", "How interesting and interesting is it at all?", "Do you trust it?"

• Tests for verbal associations. If advertising contains certain words that evoke negative emotions or associations, then they must be eradicated from this advertisement.

• Questionnaire about the quality and effectiveness of the advertisement. Further, the consumer needs to evaluate the qualities of this advertisement in points such as its ability to attract attention, to inform the consumer qualitatively, to cause the desire to read the advertisement to the end, and also to have an emotional impact


Choosing the criterion of advertising effectiveness, it is necessary to determine in advance what is a measure of the advertising effectiveness for a certain firm. If the cash costs are not great, then in this case the most important task will be memorability and recognizability of the product advertised. If a large amount of money is involved, then the main task is the credibility of the advertisement.

Thus, advertising is something that has impact on the person every day and is his permanent companion. Through the human control on both the conscious and the unconscious level, advertising more and more often interferes with his life. It is able to affect the most hidden areas of the human psyche, manipulating and "forcing" to buy the advertised product, and no matter how useful it will be in the future. The behavior of consumers in the market is also extremely important to consider. In many ways, the nature of purchases is determined by various factors: cultural, social and psychological. Therefore, attention, the degree of memorability and persuasiveness - components of effective advertising. And experts in advertising make every effort to somehow have impact on the consumer, try to attract his attention, make remember the advertising appeal. The means used are different, it all depends on the characteristics of the product and target audience, the advertising medium, the purposes of the advertising campaign, etc. Without the ability to use these means, the enterprise's chances of actively influencing the market are significantly reduced, thus avoiding competitors in the struggle for markets. Advertising should help create the conditions for free choice of trade and other enterprises, services, goods. Only in such conditions of choice, the buyer can be directly included in the process of targeted production orientation for demand, for the needs of specific groups of the population.

Использованные источники:

1. Блюм М.А. Маркетинг рекламы: Учебное пособие / М.А. Блюм, Б.И. Герасимов, Н.В. Молоткова. - 2-e изд., - 2015. - С. 144

2. Бове К.Л., Аренс У.Ф.. Современная реклама: Коммерческая и некоммерческая реклама / К.Л. Бове, У.Ф. Аренс. - С. 35 [Электронный ресурс] - URL: http://polbu.ru/arens_advert/ch04_i.html

3. Егоров Ю.Н. Основы маркетинга: Учебник / Ю.Н. Егоров. - 2-e изд. - 2015. - 292. - С. 222,223

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