GLOBAL CLIMATE CHANGE AS A THREAT TO HUMANITY Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки о Земле и смежные экологические науки»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам о Земле и смежным экологическим наукам, автор научной работы — Maslova Lubov Fiodorovna

The analysis of climate emergency situations has been done. For many centuries, human environment has been slowly changing its appearance. Rivers have become shallow, lakes have desiccated, glaciers have been melting. Climate has been changing on the Eurasian continent. Scientists believe that natural emergency situations will become more frequent in the foreseeable future. Progress development and climatic changes are supposed to blame on this.

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A gricultural

Bulletin of Stavropol Region

№ 1(21)/1 Supplement, 2016

UDK 626.1

Lubov F. Maslova


The analysis of climate emergency situations has been done. For many centuries, human environment has been slowly changing its appearance. Rivers have become shallow, lakes have desiccated, glaciers have been melting. Climate has been changing on the Eurasian continent. Scientists believe that natural emergency situations will

become more frequent in the foreseeable future. Progress development and climatic changes are supposed to blame on this.

Key words: global climate change, heat wave, rain showers, natural disasters, apocalypse

Lubov Fiodorovna Maslova -

Ph.D. in Agriculture

Associate Professor, Department of Physics Stavropol State Agrarian University Stavropol

Tel.: 8-905-446-23-34 E-mail: maslova lf@mail.ru

Atmospheric, river and oceanic pollution, deforestation, degradation of agricultural lands nowadays have raised global concern. Non-renewable recourses deposits demanded to support the existence of rapidly growing Earth's population are being under threat of exhaustion. The use of new sources of energy occurred to be linked to deadly life hazard. A tremendous scientific concern is going up. In 2015 capricious nature influenced people around the globe. The forthcoming winter is going to be the hottest in the whole modern world history. Temperature measurements have recently broken the records. Meteorologists say it is only beginning. Abnormal natural situations and disasters do not occur twice in the same region. In 2010, when woods and turfaries in Russia were on fire and the sky was covered with smog, in the opposite side of the world in South America and Thailand were dying of exposure to cold. Multiple experts, speaking about the possibility of global catastrophe, suppose that probability its happening in the 21 century approaches 50 %.

In the years coming meteorologists forecast the most unbelievable development scenarios and they could be divided into two groups. Definite apprehensions are caused that the humanity either in facing ice apocalypses, or the global deluge. Possible result for the Earth might either freeze because of extremely low temperature or sink due to its rise.

The climate on Eurasian continent is going on to change. The possibility is seeing that in some hundreds of years our cold country as well as the whole Europe will turn into tropics. Scientists declare that this is probably connected with the fact that in Western Europe the ozone layer was destroyed dramatically. When this occurs, through the abnormality (ozone hole) extra ultraviolet radiation passes that heats the over ground air. The atmospheric pressure falls and this creates pressure gradient between European and African latitude. In Pakistani provinces due to the abnormally hig h temperatures more

than 1,000 people died over the last month. Summer heat wave in India up to 50 degrees centigrade heat turned out to be lethal for nearly 2.5 thousand people. They died from heat strokes. Many ponds dried up. America didn't avoid the heat waves as well. In Iowa, the thermometer rose above 40 degrees Celsius. Sunshine quickly spread to Michigan, Florida, etc. to the territory, which is home to almost half of the US population. This summer the heat wave there killed 20 people. Every year, more than 150 people die from the high temperatures in the United States.

Hellish heat in 2015 was in many different parts of the Earth. According to meteorologists, the climate on our planet is getting warmer, and because of heavy rains in tropics, the rivers overflow and turn the cities into real lakes. That's what happened in Cannes that has never been the tropics and or an island in the ocean.

At the junction of ozone anomalies dangerous meteorological phenomena: cyclone, sleet, rain showers occur. Ozone means cold. Ozone hole is warmth. The positive anomaly represents the volume of air that has been cooled down, cold with high pressure, and under a negative anomaly of ozone air is warmed and with low pressure and in the place where they meet, there is a levelling of gradients: swirls, precipitation.

According to scientists such anomalies will occur more frequently and some island nations, such as Britain, Japan in a few decades might just go under water. Floods will reach even those places where they have never been. Tropical storms and showers will pass through Alaska and even Russia. Some areas in the Far East such as Kamchatka, Magadan, Khabarovsk can be washed away from the face of the earth.

In late summer 2013 a powerful flood struck Kom-somolsk-on-Amur, Vladivostok, Blagoveshchensk that led to the truly catastrophic circumstances. The region was almost completely flooded. About three hundred towns and villages in Khabarovsk Territory, Amur region, Jewish autonomous region were un-

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der water. The area of 400 000 km2 of land, which is more than modern Germany was flooded. 135 thousand people were affected by the impact of elements. In 2012, the Krymsk in an instant a roaring stream of water pours out. For the first time in 70 years the volume of precipitation that fell in the mountains was like this. In two days in Krasnodar region the six-month rainfall fell. Near Krymsk a natural dam constrained by banks and a bridge was formed. In other words, a natural dam was formed, which, in the end, could not stand the pressure, and the city was flooded with roaring stream. The natural disaster swept Gelendzhik and Novorossiysk. The flooding took a heavy toll, almost two hundred people. Totally the emergency affected 34 thousand people, destroyed more than 7 thousand houses. Meteorologists consider that such catastrophic situations due to heavy rains or melting snow in our country will happen more and more often.

So far, the Far East went under water and Bur-yatia and Siberia were choking in smoke from the tourists' non-extinguished fires, which escalated into forest fires. Not only is it true to blame the human irresponsibility, but also heat waves. Forests and villages burnt, animals and birds were burnt alive. In September 2015 the scarlet flames heavy curtain prolong the taiga near the ancient water reservoir. Up to 1.5 000000 hectares of land burnt in July - August in Buryatia.

In some parts of the Earth it becomes more humid because of rains, and somewhere on the contrary drier. At the beginning of the year, Siberian scientists took measurements of water levels in Lake Baykal and found that it fell to 40 cm below the minimum acceptable mark. If even the legendary Baikal proved to be powerless against global climate change on the planet, what could we speak of smaller rivers? In Astrakhan reserve because of the snowless winter and dry spring Volga became so shallow that scientists started talking about an environmental disaster. Kuibyshev reservoir near Kazan became three meters shallow. Oka, Yenisei, Angara - all these rivers in the summer experienced shortage of water. And all because cyclones replenishing the rives, stopped bringing heavy rains.

As a result of global climate change, there are signs of destruction of the familiar world. Volumes of air masses, penetrated from the north, gradually decrease. The Mediterranean, tropical air masses begin to penetrate. It might be called an anomaly. According to the UN each year around forty million people worldwide are forced to relocate because of natural disasters. By 2050, the number of refugees could rise to 250 million. Experts predict flooding will threaten London and Venice, Florida and throughout the US Atlantic coast. Netherlands and Denmark, Buenos Aires, the coast of Uruguay, a large part of Paraguay and the Maldives and other island states may turn out to be under water and disappear altogether from the face of the Earth.

Such precedents have occurred in the history of humanity. Every year, the sea rises due to melting snows of Arctic and Antarctica. Only in the 20th century the water level in the ocean grew by 17 cm. The

level of the Black Sea rose by 8 cm. But this is an inner basin that is an inland sea. And this affects the temperature and climatic conditions of the Black Sea coast in the future.

Recently, there is an abrupt shift of climatic zones. Where formerly Tundra reigned, crooked forests are now thriving. Alpine meadows are increasingly overgrown with trees. Wood bugs, that used to freeze in winter, now safely survive the cold, multiply and destroy the boxwood trees. The average temperature in the mountains over the past two years has increased by 2.5 degrees.

But some scientists argue that the warming is temporary and humanity faces a new ice age. They believe that the greenhouse period is a «myth», under guise of which big political game goes on. This is supported by the fact that in recent years Britain 4 times expanded its gas storage facilities.

Europe is steadily increasing purchases of gas. America is investing heavily in the production of shale gas. And many wars in the Arab territories can be considered as the climate division of the world.

Scientists estimate that after the impending climate catastrophe, modern Libya will be one of the most beautiful places in the world. Sahara will again become watery and with a completely different climate. Maybe that's why the world powers nearly devoured this small country. Libya has huge reserves of fresh water, which is enough even now to provide fresh water to the entire Sahara. This artesian water reservoir contains 300-500 annual flows of the Nile, the largest river in Africa. Libya has become almost a monopoly on the world's water and so there was a direct aggression. Experts predict that within 25 years, half the world's population will suffer from thirst. [1] Africa, Asia, the Middle East are already experiencing water shortages. Conflicts is a very real problem, which was already in the past and may well be in the future, because many of the state in terms of water scarcity will tend to change the directions of the rivers that flow into the territory of other states. [2]

But despite any twists and inventing ruthless witty moves no superpowers governments and corporate leaders will be able to change the temperature or the position of the Earth at least by 1 degree.Our planet and climate is changing, and it is indisputable, and the exact date of the apocalypse no one is yet able to name. One thing is clear, the human will have to adapt to new, difficult conditions.

Meanwhile, scientists predict that as a result of extreme weather events in the coming years Yakutia and Altai, as well as large areas of Alaska and Canada, Northern Europe, East Asia and even the African highlands may undergo risk.

Permafrost covers 25 % of the land and 64 % of the territory of Russia is permafrost [3] and this is at least 1000 m deep into the earth where temperature never goes above 0 degree, and the groundwater should have been called ground ice. When the rise in temperature melts ancient ground ice, our planet will change beyond recognition and this is already happening today. According to the latest data by NASA 97 % of Greenland's glaciers have begun to melt rapidly. Where will this lead is not yet known.

A gricultural

Bulletin of Stavropol Region

№ 1(21)/1 Supplement, 2016

Scientists are trying to understand what has caused climate change in the world, and most importantly, why it does not change uniformly, and as it were chaotic, bringing snowfalls to palm countries and infernal heat, into moderate Europe. Some scientists think that frequent over the past few years earthquakes are to blame. Indeed, during the earthquake there is a shift of the earth's crust. The Earth's surface varies with each thrust and this eventually leads to the fact that the Earth's axis changes relative to the Sun which respectively changes climate. But why earthquakes are becoming so frequent is difficult to answer. However, some scientists suggest that it has something to do with a change in temperature of the earth's core and it is changing, according to experts, depending on the position of the planet on the orbit. Because of reduction of the temperature the core is compressed, and if on the contrary grows due to increase. And because of the core growth a shift of tectonic plates happens which triggers earthquakes.

Experts believe these anomalies are disturbing calls, which the earth gives us. Of course tsunami, local floods and heat waves are not dangerous for the planet, but that does not mean that we are immune to the strongest disaster that will shake the whole planet and can become for us a real apocalypse.

As an example of the future of the Earth, scientists are increasingly turning to Mars. This planet is believed to be the Earth's older sister. Mars has always been a lifeless planet, but recently in the United States space research centre NASA made a sensational statement. The rover «Curiosity» found signs of water on Mars, and it means that life on Mars not only was probable, but also possibly exists today. Billions of years ago, before Mars as the result of a cosmic catastrophe lost its atmosphere, electromagnetic field and other security systems of the normal life of the protein; it was a blooming, liveable planet very similar to the Earth. And now, according to scientists, we reiterate its cosmic destiny.

Academician Vernadsky during the Second World War, created such an ideal as the noosphere- the sphere of the intelligence of mankind. The essence of his doctrine is that the humanity has enough reason and conscience to cope with the risks and threats. After 70 years, we got a pretty sad results of [4].

According to the academician Moiseyeva, the mankind has entered a new era of its existence, when the potential power of the means of influence on the environment that it creates becomes comparable with the mighty forces of the planet's nature. It gives not only pride, but also fear, as it is fraught with consequences that can lead to the destruction of civilization and even all life on Earth. [5].


1. Maslova L. F. Water - a source of inter-state conflicts // Physical and technical problems of development of new technologies in the agricultural sector: Sat. scientific. Art. Materials X Intern. scientific and practical. Conf. (Stavropol, May 20-22, 2015) / SSAU. Stavropol, 2015. P. 86-89.

2. Maslova L. F. Global problems and prospects of saving drinking Resources // Agricultural Bulletin of Stavropol Region. 2015, № 3 (19). P. 180-184.

3. Maslova L. F. Problems of disaster risk reduction // Economic and informational aspects of the region's development: Theory and Practice: Sat. scientific. Art. Materials Intern. scientific and practical. Conf. (Stavropol, 18-19 March 2015) / SSAU. Stavropol, 2015. P. 176-177.

4. Maslova L. F. Security problems of humanity in the 21st century // Methods and means to enhance the use of electrical equipment in industry and agriculture: Sat. scientific. tr. Materials 77 scientific-practical. Stavropol,

2013. P. 171-175.

5. Maslova L. F. Modern threats to human security // The quality of life of the population and the environment. Penza: RIO PGSKHA,

2014. P. 34-43.

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