GREAT THINKERS ABOUT THE FAMILY ENVIRONMENT AND RAISING CHILDREN IN IT Текст научной статьи по специальности «Искусствоведение»

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Ключевые слова
raising a child / family environment / parental duty / speech / culture of speech / diligence / fidelity to duty. / воспитание ребенка / семейная среда / родительский долг / речь / культура речи / трудолюбие / верность долгу.

Аннотация научной статьи по искусствоведению, автор научной работы — Tursunbayeva Nasiba Tastanovna

the views of folk sages on the problem of family and education have very old historical roots. Samples of Uzbek folk oral and written art: proverbs, mudras, fairy tales, sayings pay special attention to the issue of family, parents, family stability, relationships. The views of our sages on the family and education in it, the issues of teaching children the culture of speech, instilling good qualities in them, and properly setting up the family environment.

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взгляды народных мудрецов на проблему семьи и воспитания имеют очень давние исторические корни. Образцы узбекского народного устного и письменного творчества: пословицы, мудры, сказки, поговорки уделяют особое внимание вопросу семьи, родителей, семейной стабильности, взаимоотношений. Взгляды наших мудрецов на семью и воспитание в ней, вопросы обучения детей культуре речи, привития им добрых качеств, правильной настройки семейной обстановки.



CHILDREN IN IT Tursunbayeva N.T.


Abstract: the views of folk sages on the problem of family and education have very old historical roots. Samples of Uzbek folk oral and written art: proverbs, mudras, fairy tales, sayings pay special attention to the issue of family, parents, family stability, relationships.

The views of our sages on the family and education in it, the issues of teaching children the culture of speech, instilling good qualities in them, and properly setting up the family environment.

Keywords: raising a child, family environment, parental duty, speech, culture of speech, diligence, fidelity to duty.


ДЕТЕЙ Турсунбаева Н.Т.

Турсунбаева Насиба Тастановна - старший преподаватель, кафедра узбекский язык и общественные науки, Государственная консерватория Узбекистана, г. Ташкент, Республика Узбекистан

Аннотация: взгляды народных мудрецов на проблему семьи и воспитания имеют очень давние исторические корни. Образцы узбекского народного устного и письменного творчества: пословицы, мудры, сказки, поговорки уделяют особое внимание вопросу семьи, родителей, семейной стабильности, взаимоотношений.

Взгляды наших мудрецов на семью и воспитание в ней, вопросы обучения детей культуре речи, привития им добрых качеств, правильной настройки семейной обстановки.

Ключевые слова: воспитание ребенка, семейная среда, родительский долг, речь, культура речи, трудолюбие, верность долгу.

The methods, tools and factors of the family and its upbringing are more in written pandnoms; Kaikovus' "Qabusnoma", "Saodatnoma", Zahiriddin Muhammad Babur's "Baburnoma" and "Toti Shahnoma", "Odobnoma" and so on, the solutions to family problems are scientifically, theoretically, and practically justified.

The family problem occupied the main place in the creative activity of thinkers and intellectuals. The reason for this is fiction, works of art, national heritage and general human values, which provide meaningfulness to future family pedagogy.

Parents should convey to their children that the life of children in family upbringing is worthy of the traditions of our people, the correct organization of their time and efficient use, and the main guarantee of exemplary upbringing. Our great thinker grandfather Abu Ali Ibn Sina wrote the work "Tadbir al-manozil" dedicated to the issues of family education. In it, the scientist highlighted the duties of parents in raising children. The work focuses on the role, duty and family relations of parents in the family, and especially on the need for parents to train their children in professions and trades with their hard work.

In Ibn Sina's educational views, family and family issues are given a wide place.

In the family, a father should set an example for his children in all aspects of behavior, manners of speech, culture of words, and most importantly, in practical work activities, correctness and truthfulness, sincerity. The scientist believed that the main means of correct upbringing of a child in the family is the formation of faith in his spiritual world.

Yusuf Khos Hajib pays great attention to the problems of family life in his work "Kutadgu bilig". It describes one by one the most necessary tasks of people, starting from getting married and starting a family, raising children, and maintaining the material support of the family. A child's sense of responsibility develops under parental supervision. For this reason, the position of parents in child education is of special importance. The right path they choose is extremely important for the future and development of their children. In society, they warn their parents to judge their children based on their behavior.

In Mirzo Ulugbek's view, the environment in which he is brought up plays an important role in increasing the child's interest in learning. Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to properly organize the family environment in the upbringing of a child.

Kaykovus wrote in his book "Qobus-name" - "If you want your child to be with you, you should be like that with your parents, so whatever you do with your parents, your child will do the same with you, because a child is

like a fruit, and a parent is like a fruit tree. they are similar" and urges young people to respect, honor and be kind to their parents. A parent states that he is ready even to die for his child. If every child is intelligent and wise, he will not refuse to win the love of his parents.

Muhammad Sadiq Kashgari's work "Odob al-Salihiyn" states that a young man who is going to marry should see the girl he wants to marry before marriage, that the girl he is going to marry should be a virgin, and that he should be inferior to the earth in four things - life, height, wealth, and lineage, and above the earth in four things, beauty and beauty, manners, manners, and chastity. emphasizes the need to be high. This idea is of great importance for a peaceful and harmonious life in marriage, for mutual respect between husband and wife in the family.

Rudaki also puts forward important ideas about the upbringing of children in the family and the duty of parents in the development of the young generation. For example, most of the people of his time, even the enlightened ones, neglect the education of their children and regret that the children of some wise people remain ignorant.

For this reason, it will be possible to achieve good results in education only when there is mutual respect between parents and children in the family environment. A person needs education from birth. His first educators are definitely his parents.

In the sections of the work "Family members" by enlightener Munavvar Qari, ideas such as honoring parents and honoring brothers and relatives occupy a special place.

Since the birth of a child in the family, the responsibility of the family to the society increases day by day. Because the fate of the growing generation is inextricably linked with the solution of this problem.

In 1916, Abdurauf Fitrat wrote a philosophical work entitled "Family", in which he discussed the reform of family life, and the writer sought ways of salvation and promoted the idea of universal brotherhood of peoples.

Fitrat divides the family into social tasks, such as "Generation education", "Imaginary education", "Moral education". He believed that the spiritual and mental qualities of a person are mainly determined by his education and the environment in which he lived. If a good upbringing is the most valuable wealth of a person, then a wrong upbringing can turn into a real misfortune and even destruction for him. That is why he attached great importance to family education as well as school education. Proper upbringing in the family is a great help for the school, and on the contrary, if proper upbringing is not carried out in the family, it makes the educational work of the school very difficult.

In the family, a very close and sincere relationship between the child and the educator should be distinguished by its naturalness and simplicity, meaningfulness, warmth, lack of any formality.

The family is the most important area in which a person walks his initial social path. In such a family, there is a boundary between parents and children, such as respect and trust.

Children in the family should not be allowed to sleep in another family under any circumstances, an exception may be made only if the place where the child sleeps is well-known and reliable. If a child is brought up well in the family, the parents will be happy, and a bad child will bring trouble to the parents.

Family and community cooperation is one of the main conditions for successful upbringing of the young generation. Parents should pay special attention to teaching the child to work from a young age, giving him specific work and getting him used to work. However, the child learns work and tries to find his place in society and family. The child's attitude to work, attitude to his parents, opinion towards family members, worldview changes.

The head of the family should have enough practical and theoretical knowledge about parenting and child education. If they do not have enough knowledge, skills and qualifications, they cannot give a good upbringing to a family member, that is, to their children. Bad education in the family affects not only the family itself, but also the family and neighborhood education.

The issue of education has always been an important issue from ancient times to the present. Because the future of our society and country depends on what kind of generation we educate. The wise words of our great enlightened ancestor Abdulla Avloni, "Education is a matter of life - or death, or salvation - or destruction, or happiness - or disaster" do not lose their relevance over the centuries.

References / Список литературы

1. Abdurakhimova F. Oila qo'rg'onining mustahkamligi - jamiyat farovonligi. Toshkent. 2012.

2. Zahiriddin MuhammadBobur. Boburnoma. Toshkent. 1989.

3. Kaykovus. Qobusnoma. Toshkent. 2006.

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