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The article is devoted to one of the most interesting events in the modern American history - the holding of the 10th Summer Olympic Games in Los Angeles in 1932. Particularly noted is the fact that the main feature of the Games was their successful holding in conditions when the world economic crisis - the Great Depression - reached its apogee. The author analyzes the main features of the Los Angeles Olympics, including its organization and sporting results, as well as the standards laid down during these summer Games for subsequent major international sporting competitions. The author comes to the conclusion that the success of the 1932 Summer Olympics was due to the best traits of the American character - enterprise, hard work, and a creative approach to problem solving.
Keywords: 10th Summer Olympic Games in Los Angeles, Great Depression, anti-crisis management of a Republican administration, 31st US President Herbert Hoover.
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1 Cowan J. and Karlamangla S. Los Angeles Has Promised a 'Car-Free' Olympics in 2028. Can It Do It? URL: https://www.nytimes.com/2024/08/10/us/los-angeles-olympics-traffic-transport.html#:~:text=In%20their%20winning%20bid%20to,%2C%20well%2C%20it's% 20Los %20Angeles (���� ���������: 24.09.2024).
2 ����-������ 1932. URL: https://olimp-history.ru/node/360 (���� ���������: 24.09.2024).
3 URL: https://olympics.com/en/news/los-angeles-1932-california-welcomes-the-world (���� ���������: 24.09.2024).
4 URL: https://info.mysticstamp.com/opening-of-the-1932-summer-olympics_tdih/ (���� ���������: 24.09.2024).
5 URL: https://olympics.com/en/news/los-angeles-1932-california-welcomes-the-world (���� ���������: 24.09.2024).
6 Ibid.
7 URL: https://www.insidethegames.biz/articles/17445/herbert-hoover-did-not-attend-the-1932-olympics-in-los-angeles-becoming-the-second-president-not-to-appear-at-an-olympics-hosted-in-that-country (���� ���������: 24.09.2024).
8 Schwartz Th.F. Hoover and the 1932 Olympic Games. URL: https://hoover.blogs.archives.gov/2021/01/20/hoover-and-the-1932-olympic-games/ (���� ���������: 24.09.2024).
9 URL: https://hoover.archives.gov/timeline#event-/timeline/item/bonus-army (���� ���������: 24.09.2024).
10 URL: https://info.mysticstamp.com/opening-of-the-1932-summer-olympics_tdih/ (���� ���������: 24.09.2024).
11 A Brief History of the US Presidents and the Olympics. URL: https://swampland.time.com/ 2012/07/27/a-brief-history-of-u-s-presidents-and-the-olympics/ (���� ���������: 24.09.2024).
12 Hoover off the Record by Theodore G. Joslin, Secretary to the President, 1931 to 1933. Garden City, New York: Doubleday, Doran and Company, Inc., 1934.
13 URL: https://www.britannica.com/event/Los-Angeles-1932-Olympic-Games (���� ���������: 24.09.2024).
14 URL: https://info.mysticstamp.com/opening-of-the-1932-summer-olympics_tdih/.
15 URL: https://olympics.com/en/news/los-angeles-1932-california-welcomes-the-world.
16 URL: https://www.britannica.com/event/Los-Angeles-1932-Olympic-Games.
17 URL: https://olympics.com/en/news/los-angeles-1932-california-welcomes-the-world.
18 URL: https://www.britannica.com/event/Los-Angeles-1932-Olympic-Games.
19 URL: https://olympics.com/en/news/los-angeles-1932-california-welcomes-the-world.
20 Schwartz Th.F. Hoover and the 1932 Olympic Games...
21 URL: https://la28.org/en/newsroom/los-angeles-and-the-games.html (���� ���������: 24.09.2024).
22 URL: https://www.britannica.com/event/Los-Angeles-1932-Olympic-Games.
23 URL: https://olympics.com/en/news/los-angeles-1932-california-welcomes-the-world.
24 Morgan E. L.A.'s 1932 Olympics Put the City on a World Stage. URL: https://www.pbssocal.org/shows/lost-la/a-boosters-dream-come-true-l-a-and-the-1932-olympics (���� ���������: 24.09.2024).
25 URL: https://olympics.com/en/news/los-angeles-1932-california-welcomes-the-world.