HEALTHCARE PROFESSIONALS IN KYRGYZ REPUBLIC Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки о здоровье»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам о здоровье, автор научной работы — Sanobar Sheikh, Ashish

The profession of healthcare involves a lot of specialization, aspects of exploration, a lot of effort hard work and determination. Healthcare becomes the most valuable profession al globally because it deals with the life and concerns of the livelihood, hence the hype is worth and has proved that a quality life with the healthy body requires a strong healthcare system that has the potential and a zeal to provide, reform and be active on social, economic, regional and global levels. It becomes a very crucial task to provide health Care to all in need with a proper communication with the health system norms rules and does keep a statistical data for research and to tackle the future needs, pandemics, endemics and creation of better preventions, treatments and management for patients from different regions, ages and of signified distress or commodities. Kyrgyzstan also has a healthcare system which is called as Kyrgyzstan Soviet system of free universal healthcare which provides a reasonable number of doctors assistance nurses with medical clinics hospitals to provide care and treatment to respective illness and maintain regional health in the regional population. As per the research is formed that is the compulsory social and medical insurance (CSSM) program which was established on January 2020 that lets an individual pay for certain medical expenses and regulate Health Care in the better quality has turned to be an interesting and a much better way for improvement of social economic status of the country and a step towards a better community Health. As per the capita gross, national income of Kyrgyzstan was 1,170 dollars in 2015 and human development in desk has classified it to a medium human development country shows lower-middle-income economy. So far, human immunodeficiency virus HIV virus had very low percentage of prevalence that is 830 cases were officially reported on 2006 of February but that but the real number was estimated to be 10 times more. One of the reasons for spread has been the prison population and narcotic trafficking, whereas cardiovascular and respiratory conditions stand first for the reason of morbidity in the society. However, the rate of maternal mortality was more than 15% in 2008, that signifies that gets done is under the ‘very bad’ category of right to reproductive health as the nation is fulfilling only 55% of expected. Therefore, adding up to the issues related to family and community illness and creating a challenge for the healthcare system.

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Бюллетень науки и практики / Bulletin of Science and Practice Т. 8. №11. 2022

https ://www.bulletennauki.ru https://doi.org/10.33619/2414-2948/84


UDC 614.23 https://doi.org/10.33619/2414-2948/84/34


©Санобар Шейх, Международная высшая школа медицины, г. Бишкек, Кыргызстан, sanobarsheikh26@gmail.com ©Ашиш, Международная высшая школа медицины, г. Бишкек, Кыргызстан, asat79@mail.ru


©Sanobar Sheikh, International Higher School of Medicine, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, sanobarsheikh26@gmail.com ©Ashish, International Higher School of Medicine, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, asat79@mail.ru

Аннотация. Профессия врача включает в себя большую специализацию, аспекты исследования, много усилий, упорного труда и решимости. Здравоохранение становится самой ценной профессией во всем мире, потому что оно имеет дело с жизнью и заботами о средствах к существованию, поэтому шумиха стоит и доказала, что качественная жизнь со здоровым телом требует сильной системы здравоохранения, которая имеет потенциал и рвение для обеспечения, реформировать и быть активным на социальном, экономическом, региональном и глобальном уровнях. Очень важной задачей становится предоставление медицинской помощи всем нуждающимся с надлежащим соблюдением правил норм системы здравоохранения и сохранением статистических данных для исследований и решения будущие потребности, пандемии, эндемии и создание более эффективных мер профилактики, лечения и управления для пациентов из разных регионов, возрастов и с выраженным дистрессом или товарами. В Кыргызстане также есть система здравоохранения, которая называется советской системой бесплатного всеобщего здравоохранения Кыргызстана, которая обеспечивает разумное количество врачей, помогающих медсестрам с медицинскими клиниками, больницами для оказания помощи и лечения соответствующих заболеваний и поддержания регионального здоровья населения региона. Согласно исследованию, программа обязательного социального и медицинского страхования (ОСМС), учрежденная в январе 2020 года, которая позволяет физическому лицу оплачивать определенные медицинские расходы и более качественно регулировать здравоохранение, оказалась интересной и многообещающей. лучший путь для улучшения социально-экономического положения страны и шаг к улучшению здоровья населения. Что касается валового дохода на душу населения, национальный доход Кыргызстана составил 1170 долларов США в 2015 году, и в таблице развития человеческого потенциала он классифицируется как страна со средним уровнем человеческого развития, показывающая экономику с уровнем дохода ниже среднего. До сих пор вирус иммунодефицита человека имел очень низкий процент распространенности, то есть 830 случаев были официально зарегистрированы на февраль 2006 года, но это, но реальное число оценивалось в 10 раз больше. Одной из причин распространения было тюремное население и незаконный оборот наркотиков, тогда как сердечно-сосудистые и респираторные заболевания стоят на первом месте среди причин заболеваемости в обществе. Однако уровень материнской смертности в 2008 году превысил

Бюллетень науки и практики / Bulletin of Science and Practice Т. 8. №11. 2022

https ://www.bulletennauki.ru https://doi.org/10.33619/2414-2948/84

15%, что означает, что сделанное относится к «очень плохой» категории права на репродуктивное здоровье, поскольку нация выполняет только 55% ожидаемого. Это усугубляет проблемы, связанные с семейными и общественными заболеваниями, и создает проблемы для системы здравоохранения.

Abstract. The profession of healthcare involves a lot of specialization, aspects of exploration, a lot of effort hard work and determination. Healthcare becomes the most valuable profession al globally because it deals with the life and concerns of the livelihood, hence the hype is worth and has proved taht a quality life with the healthy body requires a strong healthcare system that has the potential and a zeal to provide, reform and be active on social, economic, regional and global levels. It becomes a very crucial task to provide health Care to all in need with a proper communication with the health system norms rules and does keep a statistical data for research and to tackle the future needs, pandemics, endemics and creation of better preventions, treatments and management for patients from different regions, ages and of signified distress or commodities. Kyrgyzstan also has a healthcare system which is called as Kyrgyzstan Soviet system of free universal healthcare which provides a reasonable number of doctors assistance nurses with medical clinics hospitals to provide care and treatment to respective illness and maintain regional health in the regional population. As per the research is formed that is the compulsory social and medical insurance (CSSM) program which was established on January 2020 that lets an individual pay for certain medical expenses and regulate Health Care in the better quality has turned to be an interesting and a much better way for improvement of social economic status of the country and a step towards a better community Health. As per the capita gross, national income of Kyrgyzstan was 1,170 dollars in 2015 and human development in desk has classified it to a medium human development country shows lower-middle-income economy. So far, human immunodeficiency virus HIV virus had very low percentage of prevalence that is 830 cases were officially reported on 2006 of February but that but the real number was estimated to be 10 times more. One of the reason for spread has been the prison population and narcotic trafficking, Whereas, cardiovascular and respiratory conditions stand first for the reason of morbidity in the society. However, the rate of maternal mortality were more than 15% in 2008, that signifies that gets done is under the 'very bad' category of right to reproductive health as the nation is fulfilling only 55% of expected. Therefore adding up to the issues related to family and community illness and creating a challenge for the healthcare system.

Ключевые слова: система здравоохранения, Киргизская Республика, факторы риска, санитария и гигиена.

Keywords: health system, Kyrgyz Republic, risk factors, sanitation and hygiene.


Health care is a top priority for all the nations and is a matter of concern globally due to changing commodities climate and factors that risk the human life the population health is one of the ideal indicators of social economic development of a specific country as per the program of Kyrgyz republic government for 2019 to 2030 Tom a headline of healthy person prosperous country. This program has the main motive to prioritize the communicative diseases in the particular region which are HIV tuberculosis reproductive health mental health prenatal care etc.

The public health coordinating council which is the kyrgyz Republic government that governs the Republican emergency of anti epidemic and anti episodic commissions solve the health issues related to the population on the national level. Health coordination commissions that are involved

Бюллетень науки и практики / Bulletin of Science and Practice Т. 8. №11. 2022

https ://www.bulletennauki.ru https://doi.org/10.33619/2414-2948/84

with emergency aunty epidemic and anti-epizootic commission they keep an eye over the health related issues on a regional level [1].

The ministry of health of Kyrgyz Republic involves to separate structural unit and subordinate units that are secreted rates of national council and committee respectively. A large number as 1800 village health committees was started under the committee action of health program that provided health to every person and supported community health to address the public health issues for local communities in 2016.

In mid 1990s there was a shortage of healthcare , drugs , accumulation of debates for necessities and health care services and medications. The system standards emphasized on specialized Care through the polyclinics by professional Care providers. As there was a plenty of structural convenience the healthcare system and economic transition got independent and health sector reforms the change to clinical practices and were converted to the system organization and financing Improvements on specific aspects related to high prevalence diseases in the particular areas were given importance such as maternal and child health prevention and treatment of TB, HIV /AIDS control of cardiovascular diseases and treatment all the necessary preventions and thus providing a more precise service in these particular areas for avoiding the bottleneck and problems that the system of healthcare good face while battling and conquering these obstacles health financing public health individual services resource generation stewardship give a boon to the services provided by the program of then "Den Sulook" in 2012 to 2018.


Due to less interaction between governmental and non-governmental structures there was less technical facilities that could create a hurdle in nutrition and food security along with environmental protection occupational health protection was one of the main strategic step for sector development road safety was one of the main reasons for disability and that death rates became higher.

Globally, the importance of health community is achieving aims to improve and protect the population through systems and structures formed by authorized people for the support of livelihood in a specific region. A good health system reduces the number of hospitalization could be aligned for better patient and family requirements and is reduce the burden of health expenditure. Thus, reduction in number of emergency departments and inappropriate health Care interventions proves a healthcare system to be successful and strong as free healthcare improves the productivity of economic status of a country [2].

The literacy rate in Kyrgyzstan is 99.6% which is a really remarkable rate however healthcare is still at a developing stage due to less communication and lack of technical and infrastructural supports in particular regions and specifically and remote areas. However there are measures being taken to strengthen the countries tendency for urbanization as it was surveyed by the residents in the rural residency. As the rural economy is weak which is less than 20% of the complete countries economy.

Implementation of various policies under public Health Care in Kyrgyz Republic has been a main reason for all the development that has happened till date such as staffing of healthcare system, provision of medicines in the population, providing medical science and educating people, compulsion of medical insurance which has been a great step for socioeconomic development and spread of awareness about the policies and importance of individual health financing. Therefore creating a good step for sanitation and epidemiological welfare for the society [3].

Promotion of importance of Health among children ,women, sector of population that has low income and old people is a big task but along with the strategies and fundamental principle the healthcare has developed a good sense of knowledge among the people.

Бюллетень науки и практики / Bulletin of Science and Practice Т. 8. №11. 2022

https ://www.bulletennauki.ru https://doi.org/10.33619/2414-2948/84


The population needs to reduce the salt intake and prefer healthier options to fulfill their iodine needs to create a balance in their diet thus creating and healthy lifestyle.

Road safety must be followed in a very concrete manner to reduce the mortality graph that has been increased throughout the years due to traffic accidents and mechanical impairments

Look at this Republic has maintained a good sanitation and hygiene program does the continuation of this specific ritual will help the complete population along with the service providers to lead a healthier and let the name of the countries fall into the "Healthy cities" list.

Initiatives can be taken to gather a statistical data of recent years of the tobacco alcohol and salt consumption of the population , smoking consumption of illegal substances such as opioids marijuana morphine in excessive amount lack of physical activity stressful lifestyle and the duration of a specific occupation which deals with has ideas elements such as asbestos silica etc. that is the people who work in mines factories construction places and are exposed to various hazards will make a blueprint for the plan of community morbidity prevention and better healthcare services and treatment for the usual issues and death as a result of cancer cardiovascular diseases COPD mental disorders diabetes and other health comorbidities caused by the risk factors mentioned above.

As the quality of public health services in Kyrgyzstan has stabilized the maternal mortality rates as a result of proper population , recruitment in infrastructure, family planning and treating of diseases this has contributed to a better situation end of better community health in Kyrgyzstan, however lower safety hospitals which have less Medical technology and inadequate equipment with lesser access to clean drinking water become one of the risk factors for contamination hence infrastructure can be improved for the better well being and services.

The transport system for informative technologies adequate financing laboratories and biomaterial especially in rural residences has hindered in the development of the healthcare system. License in standards with quality of diagnostic services and monitoring mechanism must be controlled more efficiently.

Awareness must be spread true Media, boot camps or workshops in the population about the schemes and the facilities they already have but are unaware of for the community treatment and prevention also the awareness about communicative and fatal diseases like HIV AIDS must be given more emphasis to prevent the higher rate of prevalence in the society [4].

Awareness about drugs purchased without a prescription must be reduced as half or wrong information can prove as a reason of mortality or other healthy shoes due to sell treatment among the population thus can cause drug resistances and comorbidities.

A structure is very important for accomplishment and providing of services at a local level as there is less coordination and negotiation between the self-govern bodies and the respective health organization which have been issued by the public health because of which there are still challenges in providing healthcare in the remote regions of Kyrgyzstan.

Family physician are only up to 12% of the complete number of medical staff available in the country and which has declined over the last 10 years up to 53% of required. Hence disproves that there is a need of doctors with specialization in particular fields of concern of the society [5].

Low economic and material facilities to health organization has created boundaries to the ability of healthcare service because of which it remains limited it becomes very necessary important to create this transformation of allocated budget by health organization for better analysis of performance and for respective technologies read it needed for treatment management and creating a database for future possibilities.

Бюллетень науки и практики / Bulletin of Science and Practice Т. 8. №11. 2022

https ://www.bulletennauki.ru https://doi.org/10.33619/2414-2948/84

As there are many reforms and activities taking place to make the healthcare service more precised and favorable for the service providers and for the population the country seems to be at the verge of a good success in the development of their healthcare system as compared to the other countries throughout the world.


1. Ibraimova A. et al. Kyrgyzstan: Health system review. 2011.

2. Fonken P. et al. Keys to expanding the rural healthcare workforce in Kyrgyzstan // Frontiers in Public Health. 2020. V. 8. P. 447. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpubh.2020.00447

3. The Kyrgyz Republic to Gain Better Primary Health Care, with World Bank Support. WORLD BANK. June 7, 2019.

4. Fonken P. et al. Keys to expanding the rural healthcare workforce in Kyrgyzstan //Frontiers in Public Health. 2020. V. 8. P. 447.

5. Beran D. et al. Diabetes in Kyrgyzstan: changes between 2002 and 2009 // The International journal of health planning and management. 2013. V. 28. №2. P. e121-e137. https://doi.org/10.1002/hpm.2145

Список литературы:

1. Ibraimova, A., Akkazieva, B., Ibraimov, A., Manzhieva, E., Rechel, B., & World Health Organization. (2011). Kyrgyzstan: Health system review.

2. Fonken, P., Bolotskikh, I., Pirnazarova, G. F., Sulaimanova, G., Talapbek Kyzy, S., & Toktogulova, A. (2020). Keys to expanding the rural healthcare workforce in Kyrgyzstan. Frontiers in Public Health, 8, 447. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpubh.2020.00447

3. The Kyrgyz Republic to Gain Better Primary Health Care, with World Bank Support. WORLD BANK. June 7, 2019.

4. Fonken, P., Bolotskikh, I., Pirnazarova, G. F., Sulaimanova, G., Talapbek Kyzy, S., & Toktogulova, A. (2020). Keys to expanding the rural healthcare workforce in Kyrgyzstan. Frontiers in Public Health, 8, 447.

5. Beran, D., Abdraimova, A., Akkazieva, B., McKee, M., Balabanova, D., & Yudkin, J. S. (2013). Diabetes in Kyrgyzstan: changes between 2002 and 2009. The International journal of health planning and management, 28(2), e121-e137. https://doi.org/10.1002/hpm.2145

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в редакцию 28.09.2022 г. 12.10.2022 г.

Ссылка для цитирования:

Санобар Шейх, Ашиш Специалисты здравоохранения в Киргизской Республике //

Бюллетень науки и практики. 2022. Т. 8. №11. С. 258-262. https://doi.org/10.33619/2414-2948/84/34

Cite as (APA):

Sanobar Sheikh, & Ashish (2022). Healthcare Professionals in Kyrgyz Republic. Bulletin of Science and Practice, 5(11), 258-262. (in Russian). https://doi.org/10.33619/2414-2948/84/34

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