Научная статья на тему 'Geoinformation analysis in clarifying of the geodesic network'

Geoinformation analysis in clarifying of the geodesic network Текст научной статьи по специальности «Строительство и архитектура»

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Аннотация научной статьи по строительству и архитектуре, автор научной работы — Gurbanov Chingiz Ziyadkhan, Aliyev Elvin Muhammad

Reconstruction and expansion of the water supply and sewerage systems are great importance for population. The construction works will be carried out within a framework of the “Project of reconstruction and expansion of water supply and sewage systems of Khirdalan city” had required the high precise assurance of topography and geodesy issues. İn this article has considered some interpolation methods.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Geoinformation analysis in clarifying of the geodesic network»

Geoinformation analysis in clarifying of the geodesic network

Section 3. Geodesy

Gurbanov Chingiz Ziyadkhan, Baku State University, E-mail: chgurbanov@mail.ru Aliyev Elvin Muhammad, NASA Institute for Spase Research of Natural Resources, Baku, Azerbaijan E-mail: elvin.aliyev.m@gmail.com

Geoinformation analysis in clarifying of the geodesic network

Abstract: Reconstruction and expansion of the water supply and sewerage systems are great importance for population. The construction works will be carried out within a framework of the “Proj ect of reconstruction and expansion of water supply and sewage systems of Khirdalan city” had required the high precise assurance of topography and geodesy issues. in this article has considered some interpolation methods.

Keywords: geodesic network, GIS, remote sensing, GNSS, WGS-84, UTM 39, ArcGIS, IDW, Kriging.

The task put by the Government of Azerbaijan in connection with reconstruction and expansion of the drinking water supply and sewerage systems in Khirdalan city distinguishes with its urgency and is of great importance for population. For this purpose the initial stage of the project was comprised of works for reconstruction of drinking water supply and sewerage systems of Khirdalan city. The second stage comprised of construction works to be carried out based on project. Let's note that the construction works to be carried out within a framework ofthe “Project of reconstruction and expansion ofwater supply and sewage systems of Khirdalan city” to be implemented with support of Government of Azerbaijan and Saudi Development Fund had required the high precise assurance oftopography and geodesy issues. The loans had been taken from Saudi Development Fund for reconstruction and expansion project of water supply and sewerage systems of Khirdalan city ofAzerbaijan Republic.

The project will help the Government in meeting the requirements of this site in the selected area, improvement of healthcare and environment and will facilitate its work. The main objective of the project is to increase the quality of the water supply, the reliability and stability. In general, both in carrying out of construction works, as well as in solution of variety of other engineering issues the theoretical and methodological and practical side of geodesic and topographic fields.

The basis of the geodesic works carried out by us constituted the results of the initial project. For that purpose necessary documents were examined in details and different software, geoinformation systems (GIS), geodetic tools have been used. Note that the initial data consisted of scheme «compressing of geodetic network in Khirdalan» and the catalogue of coordinates. The matters arisen during the implementation procedures of the works were examination of compact works of geodesic network carried out in the project site, which comprised the major part of the work.

Usually for determination of the results quality, mainly influenced by gross and systematic errors, remains a principal issue in geodetic measurements there are several methods to detect gross errors [1].

The topography, geodesy and cartography works conducted by us were reflected in the following sections.

In connection with the “Project of reconstruction and expansion of drinking water supply and sewerage system reconstruction and expansion of Khirdalan city” the carrying out of necessary works in connection with examination of geodesic network set in the area. The submitted documents include the catalogue of coordinates of polygon points set on the ground, grading and results of measures made in static size.

The examination works initially carried out in office conditions and at that the methods of implementation ofworks have been focused on. The balanced works of observations carried out under the project were examined and involved in general analysis on submitted scheme. At result of general analysis of described evaluation in scheme it became clear that except some shortcomings the accuracy of the executed works may be considered as acceptable. The submitted documents include:

— Compact scheme of geodetic network in Khirdalan city

(figure 1);

— The compact coordinates catalogue of geodetic network.

The topographic- geodesic works carried out during examination at Khirdalan area were executed with Leica DNA-10 level and GPS EPOCH 50 GNSS. The works were both carried out in kinematics and statics regimes. The difference of altitudes and its coordinates were clarified based on the coordinates and heights of geodesic network points. The examined points cover the separate areas of geodetic network and it allows to express a concrete opinion about the accuracy of the overall network.

It should be noted that in order to carry out the topography-geodesy works in the area safely the area was completely explored, a network of highways and most dangerous areas was revealed. The altitude of geodesy points was defined at Baltic altitude system by conducting the leveling works.

The metal armature was fixed in the center of examined geodesic points and consisted of metal pipe in dieter of 100 mm filled in with cast concrete.

The coordinates of examined geodesic points were clarified by implementing the GPS observations in static regime and implementing the leveling works on WGS-84 and UTM 39 N system. Initially, the leveling work was carried out on 5 points and results on 9 points are reflected in the following tables (table 1, 2):


Section 3. Geodesy

Figure 1. Schematic description of compact geodetic network of Khirdalan city

Table 1. - Results of examination carried out based on the coordinates of geodesic network points and altitude catalogue (analysis of altitude values)

Points Secondary coordinates Obtained coordinates The difference


P-0494 392137.681 4478612.736 78.279 78.273 0.006

P-1307 392480.269 4479344.392 58.430 58.427 -0.003

P-1357 391964.890 4479911.094 43.042 43.029 0.013

P-1429 391559.920 4480235.911 32.598 32.829 -0.22

P-1442 392290.814 4478464.399 84.557 84.557 0.00

P-1445 392570.026 4479145.887 64.281 64.281 0.00

P-1468 392431.172 4479508.068 54.673 54.667 0.006

P-1590 394551.870 4478911.427 61.595 61.555 0.04

P-1594 394867.226 4478609.466 79.562 79.560 0.002

Note: The reason of showing of geodesic point No P-1429 in red color in table is discovering by our 0.22 m of violation at that point

After finishing measurement work in the area the office works launched. The office calculation works of results of measurement were implemented through Leica Geo Office software (figure 2). But issues of the geoinformation processing of results and altitude values have been resolved through the use ofArcGIS software.

LGO is a good tool for calculations and analysis of observations. It is one of the many methods applicable in order to detect

gross errors and outlier observation points [2].

The examination works carried out in the area were realized with link to geodesic network. The leveling works were consisted of a lot of stages. The results were matched with orthophoto plans and the necessity of setting of triangulation network for study of the accuracy of measuring results.

Table 2. - Results of examination carried out on plan on the basis of coordinates of geodesic network points and altitude catalogue (x and y values analysis)

Points Secondary coordinates Obtained coordinates The difference


P-0494 392137.681 4478612.736 392137.680 4478612.692 0.001 0.044

P-1307 392480.269 4479344.392 392480.270 4479344.372 -0.001 0.02

P-1357 391964.890 4479911.094 391964.822 4479911.148 0.068 -0.054

P-1429 391559.920 4480235.911 - - - -

P-1442 392290.814 4478464.399 392290.814 4478464.345 0 0.054

P-1445 392570.026 4479145.887 392570.041 4479145.912 -0.015 -0.025

P-1468 392431.172 4479508.068 392431.162 4479508.043 0.01 0.025

P-1590 394551.870 4478911.427 394552.012 4478911.469 -0.142 -0.042

P-1594 394867.226 4478609.466 394867.104 4478609.437 0.122 0.029


Geoinformation analysis in clarifying of the geodesic network

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Figure 2. The fragment from processing of results of realized

In GIS the collection of digital data on relief and various objects creates a foundation for the setting of 3D model of the area. Referring to it the GIS of area was developed for high analysis of the examination works carried on. For analysis of geodetic points the information on geodetic network points' coordinates and altitudes have been included in GIS.

According to the catalogue of geodetic network points coordinates and altitudes the irregular triangulation network ofthe site was set and based on the ArcGIS software the geostatistical analysis was carried out and interpolate of points were executed. In addition, based on set irregular triangulation network the altitude model ofthe area was developed. Note that all procedures were carried out in WGS-84 coordinate system and UTM 39 N platform, and then results of interpolation were reviewed and the results obtained were considered satisfactory.

Measurements were carried out after density of approximately 20-50 m, and in some parts of the area depending on nature of objects and the relief the pace distances were changed. For examination of geodetic coordinates and heights, the mathematical and statistical methods, GIS analysis techniques and methods of modern geodesy, as well as other methods were used.

Kriging and IDW (Inverse Distance Weighted) methods were used for conducting geostatic analysis of geodesic points. During the interpolation carried out based on altitude values of geodetic network two different geoinformation models were obtained and their comparative analysis is given as follows.

The IDW function will be used when the set of points is dense enough to capture the extent of local surface variation needed for analysis. IDW determines cell values using a linear-weighted combination set of sample points [3].

The Kriging method was used during the interpolation method Z(s) = ^ + s(s) (1)

were used.

Where s = (X ,Y) is a location (coordinates of the point);

Z (s) - is the value at that location (the point's identification parameter);

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Topography — geodesic works on Leica Geo Office software

the model is based on a constant mean x for the data (no trend) and random errors s(s) with spatial dependence [4]. The calculations using the IDW method

л N

z (s0) = Z^Z (s,) (2)

were used. ’=


Where Z (s 0) - is the value we are trying to predict for locatio (s0); N - is the number of measured sample points surrounding the prediction location that will be used in the prediction; Z - are the weights assigned to each measured point that we are going to use; Z(st) - is the observed value at the location st.

The geoinformation model set based on Kriging method on Geodetic Network points is reflected in following description (figure 3). 3D Analyst analysis method has been used in the creation of 3D model.

For getting the accurate results and processing of primary data in the system of geoinformation it is considered important to include the raster and vector information in relevant coordinating system.

Methodically the inclusion of raster data (the scheme of compressing of geodesic network in Khirdalan city) in coordinating system is required. Methodical the first raster data (Khirdalan geodesic network compression scheme) coordinate system has to be connected. For that purpose the georeference ArcGIS software was used for this operation. For raster transformation the georeference was done by affine method.

During georeference of raster used the affine (linear) transformation.

u = a 0 + a1x + a2r

v = b0 + b1 + b2 r (3)

is defined as above.

Here (x,y) - pixel coordinates of the primary coordinate system; (u,v) - pixel coordinates after converting; (a0_2,b0_2) - conversion factors.


Section 3. Geodesy


Filled Contours


«.аиоеот- эо.оэзэзве

В 50,0639350 - 58.95?тает 56,9597057 -62.703484 63,703464 -$7.&015ftl5 67,3015346 - 73.24S342G 73,2453425-60,12111 ВО, 121П -56,3519379 56,3519579 - 93,2055455 96,2050465-110

Figure 3. According to the catalogue of the geodetic

To fulfill the digitalization of images during map preparation large format scanners are used. To conduct these operations more accurate, the required minimum demand is 600 dpi. The scanning of image based on high level allows maintaining the natural colors during printing, and namely these principles are to be taken as base in the given cases. Thus, in affine method by knowing the indices at software ArcGIS (3) applied for calculation of coordinates of image the system of equations is used. The algorithm of other polynomial methods (2-3 and other polynomial methods) available at that platform due to being required at translation of raster subjected to distortion and deformation, their use has not been considered appropriate.

Choice of ground control points for the assessment of the transformation coefficients of the image plays an important role. In this case, the accuracy of transformation results may be closely to the accuracy of the control results points. After transformation carried out within the project according to geodesy network the issues of examination of accuracy on raster are brought to forefront and resolved. As a result, the exact distribution of all electronic geodesic points on raster has been provided, and it showed the more precise georeference of image.

network points, the results of conducted interpolation

polynomial-1 (affine) method. At such transformations it is required to bring the unprocessed raster description to cartographic projection. This method is used mainly for transformation large-scale maps and at the given case the effective results have been achieved with the use of this method.

It should be noted that in transforming of both small as well as large-scale raster images their compressing features should be considered. Irrespective of scale in making ofvarious maps and carrying out of geoinformation analysis the data loss is to be avoided. For this reason, to ensure the precise implementation of taster transformation at high level in those raster the GeoTIFF transformation is used. During geodetic network in the area it was revealed that the majority of its points are absent. As noted above, it has been a major cause of the rapid development of urban infrastructure. In fact, even to look at zoning data (Digital Globe) from distance given in 2005 and 2015 of the project the dynamics of the urban area was given. Currently, resolution of remote sensing (RS) data with high resolution is designed in 3.0-0.31 m, it defines various elements of the huge property complexes, as well as the real estate, which is of particular importance in GIS analysis [5]. Reliable arrangement of the work on the existing and projected major pipeline, research of factors affecting environment in the issue of construction and exploitation of technical apparatus, creation of conditions for the most effective methods natural resource use, organization of information analysis system, all the mentioned require aerospace remote investigation methods and GIS technology. However, analysis suggests that remote sensing data and techniques are not used efficiently for the solution of above mentioned issues. Increased use of aerospace planning materials during development of cartographic products and creation of specialized GIS is possible [6].

Geodetic Network Stations (GNS) specifying the geodetic reference points (primary coordinates) were:

GNS 0732 388735,501 4475110,49 154,316

GNS 2587 401831,534 4482092,489 42,933

GNS 4380 403457,931 4482111,558 34,841

GNS 7220 405957,802 4481225,37 103,097

Figure 5. The scheme of linkage set with state geodesic points for clarification of geodesic network

It should be noted that the linear transformation method used in georeference to raster data of the project area is considered to be the simplest method of polynomial transformations and called

During the research the state geodesic points (SGP) 2582, which is available at the site, was used for linkage. The procedure of setting of link was reflected in below given scheme (figure 5).

As a result of carried out topographic and geological studies it should be noted that the leveling works in second stage was more intense, depending on the reliefleveling. Even somewhere the


Geoinformation analysis in clarifying of the geodesic network

distances between paces made 3 meters in some places, 2 meters in other areas.

At the result of examination of geodesic network points implemented on “The project of reconstruction and expansion of water supply and sewage systems of Khirdalan city", it became clear that the setting up of the network was done with modern equipment and the obtained results were in conformity to assigned technical specifications (except some polygon points).

The vast majority of the geodesy network polygons established on the Earth has been damaged as a result of the construction works carried out in the site. It also should be noted about the construction of communication lines. The rapid development of urban infrastruc-

ture in the project area had undermined the majority of geodetic points.


At a result of the examination of geodetic network in Khirdalan area it became clear that the accuracy of the measurement of polygon points comprise on State Triangulation Network f Ax = ±0.05m , f Ay = ±0.04m on plan, f Az = ±0.04 on altitude. At result of closed works in polygon points or open works between two polygons points it has been known that the plan's error ±0.06m, on altitude ±0.04m. One may come to such conclusion that the set geodetic network may be used for construction of water and sewerage lines on ground.


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2. Andrzej Uznanski. Quality Control of Geodetic Networks at Leica Geo Office//Geomatics and environmental engineering, Volume 2, Number 1, 2008.

3. http://www.esri.com/news/arcuser/0704/files/interpolating.pdf

4. Using ArcGIS Geostatistical Analyst. Printed in USA, ESRI: 2003, 300 p.

5. Aliyev E. M. Geoinformation analyse of real estate objects on the basis of high-resolution aerospace information//“Problems of Information Technology", Baku 2012, № 1. P. 61-69.

6. Gojamanov M. H.,.Qurbanov Ch. Z. The features of the use of gis technologies for monitoring of the situation of main water lines in Azerbaijan//The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XL-2, 2014, ISPRS Technical Commission II Symposium, Toronto, Canada.


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