FEATURES OF ADVERTISING MATERIALS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
language / advertising / language distribution / functions.

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — D. Amiritdinova

This article analyzes the features of advertising materials in English. Their individual features and aspects have been studied and illuminated. In addition, the opinions of many scientists have been studied and analyzed.

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Текст научной работы на тему «FEATURES OF ADVERTISING MATERIALS»

ISSN 2223-4047

BecmnuK Maeucmpamypu. 2022. № 5-2 (128)

D. Amiritdinova


This article analyzes the features of advertising materials in English. Their individual features and aspects have been studied and illuminated. In addition, the opinions of many scientists have been studied and analyzed.

Key words: language, advertising, language distribution, functions.

Defining advertising language according to dictionary of language and linguistic; "A persuasive use of language aimed at influencing people's behavior in politics, business, and especially in consumption. Pragmatic features of advertising language include its persuasive intention, its communicative distance to various addressees, and its distinctive use of certain expressions such as elliptical comparatives (25 percent less car—than what?), complex comparatives (More car for less money), and adjectivizations (meaty taste).

Owing to its characteristic register, advertising language is readily recognizable as such by consumers. Advertising language is innovative (e.g. in the formation of new words) on the one hand and functions as a means of language distribution between different language groups (technical language becoming standard language). On the other hand, it confirms and reinforces existing social norms and social stereotypes. The extent to which it is effective in its persuasive goals is the subject of investigation in semiotics (e.g. visual advertising, sociology, and psychology)" According to Geoffrey Leech, most frequent and important type of the advertising is "commercial consumer advertising': advertising directed towards a mass audience with the aim of promoting sales of a commercial product or service. It is the kind which uses most money, professional skill, and advertising space in this country." (This country is Great Britain). Example of this category of advertising: "Plump it up. New volume boost liquid lip color. Paints lips with a high shine lacquer finish. Feel the tingling sensation as formula begins to work. "Another type of commercial advertising is 'prestige advertising. Where, the name and the positive image of the company are advertised rather than a product or a service. For instance: "The America's Cup: the oldest and most coveted trophy in the world of sailing. Its organizers have entrusted once again the vital timing of the races to Omega, a corporation whose experience in watch making and sports timekeeping dates back over 150 years.. .to the very origins of the America's Cup itself." We may mention 'industrial or trade advertising, where a company advertises its products or services to other firms, so the communication is between equals. They both (copywriter and the reader) have as an interest as a particular information about the product been advertised.

Therefore, "industrial advertising typically lays greater emphasis on factual information than prestige and consumer advertising and less emphasis on the persuasive elements." (ibid) an additional illustration: "You can trust Trenkwalder. We can search for and find the right professional challenge for your career. We offer you: Advice about the employment market and analysis of your personal career opportunities, taking into account your knowledge, your experience and your preferences "As an example of non-commercial advertising, we may mention appeals from associations and societies whether their purposes are aid organization or political propaganda: "Thanks to the World Food Program, this little girl in Mozambique knows she won't go hungry today." or throughout the 2009 American presidential election the motto "Change We Need" was the most significant political slogan for democratic nominee. We can classify the types of advertising also according to the type of medium: TV, radio, brochures, leaflets, magazines, newspapers and other printed material advertising, the Internet and direct mail advertising, outdoor advertising, etc.

Slogan. The slogan is a battle cry! Advertising slogans - are aggressive yet not annoying calls aimed to stimulate people buying certain products. A slogan should be brief, informative, memorable and strongly related to the brand it promotes. (TraDosTM) The role of the slogan is to attract the attention of readers. The slogan is often a brief sentence or expression that enables the company to say in very few words what it intends to achieve or what its products can bring to consumers. The slogan is like the signature of a company. It is most often the element through which the brand is remembered. However, company slogans may change as time progresses. This is the case of Coca-Cola which has used more than a hundred different slogans over its history.

Content. An advertisement needs to be "readable". If an advertisement is long winded, consumers may lose interest in the message. That is why advertisements should be kept "short and lively". Jargon should also be avoided for reasons discussed above. Moreover, in advertising, the use of "intertextuality can be an important component of an advertisement's meaning, in that the original text being referred to established a message which

© D. Amiritdinova, 2022.

Scientific Supervisor: Salieva Zarina - PhD of Samarkand State Institute of Foreign Languages.

ISSN 2223-4047

Вестник магистратуры. 2022. № 5-2 (128)

the second text elaborates on". Adjectives are also very useful in advertising as they enable the company that is advertising to qualify its product. The use of rhetorical devices too is important as they enable companies to render the message more interesting and valuable and deictic terms and person markers enable the company to address its audience directly and consequently to create a particular relationship them.

Illustrations. The language of advertisements is often complemented by images. Images play an important role in advertising because they often speak louder than words and they attract the attention of consumers. Images evoke situations and realities in our lives or encourage us to dream about things that we would like to have or do. Advertisers and translators of advertisements therefore need to find images that are suitable for the settings in which the products advertised are launched. In Cook's terms: Not only have pictures gained ground, but also language, where it is used, leans further and further towards the meanings it derives from interaction with pictures. In addition, many ads create powerful and complex messages entirely or almost entirely through pictures and music, and are virtually language free.

In modern advertising, pictures enable advertisers to portray their ideas doubly using visual metaphors. Visuals portray our desires and expectations in a particular way and when we recognize ourselves in those portrayals, we desire to possess the products. If the images of an advertisement are not appealing, consumers may not be attracted to read the advertisement or to believe its content. As Veronica Smith says in "Visual persuasion": Much of the significance of advertising messages lies in the connotations they can trigger, and, as the many advertisements without much written text amply show, the visual plays a key role in setting off a stream of associations. This means that the visual elements of advertisements can trigger emotions. For this reason, the visual aspect in translation should be given an important place. Visual elements are used effectively to persuade buyers: Many [visuals] are even designed to present a challenge to the viewers, forcing them engage in deep level cognitive processing in order to create a link between the advertisement and the product. Such visuals are, of course, resistant to adaptation.

In other words, it would be more difficult for a translator to adapt the advertisements from which consumers are expected to draw their own conclusions based on illustrations. According to Gimein: Advertisements can't tell viewers about products anymore, because nobody trusts what they say about products, so they're free to be just really good ads. And our willingness to buy products becomes a sort of referendum on the commercials. Bet on the trend continuing, with tomorrow's advertising becoming increasingly Zen like in its abstention from any connection with products.


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AMIRITDINOVA DILOROM- student, Samarkand State Institute of Foreign Languages.

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