GRAMMATICAL FEATURES OF ENGLISH-LANGUAGE INTERNET COMMUNICATION Текст научной статьи по специальности «Гуманитарные науки»

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Endless light in science
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grammatical / internet / communication / highlights / platforms / language

Аннотация научной статьи по Гуманитарные науки, автор научной работы — Erdenova Asel Talgatkyzy, Erkebai Aiym Ermekkyzy

This study explores the distinctive grammatical features of English used in online communication across various social networks. By analyzing posts, comments, and interactions from platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram, the research identifies patterns of language adaptation influenced by the digital environment. The study focuses on phenomena like abbreviations, sentence shortening, non-standard punctuation, emoticons, and the omission or creative use of grammar rules to convey tone, emotion, and meaning in concise formats. It highlights how these features reflect evolving communication norms and the flexibility of language in the digital age, contributing to a broader understanding of modern linguistic trends.

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Second year master's student at Miras University, Shymkent, Kazakhstan


English teacher at school named after Orazaly Kalmuratuly, Shymkent, Kazakhstan

Annotation. This study explores the distinctive grammatical features of English used in online communication across various social networks. By analyzing posts, comments, and interactions from platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram, the research identifies patterns of language adaptation influenced by the digital environment. The studyfocuses on phenomena like abbreviations, sentence shortening, non-standard punctuation, emoticons, and the omission or creative use of grammar rules to convey tone, emotion, and meaning in concise formats. It highlights how these features reflect evolving communication norms and the flexibility of language in the digital age, contributing to a broader understanding of modern linguistic trends.

Keywords: grammatical, internet, communication, highlights, platforms, language.

We live in the era of smart technologies and the Internet, so the Internet is an integral part of society. Communication on the Internet is used in almost every sort of life. Therefore, it will not be an exaggeration to say that the Internet has conquered the whole world. This allows us to communicate with people, conduct business, work remotely. But when did the era of digital technologies, gadgets and online communication begin? Probably with the advent of the Internet. So what is it?

The Internet is a huge network that connects computers around the world. The Internet allows people to share information and communicate from anywhere with a connection. It is important to note that Internet communication is impossible without the involvement of linguistics, since language is the central link in communication, and the Internet is already a means of its implementation.

Nowadays, short messages are often used to communicate with friends to save time. This can be in the form of a so-called "speech code". This is because someone who does not speak the language well may simply not understand what kind of language it is. We are talking about messages. In order to avoid writing whole sentences, short messages often use a few letters to express their point.

Internet communications are considered to be a safe resource for transmitting information. In some countries, certain parts of the Internet are blocked by censorship.

Internet use is monitored by numerous servers and, of course, by cyber police. We all use communication tools every day without realizing it. For example, writing a short message to a friend on social media or ordering a home delivery. For this reason, our modern life cannot exist without communication technologies. Every industry today depends in the Internet. From education to technology. Internet communication is everywhere: browsers, social networks, translators, games, programs for sending and receiving information.

And all this directly intersects with the lexical and grammatical structure of the language. Since the Internet is available in many countries, the information available on the web is distributed and published in many languages.

Therefore, the purpose of my research is to study the lexical and grammatical features of Internet communication. The topic of my research is the linguistic characteristics of Internet communication. Objectives of the study:

- to define the concept of the Internet and its use by society;

- to study the types and applications of Internet communication;

- to determine the characteristic features of Internet communication;

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- to define the concepts of lexical analysis and grammatical analysis in English

- to study the lexical and grammatical features of Internet correspondence;

- to identify lexical and grammatical features of official and unofficial Internet resources.

The following research methods were used to solve the research tasks as:

- theoretical - analysis, systematization and generalization of scientific ideas to clarify the essence and structure of the study of lexical and grammatical features of Internet communication;

- empirical - studying the experience of researching lexical and grammatical features of Internet communication.

The methodological basis of the study was the methods of scientific abstraction, analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, logical analysis, systematic approach, etc.

The practical significance of the study lies in the fact that the generalization of the problem of studying the lexical and grammatical features of Internet communication can be used in the practical work of programmers, linguists, computer scientists, in the content of professional training of future teachers, in the process of students' pedagogical practice.

Online communication, just like regular communication, has two sides - exchange of information and perception, recognition of each other, establishment of relationships. However, in network communication, due to the lack of common physical space, the third party - interaction with each other - is limited. You will not be able to touch another person. But this same feature makes online communication, so universal and limitless. No matter where you are, you just need to turn in the computer and find the network - and you will find a huge number of people in front of you [1, p. 25].

The perception of another person when communicating in the Internet is also limited. Most of the communication in the network is carried out with the help of written language, which cannot express your intonation or facial expressions and cannot be accompanied by any eloquent gesture. Mutual understanding often suffers from this. Proponents of online correspondence decided to eliminate this drawback and tried to create a special language - the language of Internet communication. It, like many other slangs, is characterized by a tendency to abbreviations (for example, "comp" - computer, "inet" - Internet) and jargonisms (for example, "LOL" Eng. Laughing out loud - "laughed out loud" - this is how they comment some very funny things).

For analysis in this work, we will take a sample of an Internet message from the real correspondence of American citizens, which is freely available on the Internet and is an example of friendly online communication. Below is the text version of the telegram message: "Yay - so glad you can join."

"We should leave from here around 9 am, hope that is OK."

"LOL re lunch, just bring whatever's easy. Don't forget your sunblock - your reverse panda look wasn't so good last time! See you soon, Keri"

At the lexical level, in this message it is possible to single out the exclamation "Yay", used by the addressee as a greeting. According to the definition of the Cambridge leaner's dictionary, this exclamation is used to show satisfaction about something or someone ("used to show that you are very pleased about something").

The abbreviation "OK" is also used, which is characteristic of colloquial speech. In addition, at the lexical level, the slang term "reverse panda" should be noted, which in modern English youth language means "the effect of sunglasses on your face around the eyes causing a lighter skin tone in comparison to the rest of your skin". In addition, there are some abbreviations in the letter, for example "re" - as a shortened form of the words remark or remember, used here in the sense of "don't forget", "remember", "take into account".

The abbreviation "LOL" stands for laughing out loud and can express both positive, friendly laughter or a smile, as well as a whole range of other individual emotions, from irony to resentment. In this case, the acronym "LOL" has a positive connotation, because in general, the message

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expresses affection and indicates a close friendship between the communicators. In addition, some forms of grammatical abbreviations are used, for example, whatever's, wasn't, which is also caused by the feature of electronic communication, which involves rapid exchange of messages.

Depending on the semantic type of the electronic message and the pragmatic intentions of the addressee, the modality expressed in the text of the online message can be positive (the use of words characterized by the evaluative operator "good": thank you; confidence; absolute; to reach; harmonic; with great pleasure, etc. . p.) and negative (use of words characterized by the evaluative operator "bad": difficulties; not guarantee; the problem; to postpone, etc. [5, p. 11].)

Expressive and emotional expressions, which are more characteristic of the colloquial literary style, are no exception for the texts of e-mails and messages, including business ones. These are means of intensification, such as: so many, so few, again and again, very much, extremely, with great pleasure, indeed, etc. [7, p. 13].

Intensifier words are stylistically marked elements that contribute to the focus of the addressee's attention on the necessary information and give the expression high emotionality.

The vocabulary of the colloquial/informal register is used: "I hope things are getting well with you, thanks for, sort out, it sounds like you've been working really hard." Direct questions and imperative constructions are also widely used: "Do you have a suitable course ...?", "Are you free next Friday August 20 at 11 am?", "Let me know the time and dates." Moreover, they are used even for the implementation of communicatively complex speech acts (requests, for example), which somewhat contradicts the communicative principle of politeness. In messages characterized by a negative modality, euphemism is often used, which contributes to the manifestation of restraint when expressing dissatisfaction, the addressee's negative attitude towards some phenomenon. For example, phrases designed to express such dissatisfaction or indignation can be replaced by euphemisms "it is different from what I have expected", "I consider it very surprising", etc.

In addition to special words and expressions, the language of communication in the network also includes special icons - emoticons that reflect your facial expression, gestures, actions or mood. When using them, it is necessary to clearly understand the meaning of a particular sign, as well as to be sure that your interlocutor knows it. Otherwise, he may, firstly, think that you litter your language with incomprehensible parentheses and idioms, and secondly, confuse the meaning and decide that what is happening to you is not at all what was meant hey, who also want to talk. Conclusion.

The study of the lexical features of Internet broadcasting showed that many new words and stable expressions are formed at the vocabulary level in the Internet environment. Neologisms, slang, eratives are actively used, productive methods of word formation are blending (word composition), abbreviations, abbreviations. Abbreviations used in Internet communication are of various types -they include not only letter elements, but also numbers and other symbolic signs.

The grammatical features of comments in social networks are reduced to the following: incorrect use of prepositions, omission of an apostrophe, absence of articles, omission of a modal verb, substitution of pronouns, use of inappropriate word forms, changes in the construction of comparative forms of adjectives, lack of agreement of tenses and incorrect formation of the plural of nouns. The analysis of the graphic features of Internet broadcasting showed that users actively use punctuation, symbols, signs, different fonts, capital or small letters, common or other types of writing letters in words.


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