Научная статья на тему 'Implementation of international treaties’ norms in European Union countries'

Implementation of international treaties’ norms in European Union countries Текст научной статьи по специальности «Право»

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Аннотация научной статьи по праву, автор научной работы — Ахметов Кенжалы Кенжетаевич, Худайбергенова Дамиля Ширинхановна

This article provides a comparative overview of the legal implementation of the norms of international law in national legal systems of EU countries. There are considered different directions of the regulatory development of European countries, as well as a variety of measures to the effectiveness of international legal norms.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Implementation of international treaties’ norms in European Union countries»

Ахметов Кенжалы Кенжетаевич,

старший научный сотрудник отдела международного законодательства и сравнительного правоведения Института законодательства РК, магистр политологии

Худайбергенова Дамиля Ширинхановна,

научный сотрудник отдела международного законодательства и сравнительного

правоведения Института законодательства РК, магистр права


The place which is given to international treaties is crucial in the process of implementation of such treaties. Impartment of an enhanced status of international treaties in the national legal system may serve as an additional guarantee of their smooth operation [1].

International treaties in the a hierarchical system of sources of national law according to their legal effect (without the rule of law of the European Union) is traditionally divided into three groups of states:

a. States where properly concluded international treaty prevails over national law in general, Including constitution or to hold a status equal to constitutional norms or acts.

b. States that recognize the priority of international treaties over the laws.

c. States that adhere the rules of that international treaties have the force of law, equal with law, and on the principle of lex posterior derogate lex priori agreements prevail over the previous laws, but they can suffer the consequences of subsequent laws [2].

Netherlands, Austria are related to the first group.

There is a difference between the implementation of international and supranational law. Law of the European Union (EU) is not international, but domestic law; its implementation requires special rules. The European law relates to both the spheres of competences of the federation and of the states. For this, federations belonging to supra-national organisations (in the EU: Austria, Belgium and Germany) have to make sure that the "supra-national law" will be implemented at the sub-national level. The problems, and how it is possible to deal with them, can be seen by examining the situation in Austria.

European law concerns federal as well as provincial jurisdiction. For this, it is possible that for the adaptation to directives, ten bills (one by the federal parliament, nine by the provincial parliaments)

have to be passed. About one third of the provincial statutes (wholly or in part) are passed in order to implement European law. The Austrian constitution provides special orders for the implementation. The states are bound to take all necessary measures within their autonomous sphere of competence to implement juridical acts within the framework of European integration. If a state fails to do so, the European Court of Justice of First Instance has to declare the dilatoriness. Then, the competence for such measures, in particular the issuance of the necessary laws, passes to the federal authorities. A measure taken by the federation pursuant to this provision becomes invalid as soon as the state has taken the requisite action.

As well as the rules concerning the implementation of supra-national European Community (EC) law in Austria, there exist special rules for the implementation of international law. The states are bound to take measures that become necessary for the implementation of international treaties within their autonomous sphere of competence. If a Land fails, competence for such measures passes to the federation. A measure taken by the federation pursuant to this provision becomes invalid as soon as the state has taken the requisite action. In contrast with the implementation of European law, no decision by a court is required.

Since 1988, the states have had the power to conclude treaties with states bordering on Austria or with sub-national units of those states in matters falling within their own sphere of competence (Art. 16 B-VG). Before the initiation of negotiations about such a treaty, the federal government must be informed. Also, before such a treaty is concluded, the federal government's approval has to be obtained. Treaties concluded by a state shall be revoked upon request by the federal government. If the state does

№ 4 (28) 2012 г Вестник Института законодательства Республики Казахстан

not duly comply with this obligation, competence in the matter passes to the federation. Because this is a rather complicated procedure, the states have not concluded such treaties to date [3].

According to section 91 (3) of the Constitution of Netherlands [4] "Any provisions of a treaty that conflict with the Constitution or which lead to conflicts with it may be approved by the Houses of the States General only if at least two-thirds of the votes cast are in favour", and treaties incorporated into domestic law of the kingdomprevail over domestic law (including the Constitution) in the event that they are in their content may be mandatory for all persons.

France, Belgium, Switzerland, Spain, Poland and other countries relate to the second group. States in which international treaty prevails over domestic use regulations, equal legal force to the statement by which agreement incorporated into domestic law by law, subsequent national legislation can not affect the implementation of international treaty obligations. As a general rule of international treaties concluded with the prior approval of Parliament (often in the form of the law) is a higher position than the ordinary laws, but inferior to the constitution.

According to Article 55 of the Constitution of France "Treaties or agreements duly ratified or approved shall, upon publication, prevail over Acts of Parliament, subject, in regard to each agreement or treaty, to its application by the other party" [5].

In Spain "validly concluded international treaties, once officially published in Spain, shall form part of the internal legal order. Their provisions may only be repealed, amended or suspended in the manner provided in the treaties themselves or in accordance with the general rules of international law" [6]. Provisions of the treaties may be canceled, amended or suspended only in the manner specified in the treaties themselves or in accordance with the rules

of general international law.

Article 10 of the Constitution of the Czech Republic promulgated international treaties before their ratification approved by Parliament and the international obligations of the Czech Republic have become part of the national legal system, with the international treaty provides otherwise than domestic legal act applicable treaty [7].

The third group includes states, which are guided by the rule that international treaty corresponds to the status of domestic legal act by which the agreement is incorporated into national law. Therefore, international treaties incorporated into domestic law through the act, given the force of law, i.e. contract law and equal rights, and the implementation of the treaty in the national legal system may have an impact on the basis of subsequent legislation lex posterior derogat lex priori, while a contract prevails over all previous laws and regulations.

Germany, Italy, France relate to the third group of states.

International treaty, to which Germany is a part gets the status of the act, which is introduced into domestic law in a form of Federal law, regulation or other administrative act [8].

In Italy the status of an international treaty as a whole corresponds to the status of a legal act by which it is incorporated into national legislation.

In Finland are part of national law only those treaties, which were put into effect in the domestic sphere by a separate act of the legislative or administrative nature.

International law is getting ever more important on the national as well as the sub-national level. Issue on implementation of international treaties' norms becomes crucial in modern political and economical relations, especially in the frame of interstate associations such as European Union.


1. Expression of consent by states to be pound by a treaty. Part I: Analitycal report. P. 81.

2. Лукашук И.И. Современное право международных договоров. Т. 2: Действие международных договоров. - М., 2006. - С. 34-35.

3. Martin F. Polaschek. Implementation of International and Supranational Law by Sub-national Units. www.forumfed.org

4. Constitution of Netherlands.

5. Constitution of France.

6. Article 96 (1) of Constitution of Spain.

7. Constitution of the Czech Republic.

8. Осминин Б.И. Заключение и имплементация международныхдоговоров и внутриго сударственное право. - М., 2010. - С. 238.

Мацалада халыцаралыц цщыцтъщ нормаларын Еуропалъщ Одац елдер1 улттыц-цуцыцтъщ ЖYйелерiне имплементациянъщ салыстырмалы-цуцыцтыц шолуы берыдг. Еуропа мемлекеттергтц нормативтт-цуцыцтыц дамуынъщ тYрлi багыттары, сонымен бiрге халыцаралъщ-цуцъщтъщ

нормаларыныц тшмдтггн кетермелеутщ жолында цабылданган шараныц эртурлыш царастырылады.

ТYйiн сездер: имплементация, федерация, юрисдикция, ратификация

В данной статье приведен сравнительно-правовой обзор имплементации норм международного права в национально-правовые системы стран Европейского Союза. Рассматриваются направления нормативно-правового развития различных европейских стран, а также разнообразие принимаемых мер на пути повышения эффективности международно-правовых норм.

Ключевые слова: имплементация, федерация, юрисдикция, ратификация.

This article provides a comparative overview of the legal implementation of the norms of international law in national legal systems of EU countries. There are considered different directions of the regulatory development of European countries, as well as a variety of measures to the effectiveness of international legal norms.

Keywords: implementation, federation, jurisdiction, ratification.

Кенжалы Кенжетайулы Ахметов,

КР Зац шыгару институты хальщаральщ зацнама жэне салыстырмалы ^^ыщтану 6eniMÎHÎ4 ага гылыми ^ызметкер^ саясаттану магис^

Дэмелi Шырынханкызы Худайбергенова,

КР Зац шыгару институты халыщаралыщ зацнама жэне салыстырмалы к^ыщтану бeлiмiнiц гылыми ^ызметкер^ ^у^ыщ магис^

Еуропалык Одак мемлекеттерiндегi халыкаралык шарттардыц нормаларын имплементациялау

Ахметов Кенжалы Кенжетаевич,

старший научный сотрудник отдела международного законодательства и сравнительного правоведения Института законодательства РК, магистр политологии

Худайбергенова Дамиля Ширинхановна,

научный сотрудник отдела международного законодательства и сравнительного правоведения Института законодательства РК, магистр права

Имплементация норм международных договоров в странах Европейского Союза

Akhmetov Kenzhaly Kenzhetayevich,

senior research fellow of the Department of International legislation and Comparative Law of the Institute of legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, master of political sciences

Khudaibergenova Damilya Shirinkhanovna,

research fellow of the Department of International legislation and Comparative Law of the Institute of legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, LLM

Implementation of International Treaties' Norms in European Union Countries

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