HOW TO GIVE A KILLER AND PERSUASIVE SPEECH Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Buribayeva Saule Yakubovna

This article describes the importance of public speaking as the process of communicating information to an audience. The paper highlights skills and techniques that can help to improve presentation style and the ability to connect with an audience.

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Текст научной работы на тему «HOW TO GIVE A KILLER AND PERSUASIVE SPEECH»


Buribayeva S.Yа.


Abstract: this article describes the importance of public speaking as the process of communicating information to an audience. The paper highlights skills and techniques that can help to improve presentation style and the ability to connect with an audience. Keywords: public speaking, persuade, confidence, audience, gestures, openness.

If you want to grow your business, double your income, and create a lasting legacy business you must become a powerful public speaker. Whenever you are giving a keynote to teach and empower others, selling your services to a live audience, or sharing your expertise through instagram, and YouTube videos, speaking is one of the fastest ways to manufacture celebrity, build your authority, and drive millions in new revenue to your business. More importantly, your ability to persuasively speak to both virtual and in person audiences will allow you to serve millions of people and help them live their perfect lives.

Overcoming fear of public speaking gives you poise and makes you less nervous in social situations. You can improve your overall communication skills, that helps you drop bad speaking habits, and become better communicator in your every- day life. You can boost your confidence by honing your public speaking skills, that makes you more likely to approach and converse with potential new friends and business partners. It helps to build your influence for spreading your point of view whether your goal is to advocate for an important political cause or to simply tell a funny story to a group of friends.

Speaking from the heart is a good way to connect with your audience. The opening line of your presentation is your first chance to make a good impression with your audience. Just like when they meet you for the first time, your audience will make a split second decision on whether to give you their attention based on your presentation opening line. Grab their attention and pique their interest, and you've got a room full of people in the palm of your hand, ready to listen for as long, as you need them to {2}.

There is a list of benefits of public speaking which will encourage you to get out of your comfort zone and sign up to speak at a few events in the future.

1- The best way to give an effective start, is "thanking organizers and audience".

You can begin by thanking the audience for coming and thanking the organization for inviting you to speak. Refer to the person who introduced you, to one or more of the senior people in the organization in the audience. This compliments, makes them feel proud and happy about your presence and connects you to the audience like an electrical plug in a socket. Focus on making a good connection with your audience .Use body language and hand gestures to your advantage.

You can also open your speech with a question.

Ask the audience a question that's relevant to what is to come. For example if you are speaking on "world hunger", you can ask the audience: "How many of you have ever felt hunger at 11 am in the morning?"For extra impact you may ask them to raise their hands for a "yes. This way, you are instantly activating your audience in the message, and making it much more compelling for them. Doing so, you feel the power and control over the audience that will help you boost your confidence{1}.

Shock your audience.

You can show a funny video, use a prop, start by talking to audience members, ridicule something in order to have a spectacular and effective start. The shock must be suitable for your presentation's purpose and your audience, something as a a shocking statistic - that takes a hold of your listeners and gets them hooked and opens their mind to your message. Give the audience a chance to see your personal connection to the topic.

Fig. 1. Jamie Oliver: teach every child about food. Ted Talk

Jamie Oliver opens his presentation in Ted Talk with a starting-statistic: "Sadly, in the next 18 minutes when I do our chat, four Americans that are alive will be dead through the food that they eat" {3}/

2-Control your voice

Your voice is the most important tool in speech. And the only way to improve voice is by learning to breathe fully and deeply from diaphragm. Diaphragmatic breathing is essential for accessing the most powerful voice. It's the technique professional singers use to make their voices sound fabulous. Practicing diaphragmatic breathing reduces feelings of breathlessness caused by speech anxiety. Such aspects of the voice as: Tone, Pitch, and Volume are controlled better with this type of breathing.

3- Use the power of your eye contact.

According to a study from the "IDIAP Research Institute ", eye contact shows a person's social hierarchy and dominance in a conversation. It is a relatively strong non-verbal sign and can perform different functions. The researchers state, that the view is the main informative source for visual contacts which not only improves the state of a person, but also has a powerful psychological impact, as it can not only delight, inspire, order, erotically excite, but also repel, disappoint and depress. The study found, that people, who are the top of the pecking order, tend to look longer at their subject and they also receive more eye contact in return. This will help them feel like you are talking directly to them, and will establish more of a connection. Also it looks more natural from the audience's point of view. Each person in the room is listening to you as an individual .And so the best way to connect to your audience is by speaking to them as individuals.

Fig. 2. Sourcing interns: open applications ,career center contacts

4 - Try to speak without any notes. if you are fan of the TED TALK format, you may have noticed that most of these speakers give a killer speech without the use of any notes. Nowadays, reading from a full manuscript has fallen out of fashion, and with good reason! When you are reading a word-for word script, it is harder to improvise, engage with your audience, and appear natural on stage. But it's never too late to learn how to deliver an awesome presentation without any cue cards.

There are some tips how to memorize key points for your speech:

Write Out an Outline.

Start by writing out an outline for your speech. This speech outline can be as simple or as detailed as you want it to be. However if you think you may have trouble remembering, you should make it simpler. Your outline should be a list of bullet points in order by which topics you want to cover during your presentation.

Practice your speech

Once you have written your outline, take as much time as you need to practice your speech. Use each key point as a jumping off place, but don't try to memorize anything word-for-word. Practice your speech as much as you have time for. Being well-rehearsed can help eliminate some of your anxiety problems. Also practice recording your speeches in front of a video camera. You can also recognize things you might be doing incorrectly and fix them before you get in front of an actual audience. This can help increase your confidence level by a lot.

Build a memory palace

You can try using memorization tactics such as: associating visual imagery with certain parts of your speech, or by building a memory palace in your mind.

A memory palace, is where you practice walking through a familiar location, and assigning each key point in your speech with a different object in this scenery. When you are giving your presentation, you can refer back to your mental memory palace in order to remember what you were going to say.

Don't Try to be Perfect.

Remember it's okay if your speech is a little bit different each time you give it.

That helps make you sound more authentic and natural. After all what you are trying to memorize are your key points and not the exact words you are looking to say. It's perfectly possible to memorize key ideas and utilize them effectively when you are in the middle of giving your presentation. This will make giving a speech without notes a lot easier.{5}

5- Movement, and body language.

Body language is your body's way of communicating without using words. It's the combination of facial expression, gestures and movements that convey what's going on in your mind. Try to practice strong, confident body language to fuel the presentation.

If you are feeling stressed before your presentation, take a moment, stand up straight and in a powerful position. Doing this for just a few minutes, will raise your testosterone and increase your self confidence while reducing stress, anxiety and cortisol. One of the most powerful poses is the " superhero" pose, when you put your hands on your hips, keep your chin up, and your chest out. You should walk slowly around the stage when possible. Walking around and using active hand gestures, not only creates energy to hold your audience's attention, but it makes you appear more passionate about your topic. The right hand movements can actually add to your speech and increase your audience's engagement. This will help you fill more confident. You should avoid pointing at audience members, because it can come off as aggressive. You should also avoid fidgeting with your fingers, or drawing attention to your groin with your hands. look more natural, It helps you to calm any anxiety that you may have. Take big, long strides. However, don't walk to fast or it will end up looking awkward.

6- Be a Good Story-Teller

Stories are a big part of what makes killer speeches so great. When you utilize a good story during your speech, people see you as more human, more interesting and more approachable.

Try to think of a story that has something to do with the main topic you are speaking about. If it is a completely random story, this might just confuse your audience. And you don't want to risk losing their attention! But by choosing a story that goes well with the purpose of your presentation you may just increase it's value in the eyes of your audience members. Stories are far easier for audience members to share than raw data or statistics. If they don't remember anything else about your speech, they are most likely to remember the interesting stories you have told them. They may also tell their friends about the story you told, which may result in an increased number of audience members at your next speech. If you can make sure you plan what story you are going to tell in advance, practice telling it when you are practicing the rest of your speech.

7- Start strong and finish strong: People have always found the opening and conclusion of a speech to be the most difficult, yet it has been found that it tends to work better when the two are linked together. Conclusions are an especially powerful part of a motivational speech, because they give you an opportunity to make a lasting impression in the mind of your employees. They also encourage applause get people talking right on the sport and incite an immediate feel-good emotion that you were determined to spawn in the first place.

Well, these benefits of public speaking make getting out of your comfort zone, and giving a speech absolutely worth it. You will be nervous the first few times you speak. However, you'll quickly learn to enjoy the experience, if you approach speaking with a spirit of generosity and openness.


1. Public Speaking: What is the best opening sentence for a presentation? [Electronic

Resource]. URL:https://www.quora.com/Public-Speaking-What-is-the-best-opening-

sentence-for-a-presentation/ (date of access: 27.10.2020).

2. 15 Ways to Start a Speech + Bonus Tips | Brian Tracy. [Electronic Resource].

URL:https://www.briantracy.com/blog/public-speaking/how-to-start-a-speech/ (date of

access: 27.10.2020).

3. How to start a presentation effectively and engage your... [Electronic Resource]. URL:https://virtualspeech.com/blog/how-to-start-a-presentation/ (date of access: 27.10.2020).

4. 5 Reasons to Master the Art of Public Speaking. [Electronic Resource]. URL:https://www.masterclass.com/articles/how-to-confidently-speak-in-public#quiz-0/ (date of access: 27.10.2020).

5. 10 great tips on how to give a killer speech. [Electronic Resource]. URL:https://speakandconquer.com/how-to-give-a-killer-speech-without-notes/ (date of access: 27.10.2020).

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