Научная статья на тему 'Hygienic assessment of actual food of school age children in chess sports'

Hygienic assessment of actual food of school age children in chess sports Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки о здоровье»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам о здоровье, автор научной работы — Shaykhova Guli Islamovna, Khayitov Javokhir Bakhodirovich

Аt present, there are not sufficiently substantiated scientific data indicating that the actual nutrition of athletes available during training and competition periods does not meet the elementary requirements for energy and basic nutrients. In connection with this, the most expedient is the phased organization of nutrition for athletes. At the first stage, the nutrition of athletes should be streamlined within the framework of the balanced nutrition formula for a healthy person, taking into account the available data on the athletes' need for energy and essential nutrients. In this regard, the actual nutrition in the groups of young athletes involved in chess and checkers in the winter-spring period has been studied.

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В настоящее время недостаточно обоснованы научные данные, свидетельствующие о том, что фактическое питание спортсменов в тренировочный и соревновательный периоды не отвечает элементарным требованиям к энергии и основным питательным веществам. В связи с этим наиболее целесообразной является поэтапная организация питания спортсменов. На первом этапе следует упорядочить питание спортсменов в рамках формулы сбалансированного питания для здорового человека с учетом имеющихся данных о потребности спортсменов в энергии и основных питательных веществ. В связи с этим изучено фактическое питание в группах юных спортсменов, занимающихся шахматами и шашками в зимне-весенний период

Текст научной работы на тему «Hygienic assessment of actual food of school age children in chess sports»


CHILDREN IN CHESS SPORTS 1 2 Shaykhova G.I. , Khayitov J.B. (Republic of Uzbekistan)

Email: Shaykhova444@scientifictext.ru

1Shaykhova Guli Islamovna - Professor;

2Khayitov Javokhir Bakhodirovich - Graduate Student,


Abstract: at present, there are not sufficiently substantiated scientific data indicating that the actual nutrition of athletes available during training and competition periods does not meet the elementary requirements for energy and basic nutrients. In connection with this, the most expedient is the phased organization of nutrition for athletes. At the first stage, the nutrition of athletes should be streamlined within the framework of the balanced nutrition formula for a healthy person, taking into account the available data on the athletes' need for energy and essential nutrients. In this regard, the actual nutrition in the groups of young athletes involved in chess and checkers in the winter-spring period has been studied. Keywords: rational nutrition, winter-spring period, basic food, nutritional value offood.


ДЕТЕЙ ШКОЛЬНОГО ВОЗРАСТА В ШАХМАТНОМ СПОРТЕ 12 Шайхова Г.И. , Хайитов Ж.Б. (Республика Узбекистан)

1Шайхова Гули Исламовна - профессор;

2Хайитов Жавохир Баходирович - аспирант, кафедра гигиены питания, гигиены детей и подростков, Ташкентская медицинская академия, г. Ташкент, Республика Узбекистан

Аннотация: в настоящее время недостаточно обоснованы научные данные, свидетельствующие о том, что фактическое питание спортсменов в тренировочный и соревновательный периоды не отвечает элементарным требованиям к энергии и основным питательным веществам. В связи с этим наиболее целесообразной является поэтапная организация питания спортсменов. На первом этапе следует упорядочить питание спортсменов в рамках формулы сбалансированного питания для здорового человека с учетом имеющихся данных о потребности спортсменов в энергии и основных питательных веществ. В связи с этим изучено фактическое питание в группах юных спортсменов, занимающихся шахматами и шашками в зимне-весенний период.

Ключевые слова: рациональное питание, зимне-весенний период, основное питание, пищевая ценность продуктов питания.

Relevance. Nutrition - a young athlete, as well as nutrition of any healthy person, pursues the main goal - providing the body with the necessary amount of energy, plastic (building) substances and biologically active components. Nutrition is seen as an active factor contributing to the preservation of health, the prevention of diseases, the provision of natural growth and development processes and the expansion of the limits of adaptation to systematic physical exertion. Any deviations from adequate nutrient supply to the body can cause significant damage to health, lead to a decrease in resistance to adverse environmental factors, deterioration of mental and physical performance. Modern sport of high achievements, when a child is given to sports sections from 3-4 years of age and he begins

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to work and carry over a load not at all childishly - these are realities of our time The main task of parents and coaches is to adequately adapt a child to this process, which is impossible to do without proper healthy nutrition, taking into account age, health features, type of sports activity, training period, competitions, recreation and so on. However, not all coaches and athletes are familiar with the basics of the science of nutrition, because of insufficient knowledge of athletes, they incorrectly set their diet. Excessive fascination with one kind of food is not justified and can not contribute to improving athletic performance. A healthy child is the main problem of the near and distant future of any country, since the full potential (both economic and creative), all the prospects for social and economic development, a high standard of living, science and culture - all this is the result of the level of health achieved by children, their physical and intellectual performance [1, 2, 3].

However, not all coaches and athletes are familiar with the basics of the science of nutrition, because of insufficient knowledge of athletes, they incorrectly set their diet. Excessive fascination with one kind of food is not justified and can not contribute to it all its attention, but we should not, and forget about the role that food plays in the mode of an athlete.

Therefore, the food formula of the XXI century is a constant use in the diet, along with traditional natural food products, products with desired properties (functional foods) and biologically active food additives [4,5]. The formula of a balanced diet gives an idea of the needs of an adult, with moderate exertion, in basic nutrients and energy.

The low nutritional culture characteristic of many adolescents should not be present especially in children and adolescents involved in sports. Both for young athletes and their parents, as well as for professionals wishing to achieve high results in sports while maintaining their health, as well as other people, the responsibility for the process of training athletes: doctors, coaches is a matter of catering, undoubtedly remain relevant. In general, the problem of nutrition of children and adolescents involved in various sports should be considered in a wider context; it is not only a question of the effect of nutrition on physical performance, but above all, the question of the relationship between nutrition, physical activity and physiological growth.

The purpose of this work is -to study the actual nutrition in groups of young athletes, in particular, involved in chess.

Objects and research methods. The objects of the study were schools located in Tashkent Yunusabad (No. 235), Zangiota (No. 34) districts in Tashkent regions (Chirchik, Angren), as well as the Republican School on Chess. The study involved children aged 7-16 years. There were 713 participants under observation (424 boys and 289 girls). The actual nutrition was studied using questionnaires in the winter-spring period of 2019.

The collection of material was carried out in expeditionary conditions in the winterspring period) with registration in the individual sheets of the products actually eaten by children for 6 days. The content of the main nutrients and energy was calculated according to the tables of the chemical composition of food products (Petrovsky A.A, 1977; Skurikhin IM, 1986; Tutelyan 2002). The obtained results were compared with average daily rational norms of food consumption for the population of the Republic of Uzbekistan (SanR and N -0105-01; SanR and N - 0250-08).

Research results. In the surveyed schools, it was revealed that schoolchildren bring food from home for lunch (buns, bakery products, samsa with potatoes, sometimes with meat. In the evening they eat at home. At home they eat those buds and food prepared for the family: mashhurda, mastava, pilaf, Khanum with potatoes, samsa with potatoes, etc. In the winter-spring period, the choice of vegetables and fruits is very limited and thermally processed vegetables (beets, carrots, cabbage) are used, as a rule, they eat 3 times during the day in a day.

The analysis of the provision of children with basic foods showed that the rations of the actual nutrition of children in general are not balanced in terms of the main food substances. According to the questionnaire, the rations of children are characterized by the predominance of bakery products. Of meat products, children consume beef, sometimes

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lamb, and have not actually consumed fish in the last 5-6 months. In the nutrition of children, the proportion of bakery products is quite high; fruits and vegetables, even in the summer period, are consumed in small quantities. The average daily consumption of meat and meat products, milk and dairy products, eggs and fish, vegetables, berries and fruits, as well as vegetable oil, is significantly below the norm. Calculations of rations of children showed that the deficit in the consumption of meat and meat products in the surveyed schoolchildren is from 25.7 to 27.1%, milk and dairy products from 39.2% to 45.0%.

The analysis of the nutritional and biological value of daily rations of the examined children was characterized by an insufficient content of total protein. The deficit ranged from 33.8 to 34.5%. The fat content of vegetable origin was reduced to 20%. The carbohydrate content in the winter-spring period was 270-336 g. Therefore, the subjects in the winter-spring periods consumed carbohydrates by 56.6% more than the norm.

There is a lack of calorie and imbalance in diets due to the low content of proteins and fats, insufficient amounts of vitamins and mineral elements that are involved in the formation of hemoglobin, bone tissue cells and the brain.

Schoolchildren during the day eat 2 times at home (in the morning and in the evening), 1 time at school (sandwiches: buns, fried potato patties, etc.). Regimen of nutrition is not always observed. Both the assortment list of products and the structure of nutrition had a fundamental difference.

Food for children on weekends was characterized by monotony, frequent repetition of the same dishes, during the day the range of products is limited. Cheese, fish, and a small amount of dairy products were used very little in the diet. From the products of sources of high-grade animal-derived protein, meat was mainly consumed, and apples from fruit. Fresh vegetables and fruits were used very rarely.

Thus, a study of the actual nutrition of school children involved in chess and checkers revealed more pronounced nutritional disorders. There is no doubt that the diet of schoolchildren needs correction and the use of multivitamin complexes. Conclusions

1. The diet of schoolchildren involved in chess and checkers is characterized by quantitative and qualitative inadequacy.

2. 85% of surveyed schoolchildren have a violation of the day regimen.

References / Список литературы

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3. Nutrition athletes. Ed. KA Rozenblyum // Kiev,2006. C. 535.

4. Tutelyan V.A. Implementation of the concept of the state policy of healthy nutrition of the population of Russia at the regional level: formation of regional policy and regional programs. Methodical aspects of the development and implementation of programs. Part 2. Features of regional programs to improve the macro-and micronutrient endowment of the population // Nutrition. M., 2005. № 2. P. 3-8.

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