HISTORICAL FIGURES AND SOME ASPECTS OF NATIONAL IDENTITY Текст научной статьи по специальности «История и археология»

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Vakhob Hoshimovich Kuchkarov

Doctor of political science, Professor of the Department of Foreign languages of the International Islamic Academy Abduvahob.uz@mail.ru Tashkent, Uzbekistant

Ilyos Mirgiyasovich Mirziytov

Candidate of pedagogical sciences, Associate Professor Dean of the Faculty of Classical Oriental Philology, International Islamic Academy of Uzbekistan Tashkent,


Historical events are not just history, they are based on the socio-political actions of peoples, nations, individuals, their aspirations to change social life. In particular, the influence of great historical figures on the development, formation and consciousness of the people, the nation attracted the attention of scientists. In this place, first of all, it is appropriate to recall Plutarch and his famous work "Comparative Biographies" ("Comparative biographies"). Or T. Carlyle (1795-1881) said: "at every stage of the world's history, we are confronted with a great man who was its savior and burned it, penetrating into the hearts of people. The history of the world is the biographies of great people,"[1.42] - it is known that his opinion was included in almost all books on political science. Therefore, great historical figures are the creators of new paradigms, models in a broad sense. What is done in the world of personality is the result of the thoughts of great people, the spirit of world history can rightly be considered as the history of great people. Consequently, the President of Uzbekistan Sh. Mirziyoyev stressed that: "Everyone knows that every sovereign state has its own unique history and culture, the true creator and creator of which is the people. This truth is vividly confirmed by the centuries-old history of Uzbekistan and the last 25-year period of its free development, the path of progress aimed at strengthening independence and state sovereignty"[2. 56]. In science, the role of great personalities in socio-historical life is studied using the approaches of heroic determinism, evolutionary-adaptive and socio-determinism. The first approach is based on the heroism of a historical person, her desire for a feat. Such individuals will be ready for any danger and will persistently urge their comrades to live in search of danger, the enemy. To show heroism, to enjoy the battles, collisions-this is their element. As an example, we can cite

the movement of Alexander the Great, Napoleon.

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Republican Scientific and Practical Conference

Greatness is also achieved by those who have perfectly mastered their profession, raising it up the steps of national and cultural realities to the level of unique universal wealth. In addition, there is always an opportunity for great feats in the field of spirituality. In their spiritual qualities and noble vocations, the people were great personalities who took their place in the hearts of the nation, and even history remembers them more than other heroes. History provides many examples of preserving, understanding and honoring national traditions and spiritual values of highly developed countries. "Without the support of national and cultural roots, modernization will be left hanging in the air. ... this means that history and national traditions must necessarily be taken into account" [7] As S. Huntington notes, "In the modern world, cultural identities (ethnic, ethnic, religious, civilizational) occupy a central place, and alliances, antagonism and state policy are formed taking into account cultural proximity and cultural differences" [8].

The socio-philosophical aspect of cultural identity-includes such traits and


- the identity of human activity and the world in man;

- support of the system of values formed by shabby people in the conditions of shabby lifestyle;

- attitude to the collective memory of the people;

- formed in a sociological way, through training and education, commitment to the extra-biological way of organizing and developing human life, represented in the products of material and spiritual labor, in the system of social norms and institutions, in spiritual values that collectively relate to people, to each other and to themselves;

- assimilation and support of symbols that have a certain meaning.

In the history of the Uzbek people, there are many people who, with their spiritual courage, encouraged people to unite, live by good deeds, find purity, perfection and, thus, take a place among historical figures. While their historical and cultural heritage was recognized and revered as a unique spiritual heritage of humanity, the totalitarian regime, the communist ideology that prevailed in our country for 74 years, did not allow them to look objectively.

Thanks to independence, it has become possible to restore justice to the past of our people, their children, who have fulfilled great tasks in their history, and to objectively assess their lives and activities. After all, "History is a person's path to perfection, to progress. Not knowing the brain means not understanding yourself. Only a self-conscious people will always

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honor the names of great people and remember the purity of their spirit''[9.3.].

Amir Temur is one of the great people of our nation. Various approaches and opinions are expressed in historical science, which become topics for literary and artistic figures and thinkers. Understanding the history of the Uzbek people, its full perception, is undoubtedly knowledge about Amir Temur, his activities, military campaigns, the legacy that he left to his descendants, the place of his huge state in world history. During the Soviet era, it was he who became famous for such names as "bloodthirsty", which "made a tower out of human skulls", "invader". Even the attitude of ideology to Sahibkiron did not change after the special report of I. M. Muminov, supported by scientists of our republic [10.14].

"In Uzbekistan,- B. Akhmedov recalls that period, "scientists such as A. A. Abduraimova,V. V. Barthold, M. M. Gerasimov,L. A. Zilin,I. M. Muminova, G. A. Pugachenkova, L. V. Stroeva, I. K. Umnyakov and A. Y. Yakubovsky wrote about Temur. However, recently more and more people are interested in the personality and history of Amir Temur. But they don't say anything new - they just copy what was written before"[11.5]. Because, as the scientist he notes, "it is very difficult to say anything about the great personalities who have passed through history, to write a scientific or literary work, large or small. It is especially difficult to write about such military and political figures as Alexander the Great, Julius Caesar, Chenghis Khan and Amir Timur. Because their life, their path, their activities are complex and very contradictory"[12.4.]. However, this complexity in the life of historical figures, first, attracts the attention of generations, prompting them to independent searches, and secondly, to the opposite, sometimes nonobjective, biased opinions. Therefore, the role of scientists and specialists in the formation of historical thinking is invaluable.

Academician I. Muminov notes that the unrest, disunity, conflicts between the rulers, and social determinism that arose in the country led to the power of a patriot, an ambassador "a wise ascetic and a skilled military leader" - 25-year-old Amir Temur [13.9.]. Sahibkiran wanted to see his country free. To this end, he maintains close ties with the Sarbadors, especially with Mawlonzadeh and his people, seeking to build an independent state free from Mongol oppression [14.9-10] . These two grounds refute Shure's slander that "Amir Temur is a conqueror." As a result of not knowing these basics, and sometimes deliberately ignoring them, erroneous ideas about our great ancestor were formed.

Amir Temur is a great man who made an invaluable contribution to history, and his descendants, the Timurids, became great children of the Uzbek people. As a result of the activities of

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Amir Temur and in close connection with him, the great Alisher Navoi, Jami, Babur and Baburids came to the field, without which it is impossible to imagine the history of human science and culture. Generally speaking, in the Muslim East, Timur's activity is based on the Renaissance that took place in the XV-XVI centuries.

Hence, the founder of Zoroastrianism, Zarathustra (or Zarathustra), is a child of our country. H.Boboev et al.Khasanov write that" the religion of Zoroastrianism and its prophet Zoroaster Capitman origin was of Turkish origin and was born in the family Prosopa and Dugdugi of the house of Spitama, pastoralists on the banks of the Amu Darya river, which belonged to the Khorezm". Scientists have studied, analyzed and summarized the available literature and sources and concluded that "frequent religious conflicts between the Zoroastrian tribes, leading to strife, looting, violence, unnecessary bloodshed, injustice to the poor, flocks of sheep, herds of cattle, horses, especially children, beautiful girls and even adult youths, lead to sacrifices in honor of the sun god Moloch.", evil customs, such as the worship of people of various kinds, to the goddesses, suffer by witnessing that the basis arises in the process of polygamy, and in such moments, he feels deeply that he was born for a great purpose, plunges into speculation about how to prevent destruction and destruction, to teach people to live in peace and harmony with honest work"[19.22].

Today, researchers note that it was Zoroaster who first preached the idea of a single God in the history of mankind, and His teachings influenced Western philosophy. This is not just a simple fact, an example, it completely changes our previous impressions, knowledge about world religions. And the idea of good, put forward by Zoroaster, is the basis of today's universal values. This is the merit of our great countryman before the people, humanity [20.4.].

Spiritual and charismatic personalities include Abu Abdullah Muhammad ibn Ismail Bukhari (809-870), Imam Muslim ibn Hajjaj (819-874), Abu Isa Muhammad ibn Isa Termizi (824-892), Imam Abu David Suleiman Sijistani (817-880), Imam Ahmad Nasoi (830-915), Imam Abu Abdullah Muhammad ibn Yazib ibn Mujahid (830-840), Imam Muhammad ibn Yazib (824-886), Mahmud Zamakhshari (10751114), Imam Abul Muumin Nasafi (1027-1114), Ismail Jurjani (1042-1136), Najmiddin Kubro (1145-1221), Khoja Abduholik Gijduvani (1103-1220), Khoja Ahmad Yassawi (1105-1166), Jamaliddin Rumi (1207-1273), Bahobuddin Naqshband (1318-1389), these include scholars such as Sayyid Muhiddin Abdulkadir Gilani (lived in the thirteenth century). Historical sources and pamphlets published during the years of independence show that these children of our people were popular in the Islamic world in

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matters of spirituality [21.316]. Their teachings had a serious impact on the spiritual development of our country, promoted the ideas of humanism, kindness, purity, tolerance, justice, and patriotism. "At all times in the history of mankind, great people have dedicated their activities to a free, fair, well-ordered way of life. With their teachings, they paved the way for people to get rid of passion and lead a righteous life. Therefore, the religious doctrine has made a great contribution to improving the spirituality and enlightenment of the people. Therefore, their ideas about spirituality and enlightenment, along with the national, universal value, deserve great respect and attention in our time"[22.4].

Spiritual and charismatic personalities in terms of influencing the spirit, spirituality, and worldview of people were primarily based on religion and religious teachings. Because religion has created such teachings that, passed down from generation to generation, have become a force that affects the relationship of the psyche of people. Great personalities knew this well and used it. Reflecting on great personalities, scientists, he was an outstanding orientalist. Professor U.Uvatov writes:"... religion in its essence has served from time immemorial such a noble cause as the education of spiritually perfect people who impartially served the development of society, its thinking and spirituality, this society. After all, only in a society where there are spiritually rich and perfect people, you can achieve true well-being, social progress. Therefore, our society now needs believers, devoted, chaste people who honestly serve the interests of their Homeland, their people "[23.5].

Among the enlighteners-charismatic personalities who fought for the independence of our Motherland-are the Jadids-thinkers. At their core, they are supporters of reform, changing relations in society, hardened orders, educational and educational structures. Among them there are also educators who considered the achievement of national independence a historical necessity.

Our fellow emigrants were demonized by the ideology of the Soviets, calling them "counter-revolutionaries", "rich people", "printers", "traitors to the motherland", "anti-Soviets ", "enemies of the people". Consequently there 126 books were published, countless articles glorifying them were published, and regular "counter-propaganda" was organized on radio and television[25.4].

The Jadid movement was not in vain. The study of the literature of Jadidism began in the 60s of the XX century after the exposure of Stalinism. But it was impossible to tell the truth, the merit of our great ancestors, who

promoted the ideas of independence, was that they wrote this or that poem, a work.

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1. Thus, dividing the past into the property of contemporaries, historical consciousness plays an extremely important role in their cultural education. The experience of the past, imprinted in the historical consciousness of the people, has a high potential that can turn into a real political force under the same circumstances. It is no accident that during the transition period of life, the people have increased their interest in history.

2. National consciousness, national consciousness is the appearance in the imagination of people in terms of "I" and "he", "we" and "they" influenced by the long historical and cultural development, improvement, complication of social relations and labor processes, the identity of the nation in existential being, the perception of its rights, power of creation. With the perception that the people, the nation, in the socio-political processes, manifest the right, the creative power, directly depends on them, an artificial (political, legal, economic, spiritual, etc.) perception arises in this respect.) begins to overcome obstacles. The more these barriers resist, prevent it from manifesting itself, the stronger the national identity becomes an idea, the more the nation calls for the struggle for self-realization. Volition, the sense of self-consciousness will never disappear from the heart of the people, the nation, even the most despotic, bloodthirsty regimes could not erase these feelings from the minds of people. Thus arose the national liberation movements, the struggle for independence.

3. The struggle for independence is the self-determination lifestyle, fate, the future of the nation, the organization in the interests of the nation ways of managing existing social relations, political institutions, providing service to these interests of the state and the pursuit of self-expression of his will, the will in the international arena without any external obstacles pressure.

4. Feeling the need to find its place in existential existence, to independently exercise its socio-political rights, to continue its historical and cultural wealth based on national characteristics and traditions of heuristic research, the nation considers only self-consciousness as a condition, an opportunity, an imperative of development. Therefore, consciousness is not only an objective phenomenon, which is based on the goal of building a new social life, new, meets the fundamental interests of the nation, people, ways of governance and state institutions, so to speak, prosperous life, free and prosperous country.

List of literature

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