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heritage / culture / observatories / architecture / UNESCO / IAU / astronomy / astrophysics. / наследие / культура / обсерватории / архитектура / ЮНЕСКО / МАС / IAU / астрономия / астрофизика

Аннотация научной статьи по биологическим наукам, автор научной работы — Gudrun Wolfschmidt

The conference in Kazan (Dec. 2019) "Historical, Cultural and Scientific Heritage of Astronomical Observatories: Formation of the Outstanding Universal Value of Sites" was organized in the context of the IAU-UNESCO "Astronomy & World Heritage" Thematic Initiative; the purpose was to identify and preserve monuments and sites, connected with astronomy and having historical, cultural and technical value. Observatories offer a good possibility for serial transnational applications for the UNESCO list. A well-known example is the Struve Arc, already recognized as World Heritage. I would like to propose a serial transnational application for the UNESCO list including Hamburg, Kazan and La Plata observatories with the topic "transition from classical astronomy to modern astrophysics".

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Конференция в Казани (декабрь 2019) «Историко-культурное и научное наследие астрономических обсерваторий: формирование выдающейся универсальной ценности объектов» была организована в рамках Тематической инициативы МАС-ЮНЕСКО «Астрономия и всемирное наследие»; целью было выявление и сохранение памятников и мест, связанных с астрономией и имеющих историческую, культурную и техническую ценность. Обсерватории предоставляют хорошую возможность для подачи серийного транснационального обращения в список ЮНЕСКО. Известный пример – Дуга Струве, уже признанная всемирным наследием. Я хотела бы предложить серийное транснациональное обращение в список ЮНЕСКО, включающее Гамбургскую, Казанскую обсерватории и обсерваторию Ла-Плата с темой «переход от классической астрономии к современной астрофизике».



УДК 520.1


G. Wolfschmidt


Working Group History of Science and Technology, Hamburg Observatory, University of Hamburg Hamburg, Germany

Abstract. The conference in Kazan (Dec. 2019) "Historical, Cultural and Scientific Heritage of Astronomical Observatories: Formation of the Outstanding Universal Value of Sites" was organized in the context of the IAU-UNESCO "Astronomy & World Heritage" Thematic Initiative; the purpose was to identify and preserve monuments and sites, connected with astronomy and having historical, cultural and technical value. Observatories offer a good possibility for serial transnational applications for the UNESCO list. A well-known example is the Struve Arc, already recognized as World Heritage. I would like to propose a serial transnational application for the UNESCO list including Hamburg, Kazan and La Plata observatories with the topic "transition from classical astronomy to modern astrophysics".

Keywords: heritage, culture, observatories, architecture, UNESCO, IAU, astronomy, astrophysics.

For citation: Wolfschmidt G. Heritage of astronomical observatories in the context of the thematic initiative on heritage of "astronomy, science and technology". Heritage and Modern Times. 2020;з(з):17-29.


I would like to present some remarks about the architecture of observatories since the Baroque time. In the 17th and 18th centuries there were very few real observatory buildings, only Tycho's Observatory Uraniborg (1576), Paris (1667) and Greenwich (1675). Towers of fortifications, churches and castles were used for observation. Examples are the Rundetaarn, University of Copenhagen (1642), and in the 18th century the Jesuit College Clementinum in Prague (1725), "La Specola" in Bologna (1725) and "La Specola" Osservatorio Astronomico di Padova (1761). The other possibility were platforms like Hevelius' Observatory in Danzig / Gdansk (1649), the

© Wolfschmidt G., 2020


observatory on a bastion of the castle in Nuremberg (1677). There are also observatories with a small tower on the roof like in the Royal Academy in St. Petersburg, where the Gottorf Globe is situated (1725) or the Mathematical Tower of the University Observatory in Breslau / Wrozlaw (1811).

The next step was around 1800 with observatories in Neo-Classicistic style, which used the shape of the Greek Cross, mostly built by famous architects. Examples are the National Observatory in Athens (Theophil Hansen, 1846), the new Observatory in Berlin (Karl Friedrich Schinkel, 1836), the Observatory in Bonn (Karl Friedrich Schinkel, 1844) and the Observatory in Quito, Ecuador (1873).

Around 1800 the dome as a characteristic feature of observatories was invented. Before a cone shaped (like already in Tycho's observatory) or cylindrical "domes" were used. The first domes were built in Seeberg Observatory in Gotha (1788) - the leading European observatory with Franz Xaver von Zach (1754-1832) around 1800, Dunsink Observatory (1785), Armagh Observatory (1790) and Gottingen Observatory (1816), the last one still existing in its original form [1].

Observatories in the 19th Century -Three Dome Facade and Positional Astronomy

The architecture of observatories in the 19th century was characterized by one building with three "domes", in the beginning mainly cylindrical "domes". The first three observatories with this innovative design were Helsinki Observatory, built by Carl Ludwig Engel (1778-1840) in 1834, "old" Kazan University Observatory, built by Mikhail Petrovich Korinfsky (1788-1851) in Neo-Neoclassical Style in 1837, and Pulkovo Observatory, St. Petersburg, built by Alexander Brjullow (1798-1877) in 1839. Later, several important observatories were constructed in that style like the Astrophysical Observatory Potsdam-Telegraphenberg (1879), the University Observatory Potsdam-Babelsberg (1913), and even the "Deutsches Museum" in Munich (1925), an institution for popularization of science and technology, especially astronomy, with two domes for a refractor and reflector and the middle dome for the first planetarium in the world (originally in the oval hall in the 3rd floor).

Smaller observatories had one (cylindrical) "dome" like Dorpat / Tartu, Estonia (1811), or two domes like the old observatory in Brussels (1828). Also, the old Hamburg observatory with navigation school (1825), founded by Johann Georg Repsold (1771-1830) and built by Hinrich Anton Christian Koch (1758-1840), had two domes; it became Hamburg State Institute in 1833.

Topics of research in the 19th century were positional astronomy with meridian circles for compiling star catalogues, celestial mechanics and timekeeping, especially for navigation, and surveying. Johann Georg Repsold (1770-1830) invented in 1803 the first modern meridian circle (since 1818


preserved in Goettingen Observatory). The workshop Repsold, founded in Hamburg in 1799, developed as "Adolf & Georg Repsold" (1830 to 1867) and as "A. Repsold & Sons" (1867 to 1919), and delivered astronomical instruments to observatories all over the world - a global player.

In the Engelhard Astronomical Observatory (1901) in Kazan there are a meridian circle, made by Repsold in 1845, an azimut mark, in addition a remarkable heliometer (Repsold, 1874, moved to EAO in an extra dome in 1908), a 68-mm-transit instrument (Carl Bamberg of Berlin), a universal instrument (Fennel of Vienna), chronometers (Knoblich of Hamburg) and astronomical pendulum clocks (Tiede of Berlin), and a chronograph (Fuess of Berlin).

In Hamburg Observatory there is a 19-cm-meridian-circle (f=2,3 m), made by A. Repsold & Son (Hamburg 1909).

In the observatories in La Plata / Argentina, Rio de Janeiro / Brazil, Naval Observatory in Washington D.C., as well as in Lisbon / Portugal, Brussels / Belgium, Strasbourg / Strasbourg or Pulkovo / Russia, you can find nice Repsold meridian circles.

Typical for the classical astronomy were large refractors. In Kazan, you can find the 31cm = 12''-Engelhardt-equatorial, made by Howard Grubb of Dublin (1879); it was the second largest refractor in the German Empire (Dresden) after Strasbourg Observatory, with clock drive, with an illuminated position micrometer, Repsold of Hamburg. The optics of the 136-mm-seeker of the equatorial, was made by Reinfelder & Hertel of Munich, the mounting was made by G. Heyde of Dresden. In addition a 6" comet seeker, Merz of Munich, was used.

In La Plata Observatory [2, p. 201] you can find a 21.6-cm-equatorial refracting telescope (f=3.1m), made by Paul Gautier of Paris (1881), a 21-cm-meridian circle, 2 zenith telescopes, an astrograph, and a larger 43-cm-refracting telescope (f=9.6-m), all made by Gautier until 1890 (optics made by Henry Brothers). Then since 1906 La Plata Observatory acquired German instruments: a large Repsold meridian circle (19-cm-objective, made by Zeiss), a Zeiss 20-cm-comet-seeker, two Repsold transit instruments (objectives made by Steinheil of Munich) and Wanschaff zenith telescopes (A. Repsold & Son of Hamburg). There also existed about 1900 seismographical instruments, a meteorological tower and precision pendulum clocks for time keeping (for navigation).

In Hamburg Observatory in Bergedorf there is a Equatorial Telescope, made by A. Repsold & Son (1867) for the "old" observatory, transferred to the new observatory. In addition there is the large 60-cm-Refractor (9-m focal length) in a large 13-m-dome, mechanics made by A. Repsold & Son, Hamburg, 1911, optics made by Steinheil of Munich (visual lens, 1914, photographic lens, 1925). Very impressive is also one of the first lifting platforms (height 4,50-m) in the world, made by Zeiss of Jena, 1909.

"Astronomy & World Heritage"

The World Heritage Committee adopted in 1994 the Global Strategy, which objective is to establish a representative and balanced World Heritage List, to fully reflect the cultural and natural diversity of heritage of Outstanding Universal Value. Because sites related to science are among the most under-represented on the World Heritage List, the UNESCO World Heritage Centre started the Thematic Initiative "Astronomy and World Heritage" in order to establish a link between Science and Culture towards recognition of the specific values of properties connected with astronomical observations, archaeoastronomical sites as well as observatories. In October 2008 a MoU between UNESCO and IAU was signed.

Also in October 2008 an International ICOMOS Symposium took place in Hamburg "Cultural Heritage of Astronomical Observatories around 1900", published in 2009.

Many events were organized in 2009 during the International Year of Astronomy (IYA) to promote the "Astronomy & World Heritage" (AWH) initiative: In January the UN IYA Opening Ceremony, UNESCO Paris (creation of the WG AWH), in August the XXVII General Assembly of the IAU in Rio de Janeiro and the meeting "AWH: Across Time and Continents" in Kazan, Russia, in October "Astronomy and its Instruments" in Venice, Italy, and the meeting of the European Society for Astronomy in Culture (SEAC) in Alexandria, Egypt. In Feb. 2010 the UNESCO World Heritage Thematic Initiative was presented in Cairo, Egypt, in July 2010 a conference took place in Interlaken, Switzerland about "High Mountain Observatories". During the XXVIII IAU General Assembly in Beijing, China in July 2012 and the XXIX IAU General Assembly in Honolulu, Hawaii in August 2015 the topics were further promoted and developed [1]. Two Thematic Studies were published in 2011 and 2015. In August 2018 during the IAU Centenary Symposium 349: "Under One Sky" in Vienna the thematic initiative was reorganized as C.C4 "World Heritage & Astronomy" not as WG but as Commission. The WG "Windows to the Universe: Classical and Modern Observatories" was created.

In 2018, I presented a IAU List of "Outstanding Astronomical Heritage" (OAH), that are outstanding in the history of astronomy but do not necessarily demonstrate potential "Outstanding Universal Value" which would be needed for inscription on the World Heritage List. Some important observatories cannot be included in the World Heritage list because the important condition for UNESCO, an architectural monument (with the non-moveable instruments), is not fulfilled. If you look at observatories as an historian of astronomy, you would evaluate not mainly the building, but also the collections, which illustrate the history and importance of an observatory, like instrument collections, a large photographic plate collection, a rich archive of historical material and


maps, library, and especially the significance in the history of astronomy (looking at famous astronomers due to their results and publications). The observatories, discussed here, are included in the OAH list (Kazan: Old University Observatory (1837) - IAU code 135, EAO (1901) - IAU code 136; La Plata, IAU code 839; Hamburg Observatory Millerntor, IAU code 516, Observatory Hamburg-Bergedorf, IAU code 029).

Astronomical Observatories around 1900 -From Classical Astronomy to Modern Astrophysics

Around 1860 astronomy underwent a revolution. In the context of "classical astronomy", only the direction of star light was studied. In the 1860s quantity and quality of radiation were studied for the first time. This was the beginning of modern "astrophysics".

Simon Newcomb (1835-1909) wrote: "that the age of great discoveries in any branch of science had passed by, yet so far as astronomy is concerned, it must be confessed that we do appear to be fast reaching the limits of our knowledge[3, p. 14-20, p. 65-73]. But he was wrong. In the second half of the 19th century a new, revolutionary branch of astronomy began to be practiced - the "New Astronomy" - as Newcomb later called it, in contrast to positional astronomy. The main topic of research had crossed over from classical astronomy to the new astrophysics. Concerning the change of the research field, Karl Friedrich Zoellner (18341882) introduced the word "astrophysics" in 1865. Instead of combining astronomy with mathematics with compiling large star catalogues and the calculation of orbits of the planets and comets, astronomers around 1860 began to investigate the properties of celestial bodies with physical and chemical methods.

This new field of astrophysics caused, and was caused by, new instrumentation: spectrographs and object lens prisms, instruments for astrophotography (portrait lenses, astrographs), photometers for measuring the brightness of stars (starting with the visual Zoellner photometer in 1860, later photographic and photoelectric photometry), solar physics instruments (since 1868, photo-heliograph, spectroheliograph, later coronograph) and laboratory equipment for analyzing the photographic plates and spectra (cf. blink comparator, spectrum comparator, measuring devices for getting the stellar magnitudes like iris diaphragm photometer, etc.).

Another change was made in the architecture, the idea of an "Astronomy Park" with many different buildings and domes came up, as in the case of Nice Observatory (1879), Kazan (1901), La Plata (1883/86, 7 ha area with 18 buildings, including domes), Hamburg-Bergedorf (1906/12, 7 ha area), Brussels (1883/90) and in the USA (US Naval Observatory Washington D.C. 1887). The idea of an astronomy park observatory is

realized like in Hamburg with a strict separation of observatory domes on one side and the main building with the library and administration, the office buildings and the workshop on the other side.

In the last quarter of the 19th century only a few centres of astrophysics existed in the world. Besides the Astrophysical Observatory Potsdam, where astrophysics was born, one should mention Goettingen, Heidelberg, Bonn, Bamberg and Hamburg in Germany, then observatories in Hungary, Italy (Collegio Romano Rome in the 1870s), England (Greenwich Astrophysical Department, 1873), France (Meudon Solar Observatory, 1876), Russia (Pulkovo Astrophysical Department, 1882) and South America (La Plata, 1886), also in the United States (Harvard, Cambridge, Mass., 1870s; Lick, Mt. Hamilton, 1888; Yerkes, Wisconsin 1897) and India (Kodaikanal Solar Observatory, 1899, since 1972, field station of the Indian Institute of Astrophysics in Bangalore).

Fig. 1. Above left: Astronomy Park of La Plata. Photo by G. Wolfschmidt. Above right: Kazan Observatory. Below: Astronomy Park of Hamburg Observatory. Photo by Hamburg Observatory

I will mainly discuss these three observatories, here in chronological order (Fig. 1):

- Observatorio de La Plata, Argentina, built by Pedro Benoit (1836-1897) (1883/86) [2].

- Engelhardt Astronomical Observatory (EAO) in Kazan, Russia, built by N.F. Malinovsky in Neo-Classicistic Style in 1897-1901. The instruments were donated by Basilius von Engelhardt / Vasily Pavlovich Engelhardt (1828-1915), used in Dresden from 1877 to 1897 [4, 5].

- Observatory Hamburg-Bergedorf, Germany, built by Albert Erbe (1868-1922) in Neo-Baroque style (1906-1912) [6].

Instruments for Astrophysics (Astrophotography, Photometry, Spectroscopy)

In 1887 with the "Astrophotographic Congress" in Paris the standard double astrograph (34-cm and f=3.4-m) - for photography in the visual and blue region - was introduced by the brothers Paul Pierre Henry & Prosper Mathieu Henry for the "Carte du Ciel" Project. Portrait lenses were used at Lick Observatory or in Heidelberg to photograph the Milky Way. But also reflectors like the 70-cm-Waltz-reflector in Heidelberg were used. La Plata acquired in the beginning only a small 15-cm-photographic refractor, made by Gautier of Paris (1890), equipped with a new 34-cm-objective (f=3.4-m), made by Carl Zeiss of Jena (1913), getting now a standard astrograph. In addition, a photometric camera and a Zeiss "blink comparator" for asteroids and variable stars research was used.

In Hamburg Observatory the Lippert Astrograph, a standard astrograph with UV-Triplet L (Carl Zeiss, Jena, 1911) was used in combination with an objective lens prism. In addition, in Hamburg existed a 30-cm-double-astrograph with an object lens prism (Carl Zeiss of Jena 1914). This Lippert astrograph was used in the 1920s for recording stellar data like brightness, colours, spectraltypes, proper motion in an international cooperation (Potsdam, Hamburg-Bergedorf, BerlinBabelsberg, Bonn and abroad: Groningen, Netherlands as well as five American observatories, Harvard, Lick; Mt. Wilson; Yale and Yerkes). The result in Hamburg was the so-called "Bergedorfer Spektraldurchmusterung", published since 1935 to 1953. With the AG astrograph (Astronomische Gesellschaft), made by Zeiss of Jena (1924), started the project of photographing the sky (180,000 stars) together with Bonn and St. Petersburg; the result was published as the AGK2 catalogue (1952) and AGK3 (1964).

Concerning astrophysics in Kazan, an ocular spectroscope, according to Vogel, was used, and a universal spectroscope, made by Merz, Munich, with a four prism system a vision directe. An early visual photometer was used: a wedge photometer. In Kazan existed a 120-mm-astrograph, made

by G. Heyde, Dresden, with objective prism. Another astrograph was acquired in 1914 [5, p. 38]. Especially in the time of Dmitry Yakovlevich Martynov (1906-1989), in 1938, the Head of the Department of Astrophysics of Kazan University, the interest in astrophysics increased; he analyzed e.g. close binary systems, was founder of the Russian school in this field of research. In the field of photometry the "EAO Kazan Variable Star Conference" (1932) was organized. In addition, Kazan astronomers made Solar Eclipse Expeditions with astrograph, 11-m-coronagraph (1914 Russia, 1936 and 1941 Alma-Ata).

Also, Hamburg Observatory was active in Solar Eclipse Expeditions (Samarkand 1907, Mexico 1923, Atlantic 1925, Jokkmokk, Finland, 1927, Philippines 1929) [6].

In particular, the glass mirror reflecting telescope was recognized as a more important instrument than a large refractor.

Already in 1887/89 La Plata [2, p. 199] acquired an 80-cm-reflecting-telescope, made by Gautier of Paris, optics by Paul & Prosper Henry of Paris. A new mirror was made by Zeiss of Jena in 1930, changing from a Newtonian to a Cassegrain system. These improvements were done by the Potsdam astrophysicist Johannes Hartmann (1865-1936), when he was director in La Plata Observatory, 1921 to 1934. In the 1960s a larger 2.15-m-reflector was bought, installed in San Juan in 1986.

For Hamburg Observatory, the 1-m=40"-Reflecting-Telescope, the third largest in the world of that time, was made by Zeiss of Jena (1911); the fourth-largest in the world after the 1.5-m=60" Mt. Wilson (1904), Lowell-Observatory Flagstaff 1.1-m=42" (Alvan Clark, 1909), and the old 1.5-m=60", Andrew Ainslie Common (1841-1903), Ealing (1889, mirror made by George Calver of Chelmsford, transferred to Harvard College Observatory in 1904, then to Boyden Observatory, South Africa, 1924). The Hamburg 1-m-reflector became a prototype, a breakthrough for the Zeiss company, mainly for European observatories like Berlin-Babelsberg (1.22-cm, 1924, since 1925 Crimean Astrophysical Observatory), Merate, Milano, Italy (1-m, 1926), and Uccle Observatory, Brussels, Belgium (1-m, 1932), but also Nanjing, China (60-cm). In the USA large reflectors were built: in Mt. Wilson Observatory the 60" = 1.5-m-Reflector (1904) and the Hooker-Telescope, 100" = 2.5-m (1917) [7], the 1.83-m=72" Plaskett telescope, Dominion Astrophysical Observatory, Canada (1918) and the George Ritchey 1.02-m=40", US Naval Observatory Washington, D.C. (1934), moved to Flagstaff, Arizona (1955).

Finally, the Schmidt telescope was the most important and influential invention in Hamburg Observatory. Bernhard Schmidt (1879-1935) opened his Optical Workshop first in Mittweida near Chemnitz (1901 to 1927), then in Hamburger Observatory (1927 to 1935); there he constructed this

remarkable wide angle photographic instrument with a spherical mirror and a glass correction plate, which allows the imaging of a large field of the sky without any distortions - avoiding spherical aberration, coma and astigmatism. The first Schmidt Telescope (1930) had 36-cm aperture, 63-cm focal length and focal ratio 1:1.75. The 80-cm-Hamburg-Schmidt-Telescope, made by Zeiss of Jena, 1954 (1.20-m, f=2.40-m) was brought to Calar Alto, Southern Spain, in 1976, because of the better weather conditions. Now one can find Schmidt telescopes all over the world like the "Big Schmidt" (1.26-m, 1.83-m, f=3.07-m), Mount Palomar (1938-1948), 1-m-ESO-Schmidt, La Silla, Chile (1973) and Tautenburg near Jena (1.34-m, 2.00-m, f=4.00-m), built by VEB Zeiss Jena (1960).

Fig. 2. Above: Observatorio de La Plata, Argentina: Repsold meridian circle, Reflector

dome, Zeiss-Gautier reflector. Photo by G. Wolfschmidt (left). Middle. Old Observatory Kazan, EAO Kazan: Meridian building, Refractor building, Repsold meridian circle. Photo by G. Wolfschmidt. Below. Observatory Hamburg-Bergedorf: Repsold meridian circle, 1-m-Reflector with spectrograph, 1-m-dome. Photo by G. Wolfschmidt (right)

In this context also the Maksutov telescope should be mentioned. In 1936, Dmitri Dmitriyevich Maksutov (1896-1964), State Optical Institute in St. Petersburg (Leningrad), started with his work, which led to the invention of a system which uses a thick (spherical) negative meniscus lens for correcting the spherical aberration combined with a spherical main mirror; the meniscus telescope design was published in 1944. For survey cameras, the Schmidt and Maksutov systems were also combined, used e.g. in Kazan (38/52-cm-Schmidt-Maksutov-telescope, 1938), resulting a telescope with the extreme aperture ratio and a wide field of about 50°.

All observatories have also acquired or built modern instruments since 1945 (e.g. radio astronomy), opened expedition stations or branch observatories and made the turn to satellite astronomy (e.g. in Kazan observations of artificial Earth satellites in 1957), astrometry with Hipparcos and especially X-ray astronomy (Hamburg and Kazan); these topics are not mentioned here (Fig. 2).

Serial Transnational UNESCO Application and Outstanding Universal Value (OUV)

Serial properties will include component parts related, because they belong to: a) the same historical - cultural group; and provided, it is the series as a whole - and not necessarily the individual parts of it - which are of Outstanding Universal Value.

Struve Geodetic Arc (UNESCO, 2005), initiated by Friedrich Georg Wilhelm von Struve (1793-1864) from 1816 to 1852 with 265 main station points from (nowadays countries) Norway, Sweden, Finland, Russia, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Belarus, Moldova, Ukraine to the Black Sea (2820 km). This idea is very suitable for UNESCO applications of observatories, like the here mentioned Hamburg, La Plata, Kazan.

Looking at the ten criteria for the assessment of Outstanding Universal Value (OUV), three of them fit very well to the proposal:

II. exhibit an important interchange of human values, over a span of time or within a cultural area of the world, on developments in architecture or technology, monumental arts, town-planning or landscape design.

This is shown in the revolutionary change of the research field: "From classical astronomy to modern astrophysics around 1900". This causes a change in the architecture and in the instrumentation (and observation technology) - from meridian circle, refractor, heliometer to new instruments like astrograph, reflecting telescope, Schmidt telescope and several astrophysical instruments. In addition, this also changes the observatory layout, from one building with domes to an ensemble of buildings in an astronomy park. In this context for Hamburg Observatory, also striking inventions like the Schmidt-Telescope and the breakthrough of the reflecting telescopes with the Zeiss company should be mentioned.


IV. be an outstanding example of a type of building, architectural or technological ensemble or landscape which illustrates (a) significant stage(s) in human history.

The three observatory buildings have an impressive architecture (Neo-Classical or Neo-Baroque style), they are well preserved and restored. Integrity and authenticity (OUV) are fulfilled in respect to architecture, instrumentation and observatory layout. The observatories are cultural monuments with high scientific, technological and historical significance. With the instrumentation the observatories show the whole development of astronomical instrumentation and observation technology. Many instruments in Kazan and in La Plata were made by German makers; showing the close cooperation between the observatories (letters e.g. in the Repsold archive).

VI. be directly or tangibly associated with events or living traditions, with ideas, or with beliefs, with artistic and literary works of outstanding universal significance (the Committee considers that this criterion should preferably be used in conjunction with other criteria).

The observatories are characterized by important inventions and results of research of universal value. This can be seen in the publications, in the existence of famous astronomers - like Repsold, Walter Baade (1893-1960), Bernhard Schmidt and Otto Heckmann (1901-1983), first General Director of ESO from 1962 to 1969, for Hamburg; Joseph Johann von Littrow (1781-1840) and Nikolai Iwanovich Lobachevsky (1792-1856) for Kazan; Johannes Hartmann and Jorge Sahade (1915-2012), IAU President from 1985 to 1988, for La Plata - and in international cooperation (star catalogues, solar eclipse expeditions, Venus transit expeditions, ESO, Hipparcos and nowadays many satellite projects).

Popularization of Astronomy - Observatories as Educational and Cultural Centers

Finally all three observatories are open to the public with a lot of activities and events like star gazing evenings, lectures, guided tours, museums and exhibitions (Schmidt Museum, Hamburg and Long Night of Museums, Museum of Astronomy and Geophysics, La Plata, 1997, Museum Kazan), Heritage day - Day of the open Monument, Day of the open House, Astronomy Workshop (special astronomical education programmes in Hamburg for school children), special courses for university students, and a Planetarium (La Plata and Kazan).


Hamburg can be seen as a model observatory for the beginning of astrophysics because of the site (astronomy park at the outskirts of the city), and also because of the choice of astrophysical instruments, astrographs,

but especially the introduction of the modern reflector, well suitable for astrophysics, and the invention of the Schmidt telescope, besides the instruments for classical astronomy like the meridian circle and the refractor, many of them and additional instruments can be found also in La Plata and Kazan.

The change of the research field "from classical astronomy to modern astrophysics" can be seen very well in all three observatories Hamburg, La Plata and Kazan observatories around 1900 - concerning the change in instrumentation, the impressive architecture (integrity and authenticity, well preserved and restored), and the idea of an ensemble of buildings in an astronomy park; all this is an important cultural heritage connected with leading observatories of this time. This corresponds to the main categories according to which the "Outstanding Universal Value" (UNESCO criteria ii, iv and vi) of the observatories have been evaluated: historic, scientific, and aesthetic. So, the proposal was made to suggest the Hamburg, Kazan and La Plata observatories for a serial, transnational application for the UNESCO World Heritage list.


1. Wolfschmidt Gudrun. "Route of astronomical observatories" project: Classical observatories from the Renaissance to the rise of astrophysics. In: FM 2: Astronomical Heritage: Progressing the UNESCO-IAU Initiative. XXIXth IAU General Assembly, August 2015. Ed. by Clive Ruggles. Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union (Cambridge University Press). Volume 11 (2016). Issue A29A (Astronomy in Focus). P. 124-128.

2. Forte Juan Carlos, Sofia A. Cora. La Plata Astronomical Observatory. In: Wolfschmidt Gudrun (ed.): Cultural Heritage of Astronomical Observatories — From Classical Astronomy to Modern Astrophysics. Proceedings of International ICOMOS Symposium in Hamburg, October 14—17, 2008. Berlin: hendrik Bäßler-Verlag (International Council on Monuments and Sites, Monuments and Sites XVIII) 2009. P. 196—203.

3. Newcomb Simon. The Place of Astronomy among Sciences. In: Sideral Messanger 7 (1888).

4. Nefediev Y.A. Kazan Observatory as Astronomical Heritage. In: Astronomy and World Heritage: Across Time and Continents. Ed. by Mikhail Ya. Marov. Kazan: Publishing House of Kazan University, 2015. P. 225—231.

5. Nefediev Y.A., Sakhibullin N.A., Bikmaev I.F., Andreev A.O. Astronomical Researches and Space Heritage in Kazan University. Kazan: Kazan University Press, 2019.

6. Wolfschmidt Gudrun (Hg.). Kometen, Sterne, Galaxien — Astronomie in der Hamburger Sternwarte. Zum 100jährigen Jubiläum der Hamburger Sternwarte in Bergedorf. Hamburg: tredition (Nuncius Hamburgensis - Beiträge zur Geschichte der Naturwissenschaften; Band 24), 2014.

7. Wolfschmidt Gudrun. Astronomy from Renaissance to the mid-twentieth century. Case study 12.4: Mount Wilson Observatory, USA (with Clive Ruggles). In: Heritage Sites of Astronomy and Archaeoastronomy in the context at the UNESCO World Heritage Convention. A Thematic Study. Ed. by Clive Ruggles and Michel Cotte. Paris: International Council on Monuments and Sites, Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS) and International Astronomical Union (IAU) 2011. P. 207—209 (printed version).


Г. Вольфшмидт


Рабочая группа по Истории науки и технологии Гамбургской обсерватории, Гамбургский университет, Гамбург, Германия

Аннотация. Конференция в Казани (декабрь 2019) «Историко-культурное и научное наследие астрономических обсерваторий: формирование выдающейся универсальной ценности объектов» была организована в рамках Тематической инициативы МАС-ЮНЕСКО «Астрономия и всемирное наследие»; целью было выявление и сохранение памятников и мест, связанных с астрономией и имеющих историческую, культурную и техническую ценность. Обсерватории предоставляют хорошую возможность для подачи серийного транснационального обращения в список ЮНЕСКО. Известный пример — Дуга Струве, уже признанная всемирным наследием. Я хотела бы предложить серийное транснациональное обращение в список ЮНЕСКО, включающее Гамбургскую, Казанскую обсерватории и обсерваторию Ла-Плата с темой «переход от классической астрономии к современной астрофизике».

Ключевые слова: наследие, культура, обсерватории, архитектура, ЮНЕСКО, МАС, IAU, астрономия, астрофизика.

Для цитирования: Вольфшмидт Г. Наследие астрономических обсерваторий в контексте тематической инициативе по наследию «Астрономия, наука и технологии». Наследие и современность. 2020;з(з):17-29. (In English))

Сведения об авторе Author of the publication

Вольфшмидт Гудрун, профессор, док- Gudrun Wolfschmidt, Dr., Professor,

тор наук, Рабочая группа по Истории Working Group History of Science and

науки и технологии Гамбургской обсерва- Technology, Hamburg Observatory, Univer-

тории, Гамбургский университет, Гам- sity of Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany.

бург, Германия. Email: Gudrun.Wolfschmidt@unihamburg.de Email: Gudrun.Wolfschmidt@unihamburg.de

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