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Аннотация научной статьи по истории и археологии, автор научной работы — Urangua Jamsran, Kuzmin Yuri V., Vasilenko Viktoria A., Karasev Sergey V.

The relevance of the scientific problem lies in the fact that at present the Eastern vector of Russia's foreign policy is becoming very important. At the present stage, relations in various areas of cooperation with the Eastern States, especially with China and Mongolia, are being resumed. World and Russian Mongolian studies are an important part of world Oriental studies. Mongol studies was created by the joint efforts of Russian, French, German, and British researchers of the nomadic Mongolian civilization, its original culture, and the Mongolian language. Mongol studies was formed and developed as a complex science of the Mongolian Sciences, since for a long time there was no division into Mongolian linguistics, Ethnology, history, source studies and historiography. To date, a huge amount of scientific material has been accumulated on the history, economy, politics, and international relations of the history of Mongolia. Russian Mongol studies were formed in the XVIII century by the scientific works of Ya. Schmidt, N.Ya. Bichurin, A.V. Igumnov, O. Kovalevsky, D. Banzarov, G. Gomboev, A.M. Pozdneev, V.L. Kotvich, B.Ya. Vladimirtsov, T.S. Zhamtsarano, and others scientists, came to the forefront of the world of Oriental science. The heyday of the Russian school of Mongol studies dates back to the second half of the XIX - early XX centuries. During this period, the Russian school of Mongolian studies is being formed on an international basis. Mongol scholars, sinologists, turkologists, historians, linguists, ethnologists, archaeologists and other narrow specialists participated in its formation. Particularly close ties existed with the Chinese studies.

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Оригинальная статья / Original article УДК 930(517.53)

DOI: https://doi.org/10.21285/2415-8739-2020-3-188-196

History of world and Russian Mongol studies: national schools, problems, personalities

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© Jamsran Urangua , Yuri V. Kuzmin , Viktoria A. Vasilenko , Sergey V. Karasev

a National University of Mongolia, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia b Baikal state University, Irkutsk, Russia c Irkutsk branch of State Institute of cinematography named after S.A. Gerasimov d Irkutsk National Research Technical University, Irkutsk, Russia

Abstract: The relevance of the scientific problem lies in the fact that at present the Eastern vector of Russia's foreign policy is becoming very important. At the present stage, relations in various areas of cooperation with the Eastern States, especially with China and Mongolia, are being resumed. World and Russian Mongolian studies are an important part of world Oriental studies. Mongol studies was created by the joint efforts of Russian, French, German, and British researchers of the nomadic Mongolian civilization, its original culture, and the Mongolian language. Mongol studies was formed and developed as a complex science of the Mongolian Sciences, since for a long time there was no division into Mongolian linguistics, Ethnology, history, source studies and historiography. To date, a huge amount of scientific material has been accumulated on the history, economy, politics, and international relations of the history of Mongolia. Russian Mongol studies were formed in the XVIII century by the scientific works of Ya. Schmidt, N.Ya. Bichurin, A.V. Igumnov, O. Kovalevsky, D. Banzarov, G. Gomboev, A.M. Pozdneev, V.L. Kotvich, B.Ya. Vladimirtsov, T.S. Zhamtsarano, and others scientists, came to the forefront of the world of Oriental science. The heyday of the Russian school of Mongol studies dates back to the second half of the XIX - early XX centuries. During this period, the Russian school of Mongolian studies is being formed on an international basis. Mongol scholars, sinologists, turkologists, historians, linguists, ethnologists, archaeologists and other narrow specialists participated in its formation. Particularly close ties existed with the Chinese studies.

Keywords: bibliography, Mongol studies, Mongolia, national schools, historiography, history of science, personalities, problems of Mongol studies, China, Russian Mongol studies, geopolitical situation

Acknowledgements: The research was carried out at the Baikal State University in Irkutsk with the support of the Russian Foundation for basic research. Grant RFBR 20-59-4408 «World and Russian Mongolian studies: national schools, concepts, personalities.

Article info: received June 10, 2020; revised June 27, 2020; accepted July 6, 2020.

For citation: Urangua J., Kuzmin Yu.V., Vasilenko V.A., Karasev S.V. (2020)History of world and Russian Mongol studies: national schools, problems, personalities. Izvestiya Laboratorii drevnikh tekhnologii = Reports of the Laboratory of Ancient Technologies. Vol. 16. No. 3. P. 188-196. (In Russ.). https://doi.org/10.21285/2415-8739-2020-3-188-196

История мирового и российского монголоведения: национальные школы,

проблемы, персоналии

© Ж. Урангуа", Ю.В. Кузьмин'3, В. А. Василенко0, С.В. Карасёва

a Монгольский государственный университет, г. Улан-Батор, Монголия b Байкальский государственный университет, г. Иркутск, Россия 0 Иркутский филиал Всероссийского Государственного института кинематографии им. С.А. Герасимова, г. Иркутск, Россия d Иркутский национальный исследовательский технический университет, г. Иркутск, Россия

Аннотация: Актуальность научной проблемы заключается в том, что в настоящее время восточный вектор внешней политики России приобретает все большее значение. На современном этапе возобновляются отношения по различным

направлениям сотрудничества с Восточными государствами, особенно с Китаем и Монголией. Мировое и российское монголоведение является важной частью мирового востоковедения. Монголоведение было создано совместными усилиями русских, французских, немецких и британских исследователей кочевой монгольской цивилизации, ее самобытной культуры и монгольского языка. Монголоведение формировалось и развивалось как комплексная наука монгольских наук, поскольку долгое время не существовало разделения на монгольское языкознание, этнологию, историю, источниковедение и историографию. К настоящему времени накоплен огромный научный материал по истории, экономике, политике и международным отношениям Монголии. Русское монголоведение сформировалось в XVIII веке благодаря научным трудам Я. Шмидта, Н.Я. Бичурина, А.В. Игумнова, О. Ковалевского, Д. Банзарова, Г. Гомбоева, А.М. Позднеева, В.Л. Котвича, Б.Я. Владимирцова, Ц. Жамцарано, других ученых и вышло на передовые позиции в мировой Восточной науке. Расцвет русской школы монголоведения приходится на вторую половину XIX - начало XX века. В этот период на международной основе формируется российская школа монголоведения. В её формировании принимали участие монгольские ученые, синологи, тюркологи, историки, лингвисты, этнологи, археологи и другие узкие специалисты. Особенно тесные связи существовали с китаеведами.

Ключевые слова: библиография, геополитическая ситуация, история науки, Китай, личность, Монголия, монголоведение, национальные школы, историография, проблемы монголоведения, российское монголоведение

Благодарности: Научная работа выполнена в Байкальском Государственном университете г. Иркутска при поддержке Российского фонда фундаментальных исследований. Грант РФФИ 20-59-4408 «Мировое и российское монголоведение: национальные школы, концепции, персоналии».

Информация о статье: поступила в редакцию 10 июня 2020 г.; поступила после рецензирования и доработки 27 июня 2020 г.; принята к публикации 6 июля 2020 г.

Для цитирования: Урангуа Ж, Кузьмин Ю.В., Василенко В.А., Карасёв С.В. История мирового и российского монголоведения: национальные школы, проблемы, персоналии // Известия Лаборатории древних технологий. 2020. Т. 16. № 3. С. 188-196. https://doi.org/10.21285/2415-8739-2020-3-188-196

The heyday of the Russian school of Mongol studies dates back to the second half of the XIX - early XX centuries. During this period, the Russian school of Mongolian studies is being formed on an international basis. Mongol scholars, sinologists, turkologists, historians, linguists, ethnologists, archaeologists and other narrow specialists participated in its formation. Particularly close ties existed with the Chinese.

Oriental and Mongolian studies (1917-1991), there was a break with traditional Oriental studies, which was restored in the post-Soviet period.

The geographical proximity of the Mongols, the presence of Mongol-speaking peoples (Buryats, Kalmyks) on the territory of Russia, and the appearance of the first translators and Mongol scholars from their environment were undoubtedly a favorable factor in the development of Russian Mongol studies (lorish, 1966).

Western Mongolian studies also have deep scientific roots. French and German Mongol studies were based on Mongolian sources of Russian origin, and were closely linked by personal scientific ties with prominent Russian scientists. In turn, a number of Russian scientists were of foreign origin (J.I. Schmidt, I. lering, O.M. Kovalevsky, V.V. Radlov etc.). They made a great contribution to world Oriental studies.

In Russia, Orthodox missionaries of Eastern Siberia, school teachers, interpreters, travelers, Siberian officials, and merchants studied the Mongols, the Mongolian language, and culture. Therefore, Russian Mongol studies had favorable conditions for collecting ethnographic, archaeological, and folklore material in Mongolia. During the Soviet period of development of

The formation of historical scientific schools in Russia, Mongolia, France, Germany, great Britain, Poland, the Czech Republic, Hungary, and the United States is impossible without studying the scientific contribution of the world's outstanding Mongolian scientists. Currently, there are scientific works on the historiography of individual national schools of Mongolian studies in an overview form, and there are no generalizing studies devoted to scientific relations, interaction and mutual influence of scientific ideas, concepts and discussion problems of the history of Mongolia, major

Mongolian scientists. The bibliography of individual Russian, Mongolian, and foreign Mongol scholars is published in Ulaanbaatar in the annual Bulletin of the International Association of Mongol scholars.

Questions of history of national and world Mongolian studies considered in studies of Goleman M.I., Sh. Bira, B.V. Bazarov, T. Estorga, Z. Longido, J. Urangua, V.V. Graivoronsky, D.V. Dugarova, O.N. Polyanskaya, Y.V. Kuzmin, L.V. Kuras C.P. Vanchikova, W.B. Chimitdorzhiev, A.D. Candinas, I.V. Kulhanek From, Datsyshen V.G., V.S. Myasnikov, S.D. Miliband, A.N. Kononova, S.G. Klyashtorny, N.N. Krajina, V.V. Pork, A.N. Khokhlova, Ulymzhiev etc.

Modern oriental and Mongolian studies have done a great deal of research on the scientific contribution of Russian scientists to world science. This area of scientific research has become especially active in the last thirty years. The Mongolian studies of our country returned to the traditional Russian Mongol studies, restored continuity in science, and restored broken ties. At present, the national Mongolian studies at a new scientific level successfully studies the history, Ethnology, culture, economy, politics, and history of international relations of Mongolia.

Mongol studies are an integral part of Russian Oriental studies, especially significant are the successes of Russian Sinology, which employs a significant number of Russian Orientalists. To date, studies on the history of Russian Oriental studies have been published, which also show the formation and development of Russian Mongolian studies as a related industry (Miliband, 1995b).

An important stage in rethinking the scientific heritage of Russian Oriental and Mongolian studies was the collective monographs «History of Russian Oriental studies to the middle of the 19th century» (History of Russian Oriental studies..., 1990), «History of Russian Oriental studies from the mid. 19th century to 1917» (Vigasin, Shastitko, Baziyants, 1997), prepared by leading Russian Orientalists.

Updated and reprinted «Bibliographic dictionary of Russian Orientalists» in two volumes by S.D. Mili-band - one of the fundamental works of national Oriental studies (Miliband, 1995a, Miliband, 1995b).

E.V. Boikova published «Bibliography on Mongol stud-ies» (Boikova, 2005).

In the 1900s and 2000s, scientific conferences were held on major Russian Mongol scholars: «Tsybikov readings», «Banzarov readings», «Khangal readings», «Ulymzhiev readings», «Vladimirtsovsky readings», «Katanov readings», which presented a modern assessment of the scientific activities of domestic Mongol scholars, introduced previously unpublished works of famous Russian scientists, archival documents, documents of personal origin.

Special contributions were made by scientists from the Institute of Mongol studies, Buddhology and Tibetology of the SB RAS, The Institute of Oriental Studies of the RAS, The Institute of Oriental manuscripts of the RAS, Buryat state University, the Eastern faculty of St. Petersburg University, Irkutsk and Baikal state universities (Irkutsk). Famous Russian Oriental and Mongolian B.V. Bazarov, M.I. Golman, W.B. Chimitdorzhiev, V.S. Myasnikov, N.N. Kradin, A.N. Khokhlov, A.S. Zheleznyakov, A.D. Andina, I.V. Popov, I.V. Kul-hanek From L.V. Kuras, V.M. Alpatov and V.G. Datsy-shen, O.N. Polyanskaya, V.D. Dugarov his research was devoted to some topical issues of the history and historiography of Mongolia.

A unique scientific phenomenon in the history of the study of Russian Mongol studies was the publication of the periodical «Mongolika» (Institute of Oriental manuscripts of the Russian Academy of Sciences, editor-in-chief I.V. Kulganek), whose issues are dedicated to the scientific heritage of outstanding Russian Mongol scholars: B. Ya. Vladimirtsov, S.A. Kozin, K.F. Golstunsky, A. Pozdneev, A.V. Burdukov, D. Natsagdorzh, TS. Dam-dinsuren, M.I. Golman, L.G. Skorodumova, V.V. Grayvo-ronsky, K.N. Yatskovskaya.

Professor Sh.B. Chimitdorjiev collected, analyzed and published creative biographies of major Buryat scientists-Mongol scholars in the collective work «Outstanding Buryat figures» (Ulan-Ude, 2010). In this monograph ,biographies of both famous Buryat scientists-Mongol scholars and biographies of little-known researchers who also made a serious contribution to the study of the Mongolian peoples were published (Outstanding Buryat figures, 2009; Chimitdorzhiev, 2005).

A well-known sinologist from Krasnoyarsk, Professor V.G. Datsyshen continued the historiographical research of sinologists P.E. Skachkov, V.S. Myasnikov, and L.A. Berezny, and published major monographs «History of Chinese language studying in the Russian Empire» (Datsyshen, 2000), «History of Russian Sinology» (Datsyshen, 2015), «Studying Chinese history in the Russian Empire» (Datsyshen, 2016), which contain valuable material about sinologists who studied the history of Mongolia and the Mongolian people's.

Russian Mongol scholars published a collective work «Russian Mongol scholars (XVII - early XX centuries)», which briefly described the creative biographies of A.V. Igumnov, N.Ya. Bichurin, O.M. Kovalevsky,

A.V. Popov, K.F. Golstunsky, P.A. Badmaev, A. Dorzhiev, M.N. Khangalov, V.L. Kotvich, G. Tsybikov, A.D. Rudnev, S.A. Kozin, T.S. Zhamtsarano, E. Rinchino, B.Y. Vladi-mirtsova and others (Russian Mongol scholars..., 1997).

Russian ethnographers published a unique publication «Repressed ethnographers (issue 1, 1999)», which presents the tragic fate of 12 repressed Russian ethnographers, including creative biographies of

B.E. Petri (author A.A. Sirina), N.N. Kozmin (a.m. Reshe-tov), who made an important contribution to the study of the history and Ethnology of the peoples of Central Asia and Mongolia (Repressed ethnographers, 1999). In 2003, the «Second Oriental readings» were held in Irkutsk, dedicated to the famous historian, ethnographer, and economist N.N. Kozmin, and a collection of articles was published (Second Oriental readings, 2003)1.

In 2006, the work of Yu.V. Kuzmin «Professor N.N. Kozmin: historian and economist» (Kuzmin, 2006)2 was published, where the creative biography of the Siberian researcher of the history of Mongolia and Central Asia is most fully presented, personal documents and a complete bibliography of the scientist are published for the first time.

1 Вторые востоковедные чтения БГУЭП. Материалы научной конференции от 2 апреля 2003 г. Иркутск, 2003.

2 Кузьмин Ю.В. Профессор Н.Н. Козьмин: историк и экономист : учеб. пособие // Байкальский государственный университет экономики и права; Иркутский государственный педагогический университет. Иркутск: Изд-во Байкальского государственного университета экономики и права, 2006. 67 с.

In 2001-2019, the center for the study of Mongolia of Baikal state University held nine international scientific conferences dedicated to famous Mongolian scientists: N.N. Kozmin, N.P. Shastina, P.A. Badmaev, E.M. Darevskaya, V.V. Svinin and major historical events in Mongolia: the national revolution of 1911, the Mongolian revolution of 1921, the war on Khalkhin Gol in 1939, and others (Sukhodolov, Kuz'min, 2018; Sukhod-olov, Kuz'min, 2016).

«Bibliography of Russian works on Mongol studies 1946-2000» (Boikova, 2005), prepared by E.V. Boikova and published by The Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, was introduced into scientific circulation. Bibliographies of individual regions (Buryatia, Irkutsk region, etc.) were published (Mongolia in the works, 1988). A significant contribution to the study of Russian Mongol studies was made by the works of Professor D.B. Ulymzhiev of Buryat state University, dedicated to all major Russian Mongol scholars (Ulymzhiev, 1994; Ulymzhiev, 1997).

The study of the history of Russian Mongol studies was continued by Professor V.D. Dugarov of Buryat state University, who published major studies: «Russian historiography of the history of Mongolia» (Dugarov, 2014), a number of articles on the topic under study.

Associate Professor of Buryat state University O.N. Polyanskaya has published a number of monographs on the history of Russian Mongol studies: «Mongol Studies in Russia in the first half of the XIX century: O.M. Kovalevsky and A.V. Popov» (Polyan-skaya, 2019), «Professor O.M. Kovalevsky and Buryatia (1 half of the 19th century)» (Polyanskaya, 2001), «Epistolary and diary heritage of the Mongol scholar O.M. Kovalevsky (1828-1833)» (Epistolary and diary heritage..., 2008) and a series of articles devoted to heritage of outstanding Mongol scholars of Russia.

The history of Mongolian and Russian Mongol studies is the subject of constant scientific publications of Professor Yu.V. Kuzmin: «Mongolia, Russian-Mongolian relations and the "Mongolian question" in the socio-political thought of Russia at the beginning of the 20th century» (Kuzmin, 2016), «Mongolia and China in the assessments of Russian military intelligence» (Kuzmin, 2007), «Irkutsk school of Mongol studies of the XVIII-XX centuries» (Kuzmin, 2014), Mongolia and

Russian-Mongolian relations. Problems of history and historiography» (Sukhodolov, Kuz'min, 2016), «The History of Mongolia and its international relations in the twentieth century in the works of Mongolian and Russian researchers» (Sukhodolov, Kuz'min, 2018), which present the main concepts of modern Russian and Mongolian Mongol scholars.

M.I. Gol'man, a major Russian Mongol scholar at the Institute of Oriental Studies, has been studying the history of Mongolia in the West and the United States for more than 50 years. He is the author of major monographs «Mongolian Studies in the West (centers, cadres, societies). 50s - mid. 90s of the XX century » (Gol'man, 2004), «Modern Mongolia in the assessments of Western authors» (Gol'man, 2009). These works provide an in-depth analysis of the current state of the study of Mongolia in the West and the United States, as well as the characteristics of major Western Mongol scholars and the main centers of Mongol studies (Gol'man, 2019).

History of the Russian Academy of Sciences in the study of the Mongolian scientific contacts with Mongolian research organizations - special topic of study doctor of historical Sciences T.I. Yusupova «The Soviet-Mongolian scientific cooperation. Formation, development and main results of 1921-1961» (Yusupova, 2018). Ulan-Ude published the documents «Buryat-Mongolian Scientific Committee (1922-1929)» (Buryat-Mongolian., 2017)3, which presents documents on Mongolian-Buryat scientific relations.

In Moscow, a reference book «Russian military Orientalists. Biobibliographical reference book» of M.K. Baskhanov (Baskhanov, 2005), which presents creative biographies and a list of works of military Mongol scientists.

The works of Russian military Mongol scholars deserve special attention, as this is one of the most promising areas for study. The activities of Russian military travelers and their views on the solution of the «Mon-golian» issue in Russian and world geopolitics are considered in the works of M.K. Baskhanov, E.V. Boikova, A.I. Kolesnikov, Yu.V. Kuzmin. Published a book by E.V. Boikova, dedicated to the famous Russian traveler

3 Бурят-Монгольский ученый комитет (1922-1929). Улан-Удэ: Изд-во БНЦ СО РАН, 2017. 247 с.

who studied Mongolia. Published diaries, biography of P.K. Kozlov (authors A.I. Andreev, T.I. Yusupova).

The problem of solving the «uriankhai question» in the system of trilateral relations between Russia, China and Mongolia is relevant for Russian and world Mongolian studies. In Russian historiography, this problem is covered in the works of E.A. Belov (Russia and Mongolia, 1997), V.G. Datsyshen, Yu.V. Kuzmin, S.G. Luzyanin, N.M. Mollerov and other scientists.

These works were written on the basis of materials from Russian archives, many of which were introduced into scientific circulation for the first time. The solution of the «barginsky question» in the system of Russia-China-Mongolia relations after 1911 deserves special consideration. This problem is one of the poorly studied topics of world and Russian Mongolian studies.

Mongolia is the world center of Mongolian studies, there are major scientific centers for the study of history, Economics, Ethnology, geography and culture of the country, such as the Institute of history, Mongolian Academy of Sciences, Institute of international relations of the Mongolian Academy of Sciences, Mongolian state University, Institute of Mongolian studies Mongu, Institute of nomadic civilizations UNESCO. In Mongolia, Ulaanbaatar is home to the international Association of Mongol studies, periodical scientific and informational publications are published, and new books of the world's Mongol studies are received. The national libraries of Mongolia have the most comprehensive book collections on the history and culture of Mongolia, published in the leading centers of Mongolian studies.

The modern Mongolian historical science has developed an original historiographical school, whose major representatives are historians Sh. Bira, N. Hishigt, B. Punsaldulam, J. Urangua, L. Longid, T.S. Ishdorj, who published a number of source studies and histo-riographical studies.

Introduction of the scientific results of these authors into the scientific circulation of the world Mongol studies is an urgent task of modern science. Professor of the Mongolian state University J. Urangua in 2016 participated and acted as an active participant and moderator of the project a two-volume monograph

«World Mongol studies» was published (Urangua, 2016).

Published a creative biography and epistolary legacy of the famous Finnish Mongol scholar G. Ramsted. The Historian B. Punsaldulam has published monographs on the historiography of the history of Mongolia during the Autonomous period: «Historiography of the history of the Mongolian revolution of 1911 (19112003) (Punsaldulam, 2006)».

In may 2017, J. Urangua made a report «The Formation and development of European Mongol studies in the XVIII-XIX centuries» at the international conference on Mongol studies at the University of Warsaw.

Despite the obvious success, there are many areas in the study of the history of Mongolia and Mongolian studies that need to be improved. For example, existing review articles on the history and current state of Mongolian studies in individual countries do not meet the requirements of the time and urgently require a qualitative analysis of national schools of Mongolian studies and the state of humanitarian scientific thought in various countries.

Today, competition between foreign countries and TNCs for control over the country's mineral resources is increasing on the territory of Mongolia. Competition between the United States and China for greater geopolitical influence in Central Asia and Mongolia itself is growing. In this regard, the preservation of Russia's position in a neighboring friendly country convincingly requires complete and accurate information about the state of world Mongolian studies.

The history of Russian Mongol studies also needs a modern and analytical assessment, since existing publications are of an overview nature and do not reflect all the issues of the formation and development of this field of Oriental studies. Three times in its history (1917, 1930-1939, 1986-1991), Russian Mongol studies have changed the ideological directions and methodology of research, which has affected the features of the modern development of Russian Mongol studies.

The complex and contradictory process of formation of Russian Mongol studies and the interaction of Russian and foreign Mongol scholars have not yet been studied objectively and comprehensively. The current state of Russian Mongolian studies, which has returned

to the traditional Russian Oriental and Mongolian studies, requires a modern assessment of the state of scientific thought, the dynamics of its development over more than 300 years, and the need to show the role and place of national Mongolian studies in the world science of the East.

A comparative analysis of the history of the formation and development of Russian Mongol studies in the context of world Oriental science and Mongol studies will allow for a more qualitative and professional characterization of not only world, but also Russian Mongol studies.

Distortion and direct falsification of the role of Russian Orientalists and Mongol scholars in the study of the countries of the East and Mongolia require a close study of the Russian heritage, its full introduction into scientific circulation and a modern assessment of the scientific activities of Russian scientists in the context of world scientific thought.

Mongolian scientists are increasingly focused on the Western centers of Mongolian studies: the United States, great Britain, Germany, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, and the East: Japan, South Korea, China, where there is a more serious material and financial base, as well as more opportunities to pass scientific training and receive grants. Russia does not have enough information on the development of Mongolian studies in China, Japan, South Korea, and Hungary.

The current geopolitical situation, especially the efforts of the United States to increase its influence in Mongolia, urgently require strengthening the scientific study of world Mongolian studies and coordination of Russian centers of national Mongolian studies (Moscow, St. Petersburg, Ulan-Ude, Kyzyl, Irkutsk, Chita). There is a need to create a generalizing historiographi-cal work by joint efforts of Mongol scholars from various countries of the world. This joint research project of Russian and Mongolian scientists will strengthen and strengthen scientific cooperation between Russia and Mongolia, and better study the state and scientific results of foreign Mongolian studies. The successful implementation of the Russian-Mongolian project will undoubtedly increase the prestige of Russian and Mongolian Mongolian studies.

Thus, the topic of the history of world and Russian Mongol studies is studied in Russian and Mongolian historiography.

However, unfortunately, the Genesis and evolution of Russian Mongol studies, its scientific connections with world Mongol studies, as well as the interaction and mutual influence of various scientific schools are poorly represented. Insufficiently summarized the scientific material scientific conceptions of the world Mongolian studies: the ethnogenesis of Mongolian peoples, the Mongolian nomadic civilization, features of


Baskhanov M.K. (2005) Russian military orientalists before 1917. Bibliographic reference book. Moscow: Vostochnaya literatura. 296 p. (In Russ.)

Boikova E.V. (2005) Bibliography of domestic works on Mongol studies 1946-2000. Moscow: Vostochnaya literatura. 687 p. (In Russ.)

Vigasin A.A., Shastitko P.I., Baziyants A.P. (1997) History of Russian Oriental studies from the middle of the XIX century to 1917. Moscow: Vostochnaya literatura. 534 p. (In Russ.)

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Gol'man M.I. (2019) Mongolia through the eyes of a Mongol scholar (60-70-ies of the XX century. Moscow: Institute of Oriental Studies Russian Academy of Sciences. 285 p. (In Russ.)

Gol'man M.I. (2009) Modern Mongolia in the assessments of Western authors. Moscow: Institute of Oriental Studies Russian Academy of Sciences. 192 p. (In Russ.)

Gol'man M.I. (2004) Mongol Studies in the West (centers, cadres, societies). 50s - mid-90s of the XX century. Moscow: Science. 333 p. (In Russ.)

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international relations in the Russia-Mongolia-China, radical reforms of the Mongolian society and the state in the twentieth century, especially the relations between the state and the Buddhist Church of Mongolia for a long period of development.

The isolated study of Western, Russian, and Mongolian historiography of the history of Mongolia must be overcome and present a complete comprehensive picture of the study of the history, Ethnology, and culture of Mongolia in the world of Mongol studies.

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Attribution criteria

J. Urangua, Yu.V. Kuzmin, V.A. Vasilenko, S.V. Karasev completed the research work, based on the results obtained, conducted a completed the research work, based on the results obtained, conducted a synthesis, prepared a manuscript for publication, have copyright on the article and are fully responsible for its originality.

Conflict of interest

The authors declare no conflict of interest.

The authors have read and approved the final manuscript.

Information about the authors Jamsran Urangua,

Dr. Sci. (History), Professor of the Department of history of Mongolia,

National University of Mongolia,

Ikh Surguuliin gudamj - 1, Baga toiruu , Sukhbaatar district, Ulaanbaatar city, Mongolia, ^ e-mail: uranguakhereid@gmail.com Yuri V. Kuzmin,

Dr. Sci. (History), Professor of the Department of world

economy and economic security,

Baikal State University,

11, Lenin street, Irkutsk 664003, Russia,

^ e-mail: kuzminuv@yandex.ru

Viktoria A. Vasilenko,

Cand. Sci. (History), Researcher,

Irkutsk branch of the State Institute of cinematography

named after S.A. Gerasimov,

170, Rosa Luxemburg street, Irkutsk 664040, Russia,

^ e-mail: vgikinfo3000@yandex.ru

Sergey V. Karasev

Dr. Sci. (History), Professor of the Department of history and philosophy,

Irkutsk National Research Technical University, 83, Lermontov street, Irkutsk 664074, Russia, ^ e-mail: s.karasev@bk.ru

предисл., коммент. и указ. О.Н. Полянской. Улан-Удэ: Изд-во Бурятского государственного университета, 2008. 227 с.

Юсупова Т.И. Советско-монгольское научное сотрудничество: становление, развитие и основные результаты, 1921-1961. СПб.: Нестор-История, 2018. 316 с.

Urangua J. World Mongol studies. In 2 vols. Ulaan-baatar, 2016.

Punsaldulam, 1911 ony Mongolyn undesnij huvsgalyn tuuh bicleg (1911-2003). Ulaanbaatar, 2006. 170 p.

Критерии авторства

Ж. Урангуа, Ю.В. Кузьмин, В.А. Василенко, С.В. Ка-расёв выполнили исследовательскую работу, на основании полученных результатов провели обобщение, подготовили рукопись к печати, имеют на статью авторские права и несут полную ответственность за её оригинальность

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Все авторы прочитали и одобрили окончательный вариант рукописи.

Сведения об авторах Урангуа Жамсран,

доктор исторических наук, профессор кафедры истории, факультет истории,

Монгольский государственный университет, 151600, Улан-Батор SPO Вох-31, Монголия, e-mail: uranguakhereid@gmail.com

Кузьмин Юрий Васильевич,

доктор исторических наук, профессор кафедры мировой экономики и экономической безопасности, Байкальский государственный университет, 664003, Иркутск, ул. Ленина, 11, Россия,

e-mail: kuzminuv@yandex.ru Василенко Виктория Александровна, кандидат исторических наук, научный сотрудник, Иркутский филиал Всероссийского Государственного института кинематографии им. С.А. Герасимова, 664040, Иркутск, ул. Розы Люксембург, 170, Россия,

e-mail: vgikinfo3000@yandex.ru Карасёв Сергей Владимирович,

доктор исторических наук, профессор кафедры истории и философии,

Иркутский национальный исследовательский технический университет,

664074, Иркутск, ул. Лермонтова, 83, Россия, e-mail: s.karasev@bk.ru

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