GREEN" ECONOMY IN THE SYSTEM OF SPHERES OF PUBLIC LIFE Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Pishchik Alexander, Provorova Tatiana

The purpose of this article is to find the place of "green" economy in the system of spheres of public life and to determine its role in ensuring sustainable development of socionatural systems. The systemactivity approach is applied as the research methodology. The result of this work shows the influence of the principles of "green” economy on sustainable development of basic spheres of society: economic and ecological, pedagogical and managerial, scientific and artistic, medical and physical culture and sports.

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Цель статьи определить место «зелёной» экономик в системе сфер общественной жизни и её роль в обеспечении устойчивого развития социоприродных систем. В качестве методологии исследования применён системнодеятельностный подход. В результате проведённой работы показано влияние принципов «зелёной» экономики на устойчивое развитие базовых сфер деятельности общества: экономической и экологической, педагогической и управленческой, научной и художественной, медицинской и физкультурноспортивной.




Пищик Александр Михайлович

доктор философских наук, профессор Дзержинского филиала Российской академии народного хозяйства и государственной службы


Проворова Татьяна Геннадьевна

Старший преподаватель Дзержинского филиала РАНХиГС



Pishchik Alexander, Doctor of Philosophy, professor of the Dzerzhinsky branch of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, Dzerzhinsk

Provorova Tatiana, Senior lecturer of the Dzerzhinsky branch of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration methodological, Dzerzhinsk АННОТАЦИЯ

Цель статьи определить место «зелёной» экономик в системе сфер общественной жизни и её роль в обеспечении устойчивого развития социоприродных систем. В качестве методологии исследования применён системнодеятельностный подход. В результате проведённой работы показано влияние принципов «зелёной» экономики на устойчивое развитие базовых сфер деятельности общества: экономической и экологической, педагогической и управленческой, научной и художественной, медицинской и физкультурноспор-тивной.


The purpose of this article is to find the place of "green" economy in the system of spheres of public life and to determine its role in ensuring sustainable development of socionatural systems. The systemactivity approach is applied as the research methodology. The result of this work shows the influence of the principles of "green" economy on sustainable development of basic spheres of society: economic and ecological, pedagogical and managerial, scientific and artistic, medical and physical culture and sports.

Ключевые слова: «зелёная» экономика; системнодеятельностный подход; базовые сферы деятельности. Keywords: "green" economy; the systemactivity approach; the basic spheres of activities.

The problem of sustainable development of socionatural systems can be treated from the point of view of different methodological approaches, such as systemactivity, sistemgenetic, cyclegenetic and others. In this article the problem is considered from the standpoint of the systemactivity approach, developed in Nizhny Novgorod methodological school [6].

In the UNEP reports green economy is defined as one that results in improved human wellbeing and social equity, while significantly reducing environmental risks and its degradation [3]. "The concept of green economy does not replace the concept of sustainable development. It is increasingly recognized, however, that achieving sustainability depends largely on the greening of the economy" [1, p. 5]. Russia's priorities in innovative policy, energy efficiency, modernization of the economy in accordance with modern requirements determine naturally the movement towards green economy and sustainable development [1, p. 6].

The purpose of this article is to define the place of "green" economy in the system of spheres of public life and its role in ensuring sustainable development of socionatural systems.

Activity is an interaction of humans and the environment in accordance with the purposes of a person and objective laws. The sustainable development of any activity we consider in the paradigm of harmony of human measure and measures of the environment at all levels of their being, involved in activities.

The measure of a human being involved in the activity as the subject can be located in the range from a single individual to any Association of individuals who recognize themselves as a single subject of this or that particular purposeful activity. The measure of existence of the object involved in the activity can range from a microcosm to a particular fragment of the macrocosm (megaworld). This definition of a sustainable development of an activity does not contradict standard definitions of sustainable development of socionatural systems in science and international practice.

The concept of green economy, adopted legally (with the help of normative documents) by UNEP in 2009, suits well the philosophy of Russian cosmism, presented, first of all, by the concept of the philosophy of management of S.N. Bulgakov (1912) and by the concept of academician N.N. Moiseev about the coevolution of humanity and the

planetary nature (1985).

The sustainable development of socionatural systems will be able due to the sustainable development of the basic spheres of human activities. Basic human activities are: economic and environmental activities, pedagogical and management, scientific and artistic, medical and physical and sport activities [6]. Sustainability of each area of activity will occur under the condition of sustainable development of those spheres of activity that provide and serve it.

A developed economy depends on the development in this country the following basic spheres of human activity: ecological, pedagogical (education), management (at the level of individual enterprises and the state), scientific, artistic (arts), medical (healthcare) and physical activity (the sphere of physical culture and sport). The sphere of economic activity will develop sustainably, when the economy is ecologically friendly (green economy), knowledgebased (hightech), aesthetically attractive (design), healthsaving (medical and physicalsport activities).

"Green" economy is being formed, above all, in the space of interaction between the two spheres of activity -economic and environmental. Economic activity involves production, exchange, distribution and consumption of material values (wealth). Each of mentioned above types of economic activity includes nature use, i.e. the use of nature resources in the interests of economy. Nature is used as a component of economic activity. All in all we distinguish eight such components: a subject, a tool, an object, a process, a condition, a result, the system of activity and the environment of activity [7].

Ecological activity is an activity to conserve, restore and improve nature as well as to protect people from the

devastating effects of nature and the disposal of human waste [6, p. 33]. Accordingly to the "green" economy will be those kinds of economic activities that do not destroy nature, do not cause natural disasters that threaten human existence. "Green" economy is directly or indirectly linked to the sustainable development of any sphere of human activity. We have already considered the influence of green economy on the field of ecology.

Now we will go on our discussion of the basic spheres.

How is "green" economy presented in pedagogical activity? Pedagogical activity means upbringing, education and training of the younger generation for intergenerational transfer of social experience in the form of value orientations, knowledge and skills. "Green" economy will take place in the presence of ecological culture of the subject of economic activity. Ecological culture (motivational, informational and operational) is formed in the field of pedagogical (educational) activity.

"Green" economy is directly linked to management activity. Management activity regulates "green" economy in the functions of planning, organizing, leadership, control and adjustment.

Scientific activity provides "green" economy with the latest environmental technologies.

Artistic activity makes "green" economy aesthetically appealing for both manufacturer and consumer.

Medical activity provides the health saving hygienic environment in the sphere of "green" economy.

Physical and sports activity of the subjects of green economy supports their health at the proper level.

The participation of eight basic spheres in the formation of "green"

economy is presented in table 1.

Table 1

The relationship of the basic spheres activities with the "green" economy

Spheres of activity "Green" economy

Economic activity "Implementation of the principle of "decoupling" (to meet the growing needs while minimizing the depletion of natural capital), which means a reduction of energy and nature intensity of overall economic growth, the widespread use of renewable energy sources, modernization of production on the basis of innovation. This is the direction that defines the current priorities of economic development of the country" [1, p. 4]. The reduction of environmental risks is interpreted in the international documents as the "principle of precaution" in economic activity. This principle reflects the necessity for caution in economic activity to prevent the possible loss of biodiversity and adverse environmental effects (consequences). It is similar to the principle "do no harm" in medicine [1, p. 13]. It is proposed to mobilize and rebuild the global economy in the direction of increasing investments in clean technologies and "natural" infrastructure. "Green" innovations are new technologies with minimal impact on the environment (alternative energy, electric vehicles, biofuel, etc.). Minimization of the use of nonrenewable natural resources for electricity generation through investment in renewable energy carriers as well as efficient use of energy and its conservation. The reduction in demand and energy costs, as well as its value. Radical (Significant) energy efficiency. Lowcarbon economy. The development of renewable sources of energy (reducing dependence on fossil energy sources) "Green cities": reducing greenhouse gas emissions; greening the housing sector; the development of clean transport; improving the system of waste management, "greening" in the field of water and land management. Increases the welfare of people, ensures social justice. The growth of incomes and employment.

Ecological activity Keeping on favorable environment, environmental safety, which becomes crucial for economic growth and human existence. Prevents the growth of pollution and degradation of environment, exhaustion of natural resources, the imbalance of the biosphere, climate change; significantly reduces risks to the environment and its degradation. Efficient use of natural resources; preservation and enhancement of natural capital; reducing pollution; low carbon emissions. Stimulates the greening of the economy, enables (helps) to avoid catastrophic consequences of global climate change, decreasing biodiversity, pollution of the world ocean, the diminishing of forests area (particularly tropical forests), depletion of fresh water resources, aridity (desertification), etc.

Pedagogical activity Upbringing, education and training people in the principles of "green" economy. Training of innovative multidisciplinary staff in the field of green economy. "Educational programs must integrate the formation of green skills, while education in the field of rational consumption of resources should become the main (key) theme of international policy in the sphere of education" [2, p. 123]. "We need the immediate support of ecological knowledge from a compulsory subject in secondary school and teaching the fundamentals of ideas of sustainable development at higher school to the wider environmental education activities with the mandatory coverage of the theme in the media, including mandatory limits for social advertising. The key role in turning society towards the sustainable development, the formation of interest of broad social groups plays culture (including cinema, pop art, literature), objects of cultural and natural heritage" [1, p. 80].

Management activity Statepublic management in the field of "green" economy. "The success of the modernization on the basis of "green" economy determines the awareness and interest of all sectors, including government, business and population. This determines the need for economic incentives from the development of sectors to the household, educational and outreach activities, targeted media, and social advertising" [1, p. 82].

Scientific activity The increase in the number of interdisciplinary and interdepartmental projects and studies, the transition to integrated multidisciplinary research and development in the field of "green" economy. Participation of specialists, competent in several disciplines, in research projects."The third factor that contributes to the strengthening of the position of green economy, is the hightech development and high level of technological "green" industries that provide rapid transition to a new ( the sixth) technological order. It will determine the face of the world economy and the competitiveness of national economies probably in the middle of this century already "[4].

Artistic activity Eco, bio, and green architecture and design.

Medical activity Prevents the decline in human health; Healthsaving technologies in "green" economy.

Physical and sports activity Physically active lifestyle in "green" economy. "We should provide opportunities for physical activity close to one's residence, while striving to create a cleaner, safer, greener environment which is favourable to a physically active lifestyle" [5, p. X].


1. Sustainable development of socionatural systems - the harmony of human measure and measures of the environment in human activities and human societies

2. Sustainable development of socionatural systems is carried out primarily in the following eight basic spheres of activity: economy and ecology, pedagogy and management, science and art, medicine and physical culture.

3. The sphere of "green" economy, first of all, is the integration of the two spheres - the sphere of economic activity and the sphere of ecological activity. The essence of the "green" economy is greening of economic activity.

4. "Green" economy in the structure of the system of sustainable development of socionatural systems is enriched with products of the basic spheres of human activity.

Thanks to science the "green" economy becomes scienceintensive, thanks to the art aesthetically appealing, thanks to the education educationalcapacious, thanks to the medicine and physical education health - saving and thanks to the management it becomes controllable.

5. "Green" economy is a necessary component of the system of sustainable development of socionatural systems. "Green" economy is environmentally safe economy; it is also scienceintensive, controllable, knowledgebased, aesthetically appealing and health -saving.

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