ASTRONOMY AND SPACE SCIENCE/TECHNOLOGY HERITAGE: A SYNERGY Текст научной статьи по специальности «Социальная и экономическая география»

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Ключевые слова
space exploration / UNESCO Initiative “Astronomy / Space / Science and Technology Heritage“. / исследование космоса / Инициатива ЮНЕСКО «Наследие астрономии / космических наук и технологий»

Аннотация научной статьи по социальной и экономической географии, автор научной работы — Mikhail Marov, Olga Dluzhnevskaya

Astronomy belongs to the ancient’s science and it is regarded as important branch of the human culture. Beginning of the first observations of skies and celestial bodies people progressively gained more knowledge about the home planet environment and expanded their horizons. XX century manifested the great milestone in the advancement of human civilization – the beginning of space exploration. This breakthrough dramatically expanded the human knowledge about space environment, opened the new horizons in space utilization for different applications, and fertilized philosophical concepts of the mankind existence and its place in the Universe. Space exploration impacted the whole spheres of human life and specifically, put astronomy on the completely new ground. These great achievements have been ensured by the great advancement in the technology development, while space technology provided numerous spin-offs which benefited various branches of people activities. There is a synergy between astronomy and space technology serving a driver to progress with astronomy. Both are regarded as important segment of the human culture heritage. The goal to reach a consistent approach is addressed in the new UNESCO “Astronomy, Space Science and Technology Heritage“ Initiative.

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Астрономия относится к древнейшим наукам и рассматривается как важная отрасль человеческой культуры. Начав первые наблюдения за небом и небесными телами, люди постепенно приобретали больше знаний об окружающей среде родной планеты и расширяли свой кругозор. XX век явил миру значительную веху в продвижении человеческой цивилизации – начало освоения космоса. Этот прорыв существенно расширил знания человека о космической среде, открыл новые горизонты в использовании космоса для различных применений, а также подтвердил философские концепции существования человечества и его места во Вселенной. Освоение космоса повлияло на все сферы человеческой жизни и конкретно поставило астрономию на совершенно новую ступень. Эти великие достижения были обеспечены за счет значительного прогресса в развитии технологий, в то время как космические технологии способствовали многочисленным побочным разработкам, которые приносили пользу различным отраслям человеческой деятельности. И то, и другое рассматривается как важный сегмент культурного наследия человека. Реализация последовательного подхода ставится целью новой инициативы ЮНЕСКО «Наследие астрономии, космических наук и технологий».


УДК 520:629.78


1M. Marov, 2O. Dluzhnevskaya

1marovmail@yandex.ru, 2olgad@inasan.ru

1Russian Academy of Sciences, UNESCO WHC Tentative WG for Space Technology Heritage 2Centre for Astronomical Data, Astronomical Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences

Moscow, Russia

Abstract. Astronomy belongs to the ancient's science and it is regarded as important branch of the human culture. Beginning of the first observations of skies and celestial bodies people progressively gained more knowledge about the home planet environment and expanded their horizons. XX century manifested the great milestone in the advancement of human civilization — the beginning of space exploration. This breakthrough dramatically expanded the human knowledge about space environment, opened the new horizons in space utilization for different applications, and fertilized philosophical concepts of the mankind existence and its place in the Universe. Space exploration impacted the whole spheres of human life and specifically, put astronomy on the completely new ground. These great achievements have been ensured by the great advancement in the technology development, while space technology provided numerous spin-offs which benefited various branches of people activities. There is a synergy between astronomy and space technology serving a driver to progress with astronomy. Both are regarded as important segment of the human culture heritage. The goal to reach a consistent approach is addressed in the new UNESCO "Astronomy, Space Science and Technology Heritage"Initiative.

Keywords: space exploration, UNESCO Initiative "Astronomy, Space, Science and Technology Heritage".

For citation: Marov M., Dluzhnevskaya O. Astronomy and space science/technology heritage: a synergy. Heritage and Modern Times. 2020;3(3):30-40.

Introduction and Historical Highlights

Astronomy was one of the most important sciences in the ancient world. It was rooted in naked eye observations and primitive stony instruments for astrometric measurements to determine positions of the Sun, Moon, planets and some stars what had both practical and sacral meaning. That is why the majority of archaeoastronomical monuments are simultaneously observatories and sanctuaries, with burials and altars.

Interest to the investigation of ancient monuments as instruments for astronomical observations has significantly grown in recent decades. Since the 1981, the "Oxford" international conferences on archeoastronomy have been held every 3-5 years organized since 1995 by the International Society for Archaeoastronomy and Astronomy in Culture (ISAAC) which was founded in the USA in that year. The European Society for Astronomy in Culture (SEAC) also deals with the problems of archaeoastronomy and holds scientific conferences annually In Russia, the first conference on the archaeoastronomy was held in 1996 in Moscow, followed by the SEAC con-

© Marov M., Dluzhnevskaya O., 2020 30

ference "Astronomy of ancient civilizations" during JENAM meeting in 2000 and International symposium "Astronomy 2005 - modern state and prospects" in 2005.

A new milestone started with the UNESCO Initiative "Astronomy and World Heritage".

Throughout the years UNESCO have been working hard to preserve the humankind achievements, astronomy included, as World Heritage. The breathtaking monuments of ancient civilizations like Decorated Grottoes Of The Vezere Valley (France), Stonehenge (Great Britain), Lines of Nasca (Peru), Pyramids in Giza (Egypt), Temple Of Heaven (China), Ulug Beg Observatory in Samarqand (Uzbekistan) to mention a few were recognized. These also bear an invaluable educational mission.

In 2003, the UNESCO World Heritage Centre (WHC) set up the new project to reveal and preserve the objects of archaeoastronomy of historical and cultural value all over the world. The First International Meeting of experts "Archaeoastronomical objects and observatories" organized by the WHC and Regional European Bureau on Science was held in 2004 in Venice, Italy. The strategy of thematic program "Astronomy and World Heritage" and general criteria of selection of arhaeoastronomical sites/observatories were considered including: i. Objects situated or related to celestial objects or astronomical events; ii. Images of the sky and/or of celestial objects and astronomical events; iii. Observatories and instruments; and iv. Objects closely connected with the history of astronomy.

Space Exploration: Baseline and the Venue

Space exploration manifested the new great milestone in the development of human civilization. It made possible observations in the whole wavelength with incremental precision and also, direct in situ measurements in other worlds. The Astronomy World Heritage Initiative should encompass various facilities involving those related to space exploration. Basically, great breakthroughs of the modern astronomy were achieved due to space born instruments and planetary space missions. Indeed, space astronomy ensured the most significant progress in astrophysics gaining invaluable knowledge about space objects and the Universe as a whole, thus broadening up tremendously the human horizons. It is therefore prerequisite to include Space Astronomy as an important segment of astronomical World Heritage.

The project technological heritage connected with space exploration is arises as a logical extension of the Astronomy World Heritage Initiative because it is intrinsically related with the most important breakthroughs in space science and additionally, it is rooted in space technology. The idea was put forward at the Astronomy World Heritage meeting held in Kazan, Russia in August, 2009 (ASTROKAZAN'2009), subject to further discus-

sions and clarifications. The first step towards the goal has been undertaken in the paper [1]. It is generally understood that the proposed segment of Space Astronomy/Technology World Heritage should have an international significance in terms of the human beings tight relationships with sky. Obviously, international team of specialists should be further involved in the process of collecting respective materials/documentation and writing proposals to accommodate the World Heritage Convention.

Space Science/Technology Heritage: Synopsis

A synopsis of the most important events along the track was as follows: Round-table discussion in the Russian Academy of Sciences aiming to define a core of the Thematic Initiative on heritage of science and technology (2005); 50th anniversary of the Sputnik «Fenêtres sur le Cosmos: Spoutnik et l'Aube de l'Age Spatial», organized at the French Senate by ESA/CNES, Paris, France. Thematic research proposal «Odyssey of human creative genius: towards protection of space technological heritage connected with space exploration» (2007); International Conference on "Astronomy and World Heritage: Across Time and Continents", Kazan, Republic of Tatarstan, Russia (2009); ICOMOS/IAU Thematic Study on Heritage of Astronomy, Cairo, Egypt (2010); International Seminar on Heritage of Astronomy in the Institute of Astrophysics Paris, France (2011); and UNESCO World Heritage Committee meeting in St. Petersburg, Russia (2012).

At the Kazan conference, for the first time a preliminary definition of types of technological sites and facilities connected with space exploration were given and proposed, how the clearly defined landscape designed and created intentionally by man and intrinsically associated with the Launch Pad and the related structures development to be identified. The focus was placed on the most prominent parts of space networks specially designed and built for manned flights and the historical sites where the concepts of space flight were pioneered and original space vehicle designs were tested. At the Cairo meeting, space heritage was additionally specified as heritage related to the process of carrying out science in space; heritage related to manned space flight/exploration; and human cultural heritage that remains off the surface of planet Earth. In turn, in Paris meeting tentative proposal of fixed sites and facilities pertaining specifically to space astronomy and/or generally to space science, in particular, ground space facilities and launch pads (cosmodromes) were discussed.

The UNESCO World Heritage Committee in St. Petersburg in 2012 preliminary endorsed Space Astronomy as a segment of Astronomy Heritage and basically, as a segment of Space Technology Heritage. There was recommended to set up International Working Group under UNESCO umbrella in order to discuss the main issue and develop proposals how to progress with Space Technology Initiative and to accommodate Convention on the World

Heritage. In the Decision 36 COM5D adopted at the 36th Session of the World Heritage Committee (RF, 2012) is said: "The World Heritage Committee: Also welcomes financial and technical support provided by State Parties and the International Astronomical Union for Thematic Initiative "Astronomy and World Heritage", since 2003 and also encourages cooperation between the UNESCO World Heritage Centre, specialized agencies and relevant interdisciplinary scientific initiatives towards the elaboration of a Global Thematic Study on Heritage of Science and Technology, including studies and research on technological heritage connected with space exploration; and Further encourage States Parties, international organizations and other donors to continue to the thematic programmes and initiatives and also requests an updated report on Thematic Programmes to the World Heritage Committee at its 38th session in 2014" (UNESCO/ 2013).

Following this resolution, Director of the WHC Mr. Kishore Rao in the letter to interesting parties of June 30, 2012 emphasized the point that "In the light of this decision, the world Heritage Center would like to identify all main actors concerned in order to enhance international cooperation and to define new partnership. Two working groups were already created within the framework of this initiative - an International Working Group on Astronomy and World Heritage chaired by Prof. Clive Ruggles and a first expert Working Group on technological heritage connected with space exploration chaired by Prof. Mikhail Marov, Academician of the Russian Academy of Science." In addition, the UNESCO Associated Director-General for Culture Mr. Francesco Bandarin in his letter to Prof. Mikhail Marov dated July 20, 2012 underlined that "a number of decisions regarding development of innovative strategic approaches in the implementation of the World Heritage Convection were taken by the World Heritage Committee at the 36th session. Among them, the first Committee's decision on technological heritage connected with space exploration is indeed highly symbolic. I would like to underline the very active role the high-level Russian specialists play in promotion and support of this new initiative... I am confident that under your chairmanship and with involvement of all specialized agencies, institutions and centers concerned, this study on technological heritage connected with space exploration will be the start to our common flagship activities."

Nomination of Russian representative to chair the Tentative Working Group and advance respective activity was a recognition of the pioneering role of the former Soviet Union in space exploration [2]. In due course of the following years the WG pursued the main goal of this initiative aiming to identify the relevant segments of space technologies heritage intrinsically related to astronomy and involving both tangible and intangible objects. The great efforts have been undertaken with the WHC assistance to recruit members of the WG. About dozen State Parties responded positively expressing their interest to participate and nominate respective Focal Points.

National Focal Points (Egypt, Russian Federation), UNESCO's representatives (World Heritage Centre), Space Agencies (ROSCOSMOS) and International bodies (COSPAR, IAF) met during 40th Scientific Assembly of COSPAR in Moscow on August 6, 2014 within the framework of Associated Event on the UNESCO Thematic Initiative "Astronomy and World Heritage" to discuss thematic and organizing issues relevant to the elaboration of studies and researches on technological heritage connected with space exploration. By the Tentative WG of the UNESCO WH Center initiative, a meeting of stakeholders involving the nominated focal points and all other interested parties regarding to Space Technology Heritage with ROSCOSMOS provisional sponsorship to be held in the UNESCO HQ in 2018. The meeting aimed to clarify the main thematic/organizing and cooperative issues.

The situation relating to the Tentative WG responsibility and activity changed, however, with recent renaming of the UNESCO "Astronomy and World Heritage Initiative". In 2018, the World Heritage Centre transmitted to all States Parties to the World Heritage Convention, a Circular Letter (ref. CL/CLT/WHC-18/012 of 31 July 2018) with a progress report and the extract of the Committee's Decision 42 COM 5A concerning the implementation of the renamed Thematic Initiative on Heritage of Astronomy, Science and Technology. The new Thematic Initiative integrates ground based and space astronomy with technological breakthroughs that ensured advancement in astronomical knowledge and therefore, makes the overall initiative unified and more coherent.

It was aware that because of its broad scope of interest and responsibility the UNESCO WG on space exploration needs to be linked with the relevant international organizations such as IAU, COSPAR and IAF, all these bodies were requested to join this Initiative and expressed their agreement. It is worth noting that International Astronomical Union supported this new UNESCO Initiative since the very beginning. Quoting from MOU adopted during 28th IAU General Assembly (Beijing, China, August 24, 2012): "LAU expresses its continuing support to the UNESCO Thematic Initiative "Astronomy and the World Heritage" and in response to the UNESCO promotion, is willing to further extend this Initiative over Space Science and Technology with main focus placed on Space Astronomy and relevant facilities." A Working Group WG 3 Space Technology Heritage" was set up within IAU Commission C.4 (the IAU WG3 C.C4, M. Marov Chair) in order to advance the "Odyssey of human creative genius" project, which focuses on technological heritage connected with space exploration. The WG triennial report has been adopted during GA 2018, but by the decision of the Division C Steering Committee it was disbanded as a body focused on technology rather than astronomy that is regarded as misunderstanding and short-sighted policy.

Astronomy and Space Science/Technology: A Synergy

There is a basic synergy between Space Astronomy and Space Technology, the latter serving a driver to progress with astronomy and space science. Space Heritage Initiative can be further extended to many historically important achievements in space science and technology spin offs. Robotic and manned flights aiming eventually to permanent human habitant in space and follow up extension through the Solar system serves as brilliant examples of Space Science and Technology Synergy. However, many important questions remain unsolved and are not yet clearly defined. The key question is what and how to recognize and/or commemorate space or space related objects and distinguish between tangible and intangible entities. In other words, how to commemorate material artifacts in space being after launch rather virtual than tangible objects.

The bottom line is how to select, alongside with the valuable sites, monuments, observatories and instruments, outstanding objects operated in space and could they be listed as significant material artifacts among historically important astronomical facilities. Needless to say, that Astronomical Space Observatories and Lunar and Planetary Space Vehicles have been of outstanding value to astronomy. Such space observatories like Hubble Space Telescope, Quant, Chandra, WMAP, Spitzer, Planck, Kepler, etc. literally revolutionized our world attitude and tremendously advanced physics, astrophysics, and astronomy. In turn, planetary orbiters and landers such as Luna, Venera, Mars, Mariner, Viking, Voyager, Galileo, Cassini-Huygens, Rosetta, New Horizon, Dawn, Spirit, Opportunity, Curiosity, Yu-tu, Chandrayan, Hayabusu opened up to our eyes neighbor space and allowed us to have close up views of virtually all major members of the Solar system family. As an example, detailed description of the Soviet/Russian robotic space missions can be found elsewhere [3, 4], and NASA, ESA, and JAXA releases/technical reports, not saying about numerous publications in scientific journals and monographs.

The goal is therefore to find out a consistent approach of the legacy of various human artifacts and activities in this particular field of astronomy which is intimately related with the progress of space technology. Obviously, mock ups of several generations of the world recognized astronomical and planetary spacecraft preserved in the ground space facilities could serve as replica of the virtual space objects and after acceptance by the international bodies (IAU, ICOMOS, etc.) to be assigned as UNESCO Space World Heritage. In the short list of such objects one might suggest Yu. Gagarin orbital flight capsule VOSTOK and Gagarin space suite; Apollo 11 lander EAGLE and N. Armstrong space suite. Also, in the list could be the first orbital stations Salyut, Skylab and MIR, which paved the road to the International Space Station (ISS), and several generations of space launchers including Space Shuttle and Buran, as well as a few robotic spacecraft [5; 6].

Space Facilities and Launch Pads (Cosmodromes)

This particular segment of technological heritage connected with space exploration must be specially addressed and could be considered as the first step towards the implementation of the new UNESCO Initiative. Indeed, Space Facilities where recognized spacecraft were designed and manufactured and Launch pads (cosmodromes) are regarded as an important part of the overall space infrastructure. They ensured development and launch of spacecraft and thus are to be regarded historical cornerstones of space exploration. Examples are: OKB-1 (RSC "Energiya"), NPO-Lavochkin, Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), Johnson Space Flight Center (JSFC), Toulouse Space Facility, Baikonur Space Center, Cape Canaveral Space Center, Koru Launch Pad. One should bear in mind, however, that the existed formal restrictions are subject to rather elaborative negotiations before to announce space ventures/cosmodromes as UNESCO World Heritage. Nonetheless, we are keen to anticipate a solid progress towards understanding the principal concepts underlying such a complex topic which could be accomplished with step by step approach.

Baikonur Launch pad could be suggested as the Case Study [5, 7]. Historically it was the first site linking mankind with the skies and it has a priority as the site holding historical facilities provided the First artificial satellite launch and Gagarin flight which manifested the great breakthrough in the human civilization. It is one of the most advanced possessions of space era and occupies historically important position in the human culture. Its recognized achievements and credibility satisfies to the World Heritage Convention [8, 9], stating in an Article 49 that "Outstanding Universal Value means cultural and/or natural significance which is so exceptional as to transcend national boundaries and to be of common importance for present and future generations of all humanity" and also "represent a masterpiece of human creative genius" [8; 9 Article 771].

We are aware that the Case Study should satisfy the basic standards concerning tangible evidences of sites and/or objects to be selected as cultural entities of the world recognized value. Unfortunately, until recently no special guideline has been proposed by interested countries in order to satisfy the requirements and criteria for space science and technology sites/artifacts selection to fully accommodate UNESCO WH standards. Obviously, alongside with the inventory and historical development description, management issues are to be addressed as the most critical in terms of the justification for inscription. They include comparative analysis, integrity-authenticity, criteria under which inscription might be proposed, suggested statement of OUV, etc., which are vital in the study.

Another important point that one should bear in mind is that Baikonur is a huge area with numerous launch pads and facilities in its infrastructure and it has been dramatically extended since those historical events. Thus, in order to


satisfy integrity-authenticity requirements, UNESCO patronage could be extended over only a small part of the overall Baikonur site/infrastructure - e.g., the famous "Launch pad №2" known as "Gagarin's start site". In addition to the Gagarin's start site, two small cottages "Gagarin" and "Korolev" where the first cosmonaut and Chief Designer stayed overnight before the historical flight, could be suggested. Following WH Convention (1972) such a selection is based upon tangible evidences. Gagarin's launch pad is in place and operational. The start's facility is integrated in terms of the capable space technologies used for testing and launch of manned craft. Many cosmonauts and crews have been launched since the Gagarin first flight. Also, in the sense of state of integrity, it is justified that no eventual lacks or partial demolition occurred since the Gagarin's time.

The authenticity is undoubted and well documented including historical archives available. Commemoration of the historical events related to the launch pad is inscribed on the stone plate erected in site besides the pad. While original launch pad and close environment were partially reconstructed incorporating modern equipment, they did not influence authenticity. The Gagarin and Korolev cottages have been repaired but did not experienced any changes including the former furniture and personal belongings. Thus, the Gagarin's start site and cottages satisfy criteria under which inscription might be proposed, as well as suggested statement of OUV. The places fully preserved the tangible attributes of the history and could be commemorated as the UNESCO WH. This seems will not impose political obstacles despite the fact that Baikonur is under international Russia-Kazakhstan joint jurisdiction. Some important issues are to be negotiated with ROSCOSMOS including managerial aspects of the implementation of the Initiative.

Some progress has been accomplished along the track. A part of the Baikonur Space Centre infrastructure such as the human-engineered Gagarin Launch Pad together with related auxiliary facilities were addressed and recommended to be in the list of priority objects of space technology heritage. Elaborative comments in support of this idea were brought in the paper [7]. Regarding Baikonur cosmodrome as a provisional object of the tangible Space World Heritage, there has been significant progress since the meeting in March 2015 aiming to clarify many problems involved with participation of the IAU, ICOMOS and Russian and Kazakh authorities. The Initiative was preliminary accepted by ROSCOSMOS and according to UNESCO press release: Russian space corporation promotes Baikonur as UNESCO

Extraterrestrial Material/Lunar Soil and Proceedings/Manuscripts of Space Pioneers

There are some other categories of objects to be taken into consideration as potential entities of special importance in terms of Space World Heritage. Samples of extraterrestrial origin delivered by APOLLO astronauts and LUNA space vehicles back to Earth promoted unique opportunities to get insight into the Earth-Moon system formation and manifested


the first steps undertaken by humans towards in-depth study of pristine matter encapsulated unique information on the solar system origin and early evolution. Currently, the main bulk of samples are preserved in Johnson Space Flight Center, Houston, USA, and in Vernadsky Institute, Moscow, Russia. These samples represent the real accomplishments of the human culture and they deserve to be recognized as UNESCO World Heritage.

Among the important topics selected as space legacy the Proceedings and/or Manuscripts of space pioneers could be considered. This particular aspect of the Astronomy/Space World Heritage is addressed with a caveat to meet the criteria of the World Heritage Convention. Among space pioneers, one may suggest to list Konstantin Tsiolkovsky, Hermann Oberth, Robert Goddard, Yuri Kondratyuk, Serge Korolev, and Verner von Braun. The respective archives are pertinent to selecting out necessary documents, publications, etc. in an appropriate format. There should be rather strict regulations while soliciting UNESCO patronage over these documents.

The above list of provisional entities deserving to be commemorated as Astronomy and Space World Heritage objects is not exhausted and can be further extended.


Space Astronomy and Planetary Exploration ensured the most significant progress in gaining knowledge about Solar system and the Universe broadening up tremendously the human horizons. Basically, there is a synergy between astronomy, space science and technology, the latter serving a driver to progress with astronomy. It is therefore prerequisite to address space science represented by astronomical spacecraft and probes as an important segment of the UNESCO Astronomy World Heritage. Recent decision of the UNESCO WHC to rename the former Astronomy Heritage Initiative to the UNESCO Astronomy, Space Science and Technology Initiative fits the goal to recognize space /technology as an important segment of the astronomy and space science. A consistent approach to the legacy of space facilities and human artifacts is proposed to be developed along this track. Launch pads and ground based space facilities could be selected to start with accepting the proposed Initiative. The Initiative could be further expanded to other historically important achievements in space science/technology involving both tangible and intangible categories of objects left behind by robotic and manned space missions. Based on the new UNESCO Astronomy, Space Science and Technology Initiative, a merging of the former Group of Focal Points for the Astronomy World Heritage Initiative and experts of the Tentative WG which has been set up in 2012 to advance space technology heritage is expected to be done. The new created Group of Focal Points delegated by the interested countries will serve as stakeholders of the new UNESCO Initiative with an ultimate goal to advance selection of the most distinguished astronomical and space objects with constraints to accommodate the criteria of the World Heritage Convention.


1. De Vorkin D., Marov M. Ya. Papers jointly entitled "Space Achievements as World Heritage" In: Heritage Sites of Astronomy and Archaeo-astronomy in the context of the UNESCO World Heritage Convention: A Thematic Study (eds. C. Ruggles and M. Cotte), ICOMOS-IAU, Ch. 15. 2011.

2. Keldysh M.V., Marov M.Ya. Space Research. NAUKA, Moscow, 1981.

3. Automatic Space Vehicles for the Fundamental Scientific and Applied Research (ASV), Lavochkin Association (eds. G.M. Polytshuk and K.M. Pichhadze). MAI-PRINT, Moscow, 2010.

4. Huntress W.T., Marov M.Ya. Soviet Robots in the Solar System. Mission Technologies and Discoveries. Springer-Praxis. 2011.

5. Rocketry-Space Corporation (RSC) ENERGIA, 1946-1996, 1996. (ed. Yu.P. Se-menov), v.1, Korolev.

6. Space Scientific Center (SSC) TSNIIMASH-70, 2016. (eds. Gorshkov O.A., Anfimov N.A., Panichkin N.G.), v.1. Korolev- RINFO.

7. Marov M.Ya. "World Space Heritage of Bayconur Cosmodrome: The Case Study". Thematic Study 2 TS2, (eds. C. Ruggles and M. Cotte), ICOMOS-IAU. 2017.

8. World Heritage Convention (http://whc.unesco.org/en/guidelines).

9. UNESCO 2013, The Operational Guidelines for the Implementation of the World Heritage Convention (Paris: UNESCO) (http://whc.unesco.org/en/guidelines).

10. UNESCO press release: Russian space corporation promotes Baikonur as UNESCO object (tass.com/science/973056 of 02/11/2017).


!М.Я. Маров*, 2О.Б. Длужневская**

*marovmail@yandex.ru, **olgad@inasan.ru

Фоссийская Академия Наук, рабочая группа Центра Всемирного наследия ЮНЕСКО «Космическое и технологическое наследие» 2Тематическая инициатива ЮНЕСКО «Астрономия и Всемирное наследие», Институт астрономии РАН Москва, Россия

Аннотация. Астрономия относится к древнейшим наукам и рассматривается как важная отрасль человеческой культуры. Начав первые наблюдения за небом и небесными телами, люди постепенно приобретали больше знаний об окружающей среде родной планеты и расширяли свой кругозор. XX век явил миру значительную веху в продвижении человеческой цивилизации — начало освоения космоса. Этот прорыв существенно расширил знания человека о космической среде, открыл новые горизонты в использовании космоса для различных применений, а также подтвердил философские концепции существования человечества и его места во Вселенной. Освоение космоса повлияло на все сферы человеческой жизни и конкретно поставило астрономию на совершенно новую ступень. Эти великие достижения были обеспечены за счет значительного прогресса в развитии технологий, в то время как космические технологии способствовали многочисленным побочным разработкам, которые приносили пользу различным отраслям человеческой деятельности. И то, и другое рассматривается как важный сегмент культурного наследия человека. Реализация последовательного подхода ставится целью новой инициативы ЮНЕСКО «Наследие астрономии, космических наук и технологий».

Ключевые слова: исследование космоса, Инициатива ЮНЕСКО «Наследие астрономии, космических наук и технологий».

Для цитирования: Маров М.Я., Длужневская О.Б. Наследие астрономии и космических наук/технологий: синергия. Наследие и современность. 2020;3(3):30-40. (In English)

Сведения об авторах

Маров Михаил Яковлевич, академик РАН, руководитель Рабочей группы Центра Всемирного наследия ЮНЕСКО «Космическое и технологическое наследие», Москва, Россия. E-mail: marovmail@yandex.ru

Длужневская Ольга Борисовна, кандидат физико-математических наук, директор Центра астрономических данных Института астрономии РАН, Российский координатор Тематической Инициативы ЮНЕСКО «Астрономия и Всемирное наследие», Москва, Россия. E-mail: olgad@inasan.ru

Authors of the publication

Mikhail Marov, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Chair of UNESCO WHC Tentative WG for Space Technology Heritage, Moscow, Russia. E-mail: marovmail@yandex.ru

Olga Dluzhnevskaya, Director of The Centre for Astronomical Data, Astronomical Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences, Focal Point for UNESCO Astronomy World Heritage Initiative from RF, Moscow, Russia. E-mail: olgad@inasan.ru

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